Question for the native Texans on the board


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Austin is the biggest booming melting pot in the United States

It's got hippies from California, Colorado, and Seattle everywhere.

I put zero stock into it. It's Austin

True but it's still a vital city when it comes to the Cowboys market. There is a reason we had training camp down here for many years. If you own Austin/S.A. then you own the state. Right now I the Cowboys stranglehold on Houston has disappeared when compared to the 90s, DFW TV ratings are down significantly, the Texans brand is growing in Austin. If you add JFF into the mix, we might lose large portions of East Texas as a large portion of the Aggy cult follows JFF to the Texans. Remember two years ago when all of those Baylor fans decided to invade Cowboys Stadium and show their support for RG3? It's going to be 10x worse when we play the Texans next year in Cowboys Stadium. JFF to Houston is not good business for Jerry.


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True but it's still a vital city when it comes to the Cowboys market. There is a reason we had training camp down here for many years. If you own Austin/S.A. then you own the state. Right now I the Cowboys stranglehold on Houston has disappeared when compared to the 90s, DFW TV ratings are down significantly, the Texans brand is growing in Austin. If you add JFF into the mix, we might lose large portions of East Texas as a large portion of the Aggy cult follows JFF to the Texans. Remember two years ago when all of those Baylor fans decided to invade Cowboys Stadium and show their support for RG3? It's going to be 10x worse when we play the Texans next year in Cowboys Stadium. JFF to Houston is not good business for Jerry.

The Texans haven't won anything, like EVER. The city lost it's first professional team to Nashville.

They won two games this season. And nothing is for sure they even draft Manziel, and even if they do, nothing is guaranteed he won't be another David Carr


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Well then they can watch the Texans and when Dallas starts winning they can come back claiming how they always were Cowboy fans, that is what they did in the 90's after a poor 80's. Jerry does not have a problem on his hands he could walk away tomorrow with big bucks in his pocket. I don't always agree with Jerry but winning is important to him not just money. Myself I don't hate Jerry again don't always agree with moves we have made and say it when that happens on moves that have been made that I agree with I state that as well. I also do not think Romo is a broken down QB he is a player who had an injury, welcome to the NFL players get injured. I find it funny Houston was lousy last place in the entire NFL but katy bar the door because they got a ton of fans. They don't have JACK, JJ watts great player outside of that nothing. As many injuries as Dallas had we did not lose 14 games in a row. Houston was billed as a SB contender and went 2-14 yeah a lot to get excited about.

Do you remember 2 years ago when Baylor fans filled up Cowboys Stadium to root for RG3. If you are a native Texan, I do not have to tell you how much worse it's going to be when you combine JFF/Texans/Aggie Cult. You seem to only be focusing on the fickle fans who will switch allegiances. What about the new fans, the young ones who are just now getting into the game or the adults who have had no reason to support professional sports, who do you expect them to choose? Which team is the more attractive choice? Tony Romo w/ a broken back and Jerry Jones or JFF/JJ Watt/competent ownership? The 2-14 means little to me. They were tanking towards the end of the season to get a high pick. Just look at their roster and you see one of the most talented 2-14 teams of all-time. They also have the benefit of playing in a poor division so they'll get things turned around quickly.


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The Texans haven't won anything, like EVER. The city lost it's first professional team to Nashville.

They won one single game this season. And nothing is for sure they even draft Manziel, and even if they do, nothing is guaranteed he won't be another David Carr

I agree. A season with a lot of high expectation came crumbling down in a 2-14 season and 14 game losing streak to end the season. As for Houston I know many Cowboy fans here and I know when you go into sports bars here Cowboy fans pack them in.


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Do you remember 2 years ago when Baylor fans filled up Cowboys Stadium to root for RG3. If you are a native Texan, I do not have to tell you how much worse it's going to be when you combine JFF/Texans/Aggie Cult. You seem to only be focusing on the fickle fans who will switch allegiances. What about the new fans, the young ones who are just now getting into the game or the adults who have had no reason to support professional sports, who do you expect them to choose? Which team is the more attractive choice? Tony Romo w/ a broken back and Jerry Jones or JFF/JJ Watt/competent ownership? The 2-14 means little to me. They were tanking towards the end of the season to get a high pick. Just look at their roster and you see one of the most talented 2-14 teams of all-time. They also have the benefit of playing in a poor division so they'll get things turned around quickly.

Yes was at that game, I am a native Texan. Texan went 2-14 yes they sold a bunch of stuff after the 2012 season and they stunk and you are making them out to be some great team? LOL. Yes they have JJ Watts hell I like him but what has that franchise done? NOTHING As for tanking the season BS no they were not tanking the games. I don't care what idiots in Austin do fact is the Cowboy fan base in Texas and the US is still much greater than the Texans who could not even beat a lousy Jacksonville team. Competent Owner how so? what has he done? Nothing what has that team done? Nothing. Jerry has 3 rings this franchise 5 what has Houston got NOTHING. You blow smoke someone elses backside I know better and living in Houston there is still many Cowboy fans here and it hacks Houston fans off. lol


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Yeah 2-14 teams tend to do that. LOL

I would think you would know there will be a ton of Texans fans taking that short drive to Arlington regardless of either team's record.

There will be a lot of money to be made by Selling those tickets to Houston fans & as we have seen in the past teams that travel well always seem to have tons of support in Jerryville. I base my opinion on the fact it's short commute from Houston to Dallas. Tickets for sale. It all adds up to a lot of red there as Zordon said.

But we'll see. As always we will see. I don't think it'll bother Jerry. Money is money.


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I'm starting to see the Texans logo more and more everyday in this state. Do you think Jerry is concerned what will happened to the balance of fandom in the state if the Texans draft Mr. Charisma, Johnny Manziel? Do you think this keeps him up at night? Jerry has already lost so many young fans who do not want to associate themselves with this loser franchise, is he in danger of losing an entire generation if the cult hero from Aggieland goes to the Texans.

This forum and the opinions here are a small speck in Cowboy Fans. And at that there is a small amount of fans in this forum that think this way. It seems like more because the same ones troll the same rhetoric in every thread thats posted in this forum. I dont see how people say a 8-8 season is ruining the team into the ground. Mismanaged some yes, but ruined no.


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The Texans haven't won anything, like EVER. The city lost it's first professional team to Nashville.

They won two games this season. And nothing is for sure they even draft Manziel, and even if they do, nothing is guaranteed he won't be another David Carr

Yes was at that game, I am a native Texan. Texan went 2-14 yes they sold a bunch of stuff after the 2012 season and they stunk and you are making them out to be some great team? LOL. Yes they have JJ Watts hell I like him but what has that franchise done? NOTHING As for tanking the season BS no they were not tanking the games. I don't care what idiots in Austin do fact is the Cowboy fan base in Texas and the US is still much greater than the Texans who could not even beat a lousy Jacksonville team. Competent Owner how so? what has he done? Nothing what has that team done? Nothing. Jerry has 3 rings this franchise 5 what has Houston got NOTHING. You blow smoke someone elses backside I know better and living in Houston there is still many Cowboy fans here and it hacks Houston fans off. lol

Guys, you're underestimating how big JFF's brand is and how big of a star he is amongst the youth. You're also underestimating how many Aggies live in this state and will follow JFF wherever he goes. I understand their history has no real accomplishments but up until this year Seattle had one Super Bowl appearance in 40 years. Now that franchise is the talk of the NFL. The potential is there for Houston to build a Seattle like team and having that in Jerry's backyard is not good for business, period. They have been a good drafting team for a few years, they now have a young energetic coach from the collegiate ranks much like Pete Carroll, and they might get the charismatic QB similar to Russell Wilson. Houston is not Jacksonville, they potential for a quick turnaround is there.


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Guys, you're underestimating how big JFF's brand is and how big of a star he is amongst the youth. You're also underestimating how many Aggies live in this state and will follow JFF wherever he goes.

You worry about Alien abductions too, don't you? :p

I could really care less about the half rate franchise that is the Texans. They can draft Manziel and add all the wanna be bandwagon fans they want in Texas.

Just like all those Seachicken fans came out of the wood work. They will eventually fade off as well.


Junior College Transfer
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There is no pride in saying one is from Houston or a Texans fan.
Houston is a wasteland. It make Dallas seem like a Europe city. the best thing about Houston is that their flying insects are pretty darn big.


Fire Garrett
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Guys, you're underestimating how big JFF's brand is and how big of a star he is amongst the youth. You're also underestimating how many Aggies live in this state and will follow JFF wherever he goes. I understand their history has no real accomplishments but up until this year Seattle had one Super Bowl appearance in 40 years. Now that franchise is the talk of the NFL. The potential is there for Houston to build a Seattle like team and having that in Jerry's backyard is not good for business, period. They have been a good drafting team for a few years, they now have a young energetic coach from the collegiate ranks much like Pete Carroll, and they might get the charismatic QB similar to Russell Wilson. Houston is not Jacksonville, they potential for a quick turnaround is there.

The Texans are no where close to being the Seattle Seahawks.

I would go into how their roster is one of the most overrated in football but last season proves my point for me. J.J. Watt is a monster but one player doesn't make a team. They've got a ways to go.


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There is no pride in saying one is from Houston or a Texans fan.
Houston is a wasteland. It make Dallas seem like a Europe city. the best thing about Houston is that their flying insects are pretty darn big.

I don't agree but to each his own. Houston is a nice city. It's just so big.


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I would think you would know there will be a ton of Texans fans taking that short drive to Arlington regardless of either team's record.

There will be a lot of money to be made by Selling those tickets to Houston fans & as we have seen in the past teams that travel well always seem to have tons of support in Jerryville. I base my opinion on the fact it's short commute from Houston to Dallas. Tickets for sale. It all adds up to a lot of red there as Zordon said.

But we'll see. As always we will see. I don't think it'll bother Jerry. Money is money.

I expect many will go to the game it is a short drive however Texan fans don't like the Texans right now. You think this place is bad Houston talk radio is not raising SB trophy right now. Yes we had a bad season guess what Houston was much worse.


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Guys, you're underestimating how big JFF's brand is and how big of a star he is amongst the youth. You're also underestimating how many Aggies live in this state and will follow JFF wherever he goes. I understand their history has no real accomplishments but up until this year Seattle had one Super Bowl appearance in 40 years. Now that franchise is the talk of the NFL. The potential is there for Houston to build a Seattle like team and having that in Jerry's backyard is not good for business, period. They have been a good drafting team for a few years, they now have a young energetic coach from the collegiate ranks much like Pete Carroll, and they might get the charismatic QB similar to Russell Wilson. Houston is not Jacksonville, they potential for a quick turnaround is there.

Vince Youngs was bigger, National Championship Johnny Football has not got a championship. He throw off his back foot and while all of that is great in the college ranks it does not mean anything in the NFL he has bad habit that will cost him in the NFL, he loves to run the streets at night and party this crap in the NFL will haunt him. He is a college QB not a fricken HOF'er he has proved nothing. Will their be hype sure but hype fades fast if you don't produce and those loving fans will turn on him as quick as any other QB regadless if he went to Texas A&M or any other college.

As for Dallas their only concern is Dallas not what Houston does


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I agree. I love Dallas football but like living in Houston over Dallas. lol No way would I want to live in the City of Dallas.

I like Houston & I think it has some of the nicer restaurants in the whole country. They do that right big time.

I like Dallas too. It just has a different vibe to it but they both are great cities.


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I like Houston & I think it has some of the nicer restaurants in the whole country. They do that right big time.

I like Dallas too. It just has a different vibe to it but they both are great cities.

I like the ares outside of Dallas just would not want to live in the city of Dallas.


Junior College Transfer
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I did not mean to be so harsh about Houston, but since I am known for The Supreme Truth I had to say it.
Further more, I half proof that the city is evil and home to longshoremens who use foul language.


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There is no pride in saying one is from Houston or a Texans fan.
Houston is a wasteland. It make Dallas seem like a Europe city. the best thing about Houston is that their flying insects are pretty darn big.

I'll agree with you on the Texans fan statement. I love Houston, its a great city to live in. The economy is doing just fine and it is growing like crazy. There are reasons for that.