"If" scenario - who gets cut?

DallasEast said:
Nah. You've already stated that many websites are known to you. Post the sites and I'll visit a few. And since you're an obvious insider, post the sites which denotes the actual number of Texas Hold 'em gamblers.

Thanks! :)

Partypoker.com ... that's the one with the most people ... and the one that I normally play at ...

Then there are several others, but to name a couple ... pokerroom.com ... pokerstars.com ... etc etc ...
Banned_n_austin said:
Oh ... my ... gosh ...

Sorry to bump this, but you're so far off your rocker here. And you're a tad bit sensitive I might add.

If anything I was insensitive.

Spare me the agenda crap. That's a line of BS that you only throw out there when it suits your agenda.
I admit to my agendas Ben, but that isn't one of them. Strike one.

I've said all along that my agenda is team success. And I am confident that there are many reasons why Henson won't contribute to this team. One happens to be the over-expectation that he'll do so well by homeristic fans like yourself.
That's hilarious. Henson will fail because people expect him to succeed. How does that work? It cracks me up how the word agenda puts so many of you guys undies in a wad. Such a small thing to get so bent out of shape over.

You've put him on a pedastool for no deserving reason ... other than, again, your blind homerism ...
There is neither a pedastal nor homerism from me on Henson. Apparently you don't know what those 2 things are.

For me to have him on a pedastal I'd have to be worshipping at his feet. I dont do that. I can show you several posts where I have been critical of his throwing mechanics. I can show you recent posts where I said I was happy Bledsoe is doing so well. If I had Henson on a pedastal the last person I would want to acknowledge is playing well is Bledsoe.

Homerism would be unable to find any fault simply because he is a Cowboys player. Ben, by now you should realize I have no reservations at all in saying a player is not good enough. How is that homerism? Let me help you, it isn't.

Strike 2.

Wanna bet?

Oh, that's right, you've already made a little gentlemen's bet ...
Bet you that I'm not stupid? Sure, I'll take that bet any day of the week. We can put up anything you want on it. You want to put your nads on the line? Loser gets castrated? I mean how far are you willing to push it to prove me stupid? Make that try to prove me stupid.

Why does it have to be 'morbid curiosity? Why can't it just be being realistic about our situation and our options? That's what has mattered to me all along ...
Let me guess, you don't know what "morbid curiosity" means either, so now you're up in arms about the use of that term. It means that I think I already know the answer but am willing to hear your explanation anyway. It is no refelction on you and therefore no reason for you to get flustered.

Your letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Try to look at this without your rose colored Henson glasses ...
I find that hilarious given the FACT that I didn't promote Henson in the post that has you so butt sore. Show me the praise I heaped all over him. Is there drool? No, I mentioned his name 1 time in relation to your agenda and that one mention has you spouting about about rose colored glasses.

Quite the leap there Benny.

That hurts, Hos. It really hurts ...

Now could you stop being such a drama mama about this and answer the freakin' question ...

You're so emotionally attached ...
Ben, are you really unaware that banging the same drum over and over and over again annoys the hell out of people? Come on Ben, we've talked before. I know you're not this naive. Drop the act.

You and I both know you have a basic need to tweak people about Henson because it excites you to see people upset. Then when they aren't upset you invent the upset. How do you do that? By pointing the fingers at me and diagnosing me as upset.

Upset? No Benjamin, I'm not upset. I am tired of the same one trick pony thread with a new spin. It's like a broken record.

Strike 3.

That's a lot of typing to say just one thing ...

I hope you feel better ...
Of course I do, just like you feel better after having made the premise of this thread a comment in another post, then seeing an opportunity to beat the dead horse with a whole new thread. You felt better because it fulfilled that aching need to just be right on the edge of annoying.

Yeah, I feel better. Thanks for asking.
Banned_n_austin said:
Partypoker.com ... that's the one with the most people ... and the one that I normally play at ...

Then there are several others, but to name a couple ... pokerroom.com ... pokerstars.com ... etc etc ...
Poker... yada yada yada... dotcom. Thanks. :)
Hostile said:

If anything I was insensitive.

I admit to my agendas Ben, but that isn't one of them. Strike one.

That's hilarious. Henson will fail because people expect him to succeed. How does that work? It cracks me up how the word agenda puts so many of you guys undies in a wad. Such a small thing to get so bent out of shape over.

There is neither a pedastal nor homerism from me on Henson. Apparently you don't know what those 2 things are.

For me to have him on a pedastal I'd have to be worshipping at his feet. I dont do that. I can show you several posts where I have been critical of his throwing mechanics. I can show you recent posts where I said I was ahppy Bledsoe is doing so well. If I had Henson on a pedastal the last person I would want to acknowledge is playing well is Bledsoe.

Homerism would be unable to find any fault simply because he is a Cowboys player. Ben, by now you should realize I have no reservatiosn at all in saying a player is not good enough. How is that homerism? Let me help you, it isn't.

Strike 2.

Bet you that I'm not stupid? Sure, I'll take that bet any day of the week. We can put up anything you want on it. You want to put your nads on the line? Loser gets castrated? I mean how far are you willing to push it to prove me stupid? Make that try to prove me stupid.

Let em guess, you don't know what "morbid curiosity" means either so now you're up in arms about the use of that term. It means that I think I already know the answer but am willing to hear your explanation anyway. It is no refelction on you and therefore no reason for you to get flustered.

I find that hilarious given the FACT that I didn't promote Henson in the post that has you so butt sore. Show me the praise I heaped all over him. Is there drool? No, I mentioned his name 1 time in relation to your agenda and that one mention has you souting about abotu rose colored glasses.

Quite the leap there Benny.

Ben, are you really unaware that banging the same drum over and over and over again annoys the hell out of people? Come on Ben, we've talked before. I know you're not this naive. Drop the act.

You and I both know you have a basic need to tweak people about Henson because it excites you to see people upset. Then when they aren't upset you invent the upset. How do you do that? By pointing the fingers at me and diagnosing me as upset.

Upset? No Benjamin, I'm not upset. I am tired of the same one trick pony thread with a new spin. It's like a broken record.

Striek 3.

Of course I do, just like you feel better after having made the premise of this thread a comment in another post then seeing an opportunity to beat the dead horse with a whole new thread. You felt better because it fulfilled that aching need to just be right on the edge of annoying.

Yeah, I feel better. Thanks for asking.

Wow! All I can say is you're all over the place. You assume a lot too. Sometimes you'd be better suited if you dropped that pride though ... and the spinning everything in to something it's not looks silly as well.

I mean, do we really need to get in to a pissing contest ... or chest thumping contest just for the sake of doing that ...

That seems to be your goal ... I never called you stupid ... I wasn't even insinuating that ... you brought it up ...

I did however call you "sensitive" which you were being ...

You see, you're speculating that I started this thread for controversy. That's why I bumped the thread.

I created it to discuss Parcells' comment from the press conference yesterday ... and in particular our options ... it's just that you took offense prematurely and are now back peddaling to make it about me bashing Henson ...

I'm just keeping it real ... like I have all along about this guy ...

I posed a question looking for insight regarding our back up situation ... you stick your head in the sand and cry foul and whine about Henson bashing ...

You're a very assumptive man ...

That said, almost everything in your response is flat out wrong ... and simply assumptive ...
DallasEast said:
Poker... yada yada yada... dotcom. Thanks. :)

Notice it wasn't TexasHoldem.com ... BTW, let me know if you're successfully able to dispute those numbers ...

Banned_n_austin said:
Wow! All I can say is you're all over the place. You assume a lot too. Sometimes you'd be better suited if you dropped that pride though ... and the spinning everything in to something it's not looks silly as well.

I mean, do we really need to get in to a pissing contest ... or chest thumping contest just for the sake of doing that ...

That seems to be your goal ... I never called you stupid ... I wasn't even insinuating that ... you brought it up ...

I did however call you "sensitive" which you were being ...

You see, you're speculating that I started this thread for controversy. That's why I bumped the thread.

I created it to discuss Parcells' comment from the press conference yesterday ... and in particular our options ... it's just that you took offense prematurely and are now back peddaling to make it about me bashing Henson ...

I'm just keeping it real ... like I have all along about this guy ...

I posed a question looking for insight regarding our back up situation ... you stick your head in the sand and cry foul and whine about Henson bashing ...

You're a very assumptive man ...

That said, almost everything in your respons is flat out wrong ... and simply assumptive ...
Sorry Ben, no sale. I don't believe you wanted insight.

In the PC thread you posted about that comment by BP. If all you wanted was insight into it you could have left it alone at that point. Instead you started a whole new thread about who would be ridden out on a rail.

You knew there would be people on both sides pointing at the other QB. We both know it.

You yourself have mentioned in the past how you get tired of posters singing the same old song and dance. There's nothing new here Ben. Not one damn thing is new. It's the same song with a different band. It's tired.
Hostile said:
Sorry Ben, no sale. I don't believe you wanted insight.

In the PC thread you posted about that comment by BP. If all you wanted was insight into it you could have left it alone at that point. Instead you started a whole new thread about who would be ridden out on a rail.

You knew there would be people on both sides pointing at the other QB. We both know it.

You yourself have mentioned in the past how you get tired of posters singing the same old song and dance. There's nothing new here Ben. Not one damn thing is new. It's the same song with a different band. It's tired.

Yeah, I'm not buyin' what you're sellin' either ...

And actually there is something new. Camp has started and there is tangible evidence on how players are progressing. Bury your head in the sand, Hos. But that's ostrich thinking.

And I started a thread because there are several things to be discussed here -i.e.- when another guy is brought in, who is brought in, what it takes before we decide, what happens to the guy we cut, who do we cut, who do we play at what point in the season, who does Parcells mean when he says "he knows who they are", do you think he's serious or is he bluffing, what makes you think whichever guy you like can keep his spot on the roster, why we should keep these young guys, why not ... etc etc ... yada yada yada ... (I could go on and on)

But if you want to paint it all about Henson bashing go ahead ... if that makes you feel better, but like I said, it's an issue ... like it or not ...

I'm just trying to put it in team perspective ...
Banned_n_austin said:
Notice it wasn't TexasHoldem.com ... BTW, let me know if you're successfully able to dispute those numbers ...
Do you wish to point out where I disputed actual census totals? I seem to remember that I spoke from personal experience. I never made the claim that I've been all over the poker world counting heads. ;)
Banned_n_austin said:
You really got it bad for Henson, dontcha? :)
DallasEast said:
Do you wish to point out where I disputed actual census totals? I seem to remember that I spoke from personal experience. I never made the claim that I've been all over the poker world counting heads. ;)

You brought it up ... I was just helping you out with the statistics ...

You really got it bad for Henson, dontcha? :)

What do you mean?

Maybe this poop will stick ... did you throw it hard enough?

Too hard maybe?

Ah ... who cares ...
Banned_n_austin said:
Yeah, I'm not buyin' what you're sellin' either ...

And actually there is something new. Camp has started and there is tangible evidence on how players are progressing. Bury your head in the sand, Hos. But that's ostrich thinking.

And I started a thread because there are several things to be discussed here -i.e.- when another guy is brought in, who is brought in, what it takes before we decide, what happens to the guy we cut, who do we cut, who do we play at what point in the season, who does Parcells mean when he says "he knows who they are", do you think he's serious or is he bluffing, what makes you think whichever guy you like can keep his spot on the roster, why we should keep these young guys, why not ... etc etc ... yada yada yada ... (I could go on and on)

But if you want to paint it all about Henson bashing go ahead ... if that makes you feel better, but like I said, it's an issue ... like it or not ...

I'm just trying to put it in team perspective ...
I will believe it is an issue when Bill Parcells brings it up and rumors start that someone might be coming here. In the meantime all he did was answer a loaded question. Not even smoke, so no fire.
Banned_n_austin said:
You brought it up ... I was just helping you out with the statistics ...
You sure did. :)
Banned_n_austin said:
What do you mean?

Maybe this poop will stick ... did you throw it hard enough?

Too hard maybe?

Ah ... who cares ...
Did you know that in 7 Card Stud Jokers Wild that Henson would remain in game? Shocking! :eek:
DallasEast said:
You sure did. :)Did you know that in 7 Card Stud Jokers Wild that Henson would remain in game? Shocking! :eek:

LMAO! Poor Henson! Your dark humor is killing me! :lmao2:

Stop it DallasEast!

Hostile said:
I will believe it is an issue when Bill Parcells brings it up and rumors start that someone might be coming here. In the meantime all he did was answer a loaded question. Not even smoke, so no fire.

The question wasn't loaded ... I think he is giving a straight answer here too ... he's going to see if he thinks they're worthy through preseason and if they're not ... one of them is gone ...

What's loaded about that?

He could have said ... "I'm confident in both of these young men" ... that's not what he said ... I think Bill was keeping it real with the young guys ... in that he is being straight forward when he says this - to BOTH of them (notice I didn't single out Henson here).
Banned_n_austin said:
The question wasn't loaded ... I think he is giving a straight answer here too ... he's going to see if he thinks they're worthy through preseason and if they're not ... one of them is gone ...

What's loaded about that?

He could have said ... "I'm confident in both of these young men" ... that's not what he said ... I think Bill was keeping it real with the young guys ... in that he is being straight forward when he says this - to BOTH of them (notice I didn't single out Henson here).
Congrats. That's a first.

Let me re-phrase it then. When he brings it up first, I'll believe there might be plans. As it stands right now I think it's pretty obvious there is hope for the future in both kids. Seem pretty damned obvious to me anyway.
save his thread Hos...and let's see the relevence of now 178 posts around the half-way point of this season

We got a 3rd WR battle, a RT battle, SOLB battle, a FS battle, a FB battle but this... :confused:

An exercise in futility
Hostile said:
Congrats. That's a first.

Let me re-phrase it then. When he brings it up first, I'll believe there might be plans. As it stands right now I think it's pretty obvious there is hope for the future in both kids. Seem pretty damned obvious to me anyway.

Right, but lets hold back be for we annoint anybody captain just yet ... hope is what it is ... hope ...

I hope a lot of things ... but you've got to keep things in perspective ...

My guess is he's going to let these guys battle it out ... if one of them performs extra poorly ... then he's out of here ... if they both hold their own, they both stay ...

Just because we have both guys here though, doesn't mean they'll be here at the end of the season ... and I understand it doesn't mean they won't be ...

I just think he got it out there in the open ... play at the NFL level or I know someone that can ...

If you're playing bad, you're playing bad ... no need to sugar coat things ...
DallasEast said:
You know me so well, MKyle. :)

No, I don't! I'm not really sure I want too! :confused:

Hey, how come you didn't come listen to me...I played at the Jazz Festival this year...just for you! But, no! Your're a no show...right in New Orleans...where you live! And you think I know you! Huh...!

And, I did it for you...BUT WERE YOU THERE? NO! (were you)? :)

The Dallas Cowboys are going to to have something to prove...and, if it's anything like my guitar playing...well, they will suck... :lmao2:

Poor me! And T.O.! Too!


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