Rank this year's obstacles in order of which ones are biggest obstacle to success


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I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Stopping the run is the the biggest concern. It’s been a problem for years and having to go with Mazi who was a liability as a rookie, it looks like it could continue to be a problem. It could end up being a major problem if Mazi doesn’t improve. Defense is always a concern with the team. Although our overall defensive ranking was good last year, the defense got manhandled in the big games. Our pass rush disappeared in the playoffs. Our running game is another concern. Although we addressed the OL during the draft, we’ll be going with some unproven players and we have a very average RB group. The backs matter and that group looks weak.


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I think you're begging for a disaster having this many people in contract year situations. Between McCarthy, Dak, CeeDee and to a lesser extent Micah, we're gonna see a bunch of dysfunction


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I think you're begging for a disaster having this many people in contract year situations. Between McCarthy, Dak, CeeDee and to a lesser extent Micah, we're gonna see a bunch of dysfunction
Perfect storm would be:
  • No CeeDee Lamb (think of the year Jerry refused to sign Emmitt and offense sputtered and lost every game without him)
  • Team gives up on lame duck coaches (think of the rolling eyes from players when they talk about Garrett, only so much you can say again to motivate)
  • Critical depth issues (front 7 can't stop run from week one on, offensive line collapses, running game and Dak gets hurt from blindside protection)
If all three happened, yes, could easily see a tank year. Hopefully doesn't happen.


Chris in Arizona
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1. Leadership and accountabilty (Jerry Jones)
2. Strategy and innovation (MIke McCarthy lacking here)
3. Run defense (DT & LB)
4. Run game (RB and antiquated OL coach)
5. Explosive playmakers (besides CeeDee and an aging Cooks)


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
  1. Team Culture: Head coaches are sports teams natural leaders, not owners. Leadership is an intangible quality within any team environment that is strongest when it is not diluted.
  2. Roster Depth: Injuries are not predictable, especially for starters. Depth must always be as strongly addressed prior to the regular season as humanly (and intelligently) possible.
  3. Lame Duck Coaches: Leadership is already handicapped for incumbent coaches. Adding conditions that siphons away the intangible in the players' eyes even further does not improve the intangible.
  4. Offense: The unit must overcome any lack of offseason improvement by the defense. Pass happy scoring is a trademark of today's NFL. An inability to score while playing keep away from the opponent's offense is even more essential if the defense cannot get opponent's offenses off the field.
  5. Defense: Must stop the run and big plays in order to take the burden off the offense
  6. Contract Situation: The season will be played regardless of any individual player's desire for satisfactory compensation. It is an off-the-field circumstance that has off-the-field solutions IF team management is capable of smart negotiation.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Same as every other year



Well-Known Member
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I'll go coaching, quarterbacking and schedule.

Coaching and quarterbacking will always be my numbers 1 and 2 regardless.


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The biggest obstacle is that the organization seems to be treating this season largely as a reset. Probably the right thing to do.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That's how many see it around here, it's only Daks And MMs fault. The rest of the team gets a pass
Zeke, coop, parsons....just to name a few...all get heat. Even lance....for taking a roster spot and not on rookie deal.

Why people think only dak or sonetimes mike get blasted is beyond me. If they get the most....welp....itz tough being the leader, big money man, and 3rd place mvp, so maybe rightly so.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
After the Green Bay game for me it has to be culture. A team literally quit at home before half time. Only culture can explain that pathetic performance.
A culture that allows your star wr to have a fit, and the star qb poo his pants trying to placate him?