PS4 vs Xbox One

I tried a little Destiny last night and enjoyed the experience. Very halo like 'theme and graphics wise' but more similar to COD in terms of shooting accuracy/run and gun style that is enabled. I was basically just rushing folks COD style outside of the Sniper shots that are sometimes required (still very early for me). Watchdogs has been okay so far. On only Act II but feels like GTA w/o the stones if that makes sense. The digital trips are insanely cool though. The main character is too bleh it seems and doesn't draw you in to the story much (mad uncle?). The gang hideout side missions are probably the most fun I have had so far, but the clubbing the gang leader@ the conclusion, instead of simply killing him like the dozens of other criminals you need to get to him seems so petty (and frustrating).

Diablo is a great game too. I'm finding myself in the poor habit of starting too many games @ once and not devoting enough attention to any one game specifically (outside of Madden franchise). Destiny is more "fun" than KZ so far, that's for sure. KZ pacing is a little out of whack where objectives aren't very clear and find myself "chopping" my way through the game instead of completing missions cleanly, etc.

Yeah I'm almost done with Act II on Watch Dogs myself. I've completed all the gang hideouts, all the gun investigations, and all the privacy invasions. The gun investigations were boring except the final one and that was a cool moment when I got to kill a lot of people to complete the trophy for that act.

The Privacy Invasions were tedious and BORING. There was really no point to those other than seeing a bunch of random, unimportant, junk. They don't even lead to anything in the game. Yuck.

The Gang Hideouts were an absolute blast but I'm with you on the knocking down the gang leader while they let you kill all the others. Just didn't make a whole lot of sense. I also found that after just a couple of them they got insanely easy because I just pretty much knew exactly what I needed to do at each one and it wasn't really a challenge at that point.

The Story line itself has been solid but not amazing for me. I don't really have a problem with the character, or his motivation, I just don't really feel like I hate any of the main players who are bad guys at this point. They always seem to just be throw away players for that particular part of the story. even the Maurice guy you can't really hate because you quickly find out he's really a guy who was forced to do it by bad people who wouldn't let him out of a life he'd gotten out of, or attempted to.

I've only done one Criminal Convoy because after just one I found that I hate those things. They're awful. i don't like the driving in this game at all, really, and that makes those convoy's absolutely zero fun. I'm going to have to do a few more though cause I can't max out my skills tree without completely at least 5 of those dumb things. The driving part of the game is just boring and terrible. Ugh. Wish I didn't have those.

I've done 5 of the 13 CTOS things (the ones where you activate them then you have to run around in 3 minutes and hack 4 or 5 of them in a area. Another annoying thing that bugs me to death. I hate those things.

Now the one big thing that probably bugs me more than anything, at least until I figured out the way around it. The stupid Online tailing and garbage. Where if you're hacking people and you don't pay attention and hack a Blume Associate then Blume puts out a contract on you (Unless you happen to catch the associate before the call is complete and stop them from the call) and then I have to waste 5 minutes trying to find someone doing a stupid online hack of me. Ugh. So stupid, pointless, and completely annoying.

Other than that the rest of the game has been fun. It's not as good as I'd hoped for when it was advertised last year and it's one of the few games that I quite likely will trade in, regardless how little they give me, cause I know once I've completed this game I'll never play it again.
Yeah I'm almost done with Act II on Watch Dogs myself. I've completed all the gang hideouts, all the gun investigations, and all the privacy invasions. The gun investigations were boring except the final one and that was a cool moment when I got to kill a lot of people to complete the trophy for that act.

The Privacy Invasions were tedious and BORING. There was really no point to those other than seeing a bunch of random, unimportant, junk. They don't even lead to anything in the game. Yuck.

The Gang Hideouts were an absolute blast but I'm with you on the knocking down the gang leader while they let you kill all the others. Just didn't make a whole lot of sense. I also found that after just a couple of them they got insanely easy because I just pretty much knew exactly what I needed to do at each one and it wasn't really a challenge at that point.

The Story line itself has been solid but not amazing for me. I don't really have a problem with the character, or his motivation, I just don't really feel like I hate any of the main players who are bad guys at this point. They always seem to just be throw away players for that particular part of the story. even the Maurice guy you can't really hate because you quickly find out he's really a guy who was forced to do it by bad people who wouldn't let him out of a life he'd gotten out of, or attempted to.

I've only done one Criminal Convoy because after just one I found that I hate those things. They're awful. i don't like the driving in this game at all, really, and that makes those convoy's absolutely zero fun. I'm going to have to do a few more though cause I can't max out my skills tree without completely at least 5 of those dumb things. The driving part of the game is just boring and terrible. Ugh. Wish I didn't have those.

I've done 5 of the 13 CTOS things (the ones where you activate them then you have to run around in 3 minutes and hack 4 or 5 of them in a area. Another annoying thing that bugs me to death. I hate those things.

Now the one big thing that probably bugs me more than anything, at least until I figured out the way around it. The stupid Online tailing and garbage. Where if you're hacking people and you don't pay attention and hack a Blume Associate then Blume puts out a contract on you (Unless you happen to catch the associate before the call is complete and stop them from the call) and then I have to waste 5 minutes trying to find someone doing a stupid online hack of me. Ugh. So stupid, pointless, and completely annoying.

Other than that the rest of the game has been fun. It's not as good as I'd hoped for when it was advertised last year and it's one of the few games that I quite likely will trade in, regardless how little they give me, cause I know once I've completed this game I'll never play it again.

You're way ahead of me in terms of progression and thanks for the heads up on some of these aspects. Agree big time on the driving (no shooting?) and sluggish controls. The traffic AI intentionally stopping for no reason, or cutting you off and breaking, etc. really bugs me without the controls to allow you the flexibility to weave n and out (GTA 5). With this info, I'm going to focus almost solely on the campaign and worry about the side stuff @ a later date (if at all). I feel ya on the trade in aspect; I doubt I would want to run through it again similar to GTA 5 which I will definitely get 12/31 on PS4. Great synopsis on the positives (campaign) and negatives of the game (tedious side missions & driving most definitely). I turned that hacking stuff off bc I would always get hacked @ the most annoying times when I was involved in another mission, stunting a crime, etc. So I have to find this person and then shoot out their tires (usually?) as they skid away once you read them. Still somewhat early and not giving up on it yet, but like you said, it is CLOSE to being a great game but I think the initial developers didn't realize how boring hacking would be in a criminal narrative.
The only games left this year that I'm getting are The Evil Within (Next month) and Farcry 4 (November).

Everything else i'm looking forward to comes out February or later next year.

I can promise you after playing this Watch Dogs that I'm not playing anything GTA related.
The only games left this year that I'm getting are The Evil Within (Next month) and Farcry 4 (November).

Everything else i'm looking forward to comes out February or later next year.

I can promise you after playing this Watch Dogs that I'm not playing anything GTA related.

Shadow of Mordor, and Alien Isolation look great.

I truly believe that alien isolation will be a great game.
Lol at the Destiny Raid taking 5+ (the first to beat it took TEN freakin hours) and needing to be level 26. Ouch. I'm level 21 and the "light" grinding is TOUGH.
The light grinding is kinda turning me off the game now, it's way to slow I wanna try the raids but doing the same strikes over and over again is not that fun anymore
The light grinding is kinda turning me off the game now, it's way to slow I wanna try the raids but doing the same strikes over and over again is not that fun anymore

I'm stuck on the third Venus mission and have tried it 30 times solo Think it is the third anyways, the end of the story has the main guy at the end of the room and once ya step in, the door closes. Part of the problem is my ammo is too low after last saved point.

Also, can't ya level from doing the 6 on 6 missions? Could have swore I went from 14 to 16 doing 5 contests to get that bounty.
At least Destiny added a serious challenge depending on the level. I tried to do a Venus level 24 (Very Hard) story mission by my self and it kicked my *** hardcore.
I'm stuck on the third Venus mission and have tried it 30 times solo Think it is the third anyways, the end of the story has the main guy at the end of the room and once ya step in, the door closes. Part of the problem is my ammo is too low after last saved point.

Also, can't ya level from doing the 6 on 6 missions? Could have swore I went from 14 to 16 doing 5 contests to get that bounty.

You can level in the pvp arena if you activate some of the bounties first
Sounds like some grinding to look forward to when I finally pop Destiny in...yikes.

I just now, finally, completed all the side mission stuff as far as convoys, CTOS hacks, Gang Hideouts, etc on Watch Dogs...ugh. Tedious.

I finished the gun trade side mission but I have to progress further into the storyline now in order to finish the Missing Persons and Human Traffic side missions. Those will finish me up on all those. Thank goodness....Geez.
I rented Watch Dogs, and after playing it twice, returned it. I didn't care for the hacking. It's an interesting element, but hacking a bunch of stuff far away (that I can barely see) and changing viewpoints a lot, and with the constant popup of info about people, it was just distracting. Otherwise it felt a lot like another GTA style game. The novelty of those wore off a long time ago for me.
I rented Watch Dogs, and after playing it twice, returned it. I didn't care for the hacking. It's an interesting element, but hacking a bunch of stuff far away (that I can barely see) and changing viewpoints a lot, and with the constant popup of info about people, it was just distracting. Otherwise it felt a lot like another GTA style game. The novelty of those wore off a long time ago for me.

Sandlot games are becoming somewhat stagnant, but I did enjoy GTA 5 (not 4 so much). Loved Red Dead Redemption, Prototype, and Borderlands last gen too. They are dabbling with that in Destiny as well (free roam missions/pvp) to boost your XP when influx or trying to level up. The sandlot genre has fallen into the trap of trying to include all aspects of every game genre (mostly 3p shooting, and super powers enabled, with rpg elements to character progression) but include a lot of "fluff" missions that aren't pivotal to progression of the campaign. Watchdogs definitely fits though some aspects are enjoyable. It is such a big game that you can tell a lot of effort was put into to create, but it lands short in originality (hacking does get old quick - esp when your like 5 cameras in to a restricted zone, etc. ) and gameplay (driving). The side missions don't seem as integral as was the case in GTA, and definitely lack the same "edge".
Sounds like some grinding to look forward to when I finally pop Destiny in...yikes.

I just now, finally, completed all the side mission stuff as far as convoys, CTOS hacks, Gang Hideouts, etc on Watch Dogs...ugh. Tedious.

I finished the gun trade side mission but I have to progress further into the storyline now in order to finish the Missing Persons and Human Traffic side missions. Those will finish me up on all those. Thank goodness....Geez.

The game is HUGE, 5 acts on top of the side missions? Insane. I like a long game but jeez
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The game is HUGE, 5 acts on top of the side missions? Insane. I like a long game but jeez

Finally finished the game this weekend. I got all the investigations and all that so I could have my skills wheel upgraded all the way (Which is very important for the final mission, IMO) and finished the storyline.

I'll say that for the most part I really enjoyed the story line of the game. It was a pretty good story line but it gets bogged down, and some what ruined IMO, because these side missions are pretty much essential in order to get all your skills up to the levels in which you really need them to be the further you get into the game. It's not like other games where you can do these side missions if you feel like but they have no real bearing on the story itself. The side stuff in this game becomes essential in order to get enough XP to upgrade all your skills. Not to mention some of the skills can't be upgraded all the way, as you need them to be, without completing certain amounts of the side stuff in order to get them. That became very tedious and boring very quickly.

The story itself, without all the side stuff, would have been brilliant. With the side stuff it's just...ugh.


Then you get to the end, watch all the credits and such, only to find out that obviously there is going to be a Watch Dogs 2 and they're going to put this CTOS stuff all around the world? So now you're going to have a game that gets out of one city and into multiple places in the world and thus make that much more area for them to do these stupid side missions and garbage. I fear the second game is going to be even more tiring and tedious and that thought sucks because the story line is such, and ends in such a way, that you can't help but want to know what's going to happen next. It's obvious, by the way the game ends, that you're going to be at odds with DeadSec because you choose not to help them with what they're wanting to do right at the end.

On top of that the way the game goes you're left with a decision to make and depending on what you choose to do with Maurice at the end is supposed to be tied into how the game is going to go for you in Watch Dogs 2 because it'll carry over your saved data from game one. So basically depending on how you choose to end the game is going to make a difference in how things play out in the second game. That part I find really cool but at the same time it's one of those things where it's like...oh crap. Now I might need to finish the first game a second time in order to finish it both ways to see the differences in the second game.

Maybe not though. lol

Anyway it's a solid game that could have been soooooo much better if they didn't make all the side stuff so vitally important to the success of your story.
My team is on the last boss on the raid, but it resets tomorrow. All or nothing tonight.

Loving Destiny.
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I've been playing a ton of Destiny and the game is pretty underwhelming.

I feel like they withheld about 70% of the content that you would expect to be released. The matchmaking gametypes are all pretty lame except for TDM. Rumble may as well be called shotguns. Control is really stupid with the inclusions of supers and I think they should just remove all supers from the crucible. They weren't designed for PvP.

Gaining clan experience outside of bounties is basically impossible. Repeat the same 4 variant objectives a million times.

They have a really good foundation for something but the lack of any sort of practical way to get good gear is a huge bummer. See people online standing in front of cave just hoping for engrams as wave after wave lines up to die.

From the looks of things, if you are willing to commit nearly every waking moment playing the game you're probably never going to feel you came close to maxing the game out.

Thankfully Borderlands comes out in 3 weeks.
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Spot on, I loved it at first but it feels pretty bare after about a week. The potential is there for something great if they could just get more content out
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