Rate the last movie you saw

Beguiled. Other than the awkward, disturbing sexual tension with potential underage girls, it was an absolute snooze-fest.
And since I am always behind the times I finally saw Tobey Maguire's Spiderman last night and Part 2 today. Excellent movies. Probably won't see the other versions for years though. Don't like to watch one reboot after another. lol
Passengers - I feel weird about this movie. I kept hearing and reading such great reviews of the movie that I over hyped it in my own mind and was a little let down. Than after thinking about it some I could not find a reason to not like it other than some parts were a tad slow. I wanted to say I would like it better if the ending was changed to them both somehow finding a way to find greet the crew when they got to the destination (trying not to spoil it too much) but I also thought if they did that it would be kind of cop out and too much of a hollywood happy ending. So it was really good, It's just when you hype a movie so much in your head, it's very hard for that movie to live up to that hype and in this case it is not fair to the movie as it was a good movie.

I walked out of the theater feeling similar, it just felt like there was a better ending out there but I'm not sure what it would be, I wanted something that would lend itself to sequels where the subject could be explored more. Its a fascinating concept to imagine
War for the Planet of the Apes - 4/10. I have no idea why reviews are so good for this. I really enjoyed the first two, but this was a huge departure. Very cheesy/corny, melodramatic/sappy, cliched, an almost completely wasted Woody, and a silly ending dominated by a couple of elements that were absent the rest of the film.
War for the Planet of the Apes - 4/10. I have no idea why reviews are so good for this. I really enjoyed the first two, but this was a huge departure. Very cheesy/corny, melodramatic/sappy, cliched, an almost completely wasted Woody, and a silly ending dominated by a couple of elements that were absent the rest of the film.

That's disappointing to hear. I want to see it, but I wasn't a big fan of the second one. The plot made no sense. The dam was a huge MacGuffin.
Baby Driver - 9/10

The action and driving are ridiculous. Very entertaining. However, the subtle things the filmmaker did make it even better. I'd go watch this in the theater again.
Alien Covenant: 6/10

I really wanted to like it. I loved Prometheus, even though most people hated it. The first act was going along pretty well and it was pretty interesting. The end was really predictable and too long and drawn out. I saw it from a mile away. The cast is great. It has Fassbender, Billy Crudup, and Danny McBride. It's frustrating, because they had a great base to work with and just ruined it.
Free State Of Jones. It's amazing what Matthew McConaughey can do when he's not acting like an idiot. The Lincoln commercials have made me ponder beating him, but then he ups and makes a good movie. Cool story and Matt plays it well.
Free State Of Jones. It's amazing what Matthew McConaughey can do when he's not acting like an idiot. The Lincoln commercials have made me ponder beating him, but then he ups and makes a good movie. Cool story and Matt plays it well.

Yeah, I thought that one was good too. He was awesome in True Detective. I kind of respect that he just does whatever he wants, lol.
Yeah, I thought that one was good too. He was awesome in True Detective. I kind of respect that he just does whatever he wants, lol.

He does, but he gets really cheesy sometimes. Plus he's a freaking Skins fan. I thought he was great in True Detective, but A Time To Kill will always be my favorite move he did.
War for the Planet of the Apes - 4/10. I have no idea why reviews are so good for this. I really enjoyed the first two, but this was a huge departure. Very cheesy/corny, melodramatic/sappy, cliched, an almost completely wasted Woody, and a silly ending dominated by a couple of elements that were absent the rest of the film.

thats a shame, the originals still hold upon so well Imo, they always creep me out...in a good way
Watched Prometheus again. This time critically. I will have say that Charlize Theron was awesome in that movie. Clearly she carried the movie.

Locimus movie scale rating : 9/10 with :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: rewatchability

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