A wise old cowboy once told me, "Opinions are just like armpits, everybody's got a couple and some of them stink."
There are two wrestling federations or corporations because people have differing opinions. You can think the other guy's stink. He can think yours do. Someone can think all of ours do.
Does it matter?
There are things I do not like about the WWE. I think the Nexus and Corre stuff is hokie. I think John Morrison should be pushed. I think Daniel Bryant sucks.
A lot of dislike for the Miz in this thread, but he is growing on me. I think when he and Morrison were a tag team they had great mike work together. A lot like Christian and Edge used to.
So far there hasn't been anything on TNA that I have liked. I was a huge WCW fan and especially the NWO days and the Horsemen before that. In those days WCW took stars from WWE and WWE took them from WCW too. I don't think they can now. I think if it came down to a war for talent WWE would basically bleed TNA of anyone they wanted.
I just hope they never want Hogan or Jarrett. I've never liked either guy. Not a fan of RVD or the Hardy Boys either. Mr. Anderson, I do like a lot. Angle, I like a lot. Sting remains one of my all time favorites and Ric Flair is the all time best IMO. Their alleged best, AJ Styles, does not impress me at all. Not at all.