"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Romo 2 Austin;3885932 said:
No one gets it

I do.

They're complete jokes and there for it's entertaining to laugh at just how stupid they all are.

Romo 2 Austin;3885946 said:
You seem like the perfect person to watch TNA, as what you complain is missing in WWE is what TNA Has.

Which is what? Rehashed, badly I might add, storylines from WCW 12-13 years ago? The storylines were bad then, when they were done in WCW, but TNA has found a way to make them even worse.

Romo 2 Austin;3885973 said:
Shawn is in the best shape of all 3 of them, hopefully he comes back for a program vs a Daniel Bryan in the future, that would be fantastic and Shawn could make him a star.

Shawn could make anyone a star in the ring. The problem for Bryan is that he is boring as hell on the mic. Unless he can improve there he'll never be a major star.

DallasGirl50;3886004 said:
Shawn said he's done wrestling...for some odd reason I believe him even though it's common to "unretire" for so many.

I know he's still doing WWE stuff..I mean that's obvious cause he's on RAW all the time talking about WM..but he does autograph sessions and things like that for them.

He has a really bad back (I am thinking he broke it in a match with Taker of all people in a casket match some years ago)..but Flair had a broken back too and wrestled again for many years.

Maybe he sees how Hogan has fallen apart with his back issues and said no way to that. It'd be great to see him wrestle again.

Tore up some discs in his back actually. If I recall correctly they had to fuse a couple of them together which is why he was out of wrestling for over 4 years. It happened in the 1998 Royal Rumble Casket Match with Taker. So you were right on there.

zrinkill;3886195 said:
What did he complain about missing in WWE do you think TNA has?

Was he complaining about the lack of 60+ year old wrestlers?

Was he complaining about performers trying to work high as a kite?

Was he complaining that he needed more horrible writing and gimmicks?

Does he need more Hogan? Abyss? Sharkboy? The "machine guns"? Curry man?

Does he need more WCW ideas from 15 years ago?

Please explain what TNA has that WWE does not thats a positive thing.

But that's 'edgy' man!

Romo 2 Austin;3886197 said:
talented performers wrestling entertaining matches and storylines not catered to 6 year olds that wear purple.

LMAO! TNA has like 5, tops, talented performers. Entertaining matches? Their latest PPV Main Event, for a belt, last 90 seconds cause one of their 'stars' was too friggen high to do his job.

Yeah being catered to 6 year olds, who were people, but actually show up and do their job every single night of the year is definately worse than having your PPVs Main Event ruined cause your top heel is a friggen moron.

You're so stupid when it comes to TNA it's becoming beyond pathetic at this point.

Romo 2 Austin;3886205 said:
You really are just a blind WWE homer.

(people not over 50 off the top of my head)
AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, RVD, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, Mr Anderson, Crimson, Kaz, James Storm, Robert Roode.

AJ Styles - Great in the ring and one of the top 5 worst people on the mic in the entire business. He's not a great star and shouldn't be the face of any company with his cardboard personality.

Samoa Joe - Yeah what is Joe doing lately? Oh yeah, that's right, being buried and doing absolutely nothing cause TNA needed to make room to push Jeff Hardy, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett. Yeah, some star.

RVD - Over-rated as they come. Another guy whose solid in the ring, at times, and trash on the mic. Not to mention completely unreliable cause of his inability to stay off drugs as well.

Kurt Angle - Agree with you on this one. At least you got one right so far.

Jeff Jarret - Please! This dude sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck. You're telling me the guy who used to use the phrase 'Slap Nuts' is what you're going to tout as great? LOL!

Matt Hardy - AWFUL on the mic and average in the ring. He's probably the only guy in all of TNA worse on the mic than AJ Styles.

Jeff Hardy - Corny as hell on the mic, above average in the ring, and a complete and total waste of space cause he's too stupid to stay out of trouble. Again his last match is indication enough that he's a joke and TNA a bigger joke for continuing to push him.

The Pope - I kind of dig him. I don't think he's a main event star, nor will he be in the future.

Wolfe - LMAO! That dude is awful. His whole thing with Angle when he debuted was just trash. I'm sure he was once amazing on the indy scene but he's terrible now. The guy isn't entertaining at all and he's completely unbelievable as a star.

Mr. Anderson - I do like him. It was a shame he couldn't stay healthy in WWE where they could have pushed him as planned. He'd be a 10x bigger star at this point if he could have been WWE champion rather than a short run as the TNA Trash Champion.

Crimson/Kaz - Both middle of the road guys that would never be belieble as the top guys.

Beer Money - I give you this one as well. I'm a big fan of Beer Money. They're probably the best Tag Team in wrestling right now, and probably the best over the last 5 years. I like them.

Romo 2 Austin;3886228 said:
All of those have name value, and all have more charisma than the idiot Alberto Del joke, and all are better in ring performers than the Miz.


The fact that you even attempt claim that Matt Hardy, AJ Styles, or Wolfe have any real charisma absolutely destroys what was left of the negative credibility you already had.

Romo 2 Austin;3886343 said:
Thats your personal preference, but many "smart" internet fans say all the time that TNA has the more talented roster, just not booked properly at all.

lmao! "Smart" fans. In other words the idiots who listen to the guy at PWinsider and believe him to be the Gospel when it comes to wrestling.

LOL! Please.

zrinkill;3886362 said:
WWE vs TNA head to head.


TNA Impact: The 3/10 show drew a 1.25 cable rating with 1.74 million viewers. The show did a 0.76 rating among males 18-34 and 1.12 rating among males 35-49.

So much for it being the young hip show.

Hmmm...strange how it continues to work out that way. Despite what the 'tna crowd' around here would try to have you believe.


Romo 2 Austin;3886375 said:
Very true on Anderson, WWE missed the boat he could've been their successor to John Cena as was planned. They were getting ready to get behind him in a big way with the year-long build to a wrestlemania match for the title, but he got injured. He's probably the best on the mic in the biz right now

WWE didn't miss the boat on him. They knew he was a star and had that push, you mentioned there, planned for him. The problem for Ken was that during his entire WWE career every time they got ready to give him a major push he'd come up injuried and they'd have to switch things around.

After a while you cut your losses and move onto other people. It's a shame but that's how it goes sometimes.

Hostile;3886411 said:
You did not answer my question.

Hostile;3886421 said:

LMAO! Perfect.

Romo 2 Austin;3886613 said:
May sign them because of the publicity of the WWE machine shoving them down peoples throats the past 6 months, but they wouldn't be main eventers in TNA, neither fits the TNA style at all. The matches are much faster paced, Miz wouldn't keep up at all and Del Joke's stupid smiling would piss off the regular TNA fans. He wouldn't get over.

and don't even say "TNA has people over 50 blah blah blah", WWE sings Booker T and Kevin Nash and people say its a good thing TNA does it and its spun as a bad thing, WWE fans just take whatever their fed and that is why the industry has suffered for so long. They can book crap talents as main eventers and WWE's 5 year old audience accepts it.

WWE had Montel Vontavious Porter, he had the it-factor, the ability in the ring and the charisma to be a legit main eventer. Instead they push idiots like Del Joke and The Miz.

Ummm what exactly have WWE signed Booker T and Kevin Nash to do? Oh yeah. Announce and work behind the scenes. Not to win their world championship.

Romo 2 Austin;3886633 said:
Never heard TNA tried to sign him, and a quick google search shows nothing of the sort.

Miz or Del Joke in TNA would be nothing but a quick month long publicity stunt, cause there crap.

Hogan isn't main eventing nothing, he's a personality. Sting is getting a few month run before he hangs it up, most likely at BFG this year. WWE putting a major focus on Jerry Lawler is praised, showing him "respect", TNA does it with Sting and its looked down upon. Same thing, different scale, Lawler was nothing but a mid-carder in WWE and Sting was one of the biggest draws and names in the industry's history, hes still in great shape and still looks good in the ring. No problem with him being a main eventer, only flaw is his age.

The difference is Lawler wasn't given the belt to run with. Sting was. Lawler had a shot at it that everyone on earth knew he'd never win and it gave Miz some nice heat cause the fan base loves Lawler.

So, yeah, that booking makes a ton more sense than having a 50+ year old, part time at best, wrestler comeback and once again win your world title.

Of course I suppose anything is better than having a drug head, who can't even show up to the PPV shows clean, as your champion.

zrinkill;3886654 said:
It was the setup to the return of JR angle against Cole ...... and used to add some extra heat to the Miz.

He was never gonna get the belt ..... Like Sting and soon Hogan again.

Of course you do not understand any of that.

Mark my words Hogan will be TNA champ before its all said and done.

Yep. He will. That's the Hogan way.

Romo 2 Austin;3886660 said:
and thats not a bad thing, if Hogan wears the belt TNA gets media coverage and highlights on ESPN/Night shows no doubt, and then if a month later Hogan looses it too someone like a AJ Styles or a Desmond Wolfe, it'll be played again on those ESPN and Night shows and TNA will have a homegrown superstar that has media renown, done right giving Hogan a short title reign could be great for the companies long term future as in 1 month he could build a star.


Kid you know nothing about wrestling or wrestling history apparently.

I can count on 1 hand exactly how many young guys Hogan put over in his career. On ONE hand. in over 20 years.

If you think Hogan is going to win the belt just to hand it over to some one, cleanly, and put them over a month later you're more delusional than anyone could have ever thought.

It's more likely that Hogan will get hurt, or leave, or have to retire, or something else and vacate the belt than it is that he'll put over a younger guy.

If he loses it cleanly it will be to someone who doesn't need the rub and then they'll beaten the next month by someone.

Romo 2 Austin;3886662 said:
No, no hes not, not at all. He's more of a joke than anyone in TNA, thats for sure.


From the roster that has Shark Boy, Matt Hardy, and Drug Hardy. Right.

Romo 2 Austin;3886665 said:
You calling Dave Scherer a joke explains just as much, no wonder your blinded by WWE.

You following a moron on an internet site as a guru shows how blinded and ignorant you are. So no difference there really.

Romo 2 Austin;3886677 said:
You read my reasoning? They brought Hogan in to get attention, making Hogan champion would get a TON of attention. If Hogan wins it at say Slammiversery im sure the iMPACT after it draws over a 1.5 rating with the opening segment drawing around a 1.8, 1.9 like his debut angle did. Then say a month later he puts over someone young and makes a new headliner for TNA, whats the harm in that?

Read above. No way that Hogan puts anyone over a month later and no way that he puts over someone young to make them a headliner.

Again you must have missed the Hogan Way Of Doing Business the whole time he's been in the business.

Hostile;3886735 said:
I had no idea who this was, so I looked him up. Hulk Hogan tells one radio host he doesn't even know who it is.


But he's a genius! He's the word! he's the light and the truth! How can this be! Say it ain't so, brother!!!!
Anyone here on a Ultimate Warrior comeback? Or finally a inductee to WWE HOF?
tico;3888639 said:
Anyone here on a Ultimate Warrior comeback? Or finally a inductee to WWE HOF?

Back when I watched wrestling, I don't know who I disliked more...Hogan or the Ultimate warrior...both were way over the top cheesy.
tico;3888639 said:
Anyone here on a Ultimate Warrior comeback? Or finally a inductee to WWE HOF?
He and Savage should both be in the WWE HOF. But will they be? Warrior has been very vocal and visible in his wars against Vince McMahon. They genuinely can't stand each other. There used to be rumors about Savage having an affair with a very young Stephanie McMahon and that has him black balled.
Kurt Angle commented on his arrest

"Angle wrote: "Thank U to my supporters. I was not drunk. I was in ice storm and my car slid into 3 ft of snow median. I called police 4 help. They had other plans. I was stuck and wanted to go to my hotel. I was not passed out drunk. I was co-herent. I'm sorry if I let you down. Don't believe everything You read. My life is good and this is a speed bump in the road. The truth will come out. GOD Bless. I take responsibility for this. My job is to stay clean and never put myself in jeopardy. TMZ blew it out of proportion. After my Hearings, I will give You proper story. GOD Bless. Kurt Angle. I Love You all"

Im inclined to believe Angle.
Romo 2 Austin;3888694 said:
Kurt Angle commented on his arrest

"Angle wrote: "Thank U to my supporters. I was not drunk. I was in ice storm and my car slid into 3 ft of snow median. I called police 4 help. They had other plans. I was stuck and wanted to go to my hotel. I was not passed out drunk. I was co-herent. I'm sorry if I let you down. Don't believe everything You read. My life is good and this is a speed bump in the road. The truth will come out. GOD Bless. I take responsibility for this. My job is to stay clean and never put myself in jeopardy. TMZ blew it out of proportion. After my Hearings, I will give You proper story. GOD Bless. Kurt Angle. I Love You all"

Im inclined to believe Angle.

but would you believe him if he was still in the WWE?
Yeagermeister;3888714 said:
but would you believe him if he was still in the WWE?

I don't have a problem with WWE, I have a problem with who they choose to push. They have talented performers on their roster, and have released some over the past few years yet they push talentless boring performers..
Hostile;3888482 said:
A wise old cowboy once told me, "Opinions are just like armpits, everybody's got a couple and some of them stink."

There are two wrestling federations or corporations because people have differing opinions. You can think the other guy's stink. He can think yours do. Someone can think all of ours do.

Does it matter?

There are things I do not like about the WWE. I think the Nexus and Corre stuff is hokie. I think John Morrison should be pushed. I think Daniel Bryant sucks.

A lot of dislike for the Miz in this thread, but he is growing on me. I think when he and Morrison were a tag team they had great mike work together. A lot like Christian and Edge used to.

So far there hasn't been anything on TNA that I have liked. I was a huge WCW fan and especially the NWO days and the Horsemen before that. In those days WCW took stars from WWE and WWE took them from WCW too. I don't think they can now. I think if it came down to a war for talent WWE would basically bleed TNA of anyone they wanted.

I just hope they never want Hogan or Jarrett. I've never liked either guy. Not a fan of RVD or the Hardy Boys either. Mr. Anderson, I do like a lot. Angle, I like a lot. Sting remains one of my all time favorites and Ric Flair is the all time best IMO. Their alleged best, AJ Styles, does not impress me at all. Not at all.

TNA can not compete monentarily with WWE. Sting is one of my all time favs too. I don't think Flair is the best all time but my opinion is colored by the absolute nonsense he does these days. Angle is a loose cannon as I said in another post but he's an awesome performer. He's probably rehab bound...

I can't see Hogan coming back to WWE but he'll do anything for money. And Jarrett use to be in the WWE years ago.

Nice post. What is it about AJ you don't like? He's not very good on the mic because he gets flustered so easily but I think he's a good wrestler.
DallasGirl50;3888798 said:
TNA can not compete monentarily with WWE. Sting is one of my all time favs too. I don't think Flair is the best all time but my opinion is colored by the absolute nonsense he does these days. Angle is a loose cannon as I said in another post but he's an awesome performer. He's probably rehab bound...

I can't see Hogan coming back to WWE but he'll do anything for money. And Jarrett use to be in the WWE years ago.

Nice post. What is it about AJ you don't like? He's not very good on the mic because he gets flustered so easily but I think he's a good wrestler.

TNA's financial backers, Panda Energy is actually worth a ton more than WWE. AJ has improved on the mic immensely, and is entertaining on he mic. His promos > Miz's promos.
Romo 2 Austin;3888804 said:
TNA's financial backers, Panda Energy is actually worth a ton more than WWE. AJ has improved on the mic immensely, and is entertaining on he mic. His promos > Miz's promos.

Uh ok...TNA looks cheap and badly produced compared to anything WWE puts out. Their whole product looks really cheap.

You really should get over your Miz hate. He's just doing what he's paid to do..create major heat. I see no improvement on AJ's mic work but he's a good wrestler.
DallasGirl50;3888807 said:
Uh ok...TNA looks cheap and badly produced compared to anything WWE puts out. Their whole product looks really cheap.

You really should get over your Miz hate. He's just doing what he's paid to do..create major heat. I see no improvement on AJ's mic work but he's a good wrestler.

Miz should not be a main eventer, and getting laughed at does not = heat.
DallasGirl50;3888807 said:
Uh ok...TNA looks cheap and badly produced compared to anything WWE puts out. Their whole product looks really cheap.

You really should get over your Miz hate. He's just doing what he's paid to do..create major heat. I see no improvement on AJ's mic work but he's a good wrestler.

All this is true.
Romo 2 Austin;3888804 said:
TNA's financial backers, Panda Energy is actually worth a ton more than WWE. AJ has improved on the mic immensely, and is entertaining on he mic. His promos > Miz's promos.

On October 31, 2002, Panda Energy created the limited liability company TNA Entertainment in order to administer TNA. While Jeff Jarrett, the former President of TNA, was appointed Vice President, the majority of other management positions were filled by former Panda executives. Chris Sobol, the Panda Manager of Business Development, was appointed Vice President of Operations, and Frank Dickerson (and later Kevin Day) was appointed chief executive officer, while Dixie Carter was made President.

No wonder they are having so much trouble being a legitimate show...... :laugh2:
Romo 2 Austin;3888810 said:
Miz should not be a main eventer, and getting laughed at does not = heat.

I'm not quite sure where the Miz hate comes from but you're entitled to your opinion....right now Miz is getting massive heat on whatever program he's on and that's to his credit cause like I said that's what he is paid to do. Eventually he'll turn babyface as they all do eventually. I'll leave the WWE booking to Michael Hayes or HHH or whomever is doing it...they have forgotten more wrestling than we will ever know.
DallasGirl50;3888798 said:
TNA can not compete monentarily with WWE. Sting is one of my all time favs too. I don't think Flair is the best all time but my opinion is colored by the absolute nonsense he does these days. Angle is a loose cannon as I said in another post but he's an awesome performer. He's probably rehab bound...

I can't see Hogan coming back to WWE but he'll do anything for money. And Jarrett use to be in the WWE years ago.

Nice post. What is it about AJ you don't like? He's not very good on the mic because he gets flustered so easily but I think he's a good wrestler.
I remember Jarrett in the WWE. He was a guitar wielding clown calling himself Double J.

"That's J E Double F. J A Double R E Double T. Double J haha."

He is beyond boring.

I can't pinpoint what it is about AJ Styles other than he doesn't sell me that he is a winner. There's nothing remarkable about the guy. I feel that he is a far worse push that the Miz. I never would have made a guy like that Champion unless it was one time while he was a face beating the odds. I just don't buy him as a main event guy.

I've seen several of his "great matches" and I see a guy who cannot stand in the shadow of someone like Christian, and I'm not really a fan of his except as a tag partner with Edge.

Edge is one of my favorites btw. I think he is great as a heel or a face. Orton is the one I think is best right now, but in the ring. On the mike, he is okay, but where he shines is in a fight.
DallasGirl50;3888847 said:
I'm not quite sure where the Miz hate comes from but you're entitled to your opinion....right now Miz is getting massive heat on whatever program he's on and that's to his credit cause like I said that's what he is paid to do. Eventually he'll turn babyface as they all do eventually. I'll leave the WWE booking to Michael Hayes or HHH or whomever is doing it...they have forgotten more wrestling than we will ever know.

Funaki would get heat beating down the face of the company 3 weeks in a row, there shoving Miz down people's throughts and people still reject him. Hes garbage.
DallasGirl50;3888847 said:
I'm not quite sure where the Miz hate comes from but you're entitled to your opinion....right now Miz is getting massive heat on whatever program he's on and that's to his credit cause like I said that's what he is paid to do. Eventually he'll turn babyface as they all do eventually. I'll leave the WWE booking to Michael Hayes or HHH or whomever is doing it...they have forgotten more wrestling than we will ever know.
The fans react to Miz. In other words, he is selling.

If R2A were a booker, he'd be pushing Miz too right now. Heels draw money just as much as faces do.
Miz isn't getting much heat imo. If you watch the shows, the crowd doesn't generally have a huge reaction to him. He's a clown. Its got nothing to do with what program he's on either. It has everything to do with the pathetic state of wrestling right now. Until they back off of that PG bs that they started doing, we won't ever see any real edge to the show ever again. I doubt we'll ever see something as intense and crowd drawing as NWO, or DX, or "The Game" or Austin, or the Nation, APA, Road Warriors, or The Outsiders, or New Age Outlaws, etc, etc.. in the WWE again.

All these amazing performers and factions have been replaced with pathetic gimmicks and personalities like Miz, Morrison, Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, etc.. its just sad.

Wrestling has sold out their main fan base to try and draw more interest from all demographics, so hey.. more power to them. Just don't expect me to ever watch it all that much again.

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