"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Hostile;3849288 said:
I don't see anything unique about him in the ring as far as athletic ability that I haven't seen from 2 dozen other guys just like him.

One of my favorite guys on the mic was Ravishing Rick Rude. The guy was a genius. Then in the ring he looked the part and delivered. He could never do the fancy flying around stuff, and he didn't need to.

I don't remember Rude as ever being anything but a heel and at that he was superb...he was epic on WCW with Sting and all those guys.

Sad that guys like him and Mr. Perfect died so young.
Romo 2 Austin;3848570 said:
Even that bored me, WWE is dead, them blocking out Rock saying "***" just shows how sad the product is in comparison to TNA

And you continuing to post junk like this shows how ignorant and completely moronic your thoughts are.

TNA is nothing more than WCW lite. It's worse, most of the time, then the dying days of WCW. Fortune and Immortal...where have I seen that before...oh yeah. nWo and 4 Horseman...or Millionaires Club and New Blood. The EXACT same junk that killed WcW.

And now one of the 'big' storylines in TNA is Angle and Jarrett feuding over Karen Angle. Where have I seen that...oh yeah the 10 million Macho Man vs. Anyone over Miss Elizabeth stuff in the 80's and 90's. Yeah really cutting edge stuff there.

TNA is, was, and will forever be a completely crap company that will NEVER be even a remotely serious contender to the WWE. It won't even get close. Never has. Never will.

Romo 2 Austin;3848589 said:
The woman wear less clothes, there is more blood and their is cursing, better wrestling. TNA is honestly better than it was when people checked in last year, it just has a bad stigma/stink attached to it because of the despicable stuff they aired last year at this time. Now its changed, AJ Styles is the best complete performer in the industry under 35 now.

Just last year? Try every year since they started the place. It's crap. It's had it's very very very brief moments where it's done something solid but for the most part it's been nothing but junk. Either it was Jeff Jarrett's personal ego trip or WCW lite. It's all it's ever been.

And AJ Styles is not, and never will be, the best complete performer cause he's still terrible on the mic. Absolutely awful.

His promo he cut recently where they 'turned' on Immortal was so brutal to listen to it made me want to cry. It was terrible. And Eric Bishoff going out there and just cursing, for the sake of cursing? That's entertaining? His cursing, and put downs, were pathetic. They made him seem like a moronic high school kid who had no idea what he was doing.

Oh...now I get the love of it for you.

Hostile;3848638 said:
Not one word of this I am going to give an ounce of weight to.

As you shouldn't. It's beyond belief how ignorant it is.

zrinkill;3848877 said:
You mean like A.J. Styles?

He was a Jober in WWE.

No mic skills.

Never had them and never will have them.

He's like the Vin Diesel of cardboard personality in wrestling.

zrinkill;3848916 said:
Here are some recent WWE & TNA TV ratings courtesy of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

-- TNA iMPACT! on 1/28 drew a final 1.4 cable rating (rounded up from a 1.38) with 1.87 million viewers. The overall rating was a Thursday record for the show on Spike TV. The show did a 1.01 in males 18-34 and 1.31 in males 35-49.

-- WWE Monday Night RAW on 1/25 drew a final 3.6 cable rating (rounded up from a 3.59) with 5.14 million viewers. The show did a 2.99 in males 18-49.

And here is this weeks figures.

The 2/10 TNA Impact drew a 1.2 cable rating with 1.7 million viewers.

Mondays Raw did a 3.14 cable rating on Valentine's Day with 4.8 million viewers


OUCH. Sucks when you get slapped in the face with reality. Has TNA ever even drawn a 2.0 cable rating? I'm not sure that I've ever even seen them do it once, let alone do it on a regular basis.

That 1.2 rating is about what people have been showing them drawing for a couple of years now. Meaning during this time of being supposed 'much improved' they still can't draw worth a piss.

Romo 2 Austin;3849056 said:
Wasn't in wwe

Wrong. Try again.

Hostile;3849078 said:
A. J. Styles wasn't?

Oh yes he was, back when it was WWF. And zrinkill is right, he was a jobber, a ham and egger, a nobody.


I love how he made every ignorant attempt to act like he wasn't though. It was quite entertaining.

Actually much more entertaining than AJ Styles has ever been on the mic.

zrinkill;3849090 said:

Where did you get this newest bullcrap from?

His ***.

Romo 2 Austin;3849095 said:
The audience is younger? Looking around in school, people aren't ashamed to wear TNA clothes as they would be WWE. TNA is considered "cool".


That's why I hardly ever see any TNA clothing around my hometown on anyone. You're so full of complete crap it must actually be painful.

Most places around here won't even carry TNA junk cause they can't get rid of it when they do.
TNA sells t-shirts? Oh boy I'm gonna go buy me a Rhino one right now :rolleyes:

I can't remember ever seeing someone wearing TNA gear and I live in the city Jeff Jarrett got his start in wrestling.
Do you feel the need to defend TNA?
Do you feel the need to defend WWE?
Do you feel you are winning and internet argument over staged performances?
Do you feel it makes you feel better?

Do you...



It really is funny seeing so many argue about this topic. At least R2A has an excuse of being a kid or young guy.
BrAinPaiNt;3852874 said:
Do you feel the need to defend TNA?
Do you feel the need to defend WWE?
Do you feel you are winning and internet argument over staged performances?
Do you feel it makes you feel better?

Do you...



It really is funny seeing so many argue about this topic. At least R2A has an excuse of being a kid or young guy.

R2A is gonna layeth the smackith down on your rooty poo candy arse
BrAinPaiNt;3852874 said:
Do you feel the need to defend TNA?
Do you feel the need to defend WWE?
Do you feel you are winning and internet argument over staged performances?
Do you feel it makes you feel better?

Do you...


It really is funny seeing so many argue about this topic. At least R2A has an excuse of being a kid or young guy.
I smell what you are cooking.

(raises eyebrow)
I read that Cena is supposed to "respond" tonight on Raw. Wonder if The Rock shows up or they hold him until Wrestlemania.
Just my two cents into the argument.

Growing up i loved the attitude era of the WWF/WWE. DX, the Nation, Austin, Rock, XPac, etc..

I also loved WCW and during the Monday Night Wars i was usually watching both promotions, although i usually spent more time watching Nitro and Goldberg and the NWO. Hall and Nash were two of my favorite guys of all time and WCW was actually beating out the WWE in the ratings for a time. They had a very good product, as did the WWE.

As for now, I absolutely can not stand the WWE anymore. Its like Vince has lost all ability to create new and exciting personalities. Its complete garbage. The only new personalities i can even watch are Shameus and Jack Swagger. All the old draws like HHH and Orten are surrounded by garbage. I mean the Miz as Champion? Embarassing to say the least. Its been a terrible promotion for years, keeping itself afloat by mainstream marketing, special guest appearences, and little else.

TNA is a brand i got into after hearing that Hall and Nash were going to reform the NWO there. I had been watching it a little now and then before that when the New Age Outlaws and some other old WWE guys were on there, and the Main Event Mafia angle was another i enjoyed. They have some good talent there with Angle, Steiner, Samoa Joe, Styles, etc..

It was definately a better product than the WWE for the past few years, and i still love watching Angle, but the company is plagued with bad booking and not being able to use their talent effectively. I do believe they have more intriguing personalities and better wrestlers than the WWE right now (save for a few guys), but they just don't know how to use them at all.

Consequently, my interest in wrestling has faded to the point where i watch Raw and Impact only on occasion when there's nothing else going on on those nights. I definately can't get into it like i used to though.
RoyTheHammer;3869538 said:
It was definately a better product than the WWE for the past few years

No its not ........... not even close.
I have to laugh but it only proves how lame TNA can be. I didn't see it but read that they had a little promo on Sting that totally ripped off the same one the WWE used to promote Taker's return.

As I stated before one organization spends a ton of money and it shows...the other looks like they are in a high school gym and most of the wrestlers on there are just ex-WWE guys.

Have to say I do like Angle and I've always liked Sting. I hope Angle comes back to the WWE. Sting is on his last legs..he's 50 I think. Can't have too much left in the tank!

Flair is embarrassingly bad now.
A series of questions.

How many ex-WWE guys are top guys in TNA?

How many ex-WWE guys are ham and eggers in TNA?

How many ex-TNA guys are top guys in WWE?

How many ex-TNA guys are ham and eggers in WWE?

If WWE and TNA were offering a free agent wrestler the same money where would he be most likely to sign?
Just a side note: the return of The Rock, HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin really brings back the memories of the good old days.
big dog cowboy;3869884 said:
Just a side note: the return of The Rock, HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin really brings back the memories of the good old days.

Agreed...and just in time for WM all three have new tshirts which will probably sell tons. I saw alot of people with Rock's "I bring it" shirt on already. Vince never misses an opportunity to make a few bucks.
big dog cowboy;3869884 said:
Just a side note: the return of The Rock, HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin really brings back the memories of the good old days.

Yea, its a shame they all can't come back for good. The product has been terrible lately.

Brought back old memories though like you said.
zrinkill;3869638 said:
No its not ........... not even close.

You're welcome to your opinion, but from your ramblings in this thread it seems to me you haven't watched a whole lot of TNA to be able to make a reasonable comparison.

Having watched both programs, i've been more interested in TNA. Just one man's opinion, but i think the personalities and the bookings have been garbage in the WWE for awhile now. They can't develop new talent anymore.

Where are the big rivalries? The controversial storylines? Who are the big draws?

I'll take the talent at TNA over that in the WWE anyday, save for a few guys like HHH, Orten, Shameus.

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