Rate the last movie you saw

Have you seen this latest version?
Yes I saw it today. I liked it but I still prefer SPM 1 and 2. I need to see how this ages for me in a few years. It's too fresh to start calling it the best of anything.
Yes I saw it today. I liked it but I still prefer SPM 1 and 2. I need to see how this ages for me in a few years. It's too fresh to start calling it the best of anything.

Not for me. I think it's far superior to any of the other versions. And I really liked those as well.

In terms of aging, I don't think those McGuire Spider-Man films hold up very well.
Not for me. I think it's far superior to any of the other versions. And I really liked those as well.

In terms of aging, I don't think those McGuire Spider-Man films hold up very well.
Those movies don't age the best but they are still good movies and right now better than this movie. I find it kind of hard to just automatically put a movie that just came out on Friday at the best of those movies but whatever. That's the problem with a lot of people they just love to label something that just came out or happened as the 'best'. It's not the best yet and may never be.
Those movies don't age the best but they are still good movies and right now better than this movie. I find it kind of hard to just automatically put a movie that just came out on Friday at the best of those movies but whatever. That's the problem with a lot of people they just love to label something that just came out or happened as the 'best'. It's not the best yet and may never be.

Another "problem with a lot of people" is that they mistakenly think it's their right to decide for anyone other than themselves whether this new film is or isn't the best.
Those movies don't age the best but they are still good movies and right now better than this movie. I find it kind of hard to just automatically put a movie that just came out on Friday at the best of those movies but whatever. That's the problem with a lot of people they just love to label something that just came out or happened as the 'best'. It's not the best yet and may never be.
A 'lot of people' does not necessarily apply to everyone. For example, I take all movies I have ever seen into consideration when I rate my level of entertainment with each particular film. Likewise, I take the same approach with making comparisons between movies of same or similar make. Some people do make haphazard comments describing many things that they enjoyed or did not enjoy after experiencing something in their lives. That is true but it is a false generalization which cannot be applied to everyone factually.
lol, all this Spider Man talk makes me feel like I've accidentally overheard a bunch of people debating who has the best turd and all I can think is, who cares, they all stink

NO OFFENSE everyone! I'm the big bore & I guess I've become a big fuddy-duddy too cuz I'm not into this comic stuff at all, wish I was because that seems to be the genre of most movies these days

Maybe its because of Tobey Maguire, I'll never understand why he has managed to make it as an actor, he's as compelling and interesting as watching paint dry Imo

damn, I'm a barrel of fun tonight
lol, all this Spider Man talk makes me feel like I've accidentally overheard a bunch of people debating who has the best turd and all I can think is, who cares, they all stink

NO OFFENSE everyone! I'm the big bore & I guess I've become a big fuddy-duddy too cuz I'm not into this comic stuff at all, wish I was because that seems to be the genre of most movies these days

Maybe its because of Tobey Maguire, I'll never understand why he has managed to make it as an actor, he's as compelling and interesting as watching paint dry Imo

damn, I'm a barrel of fun tonight
I finally got around to renting " Logan",,,WOW!
pretty much sums up my take on it in a single word.
lol, all this Spider Man talk makes me feel like I've accidentally overheard a bunch of people debating who has the best turd and all I can think is, who cares, they all stink

NO OFFENSE everyone! I'm the big bore & I guess I've become a big fuddy-duddy too cuz I'm not into this comic stuff at all, wish I was because that seems to be the genre of most movies these days.
No offense taken in my opinion. One of the most genuine positions someone could take in conversations like this is 'I just don't like or prefer such and such.' Tastes vary. There are certain genres that some people enjoy and there are many genres other people like. One group appreciates movie genres in general and another group may not find any movie genre are their cup of tea while appreciating other forms of entertainment more than films. It takes all kinds. That's human. At least SOMEONE is willing to openly say what might be coloring their opinion about certain movies, instead of typing micro-dissatisfactions conveying basically 'Well, that movie wasn't all that because yada yada yada' and leave readers muttering 'Huh?'
Maybe its because of Tobey Maguire, I'll never understand why he has managed to make it as an actor, he's as compelling and interesting as watching paint dry Imo

damn, I'm a barrel of fun tonight
I do not agree with that assessment entirely but it does sum up why I didn't enjoy Maguire's performances as Peter Parker and Spider-Man as much as Andrew Garfield's and definitely not as much as Tom Holland's. The Peter Parker character is a teenager dealing with the all the complex issues and non-issues that teenagers confront, react or avoid. The Spider-Man character uses humor as both a coping mechanism and as a way to mess with an opponent's head in a fight. For me, Maguire was an adult actor playing a teenager while never truly projecting himself as a kid to the audience. As Spidey, Maguire read his lines like an actor should and he was really good doing so in my opinion but his dialogue felt like it could fit any of a dozen types of characters but did not necessarily fit just the cocky sounding comic book icon. These are the reasons why I will not say Maguire was dry as paint (lol) but get your analogy completely.
I finally got around to renting " Logan",,,WOW!
pretty much sums up my take on it in a single word.
Wow +1. Logan was a really good curtain call for Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart's roles. It got the essence of the Marvel's mutant book franchises almost perfectly and accomplished doing so without a big 'blockbuster type' movie production effort. I was pleasantly surprised and appreciative of the film.
I liked Spider-man: Homecoming okay. That young man did a very good job with the character. Keaton did a good job. I thought some of the CGI was poor. His movement in costume looked a bit herky-jerky at times. It surprised me because I would have thought today's technology would have helped to make it better. Some of the plot points didn't make sense to me. Alien tech is supposed to be so great have yet it didn't seem to help those same aliens much when they faced off with the Avengers. The whole connection with the villain and Spidey was too convenient. I didn't like that part at all. I also don't like downplaying the spider-sense abilities. I understand you don't have to showcase it with little parts of the scene, but it appeared he didn't have that ability at all. The acting was the best part, but the storyline was weak and there was too much forced humor. They could have cut the superhero p.s.a.s especially the last one.
I liked Spider-man: Homecoming okay. That young man did a very good job with the character. Keaton did a good job. I thought some of the CGI was poor. His movement in costume looked a bit herky-jerky at times. It surprised me because I would have thought today's technology would have helped to make it better. Some of the plot points didn't make sense to me. Alien tech is supposed to be so great have yet it didn't seem to help those same aliens much when they faced off with the Avengers. The whole connection with the villain and Spidey was too convenient. I didn't like that part at all. I also don't like downplaying the spider-sense abilities. I understand you don't have to showcase it with little parts of the scene, but it appeared he didn't have that ability at all. The acting was the best part, but the storyline was weak and there was too much forced humor. They could have cut the superhero p.s.a.s especially the last one.

8.5 of 10

1.) I thought the herky jerky movement was weird and very noticeable too. But I think they were going for that.

2.) alien tech - they had their power plug pulled. No power, no go. That's why they married the two with human tech. New power source.

3.) Toomes opening the door. I saw that com No. Just not as her father. I just thought he would beat him there somehow knowing peter was spidey.

4.) Spider senses. They are taking same approach as Wonder Woman. Not everything on first film. He's still learning... well... everything.

5.) humor, while forced, just worked.

6.) psa's were a goof.

7.) I really enjoyed this movie but it is still second to Spider-Man 2: Doc Oc

Ps. Holland made it seem like Michael J. Fox was playing peter Parker. His delivery said back to the future Marty to me.

Liz was like a young Rosario Dawson.

Zendaya... I don't know what that was?
I liked Spider-man: Homecoming okay. That young man did a very good job with the character. Keaton did a good job. I thought some of the CGI was poor. His movement in costume looked a bit herky-jerky at times. It surprised me because I would have thought today's technology would have helped to make it better. Some of the plot points didn't make sense to me. Alien tech is supposed to be so great have yet it didn't seem to help those same aliens much when they faced off with the Avengers. The whole connection with the villain and Spidey was too convenient. I didn't like that part at all. I also don't like downplaying the spider-sense abilities. I understand you don't have to showcase it with little parts of the scene, but it appeared he didn't have that ability at all. The acting was the best part, but the storyline was weak and there was too much forced humor. They could have cut the superhero p.s.a.s especially the last one.
I cannot type this next comment with my take of the movie without giving away spoilers. Fellow members, please do not click the following spoiler if you have not seen the movie. Thanks.

I took the film's premise behind Vulture's tech being superior to the Chitauri's because it was a combination of alien and human technology.

The movie sets up Spider-Man and Vulture's domestic encounter perfectly in my opinion if the previous verbal and visual cues are taken into account. Liz's party was the visual cue. Her home was lavish and upscale compared to other classmates. However that's implied since the only home environs that the movie displayed were only Liz's and Peter's but Liz's home prompts the silent question of what does her folks do to afford a place like that. The dialogue cues involved the mystery of Liz's father. Her mother was absent for much of the movie also but there were one or two references made about her father 'normal' absence from her everyday life before their chance encounter. It took me somewhat by surprise and made sense to me when they met. It certainly added to the intensity of their meeting--first from Peter's perspective and then from Liz's father after he deduced who her homecoming escort actually was.

[Edit] lol. So much for the spoiler approach. :p
I cannot type this next comment with my take of the movie without giving away spoilers. Fellow members, please do not click the following spoiler if you have not seen the movie. Thanks.

Being able to deduce the connection from clues does not make it any less convenient to me that such a familiar connection existed in the first place.
Here Alone - Netflix

It was billed as a zombie film and had a five star rating.

I love zombie films and usually even enjoy the lower rated ones if there is some action, humor, good gross effects or story line even when other areas are lacking.

I found this movie to be mostly boring.
For those that don't like the episodes of the walking dead that are slow and plodding with little to no action...don't watch as this only has a few action/zombie parts in it.

It is mostly telling a story of one woman and how she went from having a Husband and child, to being by herself, to finding and adult male and his step child (possible replacement for her husband and child) and how she interacts with them and how losing one or both of them might happen.

The movie acting is done well and the story line would have been ok if it were not for the lack of action. The slow parts would have been ok if there were a few quicker spots but even when there were short bouts of isolated "action" even it seemed slow.

Plus it seemed like they took an idea from the walking dead and some other zombie genres where the character would cover her self to I guess help hide the smell but she would cover herself with what appeared to be feces and after raiding a house for food, if some of the zombies were following her she would use a bucket of, what appears to be her own urine...to pour over her head before running again. I am not sure if they explained that and I just missed it or what but found it very bizarre. That and the idea they there is a car she used for night time shelter that she kind of camouflaged and yet what would appear to be anywhere from weeks to over a year it still had gas and was in working condition at the very end.
Passengers - I feel weird about this movie. I kept hearing and reading such great reviews of the movie that I over hyped it in my own mind and was a little let down. Than after thinking about it some I could not find a reason to not like it other than some parts were a tad slow. I wanted to say I would like it better if the ending was changed to them both somehow finding a way to find greet the crew when they got to the destination (trying not to spoil it too much) but I also thought if they did that it would be kind of cop out and too much of a hollywood happy ending. So it was really good, It's just when you hype a movie so much in your head, it's very hard for that movie to live up to that hype and in this case it is not fair to the movie as it was a good movie.
Passengers - I feel weird about this movie. I kept hearing and reading such great reviews of the movie that I over hyped it in my own mind and was a little let down. Than after thinking about it some I could not find a reason to not like it other than some parts were a tad slow. I wanted to say I would like it better if the ending was changed to them both somehow finding a way to find greet the crew when they got to the destination (trying not to spoil it too much) but I also thought if they did that it would be kind of cop out and too much of a hollywood happy ending. So it was really good, It's just when you hype a movie so much in your head, it's very hard for that movie to live up to that hype and in this case it is not fair to the movie as it was a good movie.

My experience with it was very much the opposite, and maybe that's why I found that I did enjoy it so much. I knew and heard very little about it so I had little to no expectations whatsoever, so for me, I was very pleasantly surprised.

I thought the effects were top notch, and I give the actors a lot of credit for carrying such a sparsely populated movie which can be a real challenge. And the story touched me on a personal level as well. I just bought it at Bestbuy a few weeks ago when it was on sale and I'm looking forward to seeing what the 3D version looks like.
My experience with it was very much the opposite, and maybe that's why I found that I did enjoy it so much. I knew and heard very little about it so I had little to no expectations whatsoever, so for me, I was very pleasantly surprised.

I thought the effects were top notch, and I give the actors a lot of credit for carrying such a sparsely populated movie which can be a real challenge. And the story touched me on a personal level as well. I just bought it at Bestbuy a few weeks ago when it was on sale and I'm looking forward to seeing what the 3D version looks like.

That is the best way to see a movie...Going in with little to no expectations of it and coming out loving it.

Master and Commander was one of those movies for me. Bought it in the $5 bin at wally world years ago and have watched it a number of times.
That is the best way to see a movie...Going in with little to no expectations of it and coming out loving it.

Master and Commander was one of those movies for me. Bought it in the $5 bin at wally world years ago and have watched it a number of times.

I completely agree. Movies seldom measure up to huge expectations.

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