I didn't say it would be easy.. but I think it's doable. They could even implement a "proximity" rule and state that for a penalty to be called on review it would have to have occurred within X yards of the point of the play. Meaning, holding 20 yards behind the play gets ignored. Holding at the point of attack or as a defender is closing in on the QB gets called. Or basically if the infraction doesn't show up within the frame of the review then it didn't happen. The replay official can't ask for a wide angle view of the whole field to see if there might have been a foul somewhere else that didn't affect the play.
The only truly unbiased solution is to implement computerized officiating with sensors all over the uniforms of the players to determine when there is sufficient "grip PSI" to call holding. Or sufficient impact to call PI. Or sensors in the ball to determine when it crosses the goal line then sync it with the sensors in the knee pads of the ballcarriers. The technology would be expensive as hell but it would be glorious! And it will never happen.