"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Hostile;3888865 said:
The fans react to Miz. In other words, he is selling.

If R2A were a booker, he'd be pushing Miz too right now. Heels draw money just as much as faces do.

If I was WWE's booker the main events for Wrestlemania would be Edge as a heel, which he is great at vs Christian as a babyface and John Morrison vs John Cena.

Miz wouldn't be on the wrestlemania card, and Del Joke wouldn't make it on superstars.
Hostile;3888859 said:
I remember Jarrett in the WWE. He was a guitar wielding clown calling himself Double J.

"That's J E Double F. J A Double R E Double T. Double J haha."

He is beyond boring.

I can't pinpoint what it is about AJ Styles other than he doesn't sell me that he is a winner. There's nothing remarkable about the guy. I feel that he is a far worse push that the Miz. I never would have made a guy like that Champion unless it was one time while he was a face beating the odds. I just don't buy him as a main event guy.

I've seen several of his "great matches" and I see a guy who cannot stand in the shadow of someone like Christian, and I'm not really a fan of his except as a tag partner with Edge.

Edge is one of my favorites btw. I think he is great as a heel or a face. Orton is the one I think is best right now, but in the ring. On the mike, he is okay, but where he shines is in a fight.

Jeff is an oldtimer..I use to see him at the Sportatorium so he's been around for ages...he was better on WWE than anything he's done since.

I like Edge too..his injuries have taken alot out of him though and to me his best days are behind him (isn't that the way with all of us really!) but he's been a very good wrestler for alot of years. I will miss it when he does retire and he has said he won't be wrestling for many more years..but they all say that! So who knows?

I agree with you about Orton..he's pretty much the best wrestler right about now. They write for him really well..his feuds are always good and he gets the best out of his opponents. He's fun to watch.
Romo 2 Austin;3888868 said:
If I was WWE's booker the main events for Wrestlemania would be Edge as a heel, which he is great at vs Christian as a babyface and John Morrison vs John Cena.

Miz wouldn't be on the wrestlemania card, and Del Joke wouldn't make it on superstars.

Edge vs Christian would be a horrid WM main event..they have booked it right with Taker/HHH. I like both Edge and Christian but that is a good Smackdown main event and not WM. JMO.

Miz deserves to be on the WM card as does Del Rio. The hate for them both from you I do not get.
RoyTheHammer;3888867 said:
Miz isn't getting much heat imo. If you watch the shows, the crowd doesn't generally have a huge reaction to him. He's a clown. Its got nothing to do with what program he's on either. It has everything to do with the pathetic state of wrestling right now. Until they back off of that PG bs that they started doing, we won't ever see any real edge to the show ever again. I doubt we'll ever see something as intense and crowd drawing as NWO, or DX, or "The Game" or Austin, or the Nation, APA, Road Warriors, or The Outsiders, or New Age Outlaws, etc, etc.. in the WWE again.

All these amazing performers and factions have been replaced with pathetic gimmicks and personalities like Miz, Morrison, Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, etc.. its just sad.

Wrestling has sold out their main fan base to try and draw more interest from all demographics, so hey.. more power to them. Just don't expect me to ever watch it all that much again.

They're always going to do what they believe will draw them money..sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Rock wasn't this huge hit when he first came on; he evolved into all that. Austin wrestled small time in Dallas before he hit it big on WCW and even bigger in WWE. Alot is luck..a guy will get hurt and they'll need somebody to step it up. There are very few guys with gimmicks like Taker that work for years and years and even he has changed it up from time to time.

I think you find the guys that are willing to tough it out..see what works with them and hope they can run with it. Cena bores me to tears with his "every man" stuff but ya know what? I'm one person and he sells and makes massive bucks for them. So what if I don't consider him all that? The majority of fans do and that's all they care about.
DallasGirl50;3888888 said:
Edge vs Christian would be a horrid WM main event..they have booked it right with Taker/HHH. I like both Edge and Christian but that is a good Smackdown main event and not WM. JMO.

Miz deserves to be on the WM card as does Del Rio. The hate for them both from you I do not get.

Their boring.

Edge vs Christian builtup right could headline a WM. Christian has had the potential to be a main eventer for years.
DallasGirl50;3888888 said:
Edge vs Christian would be a horrid WM main event..they have booked it right with Taker/HHH. I like both Edge and Christian but that is a good Smackdown main event and not WM. JMO.

Miz deserves to be on the WM card as does Del Rio. The hate for them both from you I do not get.
You absolutely get it. No bias, just straight talk common sense.
A Wrestlemania without Shawn Michaels is missing something, that being a 5 star in ring performance. I would salivate over a Michaels v. Bryan or a Michaels v. Morrison match.
Romo 2 Austin;3888898 said:
Their boring.

Edge vs Christian builtup right could headline a WM. Christian has had the potential to be a main eventer for years.

Neither HHH or Taker is boring but to each his own. They're working the main event because of their history as wrestlers..the ability of Taker to continue his WM streak...and because they both have been inactive lately but can produce a good match due to their familiarlity with the other and ability to sell the other. The whole "it's the beginning of the end" for one of them is appealing to fans of them..myself included.

Christian is NOT WM main event material...he just isn't and I say that as a fan of his. Edge yea. Christian no....

I would suggest to you that to preserve minutes of your life you can never get back just don't watch WM..don't read about it...don't give them a minute of your time if "their boring."
DallasGirl50;3888916 said:
Neither HHH or Taker is boring but to each his own. They're working the main event because of their history as wrestlers..the ability of Taker to continue his WM streak...and because they both have been inactive lately but can produce a good match due to their familiarlity with the other and ability to sell the other. The whole "it's the beginning of the end" for one of them is appealing to fans of them..myself included.

Christian is NOT WM main event material...he just isn't and I say that as a fan of his. Edge yea. Christian no....

I would suggest to you that to preserve minutes of your life you can never get back just don't watch WM..don't read about it...don't give them a minute of your time if "their boring."

Taker and HhH is good, del joke and miz are Horid.

Christian is main event material, he's got the look, the charisma and he's good in the ring. Deserves it 1000x more than del joke and miz
Hostile;3888899 said:
You absolutely get it. No bias, just straight talk common sense.

Thanks..I've been a "rasslin" fan for years both live and TV and I totally get that just because I don't like a particular wrestler doesn't mean they don't deserve what booking they get..

I wouldn't cross the street to see Hogan wrestle at any point in his career but millions would and did and that's fine.
DallasGirl50;3888918 said:
Thanks..I've been a "rasslin" fan for years both live and TV and I totally get that just because I don't like a particular wrestler doesn't mean they don't deserve what booking they get..

I wouldn't cross the street to see Hogan wrestle at any point in his career but millions would and did and that's fine.
My Mom lived across the street from the great Harley Race. She didn't really know him, but my grandpa did I guess. Everyone says he was a flat out bad mudda.

I lived in Charlotte, NC for a while and I saw Ric Flair a few times. He was every bit the rich man he claimed, but really good to people.

I got to meet Randy Savage at a local radio station here. I spoofed hsi voice for ads for them. I got to spoof him with him critiquing it and he said it was the best he'd ever heard. Dude, was so fun. He absolutely hated Hogan at the time. He was promoting a rap album he did and there was a song about Hogan on it. We asked him who the best was and he said Curt Hennig.

My favorite comment he made though was about doing the movie Spiderman. My DJ buddy asked him what he would remember most. Hear hsi voice in your head as you read this.

"I had me a little carnal knowledge of Kirsten Dunst in her trailer."

One of my favorite wrestling memories was back when Lex Luger was wrestling as 'The Narcissist" and Bobby Heenan was his manager. I had found a website with all of these guys real names and my fried Joe and I had 4th row aisle seats. Luger's real name is Lawrence Pfohl or something like that. So as he's coming down the aisle we're yelling at him, "Larry! Larry! It's Mike and Joe form High Sshool."

He got all excited and said hello. After the match he came by and was like, "what are you guys doing in Arizona?" We told him to say hi to his folks for us. He said he would. All around us people were asking, "you went to school with him?" Nope. We didn't even go to school together. I am sure he was back in the dressing thinking, "who the hell were those idiots?"

We tried the same scam on Taker. He just rolled his eyes back in his head like he does.
I personally find few things more pathetic than grown men who watch wrestling for any reason other than to get insight into the lowest tier of American society. NASCAR and Jerry Springer send the WWE Christmas cards every year thanking them for making their fans look better.

Seriously, wrestling is a phase young boys go through around the time they discover women and R-rated movies. I know adults who still think it's real and try and defend that position, and it's the saddest, most pathetic thing you'll ever see. It makes you wonder how they dress themselves every morning.

I have to give the actual wrestlers and promoters credit though. They have discovered their niche and exploit it brilliantly. Listening to some of them talk off stage about what they think of their fans is pretty damning, though. They know exactly what they're doing.
The30YardSlant;3888946 said:
I personally find few things more pathetic than grown men who watch wrestling for any reason other than to get insight into the lowest tier of American society. NASCAR and Jerry Springer send the WWE Christmas cards every year thanking them for making their fans look better.

Seriously, wrestling is a phase young boys go through around the time they discover women and R-rated movies. I know adults who still think it's real and try and defend that position, and it's the saddest, most pathetic thing you'll ever see. It makes you wonder how they dress themselves every morning.
Thank you. Now go away. Please.

We're enjoying ourselves and are comfortable in our skin.
Hostile;3888959 said:
I asked please.

I was mainly speaking towards the people who still believe it's real and have no issue with the human body continually popping back up after that kind of "beating". They are the pathetic ones.

I think of people who watch it for pure entertainment the same way I think of people who watch Glee and Big Brother. It's just mindless television, but enough peple are into it that it makes it lucrative.There's such a small sample of good TV left that I guess I don't blame them.

The funny thing is that Dwayne Johnson (I refuse to call him "The Rock") is actually a good actor. Some of his movies are pretty good and he is a showman. I think it's a damn shame that somebody like that feels like hew has to be defined by his wrestling persona when he could be so much more.
Hostile;3888945 said:
My Mom lived across the street from the great Harley Race. She didn't really know him, but my grandpa did I guess. Everyone says he was a flat out bad mudda.

I lived in Charlotte, NC for a while and I saw Ric Flair a few times. He was every bit the rich man he claimed, but really good to people.

I got to meet Randy Savage at a local radio station here. I spoofed hsi voice for ads for them. I got to spoof him with him critiquing it and he said it was the best he'd ever heard. Dude, was so fun. He absolutely hated Hogan at the time. He was promoting a rap album he did and there was a song about Hogan on it. We asked him who the best was and he said Curt Hennig.

My favorite comment he made though was about doing the movie Spiderman. My DJ buddy asked him what he would remember most. Hear hsi voice in your head as you read this.

"I had me a little carnal knowledge of Kirsten Dunst in her trailer."

One of my favorite wrestling memories was back when Lex Luger was wrestling as 'The Narcissist" and Bobby Heenan was his manager. I had found a website with all of these guys real names and my fried Joe and I had 4th row aisle seats. Luger's real name is Lawrence Pfohl or something like that. So as he's coming down the aisle we're yelling at him, "Larry! Larry! It's Mike and Joe form High Sshool."

He got all excited and said hello. After the match he came by and was like, "what are you guys doing in Arizona?" We told him to say hi to his folks for us. He said he would. All around us people were asking, "you went to school with him?" Nope. We didn't even go to school together. I am sure he was back in the dressing thinking, "who the hell were those idiots?"

We tried the same scam on Taker. He just rolled his eyes back in his head like he does.

Love your stories...Harley Race is in one of the vignettes on RAW or SD showing different guys talking about the Taker/HHH WM match...he looks great! He always was a tough guy..

Savage was one of my favorites...love that story.

That's funny (and mean!) about Lex..I just read about him the other day. He is a born again Christian and seems to be getting his life in order. He has had so many problems..self induced no doubt...but I am glad he's come out on the other side. My favorite Lugar stuff was when he was in WCW. I never cared for him much in WWE. His stuff with Sting in WCW is classic to me and what I remember of him.

My uncle had a limo service in Houston and always drove Ric Flair around..got his autograph for me....he has nothing but great things to say about Ric as a person..very nice man and he was very good to whoever came up to him. My uncle also drove Big Show around and loved him too...he would make him stop at fast food places for "snacks" or 7 11 or wherever. He said he never stopped eating! :) And was a very nice guy.

Sad about Mr. Perfect. That guy had so much potential and was awesome. I never saw him wrestle live but he was the real deal. It makes me sick that he died so young. He got more heat from the fans than almost anybody and you could tell he really loved his gimmick. He was special.
The30YardSlant;3888969 said:
I was mainly speaking towards the people who still believe it's real and have no issue with the human body continually popping back up after that kind of "beating". They are the pathetic ones.

I think of people who watch it for pure entertainment the same way I think of people who watch Glee and Big Brother. It's just mindless television, but enough peple are into it that it makes it lucrative.There's such a small sample of good TV left that I guess I don't blame them.

The funny thing is that Dwayne Johnson (I refuse to call him "The Rock") is actually a good actor. Some of his movies are pretty good and he is a showman. I think it's a damn shame that somebody like that feels like hew has to be defined by his wrestling persona when he could be so much more.

I'm a huge wrestling fan (obviously..even though it seems you seem to feel my IQ is lower just by being so) and I know NOBODY that doesn't know it is staged and as advertised "sports entertainment." They "rehearse" all their big matches..give each other feedback as they wrestle and it is what it is. With all that being so it is a fun thing to watch..moreso in person..there are some fantastic athletes in wrestling. The Rock would be the total package..a gifted performer in and out of the ring. He is a smart smart man when it comes to packaging himself and his career.
Romo 2 Austin;3888868 said:
If I was WWE's booker the main events for Wrestlemania would be Edge as a heel, which he is great at vs Christian as a babyface and John Morrison vs John Cena.

Miz wouldn't be on the wrestlemania card, and Del Joke wouldn't make it on superstars.


Vince's Wrestlemania card > R2A Wrestlemania card

It's not even close.
Hostile;3888945 said:
My Mom lived across the street from the great Harley Race. She didn't really know him, but my grandpa did I guess. Everyone says he was a flat out bad mudda.

You are talking about my neck of the woods now. He was born just north of KC and wrestled in the NWA and the Central States area. Boy those were the days.

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