Rat problem

I wouldn't recommend rat poison because if it consumes it and crawls back into the wall, it will die there and you'll wish it was still alive at least for 2-3 weeks. If there is more than one rat, you'll get a horrible smell and still have a rat problem.
Not all cats will get rid of rats and it also depends on how big the rat is as well. If the cat attacks it, it could crawl back into its home and die there, which creates a whole new problem.

I would suggest rat traps, whether deadly or humane. You might be surprised to find out it's more than one rat or not even a rat :D

i have used rat traps and got a few.
i even used the professional liquid poison which worked.
i actually clear the house of rats for a few months.
but now it is back.
the problem is that i am not there most of the time to deal with it.

i have had rats die in the space and the smell does not get into the living space.
there are already feral cats in the neighborhood.
would having food once a month at my property induce them to make a den on my property?

It could, I am sorry to say. One meal might be all it takes, depending on how much they want a new home, and how much they like what you gave them (which would probably be a lot). If you are away for three weeks after feeding them, you may come home to find your cat population has grown to a sizable number, as more cats will follow them, and then the pregnancies and burrowing starts, as the lady cats need hiding places to give birth. Then, I'm sorry to say, but you might have a real problem on your hands if you don't want them.
It could, I am sorry to say. One meal might be all it takes, depending on how much they want a new home, and how much they like what you gave them (which would probably be a lot). If you are away for three weeks after feeding them, you may come home to find your cat population has grown to a sizable number, as more cats will follow them, and then the pregnancies and burrowing starts, as the lady cats need hiding places to give birth. Then, I'm sorry to say, but you might have a real problem on your hands if you don't want them.
please tell me more about their dens.
i have used rat traps and got a few.
i even used the professional liquid poison which worked.
i actually clear the house of rats for a few months.
but now it is back.
the problem is that i am not there most of the time to deal with it.
The problem is that some rats are not afraid of cats, especially larger rats.

Also, if you add cats, you need to make sure they are either all male or the females are fixed or you'll end up with a lot more cats :D
The problem is that some rats are not afraid of cats, especially larger rats.

Also, if you add cats, you need to make sure they are either all male or the females are fixed or you'll end up with a lot more cats :D

these are not sewer rats but tree rats.
i once have seen one rat cut in half in the morning outside.
one half was missing...
serious questions about rats and cats.
my house in SF has an unusual structure with 1.5 feet gap between a tile exterior and the inside wall.
i got a rat that is living there.

i dont have a cat and want to borrow a cat.
we got lots of feral cats in the neighborhood.
i figure out i will use some catnip to attract a few one night to take care of the rat.

i have a 70 feet long driveway that is very steep.
i figure i will use multiple piles of catnip/catfood to lure the cats up the driveway.

any ideas?
will it work?
any downside risks?
how far can a cat smell catnip from?
how much should i use?


Put out some food after midnight, put on a pair of night vision goggles, borrow a gun from @Trouty and wait for that sukka to gorge. Then, shoot!!
thanks for the long post.
i am only there for 1 or 2 days per month.
the house is in SF subs.
houses have 0.5-0.7 acres each.
there are 3 houses including mine that are on the foothills with steep driveways.
there are no man-made structures for the cats to take shelter in, not even a car/camper outside.
i have no idea what their habits are and how they chose a den though.

Well, hmmm... Maybe they would just eat the food then camp out in the woods for their shelter. But they could just sleep on your porch and under it, and if they can find a way into that space, they will take it over. I don't know, Waldo. I know they can be very hard to chase off. But actually, if you were able to get rid of them when you didn't need them anymore, your rat problem likely could return.
If they fix your rat problem, you will most likely have a cat problem soon after. Four cats will turn into 12 cats rather quickly :laugh:
I started with two fifteen years ago when I built my place. I have 9 right now guarding my ten acres. Haven't seen a mouse or rat in fifteen years. Mine aren't necessarily feral cats, they are semi feral since they have all been born here.
Well, hmmm... Maybe they would just eat the food then camp out in the woods for their shelter. But they could just sleep on your porch and under it, and if they can find a way into that space, they will take it over. I don't know, Waldo. I know they can be very hard to chase off. But actually, if you were able to get rid of them when you didn't need them anymore, your rat problem likely could return.

there is only 1 space in my entire property that can be used by the cats as shelter.
there is a deck next to my kitchen that is 15'x15' or so.
the gap is so small that the exterminators had trouble getting under it to set any openings.
for the rest of the house, i poured concrete around the house so i dont have weeds/wild grass and put marble chips on top.
the only other place for them to shelter is a storm sewer outlet.
but if they shelter there, that would stop in the spring (poor cats)!

how do they burrow and what type of soil will they burrow in?
my lot is not sandy at all and i dont how they would dig it up.
in fact it is a steep hillside so not sure if cats like that.

while i am gone, i dont see a problem with cats unless they piss all over the houses contantly.
if i want to close off the area under the deck later on, it would be trivial.
I started with two fifteen years ago when I built my place. I have 9 right now guarding my ten acres. Haven't seen a mouse or rat in fifteen years. Mine aren't necessarily feral cats, they are semi feral since they have all been born here.

where do they pee?
please tell me more about their dens.

Pregnant female cats look for a place that they feel is safe enough to have their babies, where they won't be attacked by other animals....or even humans. They can find any nook or cranny, any hiding place that is hard to get to for larger animals. It doesn't have to be neat or clean, just safe. And usually small.

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