Random wrestling thread

I've watched enough video thanks to you guys prompting me.

Totally great in the ring & great on the mic.

When Punk is on (Which is most of the time that he is actually working in wrestling) he is as good as it gets. He's without question the best there is on the mic now days, and it's really not even close.

He has some rivals when it comes to ring work but not many but there is no one that can touch him on the mic.

If you've never seen any of it do yourself a favor and look up some things from Punk in ROH and more importantly Punk as the leader of the Straight Edge Society in the WWE.

The mic work for him in those two instances is as good as you'll find when it comes to promos.
I could see Lesnar retaining. That wouldn't be shocking, especially if they are close to striking a new deal with him. They're playing his character perfectly here. I just wish they'd have him on a little more often then what he is but other than that I'm good with it.

If Reigns does win I'm almost 100% certain that Rollins is going to cash in on him and the title feud going forward will be Rollins and Orton with some one coming out and attacking Reigns on RAW, when he's trying to get his hands on Rollins, and claiming that Reigns had his big moment and blew it.

It's a very simple way for the WWE to give the belt to Reigns, briefly, getting what they wanted out of it and also getting quickly out of him as champion due to the fact that the idea of him being champion has been resoundingly unpopular with the fan base.

I loved how Sting opened Raw last night! Even at 57 the guy can still cut a great promo! Now what I didn't like is that lame tug of war ending. What the heck was that?!

Sting is freakin awesome...that was great!

that was an awful ending...lame. Good show though.
Russo is spot on!


A tug of war?

Stunningly bad.

The whole concept of heat being created by wrestling in the ring has gone out the window. Good wrestling where each competitor looks like they could win at any moment and the whole thing is settled with a clean pin fall or by submission.

A tug of war?

Stunningly bad.

The whole concept of heat being created by wrestling in the ring has gone out the window. Good wrestling where each competitor looks like they could win at any moment and the whole thing is settled with a clean pin fall or by submission.

My wife thought the tug of war was like two 3rd graders going at it lol.
My wife thought the tug of war was like two 3rd graders going at it lol.


And it's not like Russo was god's gift to booking, because his booking sucked too.

Here what someone in blog comment posted about a Russo booked match:

"Russo booking

Roman vs Brock & Paul E in a handicap match. After 23 run-ins and 4 ref bumps Paul is put on top of an unconscious Roman (unconscious because he’s been chloroformed by a masked man) by, let’s say, Tyson Kidd. A returning Goldberg counts the 3 and for some reason Heyman is now the champ."
I'm surprised Lesnar agreed to that. Hasn't he walked out over less?

that Rusev beat down was pretty convincing. Although Cena clearly jumped over the announcers table.
Yep, big article on Yahoo. Complete game changer. I'm officially changing my prediction.

"I'm officially closing the door on MMA," Lesnar said.

Yeah and now we know that Reigns won't win for sure because if Lesnar was leaving that was pretty much going to happen unless Rollins cashes in of course :)
go Seth! New champ!

he's there every week.Brock rarely is. That won't change if Brock retains!

they need a FULL TIME champ.
Seth is much better than Roman!
Lesnar being the champ as a part timer doesn't really annoy me. It's how they wrote this thing so badly that annoys me. Reigns has essentially become the heel that has no real shot at winning. Nobody believes after the last year that Reigns is good enough to beat Lesnar, particularly after Lesnar basically killed both Superman and Rollins in a match. Rollins is basically a wuss everytime he's in a fight(except for the RR match against Lesnar and Cena for the most part) and tries to find ways to get out of any real fight. And Lesnar is basically kills babies and he's the freaking babyface in all this.
Lesnar being the champ as a part timer doesn't really annoy me. It's how they wrote this thing so badly that annoys me. Reigns has essentially become the heel that has no real shot at winning. Nobody believes after the last year that Reigns is good enough to beat Lesnar, particularly after Lesnar basically killed both Superman and Rollins in a match. Rollins is basically a wuss everytime he's in a fight(except for the RR match against Lesnar and Cena for the most part) and tries to find ways to get out of any real fight. And Lesnar is basically kills babies and he's the freaking babyface in all this.

Seth is one of their best wrestlers IMO!

He can only do what they write him to do. He's very athletic though..

I've been saying those 2 dumb guys drag him down but what can he do about that?
Tug of war? Really? Oh my.

lol I'm glad I fell asleep before that and never watched the end of the show :)
Seth is one of their best wrestlers IMO!

He can only do what they write him to do. He's very athletic though..
It will be interesting to see what they do with Rollins. I think Orton beats him at WM. So where does that leave Rollins and when will he do something with that MITB contract?
It will be interesting to see what they do with Rollins. I think Orton beats him at WM. So where does that leave Rollins and when will he do something with that MITB contract?

Rollins is one of my favorite wrestlers but I'm not liking how he's been booked lately. I think Orton will win as well.

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