PS4 vs Xbox One

One other thing. Everything in the game is built to slow progression down.

Can only get 100 marks per week, and capped at 200 total.

Only get so many legendary engrams, most garbage.

Just anything and everything to keep people interested until that next bundle comes out. Shameless, to say the least.
It doesn't matter what guns I use. Only the shotgun, I have some success with. Trying to get head shots with my sniper is almost impossible, been stuck on 3 for awhile now.

These guys will jump, spin sideways and somersault in the air all the while killing me with one shot from any gun(no matter the distance). I can chase someone unloading any gun on them in the backside and still can't kill them.

There has to be some kind of cheat, how can someone kill me from like 500 yds away with a pistol??

Multiplayer is severely broken with the teleporting. I'm not bad by any means but I can't stand everyone teleporting around. It just looks like major lag, and with the lag that's already there it's not fun to play.
Hell yeah it is. Guess it's the Activision way.

Someone's game glitched out and revealed a whole bunch of missions that aren't accessible. Presumably this is the first DLC they'll be putting out. Basically, they held content to charge for it later just as I had assumed.

I would bet anything the reason the story is such a mess is because they had to piece it together after the content was cut out.

Multiplayer is basically a teleport fest anymore. Teleporting and shotguns. I'm not that bad at multiplayer but just don't enjoy it with all the supers and abilities.

I've pretty much had my fill of this game. The bounties are the same, strikes are the same, mission patrol is the same. The game is one big replay of things you already did during the 1st week. They have bounties that can't be completed sometimes.

They released some content stuff for some Queen, and then immediately rendered it useless by preventing the equipment gained from breaking down into useful materials.

This might be one of least well supported games at launch I have ever seen. On par with dead island which basically got zero support after launch. Slightly better but not much.

I'll likely trade it in when Borderlands is released. I'm not jumping on board with a game that is going to have $20 DLC every quarter.

Yeah I have yet to play it but I'm certain the only thing i'm going to play is the single player story anyway. I would play with buddies and stuff if they're still on by the time I get to it and all that but I had zero interest in the multiplayer and after reading stuff on it and watching videos on it I still have zero desire to play it.
Yeah I have yet to play it but I'm certain the only thing i'm going to play is the single player story anyway. I would play with buddies and stuff if they're still on by the time I get to it and all that but I had zero interest in the multiplayer and after reading stuff on it and watching videos on it I still have zero desire to play it.

The problem is....ya have to play MP if you want to buy the legendary gear. Some of it drops in the crucible, so it is worth playing to have a chance at loot. I just run around now waiting until the end, can't compete with these guys killing. I am lucky if I get to 10 kills.

I still think there is a cheat of some sort. Last night, I hit a guy in the head 3 times with a shotgun at close range, his health barely moved and he warped out of range and killed me in one shot.
The problem is....ya have to play MP if you want to buy the legendary gear. Some of it drops in the crucible, so it is worth playing to have a chance at loot. I just run around now waiting until the end, can't compete with these guys killing. I am lucky if I get to 10 kills.

I still think there is a cheat of some sort. Last night, I hit a guy in the head 3 times with a shotgun at close range, his health barely moved and he warped out of range and killed me in one shot.

Oh really? Well then I have zero interest in playing the game at all now.
Oh really? Well then I have zero interest in playing the game at all now.

Yeah I leveled to 20 (story missions over and even they were pretty repetitive) and now back to WDogs(Almost Act 4)/Madden until DLC for single player is released. Enjoying the WD story a bit more and feel Act 2 was a bit fluff. Probably start up Wolfenstein for FPS fix seeing as Battlefield was delayed. Destiny has good physics/graphics but lacks content (outside of issues with MP that I'm not as experienced with)
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Yeah I leveled to 20 (story missions over and even they were pretty repetitive) and now back to WDogs(Almost Act 4)/Madden until DLC for single player is released. Enjoying the WD story a bit more and feel Act 2 was a bit fluff. Probably start up Wolfenstein for FPS fix seeing as Battlefield was delayed. Destiny has good physics/graphics but lacks content (outside of issues with MP that I'm not as experienced with)

Watch Dogs story gets better, IMO, the further you get into it. I found myself enjoying it far more and more the further I got into the story. Act 2 seemed very much fluff and just long for no reason other than to make it longer.

I'll be selling my Destiny to a buddy who wants it for his PS4 on Friday. I'm not even dealing with that stuff.
Watch Dogs story gets better, IMO, the further you get into it. I found myself enjoying it far more and more the further I got into the story. Act 2 seemed very much fluff and just long for no reason other than to make it longer.

I'll be selling my Destiny to a buddy who wants it for his PS4 on Friday. I'm not even dealing with that stuff.

Probably better off tbh...nothing Battlefield or even COD can't emulate. Liked the theme and game play well enough, but that MMO aspect is clear as you are playing. Will hold onto it in case of single player content being released (improved) but will likely collect dust as new games are released. Assassins Creed is coming out soon so sure I will run through that for a bit.

Starting to get into it (WD) much more and appreciate the "fun" aspects while avoiding others (Fixer Contracts and the dumb side games). I wish the Spider and Road Gunner digital trips were somehow relevant to the story progression because they can be pretty fun (Earth Defense Force 2017 style).
Probably better off tbh...nothing Battlefield or even COD can't emulate. Liked the theme and game play well enough, but that MMO aspect is clear as you are playing. Will hold onto it in case of single player content being released (improved) but will likely collect dust as new games are released. Assassins Creed is coming out soon so sure I will run through that for a bit.

Starting to get into it (WD) much more and appreciate the "fun" aspects while avoiding others (Fixer Contracts and the dumb side games). I wish the Spider and Road Gunner digital trips were somehow relevant to the story progression because they can be pretty fun (Earth Defense Force 2017 style).

Evil Within is coming out in a couple weeks and I'm very much looking forward to that then Far Cry 4 in November. That rounds out the remainder of my games this year.

I also have some more Last of Us I want to complete, some more Diablo to be played, and I also own the two disc set of the Metro games that I haven't even began yet that I've heard a lot of good things about. So I've got plenty to keep me going for the remainder of this year.
Evil Within is coming out in a couple weeks and I'm very much looking forward to that then Far Cry 4 in November. That rounds out the remainder of my games this year.

Damn, totally forgot about that one (Evil Within) and actually have it pre-ordered:oops: Trying to finish WD bc it is open world similar to AC. Feel ya big time on Far Cry 4 (also open world but story driven) bc if it is anything like FC3, it will be sick. FC is a very underrated series. Seems like a lot of the big releases were pushed back to 2015 (Batman, Bloodborne, Battlefield).
Damn, totally forgot about that one (Evil Within) and actually have it pre-ordered:oops: Trying to finish WD bc it is open world similar to AC. Feel ya big time on Far Cry 4 (also open world but story driven) bc if it is anything like FC3, it will be sick. FC is a very underrated series. Seems like a lot of the big releases were pushed back to 2015 (Batman, Bloodborne, Battlefield).

Yeah they all were. I think Bloodborne is first in either January, or early February. Then Battlefield is supposedly slated for the end of March and Batman, I was told by the people at Gamestop recently, finally has a release date in either June or July. I can't remember now.
Alien: Isolation is incredible. Old-school retro gaming at its next-gen finest. The game is hard as hell and I've barely even scratched the surface.

The graphics are breathtaking as well but pretty much the only issue with the entire game is the frame rate and its choppiness during cutscenes and loading.
Destiny is going to Best Buy next week for $40 towards Borderlands.

Done with it. I don't remember any other game that has promised so much, only to fail at delivering.

PVE or PVP the game is a letdown.

It has some cool features and ideas but in general there is so much that is broken or held back for DLC later that it's not really worth investing time into.
Alien: Isolation is incredible. Old-school retro gaming at its next-gen finest. The game is hard as hell and I've barely even scratched the surface.

The graphics are breathtaking as well but pretty much the only issue with the entire game is the frame rate and its choppiness during cutscenes and loading.

That is next on my list and heard it's really making folks palms sweat while playing. I've been playing Shadow of Mordor and have been blindsided. It's a sick game (Batman fighting combat with Assassins Creed agility/freedom to scale walls) You also can mount beasts and use them as key fighting allies. But the progression system is totally unique in of itself (new to any game I believe) and really addictive. Enemies who kill you (in random battles while in the open world) can then level up as a result and pose bigger threats later in the story in more critical battles. Really surprised me and addictive so far bc not ireally into this "theme" or environment otherwise.

Got 9.3 @ IGN not that they are the end all obv
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I heard great things about Shadow of Mordor but I didn't get it and won't be for a while.

Destiny was sold for 40 dollars to a buddy who was just getting his PS4 a couple of weeks ago. I never even opened it. After reading lots about it and watching some videos on it I saw absolutely nothing I wanted to play or deal with in regards to that game.

I have completed everything I'm going to on Watch Dogs and The Last of Us and I'm now about to focus on Diablo 3, Infamous, Evil Within, and the Metro series.
Well, I decided to do a weekly raid solo. After 5 hours of very carefully moving through it, I did it! Sucks because you get sent to orbit on a death....
I heard great things about Shadow of Mordor but I didn't get it and won't be for a while.

Destiny was sold for 40 dollars to a buddy who was just getting his PS4 a couple of weeks ago. I never even opened it. After reading lots about it and watching some videos on it I saw absolutely nothing I wanted to play or deal with in regards to that game.

I have completed everything I'm going to on Watch Dogs and The Last of Us and I'm now about to focus on Diablo 3, Infamous, Evil Within, and the Metro series.

You got a bargain getting $40 for it...they will release another one in 16 I'm sure after correcting the mistakes so nice move on that flip. Metro is on par with Bioshock as the best FPS out there (story driven and options regarding weapons/strategy) and can almost guarantee you will enjoy it if new to the series. Just finished WD and appreciate ya not telling me about ACT 5;) (punks) but enjoyed what I got out of the game. Heard mixed reviews on Alien but have that in backlog too bc wanna finish some others. Swear Madden CF has kept me the most occupied after giving it so much grief over the years post 2k5 ugliness. Deftly recommend picking up S of M used once price drops if you need an action game fix.
Got this baby pre-ordered for the end of the month...sunset overdrive.

You got a bargain getting $40 for it...they will release another one in 16 I'm sure after correcting the mistakes so nice move on that flip. Metro is on par with Bioshock as the best FPS out there (story driven and options regarding weapons/strategy) and can almost guarantee you will enjoy it if new to the series. Just finished WD and appreciate ya not telling me about ACT 5;) (punks) but enjoyed what I got out of the game. Heard mixed reviews on Alien but have that in backlog too bc wanna finish some others. Swear Madden CF has kept me the most occupied after giving it so much grief over the years post 2k5 ugliness. Deftly recommend picking up S of M used once price drops if you need an action game fix.

Alien is great. Don't listen to the haters. and it's funny you brought up the IGN review of Mordor as they are in spin control over their review of Isolation because the ****** they had play and review it didn't know what he was doing.

The game is fantastic. The "mixed" reviews are from critics who suck at what the game offers and don't know what they are doing.
Not a huge fan of shadows of Mordor.

As a Batman vet, the combat is like super duper easy, leaving 0 challenge in the gameplay.

it LOOKS pretty, but at times I just feel like I'm in some big bowl of orcs just slashin away for hours.

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