Quit trying so hard to get TO the ball


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DaBoys4Life;2425479 said:
I wouldn't be surprised I really don't like that guy anymore. We need to get a fullback that can block and catch out of the backfield damn Hillis or Schmidt would have been nice.

Cricket has been woeful this year. Probably part of the reason why we have gone to a full-house backfield with Witten and Bennett blocking....


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aikemirv;2425469 said:
You would think that after the last 3 agmes that a guy who can barely grip the ball would not get a bashing around here. Some people expect perfection around here I guess.

As far as trying to get TO the ball:

T.O is not an ideal reverse runner - period and somebody, I think cRicket completely missed his block on that one or it could have gone for about 10 yards.

I hate that quick pass to T.O., the first one OK, the second one was just crazy.

If I am going to make a point to get him the ball I would try to get Romo out of the pocket. and get TO on an inside out move a little more.

Its not bashing to praise a QB and yet want him to not turn the ball over so much. Granted... last night was what it was... he was injured. So give him a pass.

Agreed on part about TO.
Have to go with plays that are to our advantage. Mismatch. Not a deal where TO has to fight for it. He aint that kind of WR.

Doomsday101;2425471 said:
Tony will never be a Troy Aikman but then there are thing Tony can do that Troy could not do. Tony is who he is shovel passes and all and yes he will throw a pick but he will also come right back and lead his team down the field and score. On the picks he had in this game he was trying to adjust his throws because of the hand injury and he understood that at times these type of passes could happen. Thankfully as the game wore on Romo seemed to improve and looked as if he was adjusting

Agreed and he will never be Tom Brady. Thats part of my point.
I think THAT light bulb has now gone on in his head. Thank goodness.


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YoMick;2425512 said:
Its not bashing to praise a QB and yet want him to not turn the ball over so much. Granted... last night was what it was... he was injured. So give him a pass.

Agreed on part about TO.
Have to go with plays that are to our advantage. Mismatch. Not a deal where TO has to fight for it. He aint that kind of WR.

Agreed and he will never be Tom Brady. Thats part of my point.
I think THAT light bulb has now gone on in his head. Thank goodness.

He is not trying to be Tom Brady there were some things he saw in Brady motion that he has been working on when you listen to Romo he is constantly looking at ways of improving his game even when talking to other QB's or coaches they talk of how Romo really picks their brain. For me I have no issue with Romo, yes he will make mistakes but he does not dwell on them and go into a shell trying to be overly protective of the ball, instead he goes right back at you. Last QB we had with that mindset was Stauback and there was a reason Roger was known as a capt. comeback that was because he also made his share of mistakes but never allowed mistakes to keep him from coming right back at you


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I think that TO doesn't deserve the chances that he's getting this year. We found all sorts of ways to get him the ball yesterday and he did almost nothing with it. Maybe that was due to the attention he got, but he was uncovered on that motion play early in the game, and even though the ball was a half second late getting there, he only gained about 2 yards when he should have gained 10+.

I think he's just getting old. We have to adjust to that.


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superpunk;2425523 said:
I think that TO doesn't deserve the chances that he's getting this year. We found all sorts of ways to get him the ball yesterday and he did almost nothing with it. Maybe that was due to the attention he got, but he was uncovered on that motion play early in the game, and even though the ball was a half second late getting there, he only gained about 2 yards when he should have gained 10+.

I think he's just getting old. We have to adjust to that.

I don't.....


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superpunk;2425523 said:
I think that TO doesn't deserve the chances that he's getting this year. We found all sorts of ways to get him the ball yesterday and he did almost nothing with it. Maybe that was due to the attention he got, but he was uncovered on that motion play early in the game, and even though the ball was a half second late getting there, he only gained about 2 yards when he should have gained 10+.

I think he's just getting old. We have to adjust to that.

That's why we traded 3 picks for RW.....
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Would you have even created this thread if Romo had gotten the ball to TO in stride all those times he was open?? Come on. Who else do we have right now that can stretch the defense like Owens can? When Felix comes back, we'll have another, but right now, getting the ball to Owens is crucial in going vertical.

This opens up the rushing attack by keeping the defense honest. When R. Williams gets more familiar with the offense, & Romo with him, then he will be another long ball threat.

I liked the way Garrett found ways to get Owens open. It's just that Romo made it hard for him to catch several balls by throwing behind him, and that's understandable. I know I couldn't throw a pass with a cast on my hand. Obviously, I do agree that you go somewhere else when he's covered, but this is the first game since the Browns win where I've seen Owens that open that many times. It was great to see.

Once "The Cat" comes back, we need to put him all over the field in all types of formations in order to take advantage of his enormous skills also. Then, with all of our other threats, we will be more formidable than ever.


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Yeah, I guess TO has lost a step... So much so that teams are still doubling and tripling him, adding safety help over the top, while trying to jam him over the line...


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Trying to get TO the ball does not equalTrying to get TO the ball effectively...If Dallas continues with their new approach, TO is gonna be scoring TDs all day long...


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Listening to Troy Aikman on KTCK the other day and he said this notion that TO is double and triple teamed on every play is ridiculous. He gets double teamed some, but he also gets a lot of single coverage. He's just not an elite WR anymore. Maybe Top 15-20, but not someone who you force the ball to at the expense of other players.

And yeah, I would call the fake handoff double reverse to TO "forced".


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InmanRoshi;2425654 said:
Listening to Troy Aikman on KTCK the other day and he said this notion that TO is double and triple teamed on every play is ridiculous.
What does Troy know about reading defenses anyway?


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InmanRoshi;2425654 said:
Listening to Troy Aikman on KTCK the other day and he said this notion that TO is double and triple teamed on every play is ridiculous. He gets double teamed some, but he also gets a lot of single coverage. He's just not an elite WR anymore. Maybe Top 20, but not someone who you force the ball to.

No player gets double or tripled on every play. When they say things like that, they mean a majority of the time. It is called hyperbole. It also doesn't negate the fact that TO is open on single coverage as well. He couldn't be getting the ball for a variety reasons, among them the offensive line not holding up in pass protection, the routes take too long to develop and so on and so forth. Everybody knows that TOs ability lies in his being used in motion and quick slants.What Troy said also doesn't mean that Troy argues that teams don't specifically plan to stop TO in the offense. I'm sure Troy doesn't think TO is not just a top 20 receiver, either. Those are probably your words, and if they are Troy's, than Troy is flat-out wrong.


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Who are all those studs on the Texans and Falcons taking all the double teams away from Roddy White and Andre Johnson?

TO will be lucky to crack 1,000 yards receiving this year. He's ranked in the 30's in receptions and yards. There are a lot of guys ahead of him who have no where near the supporting cast he does. Yeah, sorry, that's not elite.


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Honestly Roy looked a lot better then TO last night if anyone needs to be the focus point on our O it's him and that might give TO more chances to make plays cause it's looking more and more like TO can't do it on his own anymore


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InmanRoshi;2425684 said:
Who are all those studs on the Texans and Falcons taking all the double teams away from Roddy White and Andre Johnson?

And how does that prove your point that teams aren't game-planning against TO? Are they or are they not? If he is not even top-20, then why are they game-planning against him?BTW, have you seen Andre Johnson's numbers the last 3 games, when teams are starting to pay more attention to him? The guy has 3 TDs on the season.. 2 his first two games, and one against Minnesota... He hasn't broken 70 yards in the past 3 games... He had 4 receptions against a weak Colts secondary... TO has 3 more TDs on the season than Andre Johnson, with Brad Johnson playing how many games?I guess Garrett doesn't think TO is a number one receiver as well. That is why he is putting him in motion more and running quick slants...
This, coming from a guy who thinks Mr. Burnt Toast Bradie James is a great player... How many yards did the Commanders get passing on his sorry butt?


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Ren;2425690 said:
Honestly Roy looked a lot better then TO last night if anyone needs to be the focus point on our O it's him and that might give TO more chances to make plays cause it's looking more and more like TO can't do it on his own anymore

TO is prone to one game where he drops a couple of easy passes. He has been doing it his whole career. The fact of the matter is, he was getting open like he has always been doing. He had probably one TD is Romo didn't throw it right to Hall. The second play, Romo threw the ball way too late and the CB hit TO perfectly in the back
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InmanRoshi;2425684 said:
Who are all those studs on the Texans and Falcons taking all the double teams away from Roddy White and Andre Johnson?

TO will be lucky to crack 1,000 yards receiving this year. He's ranked in the 30's in receptions and yards. There are a lot of guys ahead of him who have no where near the supporting cast he does. Yeah, sorry, that's not elite.

You put him back with McFlubb and he is leading the league in receptions.....

Andy Reid got him the ball.... Garrett and all his 'genuis' is still a mere novice in play calling....

Get over your agenda and sip some reality....


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McCordsville Cowboy;2425717 said:
You put him back with McFlubb and he is leading the league in receptions.....

Andy Reid got him the ball.... Garrett and all his 'genuis' is still a mere novice in play calling....

Get over your agenda and sip some reality....

According to this guy, Bradie James is an outstanding MLB and TO isn't a top-20 receiver...
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khiladi;2425723 said:
According to this guy, Bradie James is an outstanding MLB and TO isn't a top-20 receiver...

Bradie James is too unathletic to play MLB at an average level in this league. Sure he can fill but he must be able to cover the flats, the seams and some man.

When he is in coverage... Someone is open.

TO is still the best WR on this team. He just has to be hit in stride and he will make plays.


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McCordsville Cowboy;2425717 said:
You put him back with McFlubb and he is leading the league in receptions.....

Andy Reid got him the ball.... Garrett and all his 'genuis' is still a mere novice in play calling....

Get over your agenda and sip some reality....

Garrett called a good game last night if not for player mistakes and drive killing penalties we probably could have scored more