Rate the last movie you saw

Saved! (9/10)
Came out awhile ago but just saw it recently. Good satirical dark comedy regarding a religious HS dealing with today's modern social issues. I hadn't seen Macaulay Culkin in anything since "The Good Son" where he did an amazing job portraying a child murderer sociopath and he was great in this one too. Was surprised bc heard he went into left field recently, etc.
I saw Wonder Woman instead. It was 12/10. I may have shed a manly tear at the symbolism.
My grade isn't as high but I watched the movie on an impossible high. Wonder Woman is a crowning jewel of DC on the big screen in my eyes. Superman had been done. Batman? Same thing. There was an essential piece missing for far too long, a piece equal in every way to those two DC legends and immeasureably greater than every other DC character outside their trio.

The movie is a proud moment for me. My chest was puffed way out. Shoot. I may have been more proud of the movie than my wife was sitting right there beside me. :p
After watching "Split" on the way home courtesy of a Delta 737, I watched the other recent film by M Night "The Visit".

While I thought "Split" was a weird and very good film, I consider "The Visit" simply weird and a meh film. A couple spots were funny, but it was just a strange film overall.

Man, the new releases have sucked for the last month+ (sorry I don't like Marvel comics and Wonder Woman)
Man, the new releases have sucked for the last month+ (sorry I don't like Marvel comics and Wonder Woman)
Gotta agree with you friend!
Hollywood basically stated they could give a lovely **** less about the effort of feature productions.
Renting from ' Redbox' is pretty much a coin flip and always has been(sheese when that outfit moved into play I had over 500 BBQ.cages needing to be moved/ respotted at convenience stores)
I've been watching this movie called " passenger" about a 90 year space travel that's ranking an easy 7 out of 10 ,,, almost rented "a dogs purpose" or calling?,,_, it seemed like decent family viewing.
Just watched Logan. 10/10. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Battle after endless battle. Countless severe physical exterior and interior trauma. Logan taxed his healing power far beyond his mutancy limitations. Who knows how old he would have lived if he hadn't devoted himself to defending those who needed his help? Centuries? Millennia?

That's another aspect of the movie's base concept that I enjoyed and another reason why I place it at the top or above all other X-Men movies. The film is the best illustration of what the X-Men comics have always been about--sacrificing themselves while protecting their own and even those who hate them. Good stuff.
Watching the Sony Channel late this weekend as I was playing some Diablo 3

They had a couple of early 80's teen films that most yang men loved back in the day.

Private Lessons and My Tutor.

My tutor had more "eye candy" and holds up a tad better. Private lessons looks like it was being played on an old VHS machine after the tape had been worn out lol.
Wonder Woman - 7 / 10 - I thought the first half of the movie was good, but than it started to go down hill. The last 1/2 hour was filled with way over the top CGI and ridiculous fight scenes that ruined everything that led up to it.
Wonder Woman - 7 / 10 - I thought the first half of the movie was good, but than it started to go down hill. The last 1/2 hour was filled with way over the top CGI and ridiculous fight scenes that ruined everything that led up to it.
I thought it was a good visual conception of two demi-gods going at each other.
Guardians Vol 2 - 10/10
Alien: Covenant - 8/10
Pirates 5 - 7/10
Logan: 8/10
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales - 5/10.

Should be called "Drunk Men Sell No Films" instead, as it's become apparent that Johnny Depp is going down the same road to ruin that Tiger Woods is driving down.

I have to agree with @ChldsPlay , everything is just, less. The storyline isn't up to standards of the original trilogy, but more on par with On Stranger Tides. The story is incredibly predictable, from where you know you're going to find Jack Sparrow, to the reveals that are anything but surprising. What little humor there is, is juvenile at best.

And every character, even those returning, are lesser than they've ever been. That goes for Depp more than anyone. He's certainly cashed it in and is more Dudley Moore's "Arthur" at this point, an amped-up, stumbling, drunken buffoon (art imitates life?)

If this isn't the least of the 5 films, it's tied for the spot.

I thought that was the point of Depp's portrayal in this one. Sparrow is down on his luck, his plans have been crashing and burning and he is wallowing in a bottle of rum because of it.
I thought that was the point of Depp's portrayal in this one. Sparrow is down on his luck, his plans have been crashing and burning and he is wallowing in a bottle of rum because of it.

Maybe it was. If that was the intent, I found it confusing more than appealing.
And two minutes after "the mutiny", the crew is back together again? Poor storytelling
Maybe it was. If that was the intent, I found it confusing more than appealing.
And two minutes after "the mutiny", the crew is back together again? Poor storytelling

Ugh, forgot to spoiler my response. Apologize to anyone who may have had part of the movie ruined.

I agree on the confusing part. It didn't really bother me too much watching the movie. It wasn't until I was driving home that it came to me that it was on maybe on purpose.

Yeah, the mutiny to forgiveness in the blink of an eye was a little tough to believe
Ugh, forgot to spoiler my response. Apologize to anyone who may have had part of the movie ruined.

I agree on the confusing part. It didn't really bother me too much watching the movie. It wasn't until I was driving home that it came to me that it was on maybe on purpose.

Yeah, the mutiny to forgiveness in the blink of an eye was a little tough to believe

For me it goes back to my original comments, everything felt "less".

And it would appear that disappointing box office returns support that.
WW - 7/10. Decent, not great. Some poor fx here and there (might be shots intended for 3D, but the green screen look was pretty bad). Good performance by Pine, okay by Gadot (but she's damned beautiful). Some stilted dialogue (or delivery), particularly in the first part of the movie with the Amazonians. Definitely the best of the DCEU, but pales in comparison to the Nolan Batman trilogy (at least the first two).

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