thats7 said:
You see how tactful that is? IF Jeff is indeed gay and decides to come out of the closet after his career do you think he'll use the word ***? As for off limits..... yes. Is it really any of our business? Will it make or break your lifecycle? Do you find yourself sleepless pondering this dilemma? Point is, compassion and fact. Quincy will probably not use crackhead when it's all said and done.
See, that's exactly the problem. If something comes up on any player, be it rumor, or whatever people are going to talk about it. They are not going to shut up. It has always been that way. It is always going to be that way. Getting panties in a wad over it when it happens just baffles me. Nor do I see anyone saying we should pull back over any other player. Not once, not ever. Do you get the irony of that?
thats7 said:
Who cares. Maybe that's my problem. It's really sweatin' the small stuff. I really don't care what he does as long as we do not start with the f** posts.
That's my point, I don't care.
It seems to me that the over sensitivity is usually about 1 player and 1 player only. I don't see it happening for any other guy. I mentioned the Garcia is gay rumors for only 1 reason. Everybody had an opinion.
thats7 said:
I never have, and never will, ask, much less tell anyone to shut the truth up. Base calims on facts and back them up with as much fevor as we do with the accusation. That is what this all about.
So, until Q openly admits to what drugs he was doing no one should say anything about it?
Sounds exactly like telling me to shut up to me because guess what? The Cowboys and he are not talking and the NFL can't. Until one of them breaks the news it is speculation.
I could give a flying crap what drug he did. I find it really hard to believe that he left the playoffs to go to rehab over weed. If you need to believe that to feel better about yourself, then by all means go ahead. If he needed rehab for weed at that juncture then his problem is every bit as severe as if he was doing coke so what difference does it make?
Let me be real frank, if he was doing booze it would still be just as foolish to me. When people do foolish stuff, or are accused of it, other people are going to talk about it. If you want to live in an antiseptic world where no one discusses the evidence, hard and circumstantial, then I suggest a remote island somewhere over a fan forum.
thats7 said:
I read that as well. Dumbfounded. I wouldn't go there or touch that. The race agenda is a complete non-issue thing with me.
Good, it should be with everyone.
thats7 said:
I hope your not including what I wrote in association with this comment. Again race is not a factor in my thought process. We're going elsewhere here and I'm not accompanying you.
I haven't accused anyone of anything, just pointing out the trend.
thats7 said:
I abhorr sensorship. Speak the truth, tell the truth and relay the truth, live the truth etc.. My friends friend doesn't constitute the fact based truth IMO. My gig is, at least use tact and grace if your going to report on second or third hand information.
Having tact won't change one single thing where it pertains to this player. For some reason he is the defenseless little kitten who needs defnders.
thats7 said:
Find the compassion to try and understand what this guy and several others have and are going through. Think of all they lost because they aren't as mentally sound as most. They can't find a way to help themselves and what we have to offer is obviously not working. Would anyone, in your eyes, give up what some of these professional people have for a drug? Your right. No one in their right mind would do that.
That is exactly my point. I don't give a tinker's damn what he is going through or went through. If people need to see me as lacking in compassion then fine.
All I ask is give me all you have on the football field. I believe he did that. It wasn't good enough, it wasn't nearly good enough. I should be allowed to state that opinion. If others disagree that is their right.
I have never said to someone on the other side of this fence that they needed any extra information to state their opinion. Not once, not ever. Assuming that someone has a personal agenda or lacks presence of mine to think for themselves has never enterred my mind. I do sometimes question their judgment. Last time I checked that was not against any laws.
thats7 said:
It should be about special treatment for all the guys.
Let me explain something to you. Guys who make this kind of money in this kind of spotlight, have already experienced special treatment. In High School. In college. Quite likely from some amazing looking women. The only special treatment they should expect from me is that on game day if they wear a star on their helmet I am pulling for them. That is more than enough.
If that is not enough then they need to wear something pink and frilly instead of pads and helmet.
I give praise when someone plays well, and I criticize when they don't. So do most people. When careers get derailed people are going to talk. Wanting people to just give him a bunch of "poor boys" and "hang in there's" is a little bit un-realistic.
You can take my word for it, if Troy Aikman had ruined his career over drugs, no matter what brand, he'd take heat and some of it would be harsh. The man had a stellar reputaton and he gets negative opinions on this forum all the time. I seriously doubt the critics have "all the facts." Should I tell them they can't post? That they shouldn't state their opnion?
I can't do that and I can't imagine why anyone can.
thats7 said:
And for the record I've read most of your posts and I've never considered you a hypocrite or more importantly, a hater.
Good. Then I have done something right. I rooted for this man every bit as hard as I do every single player on the team.
I'll tell you something that will be rejected outright by many. You want to know why his detractors are so "harsh?" Because his supporters are so overly protective. You can do with that what you want. Every time the protests arise it feeds the other side.