Purdy Has 2 NFCCGs in 2 Years


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lets all get ready for it. Mickey Spagnola and his ilk will gradually start saying what he always does...if so and so is so good, why are they available. Just wait. Thats his attempt to justify running it back and failing. If the last 30 years of begging for a SB run is we fans being selfish or entitled, I'll be danged, I guess this franchise is even more clueless and soulless than we could fathom. How dare they, the players on twitter and such even go there. We pay dearly to go to games, buy merch and support the team, and the least we can ask is at least a couple decent playoff runs. Apparently, its our fault as fans, if u listen to this bunch of cowardly players on social media. Im done with them. Time for new blood.
jerry has taken top college player and then they get here and are infected by the jones culture virus I call it Jerry 19.
They get infected and become selfish divas who dont want to work or win, just strut around talking.
They and their family get on twitter to talk to the masses lol but their speaking skills make that more amusing than informative.
They all become little jerry clones lol.

They like to talk and do the wrong things, and cant win in playoffs if their life depended on it.
Then when they lose, and hide and pout then blame someone else for what went wrong, and then say no one needs to go,
we are great, we just need more time to get better, it is a process!!


You Have an Axe to Grind
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"with this team" is the wrong comparison, and that's the point.
You can have a better team around the QB when you're not spending 15-20% of the cap on the QB. You can also use the QB's legs because an injury to him doesn't destroy your cap situation.
The Cowboys have a lot of good players but they continue to underperform in the playoffs. If you don’t have a real good QB you’re not going to win in the playoffs unless you have a transcendent team/defense around the QB where all they have to be is be a game manager. No assurances that you can come up with enough great players in the draft or free agency regardless how much cap room you have. The draft is a crapshoot. Playoff games usually come down to your QB having to make a play and rarely have teams gone far with an average QB. The main reason Baltimore is so dominating is because of Jackson. They wouldn’t be close to the team they are with an average low priced QB. There’s a reason they made him the highest paid QB in the league.


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About purdy he is a real player, not a diva. Is he perfect no , but he makes plays when they are needed.
He is making peanuts till his contract expires.
He has led his team to 2 nfc champ games in a row, so that blows dak and many other qb out of the water.
Had he not got hurt last year They might have beat Phil and gone to SB.

So far he has done great and all while making peanuts. I would like to see him get a ring,


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That’s right….Mr Irrelevant. I said last year that he played better than Dak in every statistical category while facing a higher pressure rate and that we should take of it, and got absolutely crucified as a Dak hater. But here he is again, beating the team that ate our lunch and basking in football glory, probably going to a SB.

If you believe it’s not Purdy but his team, then we can’t keep Dak bc we need to build a team like that and can’t do that with Daks contract. If you believe Purdy is better than Dak than obviously you need to drop him and get more QBs, bc if Purdy is better, Dak ain’t top 10 anymore.

Either way, an organization that really wants to win stops chasing losses and makes the hard choice to look to the future instead of dragging this team to more years of underperforming
1. So much for first round pedigree.
2. Looked to me that they dropped the Ints this week that they caught vs Dak.
3. Looks to me that his defense stood up and also got two turnovers.
4. Good for him.


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All of that is true. But, when the game was on the line and the lights were the brightest he performed and led them to victory. I don’t think our guy would do that. (Insert chocking emoji)
But he did it against the Dolphins and the Lions. The fact is we will never know if the defense does not keep Dallas in the game.


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Lol, no. Winning big games is what matters. That's all that matters. Dak would be praised for not choking in the moment.

But that will never happen.

Just ask CeeDee's mom.
Helps to have a LB getting two picks. Oh and a RB that can score from anywhere. Where are those guys on our team?

Two things can be true. Dak isn't the guy AND we don't have a championship team. Why is it always one or the other?

big dog cowboy

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They wouldn’t be close to the team they are with an average low priced QB. There’s a reason they made him the highest paid QB in the league.
You mean a team that got destroyed and embarrassed in the playoffs. Yeah they just did that and now we will have the highest paid QB in the league. After what he did in the first half, I'd make him an offer so low he would be offended and I wouldn't care. Pay him what he's worth.
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And yet Purdy doesn't. No one is saying Dak has been good. But Purdy was trash too!
Keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Purdy has had bad games...sure has. He also shined more often then not when his team needed him. Dak.....not so much.


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Purdy may not have played particularly well yesterday, but he didn't make the killer mistakes like Dak does. Mistakes that help you lose games or get you behind the 8 ball. Sure he has a better overall team, but this is called complimentary football. Do enough to win the game on both sides of the ball. All QBs will make mistakes, just don't make the ones that kill your team. He may be headed to his first SB in his second year. Mr. Irrelevant, huh?

Put Dak on the niners yesteday, and they would have lost.
Nah I think they win easier with dak


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You mean a team that got destroyed and embarrassed in the playoffs. Yeah they just did that and now we will have the highest paid QB in the league. After what he did in the first half, I'd make him an offer so low he would be offended and I wouldn't care. Pay him what he's worth.
Jackson was made the highest paid player in the league with a 1-3 playoff record. If you were running the Cowboys, you would run them into the ground with no hope of ever making the playoffs. You’re not paying a QB…period!


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Although Purdy did have his best game, he definitely came through when it counted

I saw somewhere that he busted at least three narratives
  • Can’t come from behind …wrong
  • Can’t play without Deebo Samuel …wrong
  • Can’t mount a game-winning drive when the 49ers need it ....wrong


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Jordan Love is going Bon Jovi on Dak in career playoff wins in his first season starting... "whoaaaaaa!! we're halfway there!!!!"


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That’s right….Mr Irrelevant. I said last year that he played better than Dak in every statistical category while facing a higher pressure rate and that we should take of it, and got absolutely crucified as a Dak hater. But here he is again, beating the team that ate our lunch and basking in football glory, probably going to a SB.

If you believe it’s not Purdy but his team, then we can’t keep Dak bc we need to build a team like that and can’t do that with Daks contract. If you believe Purdy is better than Dak than obviously you need to drop him and get more QBs, bc if Purdy is better, Dak ain’t top 10 anymore.

Either way, an organization that really wants to win stops chasing losses and makes the hard choice to look to the future instead of dragging this team to more years of underperforming
Je also has his Defense and HC


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Jimmy always used to say that a great QB is all about not just the great plays you make, but more so the stupid plays you don't make. And Dak has made some really stupid ones in the most critical times. I doubt Jimmy would want him as his QB, and Parcells even less.

CT Dal Fan

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Jordan Love is going Bon Jovi on Dak in career playoff wins in his first season starting... "whoaaaaaa!! we're halfway there!!!!"
The funny thing is, in the playoffs the 49ers are to the Packers what the Packers are to the Cowboys. A hurdle they cannot overcome.

I am already seeing Jordan Love choke memes from angry Green Bay fans. Can't make this stuff up.