Prosecutor in Taylor's case screws up.

How does it affect the case?

The information posted on his website was from newpaper articles, not "insider" information. He also had other articles on there that were not pertaining to ST. The world does not revolve around ST. Personally I think putting away a few corrupt cops is higher profile than putting away NFL player.

How is being a club DJ a conflict of interest?

So you are saying Ed Hock-a-lugi or whatever his name is has a conflict of interest because he is a lawyer and a NFL ref? Can you question his decision making process because he makes a bad call of the football field?

Ever think what will happen if the case is dismissed because of that. EVery single guy he put away will be asking for an appeal. Yes, let's get ST off on a tachnicality and let otu a whole bunch of other criminals, because ST is scared the case will make it to trial and he will actually be held accountable for his actions.
SkinsHokieFan said:
Sure it does.

The guy was using this case to promote himself. Ethics, conflict of interest, and just conduct in general

Exactly what "conflict of interest" do you see here, homer??

The case itself was very flimsy to begin with, witnesses who themselves have criminal backgrounds, and a "he said she said" type deal

Said the homer who doesn't have the first clue what kind of case the DA really has... let's just say that if it really was as flimsy as you say it is, the judge would have dismissed it by now...

Now its been pushed back a 6th time.

At the request of the DEFENSE...

Me thinks after the DA's hijinks this case will be dismissed

Methinks (that's the correct word there, homer) you don't think at all... what you're doing is desperately HOPING that Sean will get off scot-free, and you don't really care if he's guilty or not...

This case will go to trial, and soon...
Whether that punk Sean Taylor has to stand trial or not....There's no way he will be convicted on these charges. He will be cleared completely.
Gamebreaker said:
If it had no bearing, the judge wouldn't agree to have the court date delayed again.

Bull. The defense could ask for a continuance for ANY trivial matter, so long as they provide some sort of reasoning for it. The judge is bound to allow them to exhaust all their options.
silverbear said:
ROTFLMAO... this is in the same category as you guys woofin' "the judge is gonna throw the case out" a week or so back...

That didn't happen, did it??

Defense attorneys make motion after motion after motion routinely, hoping to get the case thrown out before it makes it to trial... this one will lose too, because whether or not the prosecutor had "alterior motives" (the word is ULTERIOR, son), has no relevance to the merits of the case...

It's freakin' HILARIOUS, watching you desperate losers praying that something, ANYTHING, will keep Taylor from actually having to stand trial... the notion that the DA is prosecuting this in order to promote his DJ career is just LUDICROUS...

So this is all made up? The defense showed the judge print-outs of the prosecutors website where he used the case as promotion.

Funny, this is the first time I've ever made any post on this particular subject yet somehow I get grouped in with some other Skins fans who said the case would be thrown out a while ago. Typical.

By the way, I misspelled one word and you act like you're an english teacher. :rolleyes: Grammar smack is weak, try again.
SkinsFan26 said:
He advertised his his prosecutorial cases on a website that promotes his DJ activity. Does that sound just a little like misconduct?

Nope... it sounds tacky, it sounds like shameless self-promotion, but it doesn't sound like misconduct...

It's completely ignorant of you to think that the prosecutor would do something that would get this case kicked, because that would spell the end of his career as a prosecutor... any lawyer would be VERY wary of doing anything so public that smacked of misconduct...

Seems you and common sense aren't on speaking terms...
SkinsFan26 said:
He advertised his his prosecutorial cases on a website that promotes his DJ activity. Does that sound just a little like misconduct?

you mean moreso than firing a gun at people in public and then praying a technicality sets you free from being responsible for your own actions?

skins fans >>> straws

keep reaching.
thewivil said:
So basically, there is no hard evidence he ever did this to begin with.

Also, I still fail to see any reason why the case should be dismissed based on the prosecutor's actions. If anything, the prosecutor should be dismissed and another one put in his place.

I can agree with this. At the very least, he no longer deserves to be on this trial.
silverbear said:
Nope... it sounds tacky, it sounds like shameless self-promotion, but it doesn't sound like misconduct...

It's completely ignorant of you to think that the prosecutor would do something that would get this case kicked, because that would spell the end of his career as a prosecutor... any lawyer would be VERY wary of doing anything so public that smacked of misconduct...

Seems you and common sense aren't on speaking terms...

It looks like DJ Greico will be a full time DJ now

I am sorry, I should have used the word accuser's, not witnesses

They stole the damn ATV's and have criminal histories

My bad

Gamebreaker said:
If it had no bearing, the judge wouldn't agree to have the court date delayed again. Apparently, he feels it does matter.

This man was using the case to boost up his side job as a DJ. A high profile case. Think about that objectively for a second. Doesn't this show he has other motives in this case besides pursuing the truth. Why not do whatever it takes to keep this trial going, even if he has very little case, it's giving him free publicity as a DJ.

It is shameful, and I'm surprised he isn't a full-time DJ now and not a just a part-time one.

I can see it now...

DJ Esquire
The man who put Sean Taylor away....Tonite at club love!!!!



ES chat with Taylor's attorney

Educate yourselves

Here is a quote on the accusers

"As you know, we’ve already had one motion (to dismiss) due to the criminal history of the people involved in this case. We’re not talking about one crime. We’re talking multiple criminal offenses. I’ve said all of them are either in jail, on their way to jail or should be in jail. Ryan Hill, one of the “victims” in the case has already hired a civil lawyer to sue Sean. He’s gone from thievery to legal thievery. He and two of the other men involved in the case were stopped on March 3 driving a pickup down U.S. 1 with a stolen ATV in the back. They said it was theirs, but it was reported as stolen."
SkinsHokieFan said:
They stole the damn ATV's and have criminal histories

Which still doesn't make it legal to shoot at them in public.
DallasKen said:
Whether that punk Sean Taylor has to stand trial or not....There's no way he will be convicted on these charges. He will be cleared completely.
I agree....guilty or not.....he'll get of scott free.
SkinsHokieFan said:

ES chat with Taylor's attorney

Educate yourselves

Here is a quote on the accusers

"As you know, we’ve already had one motion (to dismiss) due to the criminal history of the people involved in this case. We’re not talking about one crime. We’re talking multiple criminal offenses. I’ve said all of them are either in jail, on their way to jail or should be in jail. Ryan Hill, one of the “victims” in the case has already hired a civil lawyer to sue Sean. He’s gone from thievery to legal thievery. He and two of the other men involved in the case were stopped on March 3 driving a pickup down U.S. 1 with a stolen ATV in the back. They said it was theirs, but it was reported as stolen."

Talk to the guy defending Taylor to get an objective analysis....

Yeah, I see nothing wrong with that.:rolleyes:
SkinsHokieFan said:

ES chat with Taylor's attorney

Educate yourselves

no sane individual would EVER go to EXTREME-ARTWILLBANYOUIFYOUSPEAKYOURMIND-SKINS to get "rational" info.

sorry - but no bigger self-glorifiying board exists in the world than extremeskins and art - well let's just say peter pan stories are more grounded in reality than art.
superpunk said:
Talk to the guy defending Taylor to get an objective analysis....

Yeah, I see nothing wrong with that.:rolleyes:

How about some facts?

But clearly you are incapable of reading facts
SkinsHokieFan said:

ES chat with Taylor's attorney

Educate yourselves

Here is a quote on the accusers

"As you know, we’ve already had one motion (to dismiss) due to the criminal history of the people involved in this case. We’re not talking about one crime. We’re talking multiple criminal offenses. I’ve said all of them are either in jail, on their way to jail or should be in jail. Ryan Hill, one of the “victims” in the case has already hired a civil lawyer to sue Sean. He’s gone from thievery to legal thievery. He and two of the other men involved in the case were stopped on March 3 driving a pickup down U.S. 1 with a stolen ATV in the back. They said it was theirs, but it was reported as stolen."

And what exactly is his lawyer supposed to say? He is a shameless thug?

Sorry if Taylor's attorneys perspective doesn't impress me.

All I have to say is all of you Commander fans that infest this board would be all over this if it were a Cowboy.

You know it. I know it.

So, please all of you run along back to your own boards, stick your thumbs in your mouths, cuddle your blankies and dream of Taylor being something less than a lowlife.
sacase said:
I can see it now...

DJ Esquire
The man who put Sean Taylor away....Tonite at club love!!!!



:D I actually cracked a smile at that one...don't expect too much of that, though. :)
And you Cowboy fans wonder why I do this:


Gibbs II

SkinsHokieFan said:
How about some facts?

But clearly you are incapable of reading facts

Lawyers never lie? Never spin things for their clients?


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