Rate the last movie you saw

The Belko Expierment was good 9 out of 10 stars

The storyline a nice happy yuppy business corporation and they get taken hostage the whole building . The only way they will survive is they have to kill a certain amount of their co-workers and if not instead of 30 getting killed the hostage takers will kill 60 of them if 30 don't die.
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If you like Curb your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, then you should like this sleeper:

Clear History

Funny with a great cast (Larry David, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Eva Mendez, JB Smoove). I'm surprised I've never heard of it

Its free on Amazon Prime by the way
Krampus - Something a little different for the Holidays I guess. Mix of horror and comedy. Not sure it really achieved either but it was something different. When christmas spirit is low and in a fit of anger a Demon of some sort is released upon a family.

Doctor Detroit - Cheesy 80's movie with Dan Akroyd. Not really that great of a comedy but one I still like and will watch on the rare occasions they show it. The son of the south scene still cracks me up, for those that have seen it.

Chips - Laughed a few times but fell asleep through parts of it. Pretty sure they could have made the same movie without the "CHIPS" title but I guess that is what it takes to get a movie made in hollywood these days.

Logan - Second time I watched it. Still like it although it is a little slow at times.
If you like Curb your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, then you should like this sleeper:

Clear History

Funny with a great cast (Larry David, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Eva Mendez, JB Smoove). I'm surprised I've never heard of it

Its free on Amazon Prime by the way

forgot to mention Michael Keaton's in it too
If you like Curb your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, then you should like this sleeper:

Clear History

Funny with a great cast (Larry David, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Eva Mendez, JB Smoove). I'm surprised I've never heard of it

Its free on Amazon Prime by the way
Sounds right up my alley. Thanks.
Making A Murderer

While this is not a movie, it is a true life documentary on Netflix spanning 10 one hour episodes on a man who serves 18 years for something he didn't do. Then he gets out when DNA proves to be a different guy. Sadly while getting his life back together and building a case to prove police involvement for his prolonged incarceration, a murder is committed and this time there is very little doubt he is the killer. Did prison make him a killer? Did he just lose it and kill a woman? Or is it possible he is framed by the same police right before a judgement was to be made awarding him possibly millions. For more info click on the link here......

Got to say, I have been binge watching since finding it. This seems far worse than what happened to the West Memphis Three. Corruption at its finest.
If you like Curb your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, then you should like this sleeper:

Clear History

Funny with a great cast (Larry David, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Eva Mendez, JB Smoove). I'm surprised I've never heard of it

Its free on Amazon Prime by the way

Larry David (and Seinfeld) are the least funny people on Earth, imo.

I like that cast, though, so I will watch it.
Larry David (and Seinfeld) are the least funny people on Earth, imo.

I like that cast, though, so I will watch it.

Larry has a strange sense of humor for sure, if you don't like Curb Your Enthusiasm, you probably won't like this

its not over the top funny, just decent and several laughs throughout
Forced to see Star Wars with my company today. Basically the same as every other Star Wars. I guess when you have a winning formula, why change it?
Forced to see Star Wars with my company today. Basically the same as every other Star Wars. I guess when you have a winning formula, why change it?
Lol! I believe you without reservation but I am curious. What type of company makes it mandatory for employees to watch movies? Is your company aligned with the entertainment industry?
I will rate Star Wars: The Last Jedi after thinking more on what I saw last night but I just wanted to say Laura Dern plays one of my new all-time favorite heroes from the decades old film franchise. Some of the audience may not care one bit about her Admiral Holdo character (or even less than that :p ) but I love her. Admiral Holdo! Hero of the Rebellion! :D
Lol! I believe you without reservation but I am curious. What type of company makes it mandatory for employees to watch movies? Is your company aligned with the entertainment industry?

Big software company. We have company parties and stuff but we've never gone to the movies before.
A tale of 2 sister's- 10/10

It has it all minus romance. Revenge, supernatural, comedy. It's subtitled though.

6.75 of 10.00

I will preface my post by simply saying I enjoyed the movie as I have every Star Wars film. However, my enjoyment of the movies is based on the George Lucas style of telling and illustrating the story. For me, Lucas presented a grand fable of good versus evil, containing a few main personas infused with (at least) a fair degree of intricate characteristics, intermixed with several logical subplots driven to one goal. Yes, some of the audience has and would argue the validity of anything I just posted about various prior Star Wars movies but that sums it up for yours truly.

So, this episode and the one preceding it do not appeal to me in the same way as their predecessors. The focus has shifted from clear cut good versus evil to why Jedi and Sith are even necessary. The stories behind main characters are not as strongly constructed as before. Heck. Even loony tune characters like Jar Jar Binks from The Phantom Menace have more depth than some 'important' supporting ones now. And some current sub-plots are constructed like skeletons.

What I liked most about Episode VIII:

  • The opening space battle including the dreadnaught
  • Chewbecca's interaction with the birds
  • The Supreme Leader general's attitude
  • Leia's exhibition of The Force
  • The return of the... little... green... man...
  • Luke's ultimate sacrifice
  • Admiral Holdo's retaliation
  • The 'phone call' to Maz
  • Luke's two suns scene paying wonderful homage to his first appearance in Episode IV.

There were a number of anticlimatic or telegraphed acts and scenes for me. The Supreme Leader/Rey/Kylo act is an example that played out a lot like I thought it would. Entertaining but expected. The movie will be nitpicked enough without me piling on. Good movie that does not live up to its full potential. Thing is, TFA and TLJ seem generically produced for wide appeal--and perhaps a bit too frailly presented in my opinion.
Lady Bird. 5/10. I don't get all the hype. Just another coming of age story. Nothing special about it. Probably will take home all the Oscars. Three Billboards was a far more memorable movie.
Lady Bird. 5/10. I don't get all the hype. Just another coming of age story. Nothing special about it. Probably will take home all the Oscars. Three Billboards was a far more memorable movie.

That's how I felt about Lady Bird too. It wasn't awful, but nothing special either. It was only 90 minutes, but felt lile 2 hours to me.
The Last Jedi. 6/10. Great visuals, bad story, good acting.

saw it today with the GF who loves the series, I've always been meh for some reason

after all these years and endless sequels, prequels, etc, etc I have no idea whats going on, I guess they have to fight the empire forever
saw it today with the GF who loves the series, I've always been meh for some reason

after all these years and endless sequels, prequels, etc, etc I have no idea whats going on, I guess they have to fight the empire forever
They will be fighting forever but some periods of peace will return eventually. Jedi and Sith are opposite sides of the same coin. Jedi represent order. Sith are chaos--despite their claims of restoring order to the galaxy. :p Unfortunately, the Sith will do everything necessary to keep ultimate control and that means constantly building and rebuilding an apparatus powerful enough to maintain control. In other words, empires.

The most important consideration is that an equilibrium or balance in The Force must and always re-manifests between the two sides. At some point, the Jedi will regain the upper hand and peace will flourish--usually for generations. However, Luke did not have a long enough opportunity to re-establish the Jedi Order. It will be up to Rey to do so. She is a true prodigy of The Force much like Yoda. Rey will likely end the Sith's current reign of terror and the First Order should fade back into the mists of time like their ruthless predecessors... That is until that fateful time when Hollywood re-REstarts Star Wars yet again. :cool:

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