Purdy Has 2 NFCCGs in 2 Years


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as long as Dak is not expected to make big plays right at the end. So far he has not proven to be able to do that in playoff games
Dak can't make big plays against the best teams in REGULAR SEASON GAMES either....bot Dak and the Conman feast on .500 and below teams....that is way NEITHER should be back....they should be joined at the hip via a rope and concrete blocks.


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Purdy is surrounded with the best talent, team and coaches in the NFL.

Give Dak the same, we would be in the Super Bowl 2 years in a row now.
Won’t happen. Dak’s huge contract will limit the ability to revamp the team. Kinda a lose/lose for the team. Pay Dak and keep him, great now we can’t get the talent…and we have Jerry helping chose the talent so probably won’t be good talent anyway.


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If Dak played like Purdy yesterday, he'd be crucified.

SF has better coaching and an infinitely better front office building the team for long-lasting success.
That’s the catch 22. To get that type of team, you can’t carry Dak.


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Purdy may not have played particularly well yesterday, but he didn't make the killer mistakes like Dak does. Mistakes that help you lose games or get you behind the 8 ball. Sure he has a better overall team, but this is called complimentary football. Do enough to win the game on both sides of the ball. All QBs will make mistakes, just don't make the ones that kill your team. He may be headed to his first SB in his second year. Mr. Irrelevant, huh?

Put Dak on the niners yesteday, and they would have lost.


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Purdy is surrounded with the best talent, team and coaches in the NFL.

Give Dak the same, we would be in the Super Bowl 2 years in a row now.
Dak has been given several opportunities to make the plays to get his team the win in the playoffs and has failed. Why would anyone believe he would have made the plays Purdy made on the game winning drive? In the rain? with all the pressure of being the #1 seed?

America's Cowboy

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Dak has been given several opportunities to make the plays to get his team the win in the playoffs and has failed. Why would anyone believe he would have made the plays Purdy made on the game winning drive? In the rain? with all the pressure of being the #1 seed?
One is surrounded by...


What don't you understand about that?


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Purdy has a team structure around him that can make up the difference and lift him up. Dak doesn't. Same in GB with Love, they have a team structure to elevate him. Here, its Dak and Ceedee, and thats pretty much it. Pollard is a complimentary rb, no more. He was misused. The oline was awful frankly. Needs revamped. I thought Tyler Bass should be the starter at LG, even when Tyler Smith was deemed well enough to play. Bass just did a better job. Bass and Hoffman are keepers. In time, so is Richards. Tyron has to be retired by Jerry. Its overdue. Hes just too slow footed. We need to draft 2 tackles on offense, and 2 at least, for the dline. Gotta keep pouring resources into the interior until its fixed.

America's Cowboy

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I knew these threads were coming.

Look at how poorly Purdy played yesterday. He was lucky the Packers dropped at least 2 INTs and both could have been pick 6s. Dak critics would be pointing those plays out even if the Cowboys had won that game.

Purdy had a chance to bring that team back because his defense did not let the Packers score TDs on every drive. If the 49ers had the Cowboys defense from last Sunday, they would have lost by almost the same score as Dallas.

Dak is a better QB than Purdy. He has a better arm by far. Purdy has a better team and until the organization improve the offensive and defensive lines of the Cowboys Dak will never had a chance to drive for the winning TD is a playoff game.

Go back to the Miami game or Detroit. Dak did what Purdy did in both of those games. The difference is, the defense allowed the Dolphins and Lions to roll right back down the field and score. The Dolphins won the game. The Lions lost because they didn;t kick the extra point.

Football is a team game. No QB in the world wins on his own.

:hammer: :hammer:

America's Cowboy

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Purdy has a team structure around him that can make up the difference and lift him up. Dak doesn't. Same in GB with Love, they have a team structure to elevate him. Here, its Dak and Ceedee, and thats pretty much it. Pollard is a complimentary rb, no more. He was misused. The oline was awful frankly. Needs revamped. I thought Tyler Bass should be the starter at LG, even when Tyler Smith was deemed well enough to play. Bass just did a better job. Bass and Hoffman are keepers. In time, so is Richards. Tyron has to be retired by Jerry. Its overdue. Hes just too slow footed. We need to draft 2 tackles on offense, and 2 at least, for the dline. Gotta keep pouring resources into the interior until its fixed.

There is hope to this forum. Great common sense and factually truthful posts! Good job bros!


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Purdy plays defense? If we held Green Bay to 21, we likely would have won as well. Until they took their foot off the gas, they were on pace to score like 70 points.

San Fran is a well run organization. They were the same ones that took Kaepernick to a Superbowl.


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If Dak played like Purdy yesterday, he'd be crucified.

SF has better coaching and an infinitely better front office building the team for long-lasting success.
Lol, no. Winning big games is what matters. That's all that matters. Dak would be praised for not choking in the moment.

But that will never happen.

Just ask CeeDee's mom.
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Both SF and GB have better talent across the roster and coaching than the Cowboys. They also have very competent front office professionals who make the personnel decisions.
They looked so much better than Dallas.


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exactly, which shows coaching matters alot. Can you imagine the Niners HC saying, "wow, I didnt see that coming? " or, "we picked a bad day for a bad day?" John Lynch would fire his arse if his coach came out after a spanking and said that mess. Because its an admission that you didn't plan ahead and properly get the team ready for any and all scenarios. Leave it to Jerry, he goes full bizzarro world again and runs it back. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY, from the top down.
JJ is responsible for that and also he handles the players. He insisted on trying to force Pollard to be a hammer over and over. There were RB out there that could have ran behind this O-Line much better. When Dowdle was healthy he ran better early in the game than Pollard. We needed LB but didn’t get them. DT and wouldn’t look for one. He saw us getting gashed and never got us what we needed. Didn’t they say player acquisation is year around.


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That’s right….Mr Irrelevant. I said last year that he played better than Dak in every statistical category while facing a higher pressure rate and that we should take of it, and got absolutely crucified as a Dak hater. But here he is again, beating the team that ate our lunch and basking in football glory, probably going to a SB.

If you believe it’s not Purdy but his team, then we can’t keep Dak bc we need to build a team like that and can’t do that with Daks contract. If you believe Purdy is better than Dak than obviously you need to drop him and get more QBs, bc if Purdy is better, Dak ain’t top 10 anymore.

Either way, an organization that really wants to win stops chasing losses and makes the hard choice to look to the future instead of dragging this team to more years of underperforming
This Post is why Stephen A Smith will always get the last Laugh :facepalm: :lmao: :lmao: