If we're going to have this debate over and over again about the Cowboys recent drafting, can we please, please, please, define the basis of what we consider to be good drafting? How will we measure it? Drafted players on the roster? Players who play? Total snaps from draft picks? Total probowls from draft picks? Team wins?
Because every conversation we've got on the topic stops and starts with a list of drafted players and one side pointing out the contributions, and the other side saying most of those players contribute nothing. It's beyond stupid to find yourself in a debate as to whether or not players like Cole Beasley or Tryone Crawford can actually play.
Oh, and that reminds me of another thing: do we count the players we bring in from the rookie classes who were part of the scouting effort but who weren't picks? Or do we pretend they are something separate entirely and nobody really knows where they came from and why they're here? Because if the scouts don't get credit for the Beasley's of the world, we need to find out who does so we can also argue about whether or not those people are any good at their jobs.