Q. Carter - What was it?

thats7 said:
Hos.....Stay tuned. I owe you a response but I'm neck deep right now.
I can't wait. I've heard every imaginable version of why I should keep my mouth shut. Or so I thought. A new version will be refreshing.
Hostile said:
Then specualtion of whether or not Jeff Garcia is gay should be off limits?

You see how tactful that is? IF Jeff is indeed gay and decides to come out of the closet after his career do you think he'll use the word ***? As for off limits..... yes. Is it really any of our business? Will it make or break your lifecycle? Do you find yourself sleepless pondering this dilemma? Point is, compassion and fact. Quincy will probably not use crackhead when it's all said and done.

Hostile said:
I mean unless he came onto someone or they witnessed something there is no way they'd really know.

Who cares. Maybe that's my problem. It's really sweatin' the small stuff. I really don't care what he does as long as we do not start with the f** posts.

Hostile said:
I'm sorry. I just find this whole shut up mentality to be really insulting. The worst part is I don't see the advice being heeded by the very people telling me I need to heed it over 1 guy.

I never have, and never will, ask, much less tell anyone to shut the truth up. Base calims on facts and back them up with as much fevor as we do with the accusation. That is what this all about.

Hostile said:
For all my life I have been critical of players on all teams in many sports. Do I know every single fact about why they fail? Hell no, and personally I do not care to. I saw where someone said the only people spreading those rumors have "hate agendas" to do it and race was brought up.

I read that as well. Dumbfounded. I wouldn't go there or touch that. The race agenda is a complete non-issue thing with me.

Hostile said:
I mentioned a guy I work with who was in a High School baseball camp in my initial post. He did not attend Georgia. He is not a Cowboys fan. He says Q did coke. What race is he? Why does he have an agenda?

I hope your not including what I wrote in association with this comment. Again race is not a factor in my thought process. We're going elsewhere here and I'm not accompanying you.

Hostile said:
It's called overboard. I can't stand the idea of censorship being ordered onto anyone. I may not like everything said about the man, but I'll be damned if I'm going to tell someone they have no right to express their opinion.

I abhorr sensorship. Speak the truth, tell the truth and relay the truth, live the truth etc.. My friends friend doesn't constitute the fact based truth IMO. My gig is, at least use tact and grace if your going to report on second or third hand information. Find the compassion to try and understand what this guy and several others have and are going through. Think of all they lost because they aren't as mentally sound as most. They can't find a way to help themselves and what we have to offer is obviously not working. Would anyone, in your eyes, give up what some of these professional people have for a drug? Your right. No one in their right mind would do that.

Hostile said:
It has always been about special treatment for this guy and it still is. No sir. I draw the line at being a hypocrite.

It should be about special treatment for all the guys.

And for the record I've read most of your posts and I've never considered you a hypocrite or more importantly, a hater.
thats7 said:
You see how tactful that is? IF Jeff is indeed gay and decides to come out of the closet after his career do you think he'll use the word ***? As for off limits..... yes. Is it really any of our business? Will it make or break your lifecycle? Do you find yourself sleepless pondering this dilemma? Point is, compassion and fact. Quincy will probably not use crackhead when it's all said and done.
See, that's exactly the problem. If something comes up on any player, be it rumor, or whatever people are going to talk about it. They are not going to shut up. It has always been that way. It is always going to be that way. Getting panties in a wad over it when it happens just baffles me. Nor do I see anyone saying we should pull back over any other player. Not once, not ever. Do you get the irony of that?

thats7 said:
Who cares. Maybe that's my problem. It's really sweatin' the small stuff. I really don't care what he does as long as we do not start with the f** posts.
That's my point, I don't care.

It seems to me that the over sensitivity is usually about 1 player and 1 player only. I don't see it happening for any other guy. I mentioned the Garcia is gay rumors for only 1 reason. Everybody had an opinion.

thats7 said:
I never have, and never will, ask, much less tell anyone to shut the truth up. Base calims on facts and back them up with as much fevor as we do with the accusation. That is what this all about.
So, until Q openly admits to what drugs he was doing no one should say anything about it?

Sounds exactly like telling me to shut up to me because guess what? The Cowboys and he are not talking and the NFL can't. Until one of them breaks the news it is speculation.

I could give a flying crap what drug he did. I find it really hard to believe that he left the playoffs to go to rehab over weed. If you need to believe that to feel better about yourself, then by all means go ahead. If he needed rehab for weed at that juncture then his problem is every bit as severe as if he was doing coke so what difference does it make?

Let me be real frank, if he was doing booze it would still be just as foolish to me. When people do foolish stuff, or are accused of it, other people are going to talk about it. If you want to live in an antiseptic world where no one discusses the evidence, hard and circumstantial, then I suggest a remote island somewhere over a fan forum.

thats7 said:
I read that as well. Dumbfounded. I wouldn't go there or touch that. The race agenda is a complete non-issue thing with me.
Good, it should be with everyone.

thats7 said:
I hope your not including what I wrote in association with this comment. Again race is not a factor in my thought process. We're going elsewhere here and I'm not accompanying you.
I haven't accused anyone of anything, just pointing out the trend.

thats7 said:
I abhorr sensorship. Speak the truth, tell the truth and relay the truth, live the truth etc.. My friends friend doesn't constitute the fact based truth IMO. My gig is, at least use tact and grace if your going to report on second or third hand information.
Having tact won't change one single thing where it pertains to this player. For some reason he is the defenseless little kitten who needs defnders.

thats7 said:
Find the compassion to try and understand what this guy and several others have and are going through. Think of all they lost because they aren't as mentally sound as most. They can't find a way to help themselves and what we have to offer is obviously not working. Would anyone, in your eyes, give up what some of these professional people have for a drug? Your right. No one in their right mind would do that.
That is exactly my point. I don't give a tinker's damn what he is going through or went through. If people need to see me as lacking in compassion then fine.

All I ask is give me all you have on the football field. I believe he did that. It wasn't good enough, it wasn't nearly good enough. I should be allowed to state that opinion. If others disagree that is their right.

I have never said to someone on the other side of this fence that they needed any extra information to state their opinion. Not once, not ever. Assuming that someone has a personal agenda or lacks presence of mine to think for themselves has never enterred my mind. I do sometimes question their judgment. Last time I checked that was not against any laws.

thats7 said:
It should be about special treatment for all the guys.
Let me explain something to you. Guys who make this kind of money in this kind of spotlight, have already experienced special treatment. In High School. In college. Quite likely from some amazing looking women. The only special treatment they should expect from me is that on game day if they wear a star on their helmet I am pulling for them. That is more than enough.

If that is not enough then they need to wear something pink and frilly instead of pads and helmet.

I give praise when someone plays well, and I criticize when they don't. So do most people. When careers get derailed people are going to talk. Wanting people to just give him a bunch of "poor boys" and "hang in there's" is a little bit un-realistic.

You can take my word for it, if Troy Aikman had ruined his career over drugs, no matter what brand, he'd take heat and some of it would be harsh. The man had a stellar reputaton and he gets negative opinions on this forum all the time. I seriously doubt the critics have "all the facts." Should I tell them they can't post? That they shouldn't state their opnion?

I can't do that and I can't imagine why anyone can.

thats7 said:
And for the record I've read most of your posts and I've never considered you a hypocrite or more importantly, a hater.
Good. Then I have done something right. I rooted for this man every bit as hard as I do every single player on the team.

I'll tell you something that will be rejected outright by many. You want to know why his detractors are so "harsh?" Because his supporters are so overly protective. You can do with that what you want. Every time the protests arise it feeds the other side.
Hostile said:
See, that's exactly the problem. If something comes up on any player, be it rumor, or whatever people are going to talk about it. They are not going to shut up. It has always been that way. It is always going to be that way. Getting panties in a wad over it when it happens just baffles me. Nor do I see anyone saying we should pull back over any other player. Not once, not ever. Do you get the irony of that?

That's my point, I don't care.

It seems to me that the over sensitivity is usually about 1 player and 1 player only. I don't see it happening for any other guy. I mentioned the Garcia is gay rumors for only 1 reason. Everybody had an opinion.

So, until Q openly admits to what drugs he was doing no one should say anything about it?

Sounds exactly like telling me to shut up to me because guess what? The Cowboys and he are not talking and the NFL can't. Until one of them breaks the news it is speculation.

I could give a flying crap what drug he did. I find it really hard to believe that he left the playoffs to go to rehab over weed. If you need to believe that to feel better about yourself, then by all means go ahead. If he needed rehab for weed at that juncture then his problem is every bit as severe as if he was doing coke so what difference does it make?

Let me be real frank, if he was doing booze it would still be just as foolish to me. When people do foolish stuff, or are accused of it, other people are going to talk about it. If you want to live in an antiseptic world where no one discusses the evidence, hard and circumstantial, then I suggest a remote island somewhere over a fan forum.

Good, it should be with everyone.

I haven't accused anyone of anything, just pointing out the trend.

Having tact won't change one single thing where it pertains to this player. For some reason he is the defenseless little kitten who needs defnders.

That is exactly my point. I don't give a tinker's damn what he is going through or went through. If people need to see me as lacking in compassion then fine.

All I ask is give me all you have on the football field. I believe he did that. It wasn't good enough, it wasn't nearly good enough. I should be allowed to state that opinion. If others disagree that is their right.

I have never said to someone on the other side of this fence that they needed any extra information to state their opinion. Not once, not ever. Assuming that someone has a personal agenda or lacks presence of mine to think for themselves has never enterred my mind. I do sometimes question their judgment. Last time I checked that was not against any laws.

Let me explain something to you. Guys who make this kind of money in this kind of spotlight, have already experienced special treatment. In High School. In college. Quite likely from some amazing looking women. The only special treatment they should expect from me is that on game day if they wear a star on their helmet I am pulling for them. That is more than enough.

If that is not enough then they need to wear something pink and frilly instead of pads and helmet.

I give praise when someone plays well, and I criticize when they don't. So do most people. When careers get derailed people are going to talk. Wanting people to just give him a bunch of "poor boys" and "hang in there's" is a little bit un-realistic.

You can take my word for it, if Troy Aikman had ruined his career over drugs, no matter what brand, he'd take heat and some of it would be harsh. The man had a stellar reputaton and he gets negative opinions on this forum all the time. I seriously doubt the critics have "all the facts." Should I tell them they can't post? That they shouldn't state their opnion?

I can't do that and I can't imagine why anyone can.

Good. Then I have done something right. I rooted for this man every bit as hard as I do every single player on the team.

I'll tell you something that will be rejected outright by many. You want to know why his detractors are so "harsh?" Because his supporters are so overly protective. You can do with that what you want. Every time the protests arise it feeds the other side.

Too much work quoting. My point is....No need for the deragatory choice of literary devices. Talking about it is fine.. Stating information as factual when it is not is wrong. I've never defended or promoted QC. He was a "limbo" guy for Dallas in my opinion. Just another time frame when you watch and hope the other team forgets to bring their football and we can't play.
I am not defending QC or his actions. I can't. I don't know what they are!!! I agree with some of the things you've said but I'll stick to my guns by saying I have asked no one to remain quiet on this subject. I'm confused as to where you read this into the thread. You're very compassionate when it comes to this subject......Oops sorry! (hang on to them there panties). I'm not on either side of the fence with Q and his alleged habits but I guess I'm having a hard time conveying that. All i wanted to know was if somebody knew what it was QC was (is obviously) convicted of. What did he do? I'm done I guess.
Unless you're not. Amen brother to the statement in bold.
thats7 said:
Too much work quoting. My point is....No need for the deragatory choice of literary devices. Talking about it is fine.. Stating information as factual when it is not is wrong.
Does that include the people who are here sharing their opinions? Are they any less entitled?

thats7 said:
I've never defended or promoted QC. He was a "limbo" guy for Dallas in my opinion. Just another time frame when you watch and hope the other team forgets to bring their football and we can't play.
My question then becomes, why does it bother you then?

thats7 said:
I am not defending QC or his actions. I can't. I don't know what they are!!! I agree with some of the things you've said but I'll stick to my guns by saying I have asked no one to remain quiet on this subject. I'm confused as to where you read this into the thread.
Perhaps it was this post.

thats7 post #130 of this thread said:
That, my friend, is exactly what I was trying to promote with this post. I do not appreciate poeple degrading another human being without basis. None what so ever. I've heard crackhead and Quincy being used synonomously. Your posts were excellent and conveyed with an unbiased opinion. I'm truly worried with some of the posts and seem to have come to a conclusion that most people need drama in their lives....as long as it belongs to someone else. Quincy Carter was, and always will be a Dallas Cowboy and most here seem only to want to fan the flames of degradation for Dallas using a human being as their tool of choice. The more we abuse the slight of hand with a comment that is an untruth about one of our own, then we cease to be Fans. For some of you folks, beyond football, I'm kinda ashamed we root for the same team. You've gone beyond opinion and use whatever you deem necessary to corraborate your third hand heresy.
I also wanted to really know what it was QC could not live without, to the point that he'd consciously erode himself into oblivion. That alone sorta tells me it's more than illegal substances. Maybe a combination of, but most certainly not solely. I read some good things here from several folks and wished some had as much compassion for their fellow human as they do a football season.
You're ashamed?

You then say it is more than illegal substances in your mind, but tell people that "crackhead" and "Quincy" in the same sentence should not be synonamous.

So, let me get this straight. It is fine for you to come to that conclusion and state it, but no one else?

thats7 said:
You're very compassionate when it comes to this subject......Oops sorry! (hang on to them there panties). I'm not on either side of the fence with Q and his alleged habits but I guess I'm having a hard time conveying that. All i wanted to know was if somebody knew what it was QC was (is obviously) convicted of. What did he do? I'm done I guess.
Unless you're not. Amen brother to the statement in bold.
What I am passionate about is people on here being judged harshly. I truly care about the members of this forum. Too often I see some of them who are good people accused of the worst kind of deviant behavior all because they aren't staunch fans of one particular guy. When I see it, I will comment.

I could care less about bashing a player no longer here. Other than calling him "the Jet" I don't think I bash him at all. I call Hutch "the Bear" so it ought to be equal. I bet it isn't though.

Deion gets bashed here. No one tries to stop it.

Hambrick gets bashed here. No one tries to stop it.

By trying to stop it you're feeding it. Mission Impossible.
Hostile said:
Does that include the people who are here sharing their opinions? Are they any less entitled?

Show me where I said stop writing opinions. Show me where I even remotely came within a country mile of denying someone their entitlement of sharing their opinions..

Thats7 - I,ve never defended or promoted QC. He was a "limbo" guy for Dallas in my opinion. Just another time frame when you watch and hope the other team forgets to bring their football and we can't play.

Hostile said:
My question then becomes, why does it bother you then?

Again....I'm not defending QC. My comment above proves that. It's not let's save Quincy Carter day here. It's the un-factual, uncalled for derrogatory statements used in describing his current state of affairs. Which by the way, again, has not been proved one way or the other.

Hostile said:
You're ashamed?

Yes. That we can be so hateful and devious over something so simple as football, NOT a particular player for the slower folks, but football.

Hostile said:
You then say it is more than illegal substances in your mind, but tell people that "crackhead" and "Quincy" in the same sentence should not be synonamous.

WHAT?? I'm sure theres a point to this in here somewhere. More than illegal substances means it might have something with QC's mental makeup as well. He obviously just can't stop on his own.

Hostile said:
So, let me get this straight. It is fine for you to come to that conclusion and state it, but no one else?

Again. My conclusion has not 1 derrogatory statement to it. There's the difference. Do you get it yet Tiger?

Hostile said:
What I am passionate about is people on here being judged harshly. I truly care about the members of this forum. Too often I see some of them who are good people accused of the worst kind of deviant behavior all because they aren't staunch fans of one particular guy. When I see it, I will comment..

Yep. So passionate about it your judging me. So passionate about it, it's ok to "harshly judge" a professional athlete. Nice try. Accusing who? I never mentioned any names in particular so it's all left to the wind. If the shoe fits kinda gig. The worst kind of deviant behavior? I never accused ANYONE of that. The worst kind? Really? You need to read the newspaper more often.

Hostile said:
I could care less about bashing a player no longer here. Other than calling him "the Jet" I don't think I bash him at all. I call Hutch "the Bear" so it ought to be equal. I bet it isn't though.

I never called you out so I cannot relate to your cute little nicknames for specific players. Why are you trying to defend yourself? The issue now,which thanks to your delusion isn't even close to my original thread, is not the bashing. Bash all you want. Do it with FACTS. Not my friend said BS. Do it with less emphasis on derrogatry terms that are NOT factual. I cannot make it any easier to understand. You changed the topic I can't believe you're lost.

Hostile said:
Deion gets bashed here. No one tries to stop it.

Neither would I.

Hostile said:
Hambrick gets bashed here. No one tries to stop it.

Again...well you should know by now.

Hostile said:
By trying to stop it you're feeding it. Mission Impossible..
The impossible mission here is you deviating from what I say and then trying in vain to make me believe I said something different. You're funny, you.
thats7 said:
Show me where I said stop writing opinions. Show me where I even remotely came within a country mile of denying someone their entitlement of sharing their opinions..
When you say that people shouldn't say anything without knowing all the evidence it says exactly this to me.

thats7 said:
Again....I'm not defending QC. My comment above proves that. It's not let's save Quincy Carter day here. It's the un-factual, uncalled for derrogatory statements used in describing his current state of affairs. Which by the way, again, has not been proved one way or the other.
Yet you said nothing about the derogatory comments directed at the members here who aren't staunch supporters.

thats7 said:
Yes. That we can be so hateful and devious over something so simple as football, NOT a particular player for the slower folks, but football.
Do you really expect everyone on a forum to agree on every subject? I mean my gosh, so you look at it as football and not to be taken as seriously as some folks do. I said it before, the job of someone's conscience was played by an animated grasshopper. Maybe it should bother me that there are people out there who are passionate about football, but it doesn't.

thats7 said:
WHAT?? I'm sure theres a point to this in here somewhere. More than illegal substances means it might have something with QC's mental makeup as well. He obviously just can't stop on his own.
Okay, I'll try and explain it.

You said people should not comment until they know all the facts.

You admit none of us know all the facts.

You then offered a diagnosis that his problem is beyond just drugs.

You know this because?????????

thats7 said:
Again. My conclusion has not 1 derrogatory statement to it. There's the difference. Do you get it yet Tiger?
I never said you were derogatory Sparky. I posted that I do not get the need to censor negative opinions. I don't get it. Truthfully I don't want to get it.

I'm not sure who responded to who first. I just know that the general feeling expressed was that people are too harsh.

thats7 said:
Yep. So passionate about it your judging me. So passionate about it, it's ok to "harshly judge" a professional athlete. Nice try. Accusing who? I never mentioned any names in particular so it's all left to the wind. If the shoe fits kinda gig. The worst kind of deviant behavior? I never accused ANYONE of that. The worst kind? Really? You need to read the newspaper more often.
I'm not sure how I'm judging you but if you feel that way I apologize. All I'm tyring to say is that the negative opinions of him are not going to go away. They're only going to get worse as the defense gets more adamant they should go away. The longer he is away from the team and continues to be a major division point the further those divisions are going to split.

I consider accusing perfect strangers of racism deviant behavior. Not saying you did it, but it was evident here. That's sad.

thats7 said:
I never called you out so I cannot relate to your cute little nicknames for specific players. Why are you trying to defend yourself? The issue now,which thanks to your delusion isn't even close to my original thread, is not the bashing. Bash all you want. Do it with FACTS. Not my friend said BS. Do it with less emphasis on derrogatry terms that are NOT factual. I cannot make it any easier to understand. You changed the topic I can't believe you're lost.
I don't feel called out.

I like my cute little nicknames.

Whether you like it or not speculation is not always rooted in FACTS. Get used to it. This is the real world. Want an example? How many people already assume Michael Jackson is guilty and aren't sitting on his jury? Should everyone who doesn't have FACTS shut up?

It is the same here. Does anyone know he used blow? No. Are there circumstances that lead one to believe he did? Yes. Since it is not known for sure should people shut up? NO!!!!!!!!!!

thats7 said:
The impossible mission here is you deviating from what I say and then trying in vain to make me believe I said something different. You're funny, you.
Order the veal. I'll be here all week.
Hostile said:
When you say that people shouldn't say anything without knowing all the evidence it says exactly this to me.

Yet you said nothing about the derogatory comments directed at the members here who aren't staunch supporters.

Do you really expect everyone on a forum to agree on every subject? I mean my gosh, so you look at it as football and not to be taken as seriously as some folks do. I said it before, the job of someone's conscience was played by an animated grasshopper. Maybe it should bother me that there are people out there who are passionate about football, but it doesn't.

Okay, I'll try and explain it.

You said people should not comment until they know all the facts.

You admit none of us know all the facts.

You then offered a diagnosis that his problem is beyond just drugs.
You know this because?????????

I said MIGHT. As in may be or possibly never said I knew this. Precusor to any statement as to not incriminate one's self with an unknown. More should use it. (IMO of course.)

Hostile said:
I'm not sure who responded to who first. I just know that the general feeling expressed was that people are too harsh.

For the record.....You did. not to fuel a fire from within but I'd swear today was a good day for you to take the 'ol boat out and do some trollin?

Hostile said:
I'm not sure how I'm judging you but if you feel that way I apologize. All I'm tyring to say is that the negative opinions of him are not going to go away. They're only going to get worse as the defense gets more adamant they should go away. The longer he is away from the team and continues to be a major division point the further those divisions are going to split..

No apology needed. I can take it. It's your opinion and it's relayed with grace and intelligence so no problem. I agree with most of this portion.

Hostile said:
I consider accusing perfect strangers of racism deviant behavior. Not saying you did it, but it was evident here. That's sad.

Out of all this I at least know you're a decent human being. You're right it is indeed sad. I'd hoped that wouldn't rear it's ugly head in this thread. Thanks to you, and those that did not, for not doing so.

Hostile said:
I like my cute little nicknames.

So do I. A perfect example of tact. Which is what I've been preaching.

Hostile said:
Order the veal. I'll be here all week.

You know what? We're doing this with no derrogatory statements directed at one another. What's wrong with that? See what I mean. It can be done. That's all I ASK. Not demand. Understand my position now?
What's really weird here....goin' out on a limb, is that you seem like the kind of person I could get along with. You order the veal young man....I'll be taking care of the tip!!!
thats7 said:
I said MIGHT. As in may be or possibly never said I knew this. Precusor to any statement as to not incriminate one's self with an unknown. More should use it. (IMO of course.)

For the record.....You did. not to fuel a fire from within but I'd swear today was a good day for you to take the 'ol boat out and do some trollin?

No apology needed. I can take it. It's your opinion and it's relayed with grace and intelligence so no problem. I agree with most of this portion.

Out of all this I at least know you're a decent human being. You're right it is indeed sad. I'd hoped that wouldn't rear it's ugly head in this thread. Thanks to you, and those that did not, for not doing so.

So do I. A perfect example of tact. Which is what I've been preaching.

You know what? We're doing this with no derrogatory statements directed at one another. What's wrong with that? See what I mean. It can be done. That's all I ASK. Not demand. Understand my position now?
What's really weird here....goin' out on a limb, is that you seem like the kind of person I could get along with. You order the veal young man....I'll be taking care of the tip!!!
I agree, very good debate and I give you a lot of respect for keeping it sane.
Hostile said:
I agree, very good debate and I give you a lot of respect for keeping it sane.

Wait until SilverBear shows up again.
Banned_n_austin said:
Well how many people are killed each year due to marijuana use?


The fact that our government sees them as legal in regards to consumption and possesion of the two, doesn't mean the other still isn't a drug.

One kills people and one does not.

But I won't ever question the government or disagree based on facts. I'll just take their word for it, because a law says it's illegal.

Please produce statistics that say Weed does or does not contibute to deaths. If you can do this, then your point has a certain amount of validity. If you can not, then you have no point. I don't believe these statistics are available because it's not studied.

As for the law, change it. That is really the answer. As it stands now, one is legal, to a point, and one is not. Those are the facts and they can not be disputed.
Please produce statistics that say Weed does or does not contibute to deaths. If you can do this, then your point has a certain amount of validity. If you can not, then you have no point. I don't believe these statistics are available because it's not studied.

As for the law, change it. That is really the answer. As it stands now, one is legal, to a point, and one is not. Those are the facts and they can not be disputed.

Well - I posted some studies yesterday. Apparently, somebody didn't feel they were appropriate. So rather than push the limits here, I'm going to tell you from personal experience and common knowledge that you can't overdose from weed. You can get alcohol poisoning. You could pass a sobriety test on bookoo ganja. You drink a couple of beers and you're going to jail.

Many more deaths are caused by alcohol than weed. That's just a fact.
Banned_n_austin said:
Well - I posted some studies yesterday. Apparently, somebody didn't feel they were appropriate. So rather than push the limits here, I'm going to tell you from personal experience and common knowledge that you can't overdose from weed. You can get alcohol poisoning. You could pass a sobriety test on bookoo ganja. You drink a couple of beers and you're going to jail.

Many more deaths are caused by alcohol than weed. That's just a fact.

Either alters your mind so I don't think that your point is conclusive.

Depending on many things, a person can pass a sobriety test.

I would point out that if you eat to much, a person could kill themselves. I mean, you can almost apply that to anything.

Bottom line BNA is that there are no conclusive studies so you can't really make a unilateral statement on this and say it's fact.

I do believe that Weed should be legalized and taxed. I don't believe it's good for you. If you want to change the law, then you gotta go do it. The laws about alcohole were changed and then changed back. We live in a society and many things are hypocritical in our society, if you ask me. Having said that, it's the majority that carries the day. If you want to change things, then go do it. Until then, you have to live with it no matter how hypocritical it seems.
Either alters your mind so I don't think that your point is conclusive.

Depending on many things, a person can pass a sobriety test.

I would point out that if you eat to much, a person could kill themselves. I mean, you can almost apply that to anything.

Bottom line BNA is that there are no conclusive studies so you can't really make a unilateral statement on this and say it's fact.

I do believe that Weed should be legalized and taxed. I don't believe it's good for you. If you want to change the law, then you gotta go do it. The laws about alcohole were changed and then changed back. We live in a society and many things are hypocritical in our society, if you ask me. Having said that, it's the majority that carries the day. If you want to change things, then go do it. Until then, you have to live with it no matter how hypocritical it seems.

Well, you believe what you believe. I'll believe what I know to be fact - from experience. I'm not quite the party animal I was in my early days, but I know that marijuana alone isn't that harmful ... and of course it's not 'good' for you. It just isn't as bad as alcohol or even tobacco for that matter.

There are studies and I posted them the other day ... I just don't want to push the issue ... and I understand why.

My point is conclusive in that marijuana isn't responsible for even half the deaths that alcohol are ...

Deny, twist, distort, demonize it how ever you want. That is a fact.

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