Randy Gregory Checks In to Treatment Facility, failed another drug test

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I think he's got more significant emotional issues, honestly. But it doesn't really matter. NFL players can't partake, and he partakes a fair amount. He can't be relied on as a teammate, whatever the source of his issues are.

I agree, everyone is dealing with thier own demons and everyones brain chemistry is different. We all handle life in our own way. As much as a sunshine pumping optimist as I am and as loyal as I am to Jerry and the entire organization its obvious he should have never been drafted. Teams take risk every year and you end up with the honey badger and the randly mosses of the world going on to become great players so there is clearly an upside to the gamble. The biggest thing is we appear to be unable to accurately judge these players based on the information at hand. In that case you have to admit your weakness and be conservative. Simply put this one falls on Jerry.
What a moron. I wasn't expecting much from him anyway. I'm sure Jerry will talk about how much he cares about Gregory and doesn't regret drafting him. He'll be proud of him for entering into a treatment facility.

We must be talking about two different people? I think the reason why folks are harping on his bunk claim is the fact HE DOESN'T acknowledge when he's blatantly wrong. When you operate like that, you open yourself up to the finger-pointing and mockery.

Well, I can't put words in his mouth. Looks like he was wrong on this one to me. But with thousands of posts, we're all wrong on the internet our fair share of the time.
I'd feel better if he was addicted to CRACK!!! at least its a reason to be in a "Treatment facility"
boy the opening day press conference Friday should be a hoot do you think jerry will be smacking his lips a lot and talking circles that no one can decifer
More than anything that has ruined this franchise is Jerry's insistence in Round 2 to "swing for the fences" rather than take a safe pick. When you consistently miss on second rounders or take "redshirt" players, you fail. Meanwhile, teams like NE and SEA stockpile second rounders because that is where you build the core of your franchise. The only thing that would make me feel remotely better would be signing Greg Hardy so that this offseason will not have been a total disaster and we will at least have a pulse of a pass rush. Otherwise, we will have wasted yet another year of Romo's and Witten'e closing window. SMH
He's addicted to the high, may not be a chemical dependency, but still an addiction. I love chocolate chip ice cream, but if my employer told me not to eat it I could.

It ruined Ricky Williams.....some guys just can't deal....social anxiety disorder is real but there should be other legal remedies especially if cost is no object
I wouldn't say McClain was either. Wasn't he cheap to get and cheap to pay? His INT vs Seattle for the win was enough for me! Lol.

A guy that quit twice and was arrested as many times is always a risk no matter what you ante up
sitting on a winning lottery ticket

would rather roll it up and smoke it... literally
Different strokes for different folks.

When you watch the Cowboys for 46 years like I have then you can come in here and tell me to leave. I am sick of this current organization that continues to drive it into the ground with idiotic decisions and bringing in rehab players who have very little chance of succeeding. Once a proud organization has become the laughing stock of the NFL, if you don't see this then that is what is wrong with this current Cowboy Organization and some of it's fanbase.
I would bang my fist on the desk and cut both Gregory and McClain in a new york second!!
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