Props to Jason Garrett


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The post I formulated—and the proof that you misunderstood it—is right up above still. Everybody who reads the exchange knows what’s what and who got hammered for saying something dumb, again.

Lets just say that you are the Jason Garrett of posting. :muttley:


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Tom Landry was no Tom Landry until the Cowboys won Super Bowl 6. Until then he was the coach who couldn't win "The Big One". Last second losses in NFL Championships against the Packers created that perception. Sound familiar?

We won't know who or what Jason is until he is fairly judged by the entirety of his career, a work still in progress at this point in time.
I understand your point, but Landry got there through creativity and innovation. While I'm not saying Garrett is horrible, or that he won't get the team a SB, comparing him to Landry as a football mind is pretty outlandish.
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In order to compare Garret to Jimmy Johnson, Garret first needs to have won something. So, again, your comment is irrelevant and makes no sense. Maybe debate isn't your thing and you should stick to shooting animals.

Well that's the thing, there I was strolling along looking for something weak and defenseless to shoot (cuz that's what I do) and that's when I saw your weak *** post, so of course I had to shoot it full of holes... cuz that's what I do.


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Truth continues to hurt doesn't it buddy?

The Hall of Fame owner is so hellbent on seeing the infusion of new concepts into the playbook that he wants Moore to let him know if there's any resistance.

"I've said this to [Moore]: I want those new ideas," Jones said with a smile. "I want them fought for until the glass breaks. Squeal. Holler. If they're not being implemented, call me, but let's get in here and do the kinds of things we do to get the most out of a very talented roster.

He's also said Garrett has done a great job putting this coaching staff together on 105.3 the fan. So don't take what you want hear and leave out what you don't want to hear.


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See, I can answer simple question.

If we won the SB, I would 100% give Garrett at least another year. That is not even debatable for me.

I also dont need 15 years and a SB win or firing to decide if a Garrett is a good HC or OC or not. It is completely obvious that he isnt.
ok, then I think we agree. if he doesn't get far in the playoffs this and shows post season success, we move on.....


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It's not a "spin"; these are the facts. Garrett gave up- as he tended to do in any tough game when the opposing team didn't submit in the presence of Cowboys greatness. In 2007 when the Patriots and Cowboys were 5-0, the Cowboys quit trying to score midway through the third quarter when it was obvious that Belichick wasn't intimidated.
These- and more facts- were made painfully clear to real Cowboys fans- as we watched in horror as Jerry turned the greatest franchise in sports over to a man with a kindergarten mentality.
I can take a snippet of a game or a game here and there and extrapolate a whole opinion out of it. however I tend to be objective and not biased and look at the whole, not just parts.


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we got rid of our entire starting lineup of d-backs, scando, carr, church and wilcox. Richard then proceeded to make a pro bowler out of byon jones, and coach up chido and brown to very good corners. also Jourdan lewis. and Xavier woods. pretty good for his first year with the team. and while a changing of the guard of coaches happens yearly as you say, the changes should be upgrades. was monte any better than rob ryan? was linehan better than callahan. imo, Kellen moore is far better than linehan and Richard is far better than Marinelli.
I am not denying that he maybe a good DB coach....but everyone seems to want him as a DC or Headcoach and my point is that he may not be all that for those positions. he was clearly passed up by his previous organization once Dan Quinn left. he took a similar position in dallas moving from Seattle, which tells me he wasn't happy there and probably because he wasn't promoted. there were 8 HC opening this past year and he didn't sniff one of them and wasn't really considered as a viable candidate. all I am saying is that Richard as a DC may not be all that....right now he is calling game day and in essence is being groomed to be the DC and defense is all everyone gripes about. including the lack of play in the secondary.,


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Because he’s a great young coach who knows how to coach up players.
but because he is a good DB coach, does it mean that he will be a good head coach? he maybe able to coach up DBs and get them to play better, but being a DC or HC is totally different. one doesn't equal to the other. that's the point.


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He’s showing he’s a top 10 coach because of consistent regular season success but playoff success determines if he’s in the top 5 which is a big leap to be a championship contender.

some fans here would have you believe he’s Pat Shurmur.


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Because he's a good coach that's gotten results based on his style of coaching. Why are you so hot on Garrett?
I am not hot on garrett? in fact I have said, its either NFCCG and being competitive in that game or see ya...

but I am not as hot on Richard...… he maybe a good DB coach, but doesn't seem like around the NFL he is getting much in terms of open HC positions and given 8 new HCs last year and him not sniffing one, he also didn't get a call to be the DC in any of those places that replaced their entire coaching staff...

but he yells, and screams so he must be a good coach.


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I am not hot on garrett? in fact I have said, its either NFCCG and being competitive in that game or see ya...

but I am not as hot on Richard...… he maybe a good DB coach, but doesn't seem like around the NFL he is getting much in terms of open HC positions and given 8 new HCs last year and him not sniffing one, he also didn't get a call to be the DC in any of those places that replaced their entire coaching staff...

but he yells, and screams so he must be a good coach.

I'm not totally sold on Richard, there are too many times the dbs seem to be way out of position, receivers way too open. Yes, I know that happens to every defense a time or two a game, but again, not saying he might not be a very good coach, just that I need to see a bit less of the easy receptions by the other team....


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ok, then I think we agree. if he doesn't get far in the playoffs this and shows post season success, we move on.....

I would have never hired Garrett for OC and definitely not HC. I would have fired Garrett on both counts long ago. THAT being said, if we win the SB, then I see no reason to make a big change.

I have already made my feeling clear on Garretts abilities on gameday with the offense. He isn't doing that anymore. I really don't have much to complain about these days. And Moore is knocking it out of the park right now. Kitna seems to be doing a great job.


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but because he is a good DB coach, does it mean that he will be a good head coach? he maybe able to coach up DBs and get them to play better, but being a DC or HC is totally different. one doesn't equal to the other. that's the point.
Who knows. I surely don’t and neither do you.


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Who knows. I surely don’t and neither do you.
true. but surprisingly, 8 DC positions and 8 HC positions and he didn't sniff any of them this past season. that's NFL owners, GMS and coaches not making a serious run at him....doesn't mean he won't or can't, just that this past season there were opportunities and he wasn't considered seriously for any.