"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Aikmaniac;3887321 said:
Would be great if a TLC or ladder match was scheduled.

Wrestlemania back in 2000 had an epic ladder match. Edge/Christian, Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boys, etc. It was unbelievable.

I agree..a match like that would be great. Jeff Hardy in particular shined in those matches.

WWE use to have a PPV devoted solely to TLC every year. Not sure if they still do or not.
zrinkill;3887433 said:
And you enjoy your G rated 50+ year old Champion Sting.

Please.. there's much more of an edge in TNA than there is in the WWE anymore. They've gotten so soft that pathetic gimmicks like the Miz and Del Rio and Morrison are some of the top competitors. There will never be another attitude era.. Orten is the only one left who's damn good and they can't even write up a decent storyline for him because there's no one worth a damn to challange him. Shameus would be my choice, but they have him working as the US Champ now? Unreal.
RoyTheHammer;3887504 said:
Please.. there's much more of an edge in TNA than there is in the WWE anymore.

15 year old wcw storylines are edgy? Since when?
This thread is full of comedy. Thanks guys.

One thing I will never understand is how RVD ever became a star of any kind. He has always sucked.
I'm def not a WWE fanboy, ever since Stone cold, and the Rock departed the WWE has failed at life ("you can't see me" Cena haha loved the Rock's fruity pebbles bit) But the disgrace that TNA puts in a ring is even worse. the WWE rejects that they put in the ring to wrestle is even worse than the WWE. They can't even talk a good talk. And seriously lets think about this the freakin Champion is Sting!? You can't crap on the WWE, when your champion is twice as old as your supposed "target fanbase" and older than the actual fanbase that watches that bloody murder.

But the bottom line is. I'm watching Wrestlemania.

Why, because the Rock is awesome, and TNA has no-one that can "SMEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS ...................................COOKING"

Bam Goodnight
Notice how quiet it is in the arena the entire time he's doing his little kiddy shtick there?


What a joke..
RoyTheHammer;3888353 said:
Notice how quiet it is in the arena the entire time he's doing his little kiddy shtick there?


What a joke..

You must have hearing problems. And while he was doing Rocks move the entire crowd was watching the stage expecting Rock to come out.
Yeagermeister;3888388 said:
Do you blame him? :laugh2:

Nope lol.

Kevin Nash said he new it was over when they would have like 300 people in the stands 5 minutes before the tapings started.
zrinkill;3888366 said:
You must have hearing problems. And while he was doing Rocks move the entire crowd was watching the stage expecting Rock to come out.

Nope.. hearing is great thanks. I mean if you're easily impressed by such petty and pathetic gimmicks, that's great for you. I personally think he's a joke of a performer, that's all. Its embarassing what WWE has become. That's why they have to keep bringing in former stars and celebrity guests every week just to keep their draw.
A wise old cowboy once told me, "Opinions are just like armpits, everybody's got a couple and some of them stink."

There are two wrestling federations or corporations because people have differing opinions. You can think the other guy's stink. He can think yours do. Someone can think all of ours do.

Does it matter?

There are things I do not like about the WWE. I think the Nexus and Corre stuff is hokie. I think John Morrison should be pushed. I think Daniel Bryant sucks.

A lot of dislike for the Miz in this thread, but he is growing on me. I think when he and Morrison were a tag team they had great mike work together. A lot like Christian and Edge used to.

So far there hasn't been anything on TNA that I have liked. I was a huge WCW fan and especially the NWO days and the Horsemen before that. In those days WCW took stars from WWE and WWE took them from WCW too. I don't think they can now. I think if it came down to a war for talent WWE would basically bleed TNA of anyone they wanted.

I just hope they never want Hogan or Jarrett. I've never liked either guy. Not a fan of RVD or the Hardy Boys either. Mr. Anderson, I do like a lot. Angle, I like a lot. Sting remains one of my all time favorites and Ric Flair is the all time best IMO. Their alleged best, AJ Styles, does not impress me at all. Not at all.

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