Q. Carter - What was it?

thewivil said:
I still care about hearing about Quincy because I would really like to see him succeed in this league. He worked his *** off to try to be the best quarterback he could be. Unfortunately, he has a mental illness and got involved in some things he shouldn't have.

All the Cowboys fans who say they don't give a ****e about Quincy should feel ashamed of themselves. This guy wore a star for several years and played his heart out for this team.

You could tell in the photo from Oxnard that Quincy was very upset about what had happened. We shouldn't act like our **** doesn't stink and blast Quincy for making mistakes.

thewivil said:
But if we find out that Quincy is indeed bi-polar, then I don't see why any of us should be so harsh on him. If all his problems stem from an addiction to drugs, then that's another matter entirely.

Not at all. Drug addiction is a disease just like any other disease, Bi-Polar, depression, ADHD...you name it. It's hereditary and can be complicated by other diseases. People are just ignorant on the topic. And I'm not saying this to bash poeple in a derogatory manner. I'm saying that they just don't know.

This is something you're born with - a gene - and if you start using a substance casually, then it can be a roller coaster ride for an addict, where on the other hand, it can be no big deal for another guy.

I do find it funny that some of the same people who claim to be 'moral' about social issues are the same people who are unwilling to lend QC any forgiveness or understanding regarding this serious problem.
Banned_n_austin said:
This is something you're born with - a gene - and if you start using a substance casually, then it can be a roller coaster ride for an addict, where on the other hand, it can be no big deal for another guy.

So, Quincy was a victim of genetics?

Well, that is a new one.
Yet you can't watch a sporting event without seeing a zillion ads for beer.

Or is that not a drug?

So its OK to have a couple of drinks every now and then but it's not OK to smoke a joint every now and then?

I'd say that our society picks the drugs that it condones and the ones they don't.

I'm sorry I keep posting here. :p:

But this is an EXCELLENT post.

Alexander said:
So, Quincy was a victim of genetics?

Well, that is a new one.

If he has a drug addiction, yes. It is a genetical disease...for those who care to be in the know.
kartr said:
It's statements like that that incite the anger of some posters. I believe that everyone has a right to his opinion, but to get pleasure from someone else's difficulties,especially someone who played for the Cowboys and on a Cowboy's forum of all places, these kind of comments are in poor taste and show a lack of humanity. I would not express giddiness or a who cares attitude even if it were someone I truly disliked. Even when I'm fuming mad about some of these Carter-hater posts, I do not wish harm to the people making them.
I honestly don't believe that Drew Henson has the ability to make it as an NFL Qb, because he is so far behind even most College sophmores, but I do not wish him any harm or misfortune. I will be most happy when Henson has left the team to pursue another career and is not wasting our time anymore. I believe that because no one has ever come into the Nfl the way he has and been successful and don't believe that he'll succeed because some just like the way he looks(poster boy),you know,like Brady/Ben Affleck. I want us to draft a QB with unwavering desire to play in the NFL and give him enough time,no what his color or background. Not stereotype someone because of the way they look,speak and all that superficial non-sense like retardation jokes because they're southern black guy with a speech impediment. I would never stoop so low, even concerning Henson.

I feel the same way here. I've said before that I have nothing against Drew Henson as a person. I just feel that Dallas fans are so QB starved they are ready to pounce on any 'prospect' that comes about.
Banned_n_austin said:
I feel the same way here. I've said before that I have nothing against Drew Henson as a person. I just feel that Dallas fans are so QB starved they are ready to pounce on any 'prospect' that comes about.

just as you pounce on Henson, Ben... that pot/kettle thing... ;)
Banned_n_austin said:
If he has a drug addiction, yes. It is a genetical disease...for those who care to be in the know.

So now it goes to a genetic malady that kept Quincy from performing and ultimately led to his demise?

What ever happenned to individual accountability?
thewivil said:
I figured you would have been able to deduce that I wasn't including Thomas, Hutch or Stepnoski.

The entire point I've been trying to make all day is that Quincy could have a serious mental illness and that should be taken into account before people bash him for making poor judgements. If it ever comes to light that he is in perfect mental health, then him doing the drugs is an all-together-different matter. But the fact is we don't know, but I believe people should be given the benefit of the doubt before they are judged.

And I am with you on thinking that Quincy wasn't a very good quarterback. I argued many times with my coworker about Quincy's talent. He thought he could be a Pro Bowl QB, and I always said that he was no better than a second stringer at best. But again, that's neither here nor there.

I wasn't trying to incite any kind of flame war today. I was merely saying that some of us shouldn't be hypocrites. That's all. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to these kinds of situations because I've had close friends who are bipolar and family who have had bouts with drug addiction.

I now know that people here don't take to kindly to being told they are wrong, but then again, neither did Mussolini.
For me it is real easy. Either you can criticize every player or no player. You're telling me I should be ashamed if I ciriticze this guy. I don't see it that way. I never will.

I don't see the passion erupting when any other player is criticized. In fact some of the same people griping about the passion here are every bit as passionate about their opinions of other players.

It just smacks of hypocrisy. Always has.

What happened to 3 years needed to develop a QB? Gone with the smoke.

I'm not surprised. I predicted all the old excuses would suddenly be just that. Anothe example is the baseball thing. Such a doubel standard. Always has been.
kartr said:
Quincy was written off on more than one occasion, first after playing at Georgia for
3 years and immediately coming to the pros with no lay-off. What ever his level
was, he was a football player having played with everyone who was in the 2001 draft and then in 2002 after winning more games than Hutch with fewer chances(7 games to 9) and then a 3rd time when they brought in Henson knowing that people would start to speculate that he was going to be replaced again who looked like the real deal, but who hadn't played in years.
That was the "the Hutch mistake' all over again. In fact, Hutch started more games than Henson in college.
The 'white guys' reference you made refers to the fact that people on this board now and the media earlier on were saying that Henson was the future without having seen him play. What else could they be basing his success on, if not his race? No human being alive can change jobs and start performing at the CEO level, why do you think Henson can. Carter is still being doubted as actually having the capacity do the job he has already done, take a team to the playoffs. Without knowing the Jets offense, he won enough games to get them to the playoffs, while Vinny who did know the offense, couldn't get them there. There's got to be a correlation between Carter being on two teams and going to the playoffs and the teams that didn't have him did not.
And don't tell me about the Jets dumming down their offense for Carter, because the Jets play a conservative offense anyway. Their goal was for Carter to manage the games and get a 'w', not to try and 'show up' Pennington, but strangely enough Santana Moss went from being the 33rd ranked receiver to the 5th ranked receiver while Carter was the starter, Fox Sports even commented on how the Jets offense had suddenly turned explosive since Carter became the starter.

Katr -- your posts make a lot of sense. Let him wallow in his baseless victories and spout nonsense. You know that he knows he has no foundation to what he says when everything he writes contains a :rolleyes: .... EVERYTHING.

I mean, how else is he going to get his point across w/o a :rolleyes:?
Alexander said:
So now it goes to a genetic malady that kept Quincy from performing and ultimately led to his demise?

What ever happenned to individual accountability?

Hostile said:
For me it is real easy. Either you can criticize every player or no player. You're telling me I should be ashamed if I ciriticze this guy. I don't see it that way. I never will.

I don't see the passion erupting when any other player is criticized. In fact some of the same people griping about the passion here are every bit as passionate about their opinions of other players.

It just smacks of hypocrisy. Always has.

What happened to 3 years needed to develop a QB? Gone with the smoke.

I'm not surprised. I predicted all the old excuses would suddenly be just that. Anothe example is the baseball thing. Such a doubel standard. Always has been.


Nothing more to add.

Thank you.
Hostile said:
For me it is real easy. Either you can criticize every player or no player. You're telling me I should be ashamed if I ciriticze this guy. I don't see it that way. I never will.

I don't see the passion erupting when any other player is criticized. In fact some of the same people griping about the passion here are every bit as passionate about their opinions of other players.

It just smacks of hypocrisy. Always has.

What happened to 3 years needed to develop a QB? Gone with the smoke.

I'm not surprised. I predicted all the old excuses would suddenly be just that. Anothe example is the baseball thing. Such a doubel standard. Always has been.

dbair1967 said:
Collins and Griese were alcoholics, not drug heads...also, both have more talent than Q-bonger

You're lack of ability to see that alcohol and drugs are the same thing is ignorant.
trickblue said:
just as you pounce on Henson, Ben... that pot/kettle thing... ;)

I never criticized Henson as a person only as a player - difference.

And Trick, is it necessary for the wink on every single post you make when you think you've got a point?
Alexander said:
So now it goes to a genetic malady that kept Quincy from performing and ultimately led to his demise?

On the field ... no. That's not an excuse, but it is a genetic disease...like it or not.

What ever happenned to individual accountability?

To an extent, I agree with you.
Banned_n_austin said:
You're lack of ability to see that alcohol and drugs are the same thing is ignorant.

How do you figure? Two entirely different animals.
Banned_n_austin said:
I never criticized Henson as a person only as a player - difference.

And Trick, is it necessary for the wink on every single post you make when you think you've got a point?

I wink as I wish Ben... I know you have a problem with emoticons... but they are important to convey intent as the written word is devoid of emotion and intent...

If they are that big of a problem with you... they can be turned off to suit you...

Now... you REGULARLY down Henson... and you take shots at him all of the time as "unproven"... yet you champion Dustin Long... I have no problem with Long... if he is good enough... I hope he makes the team...

Your disdain for Henson is unwarranted as you haven't given him a chance is my point... yet you want to give a D-1AA player a chance...

Your Q-love is in no way hidden from our posters, and therein lies your agenda... Q is gone... get over it... we didn't fail him... he failed us...

While you make a valid point in regards to addictive personalities, Q chose his addictions to be drugs... Roger Staubach also has an addictive personality, he just channels it in different respects...

The difference between many of us here is that although I want individuals to succeed that I like, I am not willing to forgo my "fandom" for a cause... I could care less whether we run a 3-4, 4-3, 46 or 11-0... I just want us to be successful...

I really feel sorry for "fans" that, although enjoying the record we may have, would have a tinge of being PO'ed because their guy wasn't at the helm...

I could give a rat's scrotum as to who starts at QB for us as long as he produces... that's because I am a fan of the team...

While you would enjoy any success that Henson may provide for us as QB... you would be the first to scream "cut him" if he had a bad game...

I am not like that as being a fan of the Cowboys is MUCH bigger than my like for a particular player... the team matters most... always has... always will with me...

oh... and... ;)

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