Q. Carter - What was it?

Banned_n_austin said:
Are you saying alcohol isn't a drug?

The biggest reason is the simplest. Drugs such as cocaine, crack, marijuana, etc. are illegal. That fact alone makes them different.
trickblue said:
I wink as I wish Ben... I know you have a problem with emoticons... but they are important to convey intent as the written word is devoid of emotion and intent...

:yourock: Wink on! ;)

If they are that big of a problem with you... they can be turned off to suit you...

I'll leave them on, they have their place on the forum, but it gets redundant sometimes. That's all I am saying. ;)

Now... you REGULARLY down Henson... and you take shots at him all of the time as "unproven"... yet you champion Dustin Long... I have no problem with Long... if he is good enough... I hope he makes the team...

:confused: I mentioned Long one time as a possibility as a #3 guy. ;)

Your disdain for Henson is unwarranted as you haven't given him a chance is my point... yet you want to give a D-1AA player a chance...

If my next door neighbor had the chance to play QB for my NFL team, would I be obligated to give him a 'chance'? He's played about as much QB as Henson has ... ;)

Your Q-love is in no way hidden from our posters, and therein lies your agenda... Q is gone... get over it... we didn't fail him... he failed us...

This agenda things cracks me up. I want my team to win. I want all of us fans to be able to rub **** in the Eagle, Commanders, Giants noses. I want victory for my TEAM. IMO Henson doesn't give use a good chance there.

Oh...and my love for Q?

Yeah, I liked him alright, but he wasn't anything special and I never claimed him to be great. As soon as he was gone I was shocked for a day or two and then rooted for Vinny and even saw an upside there.

Can't I like one guy and not care for another w/o having an agenda. Your accusations of this is baseless speculation.

This 'agenda' thing is nonsense to me. ;)

While you make a valid point in regards to addictive personalities, Q chose his addictions to be drugs... Roger Staubach also has an addictive personality, he just channels it in different respects...

I too, have an addictive personality. I just hate seeing people spout things that they know absolutely nothing about. I'm not sticking up for QC because I think he was a great QB. It's about being educated on the subject. -i.e.- see D bairs post ... I just have a bone to pick with the high and mighty, my **** doesn't stink crowd. ;)

The difference between many of us here is that although I want individuals to succeed that I like, I am not willing to forgo my "fandom" for a cause... I could care less whether we run a 3-4, 4-3, 46 or 11-0... I just want us to be successful...

I feel the same way. I want us to be successful. That means you and me both, Tricky Icky. I have no 'cause' other than team success and an abundance of victories for the Dallas Cowboys. ;)

I really feel sorry for "fans" that, although enjoying the record we may have, would have a tinge of being PO'ed because their guy wasn't at the helm...

If Henson starts for any reason, I'll root for him. It (him starting) would lead me to believe he did something to deserve it. Though, I consider this highly doubtful and unlikely. It is a small possibility none-the-less. And I, personally, think it wouldn't be good for the team. ;)

If it turns out that I'm wrong, then I am wrong. I just think some fans need a reality check. QB starvation makes people do funny things. :p:

I could give a rat's scrotum as to who starts at QB for us as long as he produces... that's because I am a fan of the team...

I want the best guy out there too. I just don't think it is, or will be Henson any time in the next few years. ;)

While you would enjoy any success that Henson may provide for us as QB... you would be the first to scream "cut him" if he had a bad game...

I'm reasonable enough to give a QB more than one game...but thanks for painting the picture for me. ;)

I am not like that as being a fan of the Cowboys is MUCH bigger than my like for a particular player... the team matters most... always has... always will with me...

Me too - although I do have a serious man-crush on Darren Woodson. That's something Woody's Girl and I have in common. ;)

oh... and... ;)

Are you flirting with me? ;)
big dog cowboy said:
The same? One is legal and one isn't.

Well how many people are killed each year due to marijuana use?


The fact that our government sees them as legal in regards to consumption and possesion of the two, doesn't mean the other still isn't a drug.

One kills people and one does not.

But I won't ever question the government or disagree based on facts. I'll just take their word for it, because a law says it's illegal.
cobra said:
He got in trouble at UGA for cocaine.

Oh, really?? And how long was he suspended??

It was an open secret at UGA that Carter was a cokehead.

"Open secret" being a euphemism for "ugly rumor with no documentation"...

Just like Quincy's problems with marijuana that got him kicked off the Cowboys are now widely assumed to be problems with cocaine...

Sorry, there were NO media reports of cocaine usage, but there WERE media reports of marijuana usage...

There were lots of ugly little rumors spread by a certain bigoted faction among the UGA boosters, those bubbas who didn't take kindly to a black quarterback leading THEIR team...

Till I hear otherwise, I will assume he kept up the habit.

Of course you will-- you WANT to believe that he has a coke habit, even though there is literally no documentation of any such issue...
Alexander said:
As for the hard drugs issue, I have no compassion. None. Sorry.

Which would be fine, even admirable, but for one thing:

You don't have the first freaking clue what Quincy's chemical problems are... given that ignorance, it is beyond arrogant for you to presume to judge him on those issues...

Personally, I'd prefer the company of stoners to the company of narrow-minded, judgemental hypocrites...
silverbear said:
Oh, really?? And how long was he suspended??

"Open secret" being a euphemism for "ugly rumor with no documentation"...

Just like Quincy's problems with marijuana that got him kicked off the Cowboys are now widely assumed to be problems with cocaine...

Sorry, there were NO media reports of cocaine usage, but there WERE media reports of marijuana usage...

There were lots of ugly little rumors spread by a certain bigoted faction among the UGA boosters, those bubbas who didn't take kindly to a black quarterback leading THEIR team...

Of course you will-- you WANT to believe that he has a coke habit, even though there is literally no documentation of any such issue...

I certainly see your point Silverbear... BUT... let me relay a story to you...

I had to attend a meeting in Destin last June (poor me... ;) )

I frequented... with some friends... a local piano bar...

One night a guy got to talking to me... he was obviously the rich type... Rolex... high dollar clothes... etc...

Well he was drunker than Cooter Brown... but he insisted on talking to me... ENDLESSLY...

Come to find out... he was a big-time UGA alum...

I expressed that he must be proud that the Q was playing for us...

He told me... "Proud? I am ashamed... Quincy was a major attitude problem at UGA... he also smokes crack and will end up getting banned in the NFL for substance abuse... mark my words"...

Well... I didn't mark his words... but two short months later, well, he was right...

I wish the Q well... and I hope he overcomes his demons...
thewivil said:
Work with me here. I never said our society promotes drug. Never have I said that or have I alluded to it. I said our society does not promote berating drug users or people with mental illnesses. I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just trying to make my point.

I'm basing my claims about Quincy from what I have read and heard from ESPN.

Quincy Carter's absence from the Jets at the end of the season indicates a setback in his drug rehab and previously undisclosed diagnosis of bipolar disorder, sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen.

He has entered a treatment center to deal with both afflictions, the sources said. Carter previously entered treatment programs in January of 2003 in the Boston area and again in the summer of 2004 at the John Lucas Treatment Center in Houston, Mortensen reported.

That's what I've read, and that's what we've been led to believe. If you choose to believe it or not, that's up to you. But before I start raining down flames on people, I like to know the entire situation.

That, my friend, is exactly what I was trying to promote with this post. I do not appreciate poeple degrading another human being without basis. None what so ever. I've heard crackhead and Quincy being used synonomously. Your posts were excellent and conveyed with an unbiased opinion. I'm truly worried with some of the posts and seem to have come to a conclusion that most people need drama in their lives....as long as it belongs to someone else. Quincy Carter was, and always will be a Dallas Cowboy and most here seem only to want to fan the flames of degradation for Dallas using a human being as their tool of choice. The more we abuse the slight of hand with a comment that is an untruth about one of our own, then we cease to be Fans. For some of you folks, beyond football, I'm kinda ashamed we root for the same team. You've gone beyond opinion and use whatever you deem necessary to corraborate your third hand heresy.
I also wanted to really know what it was QC could not live without, to the point that he'd consciously erode himself into oblivion. That alone sorta tells me it's more than illegal substances. Maybe a combination of, but most certainly not solely. I read some good things here from several folks and wished some had as much compassion for their fellow human as they do a football season.
trickblue said:
I certainly see your point Silverbear... BUT... let me relay a story to you...

I had to attend a meeting in Destin last June (poor me... ;) )

I frequented... with some friends... a local piano bar...

One night a guy got to talking to me... he was obviously the rich type... Rolex... high dollar clothes... etc...

Well he was drunker than Cooter Brown... but he insisted on talking to me... ENDLESSLY...

Come to find out... he was a big-time UGA alum...

I expressed that he must be proud that the Q was playing for us...

He told me... "Proud? I am ashamed... Quincy was a major attitude problem at UGA... he also smokes crack and will end up getting banned in the NFL for substance abuse... mark my words"...

Well... I didn't mark his words... but two short months later, well, he was right...

I wish the Q well... and I hope he overcomes his demons...
i believe you are quoting the alum verbatim, trick.

but unless he was black... i have to wonder whether he wasn't leaning on the narrow-minded stereotypes that are, unfortunately, not peculiar to the aging, wealthy, and white alumnus.

many people are quick to assume that any degree of "usage" of illicit substances must equate to the capacity for, and or, outright certainty of, the usage of substances of the gravest degree.

most old folks have zero experience with, or understanding of the real effects of, the various "illegal drugs". that ignorance tends to cause quite a bit of "lumping" concerning the subject.

my suggestion could also be perceived as guilty of "stereotyping". i suppose it is.

but did this alum ever cite a particular incident?
silverbear said:
Which would be fine, even admirable, but for one thing:

You don't have the first freaking clue what Quincy's chemical problems are... given that ignorance, it is beyond arrogant for you to presume to judge him on those issues...

Personally, I'd prefer the company of stoners to the company of narrow-minded, judgemental hypocrites...

So, you are saying you would prefer this person being the leader of your football team?

I am not judging fellows who partake of the substances. Just if you want to do it, don't be the quarterback of my football team.

Hey, if he simply played better and not like a stoner, I could care less.

But I guess that is too hard for some people to grasp.
Honest question to all. Those who vehemently support QC, what was your stance on him as our QB? Were you in support of him the whole way?

Same question for those who detract? Did you oppose him as the starter?

I will say that I was not in favor of QC. I felt as if he deserved the first year and even struggled with him throw the second but in reality, I thought he should have been replaced by the end of his second year. I never felt as if the mental toughness required to be succesful was there.

QC is gone yet hes not. This should really have ended long ago.
Alexander said:
So, you are saying you would prefer this person being the leader of your football team?

Nope, never said any such thing... if smoking weed is more important to him than being the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, then let him go find a nice bong and curl up in a corner and not bother any of us any more...

But I am past sick of the contemptible innuendo and lies I have read about Quincy ever since the Cowboys drafted him... there has been NO indication whatsoever that Quincy's problems with the league were cocaine-based, the media reports were that he had a problem with marijuana...

Yet the Quincy haters are now quick to dismiss him as a "crackhead"... I just have no use for jerks who twist the truth to fit their own agendas... silly me, if you're gonna attack somebody, I think your attack should be rooted in the TRUTH...

None of that means that I want him back on the team... in fact, there is nothing in anything I've written in this thread that could possibly lead to you to such a bizarre assumption...

I just don't like the jerks who STILL feel the need to lie about Quincy... and when they start their revisionist BS, I WILL be around to cram the truth down their lying throats...

You got a problem with that, it's your problem...
silverbear said:
Nope, never said any such thing... if smoking weed is more important to him than being the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, then let him go find a nice bong and curl up in a corner and not bother any of us any more...

But I am past sick of the contemptible innuendo and lies I have read about Quincy ever since the Cowboys drafted him... there has been NO indication whatsoever that Quincy's problems with the league were cocaine-based, the media reports were that he had a problem with marijuana...

Yet the Quincy haters are now quick to dismiss him as a "crackhead"... I just have no use for jerks who twist the truth to fit their own agendas... silly me, if you're gonna attack somebody, I think your attack should be rooted in the TRUTH...

None of that means that I want him back on the team... in fact, there is nothing in anything I've written in this thread that could possibly lead to you to such a bizarre assumption...

I just don't like the jerks who STILL feel the need to lie about Quincy... and when they start their revisionist BS, I WILL be around to cram the truth down their lying throats...

You got a problem with that, it's your problem...

Right on. The thread was instigated to reveal the truth about QC. However I found out the truth is subject to assumption, driven by hatred, by some folks who just can't help themselves. Kinda figured that would happen. It's really simple.....If you don't KNOW, shaddup!! What's the point of bashing him? To purposefully degrade someone because they didn't live up to one's expectations on a football field is beyond me. I honestly just don't get that.
thats7 said:
Right on. The thread was instigated to reveal the truth about QC. However I found out the truth is subject to assumption, driven by hatred, by some folks who just can't help themselves. Kinda figured that would happen. It's really simple.....If you don't KNOW, shaddup!! What's the point of bashing him? To purposefully degrade someone because they didn't live up to one's expectations on a football field is beyond me. I honestly just don't get that.
Does this advice apply to all players or just him?

silverbear said:
I just don't like the jerks who STILL feel the need to lie about Quincy... and when they start their revisionist BS, I WILL be around to cram the truth down their lying throats...

You got a problem with that, it's your problem...

Who is lying?

He did drugs. He cost the franchise time and energy.

He let his teammates and the fans down.

Is that a lie?

I don't care if he smoked marijuana or snorted cocaine. The facts are clear.

He is the biggest disappointment in team history. But if you want to continue to pine and moan over what a great person he is, be my guest.

And you WILL be around?

Please, brother.

Get a grip. He is gone. He was a waste. Quit tossing off to his memory.
Hostile said:
Does this advice apply to all players or just him?


Well Hos....Good, and better yet, fair question. I realize the thread is football player related....kinda has to be on this particular board and topic, but to me it is really an issue beyond just a player. It's people in general. Label me what you will but I just have a problem with non-factual bashing directed at anyone. Bottom line is nobody knows and we're quick to call him crackhead at the drop of a hat to satisfy.......whatever. I don't know what it would satisfy. Maybe it's a way for some people to not have to deal with it, as opposed brain cramping trying to understand it.
So my answer is..................all people.
thats7 said:
Well Hos....Good, and better yet, fair question. I realize the thread is football player related....kinda has to be on this particular board and topic, but to me it is really an issue beyond just a player. It's people in general. Label me what you will but I just have a problem with non-factual bashing directed at anyone. Bottom line is nobody knows and we're quick to call him crackhead at the drop of a hat to satisfy.......whatever. I don't know what it would satisfy. Maybe it's a way for some people to not have to deal with it, as opposed brain cramping trying to understand it.
So my answer is..................all people.
Then specualtion of whether or not Jeff Garcia is gay should be off limits? I mean unless he came onto someone or they witnessed something there is no way they'd really know.

I'm sorry. I just find this whole shut up mentality to be really insulting. The worst part is I don't see the advice being heeded by the very people telling me I need to heed it over 1 guy.

I am way more critical of guys like Robert Thomas than I ever was of this guy. No one, not one single solitary person anywhere, has ever told me I am out of line or called me a "hater" for it. It isn't just him either. I am critical of players all the time. That criticism never draws the over the top emotion that it does for this one guy. Forgive me, but BS.

For all my life I have been critical of players on all teams in many sports. Do I know every single fact about why they fail? Hell no, and personally I do not care to. I saw where someone said the only people spreading those rumors have "hate agendas" to do it and race was brought up.

I mentioned a guy I work with who was in a High School baseball camp in my initial post. He did not attend Georgia. He is not a Cowboys fan. He says Q did coke. What race is he? Why does he have an agenda?

CowboyNIraq has been one of Q's staunchest defenders on this forum. He said that he met a soldier in Iraq who told him of the drug use. He said this while Q was still the starter by the way. That was a hate agenda? He still supports the guy to this day. See the pre season prediction thread for evidence.

It's called overboard. I can't stand the idea of censorship being ordered onto anyone. I may not like everything said about the man, but I'll be damned if I'm going to tell someone they have no right to express their opinion.

It has always been about special treatment for this guy and it still is. No sir. I draw the line at being a hypocrite.
Hostile said:
Then specualtion of whether or not Jeff Garcia is gay should be off limits? I mean unless he came onto someone or they witnessed something there is no way they'd really know.

I'm sorry. I just find this whole shut up mentality to be really insulting. The worst part is I don't see the advice being heeded by the very people telling me I need to heed it over 1 guy.

I am way more critical of guys like Robert Thomas than I ever was of this guy. No one, not one single solitary person anywhere, has ever told me I am out of line or called me a "hater" for it. It isn't just him either. I am critical of players all the time. That criticism never draws the over the top emotion that it does for this one guy. Forgive me, but BS.

For all my life I have been critical of players on all teams in many sports. Do I know every single fact about why they fail? Hell no, and personally I do not care to. I saw where someone said the only people spreading those rumors have "hate agendas" to do it and race was brought up.

I mentioned a guy I work with who was in a High School baseball camp in my initial post. He did not attend Georgia. He is not a Cowboys fan. He says Q did coke. What race is he? Why does he have an agenda?

CowboyNIraq has been one of Q's staunchest defenders on this forum. He said that he met a soldier in Iraq who told him of the drug use. He said this while Q was still the starter by the way. That was a hate agenda? He still supports the guy to this day. See the pre season prediction thread for evidence.

It's called overboard. I can't stand the idea of censorship being ordered onto anyone. I may not like everything said about the man, but I'll be damned if I'm going to tell someone they have no right to express their opinion.

It has always been about special treatment for this guy and it still is. No sir. I draw the line at being a hypocrite.

Hos.....Stay tuned. I owe you a response but I'm neck deep right now.

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