Raise your hand if you owe the FO an apology


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The FO deserves criticism since the same 2 guys have been running it for years, accomplished little, and show no signs of acknowledging their failures and delegating that authority to someone else. They want the credit, and that's fine since they own the team but that means they own the flops as well. But simply doing their job and signing a few free half decent free agents shouldn't be cause for popping champagne corks, much less apologizing.
Like I alluded to, no one's doing flips or "popping champagne corks". The FO certainly deserves criticism, but there are fans that give them nothing but.


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I don't think so. Jerry simply wanted a HC that was his boy so he could take credit. Landry was a control freak. Jerry already had that in Tuna n couldn't stand it.
Tru dat. Tom was no shrinking violet. It was Tom's way or the highway. As it should be.


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Jerry has admitted that he has done a bad job as GM and he would have fired any other GM with that poor of a job performance. Of course his ego will not allow him to step down and bring in a real GM. Garrett has been Jerry's pick for head coach for a long time and once again his ego will not let him admit he was wrong. Every since Jimmy Johnson left, Jerry has put his ego and pride before the success of the team. He wants to win, but he refuses to put the team welfare before his need for all the attention. I thought that things would change with Stephen, but he hurts the team in a different way. Stephen is more worried about money than winning. Let's be honest, as long as the games keep selling out and the money keeps flowing in, they have no reason to run this team like other teams in the NFL.

The highlighted portion of your comment above is false. Jerry has brought in Will McClay to provide all the functions that a GM provides. And Will McClay has worked with the Head Coach to find players to fit his system - which is what every good General Manager does.

So Jerry's ego has allowed him to admit he's made mistakes, and since that time he's brought in Will McClay, which has dramatically improved how the team operates. In spite of the fact that Jerry still has impulses, he subserviates those impulses (with the help of his son Stephen) to the general decisions of his hired staff - which is EXACTLY what everyone has been calling for him to do. Of course, you might say that a REAL GM would fire Garrett, but that is simply you projecting your opinion onto Will McClay. Also, no GM has carte blanche to hire or fire as vital an employee as the Head Coach without the buy-in of the ownership of that team. In fact, many fans want the Cowboys to hire a person who doubles as Head Coach and GM - like Belichick, and reports only to the owner - which is simply incoherent given that they complain that Jerry won't fire Garrett.

Also, it is impossible to fire yourself from your own life. What many people are really calling for is for Jerry to die, which I find really disturbing. Some come right out, and wish explicitly for his death. They should be ashamed of themselves.

And yes, I know I'll be accused of being an apologist for Jerry, when in fact I was one of his biggest critics before he restructured how he runs his organization. The reality is that Jerry has ALWAYS deferred to the football people in his organizations. The biggest problem he had between Jimmy Johnson and the current structure was he was listening mostly to Larry Lacewell, who was simply awful for the Cowboys, beginning with the draft of 1995. Both before and after Larry Lacewell, the team has performed much better - which is why I think the "22 years without a SB" thing is overwrought and too simplistic.

Do I think Garrett is on thin ice this year? Yes. Do I think the Cowboys will likely have a strong year, which will preserve Garrett yet again? Yes. Do I think Garrett can take this team to a championship? I don't know. I have my doubts like many others. The clear thing is that he must improve - just like Dak, Dez, Jaylon, the Oline, the interior Dline, the linebackers, the young secondary, etc., etc. must improve in order for the team to win.

Acknowledging the need for improvement is different than demanding someone lose their job. I wish we could have honest, civil conversations about how the team needs to improve, without the corresponding plethora of fans who act like a lynch mob with blood lust, demanding someone be flayed alive, then strung up on the nearest tree. Do I demand that Jerry die because the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl since 1995? Absolutely not. Jerry's tried...and failed...and failed....and failed. That doesn't warrant a death sentence. It just means he needs to try again...and keep trying...and keep trying. In the meantime, I will discuss how the team can improve. What I won't do is provide air cover for those who are part of the lynch mob.

In my view, the OP was calling for apologies from the lynch mob. He wasn't calling for the end to general criticism, or suggestions for improvement. He was simply acknowledging that emotions briefly got the better of him, and was rightfully ashamed of some of the things he said about the FO. Good for him. Shows he has a conscience. What is everyone else's excuse?
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The highlighted portion of your comment above is false. Jerry has brought in Will McClay to provide all the functions that a GM provides. And Will McClay has worked with the Head Coach to find players to fit his system - which is what every good General Manager does.

So Jerry's ego has allowed him to admit he's made mistakes, and since that time he's brought in Will McClay, which has dramatically improved how the team operates. In spite of the fact that Jerry still has impulses, he subserviates those impulses (with the help of his son Stephen) to the general decisions of his hired staff - which is EXACTLY what everyone has been calling for him to do. Of course, you might say that a REAL GM would fire Garrett, but that is simply you projecting your opinion onto Will McClay. Also, no GM has carte blanche to hire or fire as vital an employee as the Head Coach without the buy-in of the ownership of that team. In fact, many fans want the Cowboys to hire a person who doubles as Head Coach and GM - like Belichick, and reports only to the owner - which is simply incoherent given that they complain that Jerry won't fire Garrett.

Also, it is impossible to fire yourself from your own life. What many people are really calling for is for Jerry to die, which I find really disturbing. Some come right out, and wish explicitly for his death. They should be ashamed of themselves.

And yes, I know I'll be accused of being an apologist for Jerry, when in fact I was one of his biggest critics before he restructured how he runs his organization. The reality is that Jerry has ALWAYS deferred to the football people in his organizations. The biggest problem he had between Jimmy Johnson and the current structure was he was listening mostly to Larry Lacewell, who was simply awful for the Cowboys, beginning with the draft of 1995. Both before and after Larry Lacewell, the team has performed much better - which is why I think the "22 years without a SB" thing is overwrought and too simplistic.

Do I think Garrett is on thin ice this year? Yes. Do I think the Cowboys will likely have a strong year, which will preserve Garrett yet again? Yes. Do I think Garrett can take this team to a championship? I don't know. I have my doubts like many others. The clear thing is that he must improve - just like Dak, Dez, Jaylon, the Oline, the interior Dline, the linebackers, the young secondary, etc., etc. must improve in order for the team to win.

Acknowledging the need for improvement is different than demanding someone lose their job. I wish we could have honest, civil conversations about how the team needs to improve, without the corresponding plethora of fans who act like a lynch mob with blood lust, demanding someone be flayed alive, then strung up on the nearest tree. Do I demand that Jerry die because the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl since 1995? Absolutely not. Jerry's tried...and failed...and failed....and failed. That doesn't warrant a death sentence. It just means he needs to try again...and keep trying...and keep trying. In the meantime, I will discuss how the team can improve. What I won't do is provide air cover for those who are part of the lynch mob.

In my view, the OP was calling for apologies from the lynch mob. He wasn't calling for the end to general criticism, or suggestions for improvement. He was simply acknowledging that emotions briefly got the better of him, and was rightfully ashamed of some of the things he said about the FO. Good for him. Shows he has a conscience. What is everyone else's excuse?

I realize my opinion carries virtually no weight with anyone, probably less with you, because your usual stance on a number of topics is analytical and generally free of unnecessary emotion, but your post was spot on. Kudos!


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I dont blame Garrett for every little thing that goes wrong like Terrance Williams having the ball bounce off his chest or DeMarco Murray fumbling the ball or Dez Bryant having the ball bounce off his hands or Dak throwing an INT.
But what I do hold Garrett accountable for is
Game planning
Situational game planning
In game adjustments
Clock management
Team preparation
Coaching during the game
Disciplining players

Garrett always preaches to players how they have to get better but he needs to follow his own advice and improve in his areas of weakness. He doesnt seem to be getting better and in my opinion has reached his ceiling. He is the head coach and in the end is responsible for the team!

And you know he hasn't made changes because you've been on the sidelines next to him and in all of the meetings and haven't accounted for poor play on any given play by a player that caused a loss or turnover or lack of tackling that allowed a TD. It just never occurred to you that players make mistakes so the game plan or adjustments don't look like they work? Yes by all mean lets blame every bad play and/or game on the coach and give all of the players that miss blocks, tackles, drop passes, fumble, have penalties, don't cover receivers a pass on it and just blame the coach. Yes Garrett has made mistakes, all coaches do even seasoned veteran coaches, but not everything bad that happens is Garrett's fault.


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I only wish the whole FO including Jerry could be put on a prove it deal. No playoff run, no pay. 25 years of ineptness and counting.


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The highlighted portion of your comment above is false. Jerry has brought in Will McClay to provide all the functions that a GM provides. And Will McClay has worked with the Head Coach to find players to fit his system - which is what every good General Manager does.

So Jerry's ego has allowed him to admit he's made mistakes, and since that time he's brought in Will McClay, which has dramatically improved how the team operates. In spite of the fact that Jerry still has impulses, he subserviates those impulses (with the help of his son Stephen) to the general decisions of his hired staff - which is EXACTLY what everyone has been calling for him to do. Of course, you might say that a REAL GM would fire Garrett, but that is simply you projecting your opinion onto Will McClay. Also, no GM has carte blanche to hire or fire as vital an employee as the Head Coach without the buy-in of the ownership of that team. In fact, many fans want the Cowboys to hire a person who doubles as Head Coach and GM - like Belichick, and reports only to the owner - which is simply incoherent given that they complain that Jerry won't fire Garrett.

Also, it is impossible to fire yourself from your own life. What many people are really calling for is for Jerry to die, which I find really disturbing. Some come right out, and wish explicitly for his death. They should be ashamed of themselves.

And yes, I know I'll be accused of being an apologist for Jerry, when in fact I was one of his biggest critics before he restructured how he runs his organization. The reality is that Jerry has ALWAYS deferred to the football people in his organizations. The biggest problem he had between Jimmy Johnson and the current structure was he was listening mostly to Larry Lacewell, who was simply awful for the Cowboys, beginning with the draft of 1995. Both before and after Larry Lacewell, the team has performed much better - which is why I think the "22 years without a SB" thing is overwrought and too simplistic.

Do I think Garrett is on thin ice this year? Yes. Do I think the Cowboys will likely have a strong year, which will preserve Garrett yet again? Yes. Do I think Garrett can take this team to a championship? I don't know. I have my doubts like many others. The clear thing is that he must improve - just like Dak, Dez, Jaylon, the Oline, the interior Dline, the linebackers, the young secondary, etc., etc. must improve in order for the team to win.

Acknowledging the need for improvement is different than demanding someone lose their job. I wish we could have honest, civil conversations about how the team needs to improve, without the corresponding plethora of fans who act like a lynch mob with blood lust, demanding someone be flayed alive, then strung up on the nearest tree. Do I demand that Jerry die because the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl since 1995? Absolutely not. Jerry's tried...and failed...and failed....and failed. That doesn't warrant a death sentence. It just means he needs to try again...and keep trying...and keep trying. In the meantime, I will discuss how the team can improve. What I won't do is provide air cover for those who are part of the lynch mob.

In my view, the OP was calling for apologies from the lynch mob. He wasn't calling for the end to general criticism, or suggestions for improvement. He was simply acknowledging that emotions briefly got the better of him, and was rightfully ashamed of some of the things he said about the FO. Good for him. Shows he has a conscience. What is everyone else's excuse?
Sure, he has admitted that he has made many mistakes that he would have fired a GM for making these mistakes, but his ego will not let him hire a real GM. If he placed his team before his ego, he would step down and he would still get credit for winning. I will not even mention thev" Jerry should die" comments. A person that would would want Jerry dead is nothing but a murderer. I don't support wishing bad things to happen to him either. Jerry is a great owner and businessman. He should stay at the owner's position and allow the team to improve. Yes, Jerry is a big part of the problem , the biggest part. I will never defend him after these failures in the last 20 years. Jerry has done a sorry job at GM. It is time to bring in fresh blood as a GM. I have never bashed Jerry very much, but these years of failures are somebodies fault and he is the owner and GM. The buck stops with him. Nobody can defend his actions as a GM unless blindness is involved.
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Redball Express

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The highlighted portion of your comment above is false. Jerry has brought in Will McClay to provide all the functions that a GM provides. And Will McClay has worked with the Head Coach to find players to fit his system - which is what every good General Manager does.

So Jerry's ego has allowed him to admit he's made mistakes, and since that time he's brought in Will McClay, which has dramatically improved how the team operates. In spite of the fact that Jerry still has impulses, he subserviates those impulses (with the help of his son Stephen) to the general decisions of his hired staff - which is EXACTLY what everyone has been calling for him to do. Of course, you might say that a REAL GM would fire Garrett, but that is simply you projecting your opinion onto Will McClay. Also, no GM has carte blanche to hire or fire as vital an employee as the Head Coach without the buy-in of the ownership of that team. In fact, many fans want the Cowboys to hire a person who doubles as Head Coach and GM - like Belichick, and reports only to the owner - which is simply incoherent given that they complain that Jerry won't fire Garrett.

Also, it is impossible to fire yourself from your own life. What many people are really calling for is for Jerry to die, which I find really disturbing. Some come right out, and wish explicitly for his death. They should be ashamed of themselves.

And yes, I know I'll be accused of being an apologist for Jerry, when in fact I was one of his biggest critics before he restructured how he runs his organization. The reality is that Jerry has ALWAYS deferred to the football people in his organizations. The biggest problem he had between Jimmy Johnson and the current structure was he was listening mostly to Larry Lacewell, who was simply awful for the Cowboys, beginning with the draft of 1995. Both before and after Larry Lacewell, the team has performed much better - which is why I think the "22 years without a SB" thing is overwrought and too simplistic.

Do I think Garrett is on thin ice this year? Yes. Do I think the Cowboys will likely have a strong year, which will preserve Garrett yet again? Yes. Do I think Garrett can take this team to a championship? I don't know. I have my doubts like many others. The clear thing is that he must improve - just like Dak, Dez, Jaylon, the Oline, the interior Dline, the linebackers, the young secondary, etc., etc. must improve in order for the team to win.

Acknowledging the need for improvement is different than demanding someone lose their job. I wish we could have honest, civil conversations about how the team needs to improve, without the corresponding plethora of fans who act like a lynch mob with blood lust, demanding someone be flayed alive, then strung up on the nearest tree. Do I demand that Jerry die because the Cowboys haven't won a Super Bowl since 1995? Absolutely not. Jerry's tried...and failed...and failed....and failed. That doesn't warrant a death sentence. It just means he needs to try again...and keep trying...and keep trying. In the meantime, I will discuss how the team can improve. What I won't do is provide air cover for those who are part of the lynch mob.

In my view, the OP was calling for apologies from the lynch mob. He wasn't calling for the end to general criticism, or suggestions for improvement. He was simply acknowledging that emotions briefly got the better of him, and was rightfully ashamed of some of the things he said about the FO. Good for him. Shows he has a conscience. What is everyone else's excuse?
Well said.

The greatest GM we ever had was Tex Schramm.

Guy should have been in the HofF.

Do not know why he was never elected.


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Sure, he has admitted that he has made many mistakes that he would have fired a GM for making these mistakes, but his ego will not let him hire a real GM. If he placed his team before his ego, he would step down and he would still get credit for winning. I will not even mention thev" Jerry should die" comments. A person that would would want Jerry dead is nothing but a murderer. I don't support wishing bad things to happen to him either. Jerry is a great owner and businessman. He should stay at the owner's position and allow the team to improve. Yes, Jerry is a big part of the problem , the biggest part. I will never defend him after these failures in the last 20 years. Jerry has done a sorry job at GM. It is time to bring in fresh blood as a GM. I have never bashed Jerry very much, but these years of failures are somebodies fault and he is the owner and GM. The buck stops with him. Nobody can defend his actions as a GM unless blindness is involved.

I think your real issue is NOT Jerry stepping away from being the "official" GM. I think it is you want him to be quiet, and let someone else be the front man. Jerry has already given up making the football related decisions. He simply asks for a justification for their decisions, and then rubber stamps the decisions of others. But Jerry likes to talk, and upsell the team, his front office, his coaching staff and his players. That's just who he is. So that makes it APPEAR like he's making decisions that are actually made by others.

Jerry's not studying film, and grading players. He hires people to do that. And then he gets excited about the players they like. So what? And then he talks to the press. And that is the real issue people have with him. I cannot count how many times I've seen fan posts telling him to "SHUT UP, JERRY!" As if he doesn't have the right to talk about his team, his staff, or his players.

The reality is that Jerry is a very smart man. He's been ultra successful. And even though he's not truly a football geek, like many NFL GM's, he still is likely a lot more informed and knowledgeable about the NFL and players than 99% of fans - just by virtue of it being his day-to-day business. As in the oil business, Jerry may not be the one to ask about how to fit pipes together, and run the drilling machines. But he's a lot more knowledgeable about the oil business than a guy who simply fills his tank with gas twice a week.


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The Chiefs were insanely agressive and overpaid for the guys they wanted as FA started.
They added the "name" talent many clamor for here but it may well end up killing them in the end.
Htichens was not worth 9m per and Watkins was definitely not worth that monster deal.

All that said the Chiefs have a superstar young QB and I can defintely see Watkins putting up massive numbers with a guy like Pat throwing him bombs.

I am a huge fan of the Tyler, Texas kid Mahomes and really hope the Chiefs haven't screwed up his chances for success the next 4-5 years by being cap stupid.

Superstar? Hyperbole much? Kid’s got a long way to go to be labeled such.


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Tru dat. Tom was no shrinking violet. It was Tom's way or the highway. As it should be.
Well when you start forgetting players names it's time to hit the highway, but i'll take a 20yr HC with 2 SB wins over a 8yr coach with no SB wins and a .500 record.


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And you know he hasn't made changes because you've been on the sidelines next to him and in all of the meetings and haven't accounted for poor play on any given play by a player that caused a loss or turnover or lack of tackling that allowed a TD. It just never occurred to you that players make mistakes so the game plan or adjustments don't look like they work? Yes by all mean lets blame every bad play and/or game on the coach and give all of the players that miss blocks, tackles, drop passes, fumble, have penalties, don't cover receivers a pass on it and just blame the coach. Yes Garrett has made mistakes, all coaches do even seasoned veteran coaches, but not everything bad that happens is Garrett's fault.
Did you even read what I wrote?


Go Seahawks!!!
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Did you even read what I wrote?
It is extremely likely he did not read what you wrote. If he did that would mean his reading comprehension is really bad and he probably needs to repeat 3rd grade. Hopefully, for his sake, he skimmed over your first sentence.


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It is extremely likely he did not read what you wrote. If he did that would mean his reading comprehension is really bad and he probably needs to repeat 3rd grade. Hopefully, for his sake, he skimmed over your first sentence.


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Superstar? Hyperbole much? Kid’s got a long way to go to be labeled such.
I am a huge Mahomes fan to be sure.
It's OK if you wanna be behind on this but yes he will undoubtedly be a superstar.
He's a top 5 arm already and was good enough that KC traded off Alex Smith to hand him a playoff team.
In raw tools excepting experience he may not be behind anyone but Aaron Rodgers.

Andy Reid with this kid will make magic.
Maybe even enough to make up for some of the poor GM decisions Reid has been known to make and this FA overpaying.

Mahomes is the right kind of guy and the rare elite athlete with God-given arm ability.
His Dad was a pro pitcher that had D1 offers in 2 sports.
Pat could have had them in 3. He once scored 30 points and had 20 rebounds in a Texas 5A game the same week he pitched 2 no hitters.
He's a gym rat who gets in zero trouble and just outperforms people.
KC is very, very lucky.
And he went to great coach to develop as a QB.


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Owe an apology?

Remind me again who is the starting MLB, LG, 1T, SS, and FS. If they’re able to find 3-5 starters in one draft, I’ll give them credit.

All they’ve done is sign a swing tackle (solid upgrade) and get a guy to replace Dez if he doesn’t take a pay cut.