Quit trying so hard to get TO the ball


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Witten's numbers may have declined, but he's still statistically one of top 2-3 TE's in football.

TO's one of the top 40 WRs. You think I'm a hater, but I'm actually being quite generous when I rank him in the Top 20 compared to where he should objectively be ranke.d


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InmanRoshi;2426464 said:
Witten's numbers may have declined, but he's still statistically one of top 2-3 TE's in football.

TO's one of the top 40 WRs. You think I'm a hater, but I'm actually being quite generous when I rank him in the Top 20 compared to where he should objectively be ranke.d

Keep evading the point..So his play has declined? So what caused this significant decline in play? Has he lost a step? BTW, he won't be one or 2 if he continues this trend. And your only measuring his play in terms of yards. He isn't up there in TDs and first downs for a TE. He had only 2 catches yesterday and missed a wide-open pass...
Has Patrick Crayton lost a step?
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DaBoys4Life;2426438 said:
TO will finish the season with 1300 yards .

He will be lucky to get a 1000 and I am not a TO hater....

The reason being is Romo's pinky. Hopefully it can heal and he wont take the shots on it. If he can hit his WR's in stride, we will win. If he cant, we wont. Its really that simple. I dont trust the D against the Giants but with a healed pinky and a line that can block, we can move it on them.


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I love people say TO was targetted specifically in that game, when he didn't even touch the ball on the last and most crucial drive... They just gave the ball over and over again to Marion Barber...


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McCordsville Cowboy;2426494 said:
He will be lucky to get a 1000 and I am not a TO hater....

The reason being is Romo's pinky. Hopefully it can heal and he wont take the shots on it. If he can hit his WR's in stride, we will win. If he cant, we wont. Its really that simple. I dont trust the D against the Giants but with a healed pinky and a line that can block, we can move it on them.

He going to have 350+ in the next 2 games.


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khiladi;2426498 said:
I love people say TO was targetted specifically in that game, when he didn't even touch the ball on the last and most crucial drive... They just gave the ball over and over again to Marion Barber...
Wait a second.

Are you really surprised that when we needed to kill the clock to end the game that we *gasp* RAN the ball alot (and continued to because it was very successful) instead of passing it? Nevermind. Don't answer that.

This is definitely amazing evidence. We RAN the ball to kill the clock.

It's nuggets like these that make me glad that I rarely agree with anything you say. You've got the football common sense of a wet towel.

Holy ****ing hell. We RAN the ball to kill the clock. This is shocking.


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khiladi;2426483 said:
Keep evading the point..So his play has declined? So what caused this significant decline in play? Has he lost a step? BTW, he won't be one or 2 if he continues this trend. And your only measuring his play in terms of yards. He isn't up there in TDs and first downs for a TE. He had only 2 catches yesterday and missed a wide-open pass...
Has Patrick Crayton lost a step?

Witten "declined" from the #1 TE in in the NFL to a Top 2-3 TE in the NFL.

If TO had a gradual decline in production, like Witten, and dropped from a Top 5 production WR to a Top 15 WR in production ... I might write it off to just bad luck. TO hasn't had a gradual decline in production. He's in the 40's. His production fell off the Grand Canyon with an anvil tied to his ankle.


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InmanRoshi;2426518 said:
Witten "declined" from the #1 TE in in the NFL to a Top 2-3 TE in the NFL.

If TO had a gradual decline in production, like Witten, and dropped from a Top 5 production WR to a Top 15 WR in production ... I might write it off to just bad luck. TO hasn't had a gradual decline in production. He's in the 40's. His production fell off the Grand Canyon with an anvil tied to his ankle.

So the fact that Romo missed 3 games has nothing to do with the possible slip?


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superpunk;2426510 said:
Wait a second.

Are you really surprised that when we needed to kill the clock to end the game that we *gasp* RAN the ball alot instead of passing it? Nevermind. Don't answer that.

This is definitely amazing evidence. We RAN the ball to kill the clock.

It's nuggets like these that make me glad that I rarely agree with anything you say. You've got the football common sense of a wet towel.

Holy ****ing hell. We RAN the ball to kill the clock. This is shocking.

How does that explian in the beginning of the fourth, when they Cowboys were down... 5 plays in a row to Barber...Were they playing to run out the clock...Marion Barber wasn't running out the clock, Marion Barber was the fourth quarter go-to-guy..
You mean, up by only 4, with 6 minutes and 40 seconds to go , teams have their back the focus of 11 of their 13 plays, the only other two being kneel-downs... You mean teams run their back 6 times in a row with that much time left, to simply kill the clock... He was even the guy who caught all the passed...Marion Barber ran 24 times. That was the second highest total all year long.
Now doesn't your sarcastic reponse make you look like an idiot once again...


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DaBoys4Life;2426523 said:
So the fact that Romo missed 3 games has nothing to do with the possible slip?

Maybe if he had been performing well when Romo was playing.

No one questions whether Marvin Harrison is still an elite WR at 36. Of course he's not. It's ridiculous to even argue it, and the production shows he's not. He may not even be one of the Top 50-60 right now.

But it's outlandish for me to suggest TO isn't among the top 5-10 WRs in the league at 34? When he's barely producing among the Top 40? That gets people's panties in a bind? Nope, no homerism and wishful thinking at work here. Look the other way.


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khiladi;2426531 said:
How does that explian in the beginning of the fourth, when they Cowboys were down... 5 plays in a row to Barber...Were they playing to run out the clock...Marion Barber wasn't running out the clock, Marion Barber was the fourth quarter go-to-guy..
You mean, up by only 4, with 6 minutes and 40 seconds to go , teams have their back the focus of 11 of their 13 plays, the only other two being kneel-downs... You mean teams run their back 6 times in a row with that much time left, to simply kill the clock... He was even the guy who caught all the passed...Marion Barber ran 24 times. That was the second highest total all year long.

Are you on dope?


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superpunk;2426541 said:
Are you on dope?

Is that all you could come up with...We were losing in the 4th... We took the lead in the 4th because of Marion Barber... He ran 5 staright times..We were only up 4 with 6 minutes and 30 seconds to go... You don't kill the clock with that much time... Marion Barber ran it six times in a row.. The other 5 plays that weren't a kneel down, Marion Barber touched the ball..Look, your wrong.. TO wasn't the focus of the offense... hell, even in the first quarter, he was thrown to 3 times... One of them, was the INT and he was wide-open and had a step on burnt Toast Hall who is pretty damn fast... One was a quick screen... Jason threw a screen to Roy Williams on that very same series...


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InmanRoshi;2426518 said:
Witten "declined" from the #1 TE in in the NFL to a Top 2-3 TE in the NFL.

If TO had a gradual decline in production, like Witten, and dropped from a Top 5 production WR to a Top 15 WR in production ... I might write it off to just bad luck. TO hasn't had a gradual decline in production. He's in the 40's. His production fell off the Grand Canyon with an anvil tied to his ankle.

Actually, your missing the point... There are other things that declines can be attributed to... Like coaching for instance and horrible OL play, not allowing receivers to get down field..Your evading the point... The only statistic your going by is yardage and even then, his numbers have declined over this year... His numbers have declined dramtaically when it comes to first downs and TDs... So has Patrick Crayton..So is their decline a matter of losing a step or something else?


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McCordsville Cowboy;2426494 said:
He will be lucky to get a 1000 and I am not a TO hater....

The reason being is Romo's pinky. Hopefully it can heal and he wont take the shots on it. If he can hit his WR's in stride, we will win. If he cant, we wont. Its really that simple. I dont trust the D against the Giants but with a healed pinky and a line that can block, we can move it on them.
:laugh2: T.O. had 2 tds including a 70+ yard bomb against philly all in the 1st 20 minutes and still couldn't crack 100 yards. either Owens is declining rapidly or Garrett/Romo aren't doing there jobs. I think it's the latter.
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Rampage;2426568 said:
:laugh2: T.O. had 2 tds including a 70+ yard bomb against philly all in the 1st 20 minutes and still couldn't crack 100 yards. either Owens is declining rapidly or Garrett/Romo aren't doing there jobs. I think it's the latter.

Why people dont see that is perplexing....


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khiladi;2426274 said:
Patrick Crayton had 50 receptions last year and only 27 this year, in ten games. Is he gonna catch 23 receptions in 6 games?I guess he lost a step also...Jason Witten had 69 first downs last year and has only 21 this year, in ten games... I guess Jason Witten is gonna have 48 frst downs in his next six games... Oh, did I mention he had 7 TDS last year while he has only 2 this year... I guess he also lost a step...

Has our offense been on the field the same number of plays this year as last year? Have we ran the ball this year more than last year? Have they been as efficient this year as last year?

Argument full of holes brah.


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superpunk;2426510 said:
Wait a second.

Are you really surprised that when we needed to kill the clock to end the game that we *gasp* RAN the ball alot (and continued to because it was very successful) instead of passing it? Nevermind. Don't answer that.

This is definitely amazing evidence. We RAN the ball to kill the clock.

It's nuggets like these that make me glad that I rarely agree with anything you say. You've got the football common sense of a wet towel.

Holy ****ing hell. We RAN the ball to kill the clock. This is shocking.

yer killing me here:lmao2:

We should have went for points and kept throwing, who cares we have the best closer in the NFL.


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khiladi;2426556 said:
Is that all you could come up with...We were losing in the 4th... We took the lead in the 4th because of Marion Barber... He ran 5 staright times..We were only up 4 with 6 minutes and 30 seconds to go... You don't kill the clock with that much time... Marion Barber ran it six times in a row.. The other 5 plays that weren't a kneel down, Marion Barber touched the ball..Look, your wrong.. TO wasn't the focus of the offense... hell, even in the first quarter, he was thrown to 3 times... One of them, was the INT and he was wide-open and had a step on burnt Toast Hall who is pretty damn fast... One was a quick screen... Jason threw a screen to Roy Williams on that very same series...

Listen to Phillips presser, he explained in detail what they were thinking.
You aren't even close.


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Instead of forcing it to TO we need to just let defenses forget about him as much as they can. All we're doing is forcing it to a player they know we're going to and allowing them to constantly game plan around him. If he was just "one" of the weapons instead of "THE" weapon, teams we play would have a lot more to worry about. Basically we're just making it easier for them.

Though last night with it being Romo's first game back, I can see how he looked that way more. TO is Romo's "bread 'n butter" after all, and has been since he entered into the league as a starting QB.