Purdy Has 2 NFCCGs in 2 Years


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5-1 with Rush proves this as false. Who knows what would happen with a capable journeyman. Saying the team goes down the toilet ignores what the team already proved.
The 5-1 with Rush was due to our defense and kicker. We never scored more than 25 points with Rush but never gave up more than 17 because our defense was playing lights out. Our defense was on pace to break the 84 Bears sack record. We had a better than average running game and all Rush had to do was managed games. He could barely pass for over 200 yards and only had 4 TD passes in 5 games. We had no passing game with him. Once we got behind with him we got beat. You’re kidding yourself if you think we could win with that type of QB. Lol Once Dak returned from injury, the Cowboys became the highest scoring offense in the league. Our defense fell off that season and so did our pass rush. We wouldn’t have won two or three more games had Dak been out for the season. You sound like a typical casual fan.


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That’s right….Mr Irrelevant. I said last year that he played better than Dak in every statistical category while facing a higher pressure rate and that we should take of it, and got absolutely crucified as a Dak hater. But here he is again, beating the team that ate our lunch and basking in football glory, probably going to a SB.

If you believe it’s not Purdy but his team, then we can’t keep Dak bc we need to build a team like that and can’t do that with Daks contract. If you believe Purdy is better than Dak than obviously you need to drop him and get more QBs, bc if Purdy is better, Dak ain’t top 10 anymore.

Either way, an organization that really wants to win stops chasing losses and makes the hard choice to look to the future instead of dragging this team to more years of underperforming
He didn't play very well yesterday. He was lucky that Savage dropped that ball that he threw right to him.


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Purdy in 2 years has more playoff wins and trips to NFCCG than Romo and Dak combined in 22 years.


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The 5-1 with Rush was due to our defense and kicker. We never scored more than 25 points with Rush but never gave up more than 17 because our defense was playing lights out. Our defense was on pace to break the 84 Bears sack record. We had a better than average running game and all Rush had to do was managed games. He could barely pass for over 200 yards and only had 4 TD passes in 5 games. We had no passing game with him. Once we got behind with him we got beat. You’re kidding yourself if you think we could win with that type of QB. Lol Once Dak returned from injury, the Cowboys became the highest scoring offense in the league. Our defense fell off that season and so did our pass rush. We wouldn’t have won two or three more games had Dak been out for the season. You sound like a typical casual fan.
What was the Cowboys record with Rush? 5-1. Your assertion is false unless you want to play pretend. Cowboys were plenty successful with Rush. They likely would be again based on past performance.


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One is surrounded by...


What don't you understand about that?
I don't think there is any question about coaching for sure. Talent isn't as clear cut, I mean didn't Dallas have as many All Pro's as anyone?

But those things aren't viable excuses. In the big games, Dak has had the opportunity to make plays because the team around him was good enough. He also made unforced mistakes that were on him.

If he made the plays that were there & avoided the mistakes and we still lost, would have no problem just saying we got beat by a better team. But he hasn't. He has actively been part of why we weren't good enough. Also, it's ok if a player is good enough to help his team overcome an opponent that is better. Lot's of championship teams weren't necessarily the better team.


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I disagree, you want an All Pro QB and an All Pro surrounding crew. You're doomed for failure if you're trying to be cheap and strategically get it all in place due to the cap. Let the talent come, then worry about all that. Folks get too caught up in the chicken and the egg -- is it the QB first, or is it his Offensive line and RB first, or is it his WRs first. Team game, get everyone there.

Sure Zeke and that great Offensive Line masked a rookie, but he still balled his rookie year. I get what you're saying though that it can be deceptive and mask some of your issues. I think of guys like Shaun King who came out balling early as a 2nd round pick because he had that great Tampa Cover 2 and Alstott/Dunn as his RBs. Tampa still didn't trust him after making it to NFC Championship game and brought in Brad Johnson. But that's my best example I can think of and Dak still balled much better than King who finished with a 55% completion his first starting year.

Probably a little bit of both. We overrated Dak to begin with, and another victim of the Garrett coaching goons. And after listening to Aikman's show this week, I'm inclined to believe Dak did some of this to himself. He was better as a naive bright-eyed rookie who didn't know any better. Once he got caught up in Jerry Land hype, and legacy, he started pressing more each year. It all points up top. Jerry makes all those decisions - draft and next coaches.
And the fact that he didn't listen to Romo


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What was the Cowboys record with Rush? 5-1. Your assertion is false unless you want to play pretend. Cowboys were plenty successful with Rush. They likely would be again based on past performance.
If you think we can win consistently throughout a season with an average QB like Rush and make the playoffs, you’re just wasting my time. :rolleyes: When he was released no one even picked him up.


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jerry has taken top college player and then they get here and are infected by the jones culture virus I call it Jerry 19.
They get infected and become selfish divas who dont want to work or win, just strut around talking.
They and their family get on twitter to talk to the masses lol but their speaking skills make that more amusing than informative.
They all become little jerry clones lol.

They like to talk and do the wrong things, and cant win in playoffs if their life depended on it.
Then when they lose, and hide and pout then blame someone else for what went wrong, and then say no one needs to go,
we are great, we just need more time to get better, it is a process!!
A great description of the current culture and mentality that permeates this organization.


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If you think we can win consistently throughout a season with an average QB like Rush and make the playoffs, you’re just wasting my time. :rolleyes: When he was released no one even picked him up.
I’m not thinking. I know-because of actual results. I think they can consistently beat tier 3 squads. The might go 0.250 instead of 0.500 vs the tier 2 squads. Maybe a 9-8 or 10-7 record this season

It’s not like Flacco or Geno Smith are all world. Both are pretty good and can win some games. Garropolo went to the friggin SB with SF. The journeyman QB is out there-Dallas could easily replace Rush with one. Dallas roster is just way better than many other rosters.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I’m not thinking. I know-because of actual results. I think they can consistently beat tier 3 squads. The might go 0.250 instead of 0.500 vs the tier 2 squads. Maybe a 9-8 or 10-7 record this season

It’s not like Flacco or Geno Smith are all world. Both are pretty good and can win some games. Garropolo went to the friggin SB with SF. The journeyman QB is out there-Dallas could easily replace Rush with one. Dallas roster is just way better than many other rosters.
You’re not thinking and you don’t know. Not wasting anymore time with this. :thumbup:


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You’re not thinking and you don’t know. Not wasting snymore time with this. :thumbup:
That’s cool to concede the point when facts won’t help you. But, but, if the defense didn’t play well and Rush had to play the entire season last year and and lots of other delusional pretend stuff, the Cowboys don’t win even 2 more games. Please don’t think anymore-you can keep playing pretend though-you don’t need me or facts.


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Really Good. Practically the same as now. They lost a SB and an NFCCG in 2 of the 3 years before he got there.

Purdy is a fine player, but it’s pretty obvious when you watch the games that the situation is extremely optimal. SF has done this with bums like Kaepernick and Garoppolo before Purdy (Purdy is better than both of them, but I just don’t see him as a special QB yet).
Neither one of those guys put up the number Purdy did.


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Neither one of those guys put up the number Purdy did.
I quite literally said Purdy was better than both. My opinion is that to think he is one of the true “carry you to the Super Bowl” QBs is delusional.

If you watch him play, the eye test tells you otherwise.

If you want to talk straight up numbers, Dak is the best QB in the league, and we all know that isn’t true.


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Purdy is surrounded with the best talent, team and coaches in the NFL.

Give Dak the same, we would be in the Super Bowl 2 years in a row now.
LOL. So false. I've heard it for 8 years. Keep giving Dak more, he needs to be surrounded by 52 pro bowlers and then he can make the SB.

He would still find a way to lose. Tad, no one wants your brother. He's a loser.

America's Cowboy

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LOL. So false. I've heard it for 8 years. Keep giving Dak more, he needs to be surrounded by 52 pro bowlers and then he can make the SB.

He would still find a way to lose. Tad, no one wants your brother. He's a loser.
Go ask your husband/boyfriend. He wants Dak.