Rate the last movie you saw

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales - 5/10. Sadly, I have to say this is the worst film in the series. Yes, worse than OST (which after a 2nd watch earlier today I don't dislike as much (even though the entire thing is pointless).

This new one has a bunch of old characters that are shells of their former selves, and new characters who don't bring much to the table. And then the film butchers the history set forth in the previous movies all without much of the fun of the first 3. The last third was a little better but doesn't make up for the rest of the mess. And the post-credits scene just screws with things even more.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales - 5/10.

Should be called "Drunk Men Sell No Films" instead, as it's become apparent that Johnny Depp is going down the same road to ruin that Tiger Woods is driving down.

I have to agree with @ChldsPlay , everything is just, less. The storyline isn't up to standards of the original trilogy, but more on par with On Stranger Tides. The story is incredibly predictable, from where you know you're going to find Jack Sparrow, to the reveals that are anything but surprising. What little humor there is, is juvenile at best.

And every character, even those returning, are lesser than they've ever been. That goes for Depp more than anyone. He's certainly cashed it in and is more Dudley Moore's "Arthur" at this point, an amped-up, stumbling, drunken buffoon (art imitates life?)

If this isn't the least of the 5 films, it's tied for the spot.

I am blown away. One the top ten films I have seen in the past 3 years (not counting foreign films). Absolutely incredible. Just... incredible.

I'll elaborate more in the morning. It's 1am. That film took a part of me, its that great. I'm... just wow. More details incoming later.

I am blown away. One the top ten films I have seen in the past 3 years (not counting foreign films). Absolutely incredible. Just... incredible.

I'll elaborate more in the morning. It's 1am. That film took a part of me, its that great. I'm... just wow. More details incoming later.

I wasn't too impressed for the most part.

I am blown away. One the top ten films I have seen in the past 3 years (not counting foreign films). Absolutely incredible. Just... incredible.

I'll elaborate more in the morning. It's 1am. That film took a part of me, its that great. I'm... just wow. More details incoming later.
I'll check it out!

I am blown away. One the top ten films I have seen in the past 3 years (not counting foreign films). Absolutely incredible. Just... incredible.

I'll elaborate more in the morning. It's 1am. That film took a part of me, its that great. I'm... just wow. More details incoming later.

I really liked it. Jordan Peele did a good job in his directorial debut, and kind of stayed away from horror movie cliches', which earns bonus points from me.
That's insane. That's all I'll say. What are your top-3 films of the last three years?

I found it to be pretty predictable with somewhat shallow social commentary. There were some aspects that were refreshing (
the friend basically mocking what would be normal "horror" tropes

Hmm, Kingsman, Deadpool are really the only two that stick in my mind as ones I really enjoy (I don't consider the last few years to be all that great cinematically). If I had to pick a third, I might say - and this kind of surprises me because the first time I saw it I thought it was pretty terrible and dumb - is Popstar: Never Stop Neverstopping. There are plenty that I like, such as Guardians of the Galaxy or Hacksaw Ridge, but that didn't really wow me. Most are pretty 'been there, done that' and just mediocre in general.

I certainly don't see too much special about Get Out that elevates it much above the level of most others. To be fair, I'm not a big fan of the genre.
I found it to be pretty predictable with somewhat shallow social commentary. There were some aspects that were refreshing (
the friend basically mocking what would be normal "horror" tropes

Hmm, Kingsman, Deadpool are really the only two that stick in my mind as ones I really enjoy (I don't consider the last few years to be all that great cinematically). If I had to pick a third, I might say - and this kind of surprises me because the first time I saw it I thought it was pretty terrible and dumb - is Popstar: Never Stop Neverstopping. There are plenty that I like, such as Guardians of the Galaxy or Hacksaw Ridge, but that didn't really wow me. Most are pretty 'been there, done that' and just mediocre in general.

I certainly don't see too much special about Get Out that elevates it much above the level of most others. To be fair, I'm not a big fan of the genre.
Kingsman and Deadpool. Mmkay. Thanks.

There's been excellent films made this decade, you just need to dig a little deeper if you want to find the gems, Child'sPlay.
Kingsman and Deadpool. Mmkay. Thanks.

There's been excellent films made this decade, you just need to dig a little deeper if you want to find the gems, Child'sPlay.

There's probably few people that dig much deeper than I do.
There's probably few people that dig much deeper than I do.
Then we just have a fundamental disagreement on film. Kingsman (although very fun) and Deadpool (my 11 year old liked it, I thought it was meh) shouldn't be on any film-enthusiasts top ten, let alone a film enthusiast saying they haven't seen anything "good" in the last 3 years. There's been gems of all genres, all varieties.
Then we just have a fundamental disagreement on film. Kingsman (although very fun) and Deadpool (my 11 year old liked it, I thought it was meh) shouldn't be on any film-enthusiasts top ten, let alone a film enthusiast saying they haven't seen anything "good" in the last 3 years. There's been gems of all genres, all varieties.

I disagree. I think they were the best, most entertaining (yes, this factor HEAVILY into "best") films in their respective years. I have no desire to see Get Out ever again, but have watched, and will watch those two repeatedly. I see on average between 5-10 movies a week ranging from small indie films to major blockbusters. I don't know anyone (personally) that is a bigger enthusiast than I am, but being a lover of film and appreciating what goes into them, does not mean I have to have a particular taste either. A lot of what other enthusiasts claim to be masterpieces, I see as being very flawed. I can also see good things in works that others rip to shreds. And of course, there is a wide range of others where I agree with the assessment of others. I've watched tons of movies the last few years, and there just weren't really many I would even consider as potential gems. Lots and lots of mediocre, and lots of bad. Some good. Very very very few great.
I disagree. I think they were the best, most entertaining (yes, this factor HEAVILY into "best") films in their respective years. I have no desire to see Get Out ever again, but have watched, and will watch those two repeatedly. I see on average between 5-10 movies a week ranging from small indie films to major blockbusters. I don't know anyone (personally) that is a bigger enthusiast than I am, but being a lover of film and appreciating what goes into them, does not mean I have to have a particular taste either. A lot of what other enthusiasts claim to be masterpieces, I see as being very flawed. I can also see good things in works that others rip to shreds. And of course, there is a wide range of others where I agree with the assessment of others. I've watched tons of movies the last few years, and there just weren't really many I would even consider as potential gems. Lots and lots of mediocre, and lots of bad. Some good. Very very very few great.
Meh. I watch nearly every genre and fundamentally disagree with you're whole take.

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