Rank this year's obstacles in order of which ones are biggest obstacle to success


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Same as every other year

Just a good old boys,
Never meaning no harm.
Beats all you ever saw,

Been in trouble with commonsense the law since the day they was born.



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Perfect storm would be:
  • No CeeDee Lamb (think of the year Jerry refused to sign Emmitt and offense sputtered and lost every game without him)
  • Team gives up on lame duck coaches (think of the rolling eyes from players when they talk about Garrett, only so much you can say again to motivate)
  • Critical depth issues (front 7 can't stop run from week one on, offensive line collapses, running game and Dak gets hurt from blindside protection)
If all three happened, yes, could easily see a tank year. Hopefully doesn't happen.
There is definitely a non zero chance that all three happen
-CeeDee holds out, can't work on timing with Dak...offense stumbles coming out of the gates. In addition, CeeDee doesn't practice when he feels any type of nick
-Dak gets frustrated and either goes too conservative or takes too many chances in order to protect his prospects for next year
-Players realize this season is sunk and tune out McCarthy...

If I had to guess this will happen pretty early in the season


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I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)
1. GM/FO
2. CD Holdout
3. Run defense
4. Run offense


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I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)
ok, all of this is wrong.

you just need one. Dak is #1. #2, #3, #4, #5, #6

nothing else is important and matters. everything else is perfect to very good and good enough. anybody else can win with this team.

now, go argue :)


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  • 2 (rinse and repeat for the X year running)Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • 1 (by a mile) -Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • 4 (Lots of Questions) Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • 3 (All Out Baby!)Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
I really think the top 3 are enough to sink this season. If offense struggles, and particularly #4, so that the boo birds are on him hard, could be an epic meltdown.

I don't think the other two will be the culprits. They may get attention but it will be because the top 4 concerns have brought the scrutiny.


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Pretty sure we have more obstacles stacking up against us than any other team in the league....this is not a good thing nor promote enthusiasm, and there are other obstacles you haven't even mentioned. I have never been more numb on an upcoming season than I have been for this one


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1. GM/FO
2. CD Holdout
3. Run defense
4. Run offense
I think the run defense is going to surprise some fans and mean that in a good way. I am saying we are going to be top 10 but much improved from last season. Why.......Zimm has always had a strong run defense. He even admitted we may not see as many turnovers coz he would rather avoid giving up big plays


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1) Ownership / GM
2) Culture
3) Coaching
4) QB
5) Defense / ability to sto the run
6) RBs

Obviously Jerry and Stephen the biggest obstacles which created this culture. Coaching & QB the two biggest components/postions on the field. Coaching also has to do with culture and readiness(film study, game planning, etc). QB is the most important position on the field and Dak has struggled immensely post season. Run defense has always been an achilles heel of ours. RB's while it's a facepalm off season highly dependent on run blocking and scheme.


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I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)
1. Bad starting QB

Everything else isnt worth the time to discuss if the QB problem isnt solved.

Solve # then start to think about other minor problems.

2. Cut DFLAWs cancer character
3. Find some trade options for the 30-minute man
4. Try to keep CD to a reasonable contrant
5. Get a real DC and a good HC
6. Get us 2 good 1tech DTs
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#1: Jerry Jones (bad culture, no accountability)
#2: Stephen Jones (incompetent at his job, only has it and keeps it because of nepotism from #1)
#3: QB
#4: Running Game
#5: Run defense


Well-Known Member
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I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)
I don't think you can make team/organizational culture part of the list.

Everything comes down to ownership and FO decisions which don't always seem to be focused on winning and winning alone.

Besides that it's the same concern it's been for years and years, going back to the bludgeoning the Rams put on us in the playoffs.

You have to be able to run and stop the run come playoff time. Our lack of established talent at RB and DT are my biggest concern.


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1. Bad starting QB

Everything else isnt worth the time to discuss if the QB problem isnt solved.

Solve # then start to think about other minor problems.

2. Cut DFLAWs cancer character
3. Find some trade options for the 30-minute man
4. Try to keep CD to a reasonable contrant
5. Get a real DC and a good HC
6. Get us 2 good 1tech DTs
I think #2 might be very underrated.

He is fully infected by the Jerry culture.