"If" scenario - who gets cut?

Banned_n_austin said:
I guess you haven't read as many posters as I have comparing him to Aikman and Staubach ... :eek::

All I'm asking is to know when you've got a good hand and when you should fold or at least not bet all your chips on a Joker ...

Some of these homers get a 2 7 off-suit and play it like they've got a pair of aces ...

So yeah ... know when to hold 'em ... know when to fold 'em ...

You're not as slow as I once thought ... coming along quite nice actually ...

Props ...

Oh, I'm much, MUCH slower than that. :)

I've read where fans compared Hogeboom to Staubach and Carter to Aikman. It's silly t-a-l-k.

If there are posters here comparing Henson, who hasn't played enough minutes to be compared with anybody, to Aikman or Staubach, that's silly t-a-l-k.

You or I aren't excluded from submitting silly talk on this forum. Still, there is a difference between offering silly talk about a Cowboys player and plastering a denegrating, purposely nonhumorous, illustration about a Cowboys player. It's an example worthy of non-Cowboy fans--not that of a Cowboy fan such as yourself.

But carry on. Maybe it'll inspire other pro-Henson posters to make card effigies of Bledsoe or Romo.

Nah. They probably remember they're Cowboy players. What was I thinking? :doh:
Well Banned you were the one getting your nose out of joint over a rebuttal to your veiled what if.

But the issue for me is this. The guy has potential. That and 2.50 will get you a gallon of gas.

However, weighing all things, how can you make an intelligent decision on Henson after one full season and a couple of off-seasons?

That seems to be a question you avoid.

Because Aikman looked crappy after the same amount of time.

No comparison. Just stating that you don't always know after this short of a stint when it is a quarterback.

You decree he can't beat out Romo. But when offered the FACT that he did last season, you slip into the what if game. You skew the question where the only answer is an agreement with your position.

I see political parties operate this way.

They piss me off because they think I am too stupid to "get it."

I am not.

So your questions are predicated on a specific answer you wish the respondant to give.

So let's play.

What if Henson is video taped shooting heroin and screwing a crack ho?

What if Henson joins the Al Qaida and plants a bomb in a government building.

What if Henson has a 666 somewhere in his scalp and is the Anti-Christ?

Should we cut him? Just outright release this guy?

I mean, question three would make him a candidate for a trade with Al Davis. Because if he truly had the 666 he would be Davis' son.

Satan Jr.


What if he takes an extra year or so to put it all together?

What if, after putting it all together, he ends up being the next great one for this team?

Would you change your sig line to Henson's biatch?

See how absurd your questions are when you desire only one answer?

Vegas gives 8-5 you don't.
da_whiz_kid said:
We're trading for Matt Schaub (atlanta wouldn't do it), not because of today's performance, this guys just good.........

Matt Schaub would be a terrific pickup, and you're right, Atlanta wouldn't do it... not if they have a lick of sense...

I believe that Schaub has the talent to start in the NFL... I watched him play quite a few games in his college career, what with UVa being about an hour and a half from my front door... they're on the tube a lot in my neck of the woods, along with VaTech...
Outlaw Heroes said:
Look, I don't pretend not have a dog in this race. I'm an unabashed Henson supporter. I think he has the pedigree and star potential to be the next in a string of marquee QBs which has served as the foundation of this great franchise (though I admit that lately it's been difficult to justify that view). Others needn't share that view. But to go out of their way to constantly rub the noses of those of us who do hold that view in unreflective crap is both beyond provocative and, I dare say, contrary to the spirit of what it means to be a fan.

Believe it or not, I can say this briefly:

I understood the passion of the Quincy versus Hutch debate, but why in God's name would anybody get worked up over Romo versus Henson?? How can you root against either guy??

FWIW, I'm an "unabashed Henson supporter" too... and yeah, I'm a little disappointed in his performance in camp so far... not disappointed enough to give up on him yet, though...

I like Romo too... he ain't pretty, but he does seem to move his team...
Parcels said he wanted to keep both Romo and Henson for back-ups and said he doesn't want to bring anyone else in.
TwoDeep3 said:
Well Banned you were the one getting your nose out of joint over a rebuttal to your veiled what if.

But the issue for me is this. The guy has potential. That and 2.50 will get you a gallon of gas.

However, weighing all things, how can you make an intelligent decision on Henson after one full season and a couple of off-seasons?

That seems to be a question you avoid.

Because Aikman looked crappy after the same amount of time.

No comparison. Just stating that you don't always know after this short of a stint when it is a quarterback.

You decree he can't beat out Romo. But when offered the FACT that he did last season, you slip into the what if game. You skew the question where the only answer is an agreement with your position.

I see political parties operate this way.

They piss me off because they think I am too stupid to "get it."

I am not.

So your questions are predicated on a specific answer you wish the respondant to give.

So let's play.

What if Henson is video taped shooting heroin and screwing a crack ho?

What if Henson joins the Al Qaida and plants a bomb in a government building.

What if Henson has a 666 somewhere in his scalp and is the Anti-Christ?

Should we cut him? Just outright release this guy?

I mean, question three would make him a candidate for a trade with Al Davis. Because if he truly had the 666 he would be Davis' son.

Satan Jr.


What if he takes an extra year or so to put it all together?

What if, after putting it all together, he ends up being the next great one for this team?

Would you change your sig line to Henson's biatch?

See how absurd your questions are when you desire only one answer?

Vegas gives 8-5 you don't.

Bravo TD3

Bna as far as I am concerned... showed serious contempt for his fellow cowboy fans and zoners with his attempt at another dig toward Henson with his thinly veiled attempt at a post under the guise of "genuine" and his subsequent denial. In fact if truth be told... I can not help but feel the utmost of sorrow for his parsimonious use of heart and mind...

<your hero Zaxor once again has a flashback...could it have been the drugs?...he is in Rome...He is Marc Anthony now Zaxor.. again Marc Anthony now back they meld and form into one...He/they/it bounce back and forth between the present and the past...Zaxor hears sounds and realizes that it is comming from his lips though they are not really his lips are they. The sounds form words strange and exotic..Latin thinks Zaxor must be Latin...He concentrates on them...He laughs silently to himself knowing he knows little to no Latin but strangely enough he understands their meaning>

Friends, Cowboy Fans, Zoners lend me your ears
For I have come to bury BNA not to praise him
The evil that men do are often interred with their bones
but not with BNA...for his hope in death as was in life was to
plant the seed of malice and discontentment
let him not find fertile fields let his evil not take root
let the star of the cowboys shine so brightly
that it will blind the evil bastid even in death:D

<and with that Zaxor again returns to the present alone and whole... He chuckles to himself and thinks my God that was a cheap round trip ticket and a change of clothes or was it? and walks out of this thread humming a Beatles tune ...you say yes... I say no...you say why and I say I don't know>
SilverStarCowboy said:
Parcels said he wanted to keep both Romo and Henson for back-ups and said he doesn't want to bring anyone else in.
Sorry to disappoint, but it seems VT is on speed dial. BP doesn't feel like Henson or Romo are prepared to take over if Bledsoe goes down.
Zaxor said:
Bravo TD3

Bna as far as I am concerned... showed serious contempt for his fellow cowboy fans and zoners with his attempt at another dig toward Henson with his thinly veiled attempt at a post under the guise of "genuine" and his subsequent denial. In fact if truth be told... I can not help but feel the utmost of sorrow for his parsimonious use of heart and mind...

<your hero Zaxor once again has a flashback...could it have been the drugs?...he is in Rome...He is Marc Anthony now Zaxor.. again Marc Anthony now back they meld and form into one...He/they/it bounce back and forth between the present and the past...Zaxor hears sounds and realizes that it is comming from his lips though they are not really his lips are they. The sounds form words strange and exotic..Latin thinks Zaxor must be Latin...He concentrates on them...He laughs silently to himself knowing he knows little to no Latin but strangely enough he understands their meaning>

Friends, Cowboy Fans, Zoners lend me your ears
For I have come to bury BNA not to praise him
The evil that men do are often interred with their bones
but not with BNA...for his hope in death as was in life was to
plant the seed of malice and discontentment
let him not find fertile fields let his evil not take root
let the star of the cowboys shine so brightly
that it will blind the evil bastid even in death:D

<and with that Zaxor again returns to the present alone and whole... He chuckles to himself and thinks my God that was a cheap round trip ticket and a change of clothes or was it? and walks out of this thread humming a Beatles tune ...you say yes... I say no...you say why and I say I don't know>

Thanks Zaxor. That was a pleasant read. Not often that you see people express such creativity around here. Hope you have more where that came from.
wow did i miss the 4 preseason games or something ? i could have sworn
most coaches use those to determine who their players are going to be .
good thing i can just look here to see who is going to make it and who is not when i have these month long blackouts.
silverbear said:
Believe it or not, I can say this briefly:

I understood the passion of the Quincy versus Hutch debate, but why in God's name would anybody get worked up over Romo versus Henson?? How can you root against either guy??

FWIW, I'm an "unabashed Henson supporter" too... and yeah, I'm a little disappointed in his performance in camp so far... not disappointed enough to give up on him yet, though...

I like Romo too... he ain't pretty, but he does seem to move his team...

Couldn't agree more. I might prefer Henson (who knows why -- I guess we all have our favorites) but if Romo developed into our next starting QB, it wouldn't hurt my feelings. Plucky kid. Reminiscent of Jake Delhomme. Only Romo would be a home grown talent, and hence truly one of our own.
Zaxor said:
Bravo TD3

Bna as far as I am concerned... showed serious contempt for his fellow cowboy fans and zoners with his attempt at another dig toward Henson with his thinly veiled attempt at a post under the guise of "genuine" and his subsequent denial. In fact if truth be told... I can not help but feel the utmost of sorrow for his parsimonious use of heart and mind...

<your hero Zaxor once again has a flashback...could it have been the drugs?...he is in Rome...He is Marc Anthony now Zaxor.. again Marc Anthony now back they meld and form into one...He/they/it bounce back and forth between the present and the past...Zaxor hears sounds and realizes that it is comming from his lips though they are not really his lips are they. The sounds form words strange and exotic..Latin thinks Zaxor must be Latin...He concentrates on them...He laughs silently to himself knowing he knows little to no Latin but strangely enough he understands their meaning>

Friends, Cowboy Fans, Zoners lend me your ears
For I have come to bury BNA not to praise him
The evil that men do are often interred with their bones
but not with BNA...for his hope in death as was in life was to
plant the seed of malice and discontentment
let him not find fertile fields let his evil not take root
let the star of the cowboys shine so brightly
that it will blind the evil bastid even in death:D

<and with that Zaxor again returns to the present alone and whole... He chuckles to himself and thinks my God that was a cheap round trip ticket and a change of clothes or was it? and walks out of this thread humming a Beatles tune ...you say yes... I say no...you say why and I say I don't know>

And this is 6 AM, straight out of bed (or maybe haven't been there yet) stuff.

ROFL, Zaxor.
Outlaw Heroes said:
Thanks Zaxor. That was a pleasant read. Not often that you see people express such creativity around here. Hope you have more where that came from.

I am truly humbled:bow: my friend

but I am afraid I am but a desert to the thirsty...

there are those though on here such as yourself,
LTN, WG and Larry (Silverbear) etc...
who have such artistry with words that they can
conjure pictures with sound and make the reader
dance to their phrases... ah but alas to have such skills...
but I can atleast take solace in knowing that I am perhaps that much more delighted in now having had the pleasure of the dance:D
LaTunaNostra said:
And this is 6 AM, straight out of bed (or maybe haven't been there yet) stuff.

ROFL, Zaxor.

Thanks bunches LTN

wished that I could claim that it was early morning but it was around noon here in Europe but we won't tell anybody that okay:D
it's very early and Henson is struggling. hopefully he'll pull out of it. maybe not. but, if this trend should continue... :

providing one of our goals is to keep Henson around long enough to allow a reasonable period of development... it's in our best interests to have Romo show enough in preseason to calm any Parcells apprehensions regarding the #2 man.

i don't pretend to know what parcells' "comfort level" is. but if neither young QB provides it - i don't see BP willing to enter another season without an adequate backup.

and whether it's VT who gets that phonecall, or Quincy, or whoever... a decision is gonna be made regarding Romo/Henson.

so far Romo has shown more than Henson. again, it's very early. but if the trend continues... i want the 3rd QB to be the one who is most game-ready. because he may well be pressed into service with the season and playoffs on the line.

Dallas hasn't had stellar play from the starting QB in years. but, has been pretty fortunate regarding the health of their starter.

the future takes care of itself. the time is now. let's enter this upcoming season with the best 3 QBs we can field. whomever they may be.
I scoff at some of you guys' inability to stay on topic ...

This wasn't a Henson thread ... it was supposed to be about Parcells' comments, yet you made it a Henson thread by your assumptions ... and sadly, your agenda ...

What I find funny is Drew Bledsoe is our starter. The back up spot hasn't been named to either guy on our roster ... neither of them give me confidence, though if I had to pick it would be Romo ...

This isn't a controversy at all like Silverbear has said ...

The comparisons of Henson to QC are apples to oranges ... yet, you guys are the ones that bring them up ... just like you made this thread about Henson when it was supposed to be about Parcells' comments. Talk about your agendas ...

Sure, we could discuss Henson given Parcells comments, but that's not the only thing this was about ... there were many things involved, but you guys chose to make it about Henson - not me.

I'm not glad Henson is stinking it up ... I wish the guy would do well ... but the odds are stacked heavily against him ... the clock is ticking ... and I just can't kid myself into thinking he is the real deal ... and many many of you HAVE made the comparisons to Aikman, Staubach etc ... but he can't beat out Romo ...

Anyways, like I said, I would have loved to discuss the OTHER possibilities at QB around the league etc ...

And to answer the question posed in the title, since most people didn't, I think IF (key word that's not meant to offend anyone) someone goes Romo goes ... IMHO ... (unless Henson keeps performing like he is in practice).

But no one ever slowed down to talk about that and why etc ... they're too busy having convulsions over a sig line ...

I think Henson will get better and might even put up a fight to compete with Romo ...

But if someone is brought in that would mean to me that neither guy was going to be the #2 ... and in that scenario, Tony Romo would be the odd man out ... simply because of the time vested in Henson etc ...

You guys seem to have a hard time with this "if" stuff ... those of you that were able to discuss the topic w/o getting your panties in a bunch, I applaud you ...

The rest of you ... carry on with your agenda ...

BTW - tothewhipbill ... nice post ..

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