Rank this year's obstacles in order of which ones are biggest obstacle to success


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You mean the other Eagles fans here?
I’m going to assume that 90% of this board assumes ‘we’ means everyone that participates on this discussion forum. The other 10% still believes that false bravado regarding their fandom matters even in the most trivial of situations. The good news is you still have some company.


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I’m going to assume that 90% of this board assumes ‘we’ means everyone that participates on this discussion forum. The other 10% still believes that false bravado regarding their fandom matters even in the most trivial of situations. The good news is you still have some company.
You're not part of the "we" here.


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1. Bad starting QB

Everything else isnt worth the time to discuss if the QB problem isnt solved.

Solve # then start to think about other minor problems.

2. Cut DFLAWs cancer character
3. Find some trade options for the 30-minute man
4. Try to keep CD to a reasonable contrant
5. Get a real DC and a good HC
6. Get us 2 good 1tech DTs
Trance is not going to start.


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They are more like Boss Hog and Roscoe.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

“Daddy, we not going to pay these guys what they’re asking? Well goood goood goood….”

And here is the entire Jones Clan posing for their executive pictures.



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I think #2 might be very underrated.

He is fully infected by the Jerry culture.
Oh yes, he is.

And i really wonder why so many here still think good about him. His play is very medicore the last few year imo.
But as i wrote i dont like his character at all. He is no good for our locker room imo. But then the locker room culture has written "JJ" all over it. So i doubt getting rid of one or two players will change a lot.

So in essence, i dont know what to do.


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Trance is not going to start.
Thats not what my post had in mind. Right now i would not go into the season having Trance as a backup solution.

Figuring out the problems was the intention.

Hard truth is, you wont solve the QB issue just by swapping in a new player. Maybe but that would be pure luck, like it was when we drafted Prescott.
No, the truth is we have to value the position the right way. And that means establish a plan to find QBs. Thru drafting and FA. And that is a longterm plan you follow after you commited to it.

So again, this was not about a solution at QB.
But then to say: hey what would you do short term if you get rid of Prescott is the wrong question. People that argue that way will stay with the status quo forever. There will be a day where Prescott wont be able to play any more (age etc...). Then you will have the same problem: find a new QB. Then your lack of concept shows up again. As it always did after the Aikman years.

The real problem is: this franchise does not value the QB position.


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Nope because in the end they'll all be signed
I do tend to agree. Just because this is what our FO does: trying to keep the flashy names. Regardless of the consequences for the rest of the team.

Because of the bad contract to Prescott we are not able to create a team that has no fundamental holes in its roster.
That problem will grow even bigger when we sign CD Mica and Dak again.. Our team then will consist of 4 or 5 big name players but will have at least as many big holes in its roster.

That is not a winning strategy. But its a good strategy for PR and merchandise.


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I do tend to agree. Just because this is what our FO does: trying to keep the flashy names. Regardless of the consequences for the rest of the team.

Because of the bad contract to Prescott we are not able to create a team that has no fundamental holes in its roster.
That problem will grow even bigger when we sign CD Mica and Dak again.. Our team then will consist of 4 or 5 big name players but will have at least as many big holes in its roster.

That is not a winning strategy. But its a good strategy for PR and merchandise.
All true with one exception…every team has holes somewhere. It’s up to the coaches to hide them and at the same time exploit those of the opponent.

We get crushed there routinely on the big stage, and we all know why.

The qualifications of a HC here isn’t about the ability to do that, it’s about making Jerry comfortable, and not taking the spotlight away from him.


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I do tend to agree. Just because this is what our FO does: trying to keep the flashy names. Regardless of the consequences for the rest of the team.

Because of the bad contract to Prescott we are not able to create a team that has no fundamental holes in its roster.
That problem will grow even bigger when we sign CD Mica and Dak again.. Our team then will consist of 4 or 5 big name players but will have at least as many big holes in its roster.

That is not a winning strategy. But its a good strategy for PR and merchandise.
Agreed, I just don't understand why they're taking so long to do this, what are they gaining?


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before the season? because at the very least I don't see anyone of them getting signed before training camp
maybe CeeDee, but not Dak or McCarthy
I hear ya, I was just saying my point is they'll all be signed, they're waiting and waiting for what????


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Agreed, I just don't understand why they're taking so long to do this, what are they gaining?
Thats a very good question. IDK either.
Maybe my theory is completely wrong and they dont want to sign those flashy names just to make more money...


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think it's fair to say the 6 points below could prevent another 12-5 season and/or Playoff success. How would you rank them in order of biggest obstacle to success? Why?
  • Defense (cannot stop run game, DT depth is highly suspect, LBs are unproven, new defensive coordinators)
  • Team Culture (social media, Jerry World, lack of accountability, not clutch in playoffs, etc.)
  • Lame Duck Coaches
  • Contract Situation (holdouts, cap, etc.)
  • Offense (Dak, young OL with many unproven, RB depth is highly suspect)
  • Roster Depth (lack of free agent impact, lost players to other teams, rookie crop, poor GM'ing)
My ranking:
  1. Defense (biggest reason for collapse end of last year into the Tourney, we can be run over and DT has me highly nervous)
  2. Team Culture (already stupid fights with Hooker vs. Parsons, biggest reason why this team fails in Playoffs year after year no matter how stacked)
  3. Lame Duck Coaches (ranked high because of team culture and last playoff game vs Green Bay, has ruined team in past and they gave up)
  4. Roster Depth (some positions like DT and RB don't have it, some are questionable, injuries hurt depth last year and the depth is even worse this year, horrible draft last year to add depth)
  5. Offense (even with Tyron gone and continual Dak trashing, other than some OL growing pains, I think this team can do it on offense)
  6. Contract Situation (have to believe that Jones Boys will wake up and sign CeeDee before it turns into a problem, and Dak is playing for a contract year)
Football basics. You have to be bad ***** on both defensive and offensive lines. The rest will take care of itself.