Rate the last movie you saw

They will be fighting forever but some periods of peace will return eventually. Jedi and Sith are opposite sides of the same coin. Jedi represent order. Sith are chaos--despite their claims of restoring order to the galaxy. :p Unfortunately, the Sith will do everything necessary to keep ultimate control and that means constantly building and rebuilding an apparatus powerful enough to maintain control. In other words, empires.

The most important consideration is that an equilibrium or balance in The Force must and always re-manifests between the two sides. At some point, the Jedi will regain the upper hand and peace will flourish--usually for generations. However, Luke did not have a long enough opportunity to re-establish the Jedi Order. It will be up to Rey to do so. She is a true prodigy of The Force much like Yoda. Rey will likely end the Sith's current reign of terror and the First Order should fade back into the mists of time like their ruthless predecessors... That is until that fateful time when Hollywood re-REstarts Star Wars yet again. :cool:

I take it you'e a fan?
Bright. New Netflix movie. 4/10. Interesting premise, but bad plot and script. Kind of a useless movie.
Star Wars The Last Jedi- 7 out of 10 stars. Disney has made these movies suck!!!. Give it back to George Lucas!!!
Star Wars 8 - 5/10. Lots of illogical plot going on. Not as shocking as people let on.

Pitch Perfect 3 - 7/10. Much better than the 2nd, but not as good as the first.

The Greatest Showman - 7/10. Not usually a fan of musicals but this was enjoyable enough with good performances.
Vanishing Point!
The weird story of a jaded once was tweaker top dog casing-liner, unleased upon the semi-untamed wilds of the aririd western casing-liner of the U.S of A.,,,an american ' Mopar' flick of unbridled high octane powered horsepower set WITHIN ;,,," you tell me",,,
( basically ,the only saving grace being that of a blind disc jockey that the feds done had the lockdown on, coasting by in life under the handle of " SUPER SOUL" RUNNING an{apparently powerhouse of a radio broadcasting casing-liner} under the signature call signs of KOW,,, ( read that as in a: bellowing. Annoying COW, and the African American was a blind cat to boot , mind you) & a couple of gratuitous nipple shots) ,,,SHORT SUMMARY?,,, back in the day a 1970 dodge Challenger could've been had? ,,, the real capable casing-liner's were R&Ring from Vietman!
The coolest part of the airsucking flakes abounding in this hide- away flick, was the ' beer can pull tab head band wearing weirdo that : dug up outta' the sand, a hand cranked air raid siren that,,,obviously fools mid country hick casing-liner state patrolman already set up in the 'stop or die' roadblock mode!,,, the part where he picked up a couple of queers whom by the way were recently just 'married'& pushing their 55 or 56(?)Chevy nomad ragwagon down the road was an unexpected highlight of exceptional aborhantce,,, @waldoputty
Would obviously be the one to answer piqued casing-liner's of curiosity concerning that particular prerogative,o_O,
Actually, it was an epitome of Americana in the sense of when& where it was shot,,,:rolleyes:

,,,Melonfeudian score fer' repeat viewing,,?
Hey baby!,,,yer' on yer' own west of the Rockies,,,o_O
,3out of 10 power shifts.:confused:
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Seabiscuit. Great movie about a race horse during the depression who brought hope to a lot of people. I am not sure how much of hte story is true but still it was a great movie, great story, with outstanding acting by Jeff Bridges, Toby Maguire, and Chris Cooper 9 out of 10 and would give it a 10 out of 10 but kind of like no woman is a 10, no movie is a 10 but if there was this would be it.
Ok, I'm guessing you're in your 20's because I thought this movie was great but I grew up in the era so much of the movie paid homage to. My girlfriend and I really liked it but we left wondering whether people who didn't grow up in the 80's would get or appreciate.

It was one of my favorite movies of this year but if you didnt experience the climate of the Cold War and the music and style of the 80's it might be hard to appreciate.

I grew up in the 80s and couldnt stand this movie either.

The story was lame, the fight scenes were robotic and in general just didn't work for me at all.
I grew up in the 80s and couldnt stand this movie either.

The story was lame, the fight scenes were robotic and in general just didn't work for me at all.

Guess I just got caught up in the music and the 80’s vibe I thought they did a good job of conveying, lol, I don’t even remember the fight scenes

I traveled a lot in the eastern block countries before the wall came down so it was like a flashback to a great experience for me, perhaps that causes me to over rate it
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj - Had a sale on it on Google Play so I got it.
This is one of those movies that was probably made straight to video or very limited movie run. It is cheap and cheesy but for whatever reason I still like it for what it is.

Got the new It movie bundled with the original Shining movie on Google play - The original Shining....I seemed to like it a bit better this time around then when I watched it years ago, however the ending still left me wanting more. However one thing stayed steady for me back in the day and now...Shelly Duvall is so damn ugly to me. I know I know...to each their own but ugggh

It - the New movie. I liked that it seemed to be a bit darker and more serious than the original. The original TV movie was good but for some reason it had a bit of cheesiness to it. This one was better at seeming to be more serious or have a darker tone. With that said. Although the child actors did a decent job...I did not feel the connection their characters as much as I did in the original. Although to be fair we know them as children and as adults in the original vs just children now.
However none of them really stood out that much to me other than the girl. Also the special effects were better and the clown itself looked creepier but I am going to have to go with Tim Curry's version of Pennywise as being the better of the two.

The Zookeepers Wife - inspiring story but kind of slow and I just could not really get into it very much. The one **** guy was annoying and had a punchable face but he just did not fill the bad guy role enough for me. He was more of a nuisance and turd vs a real bad guy. Not only was it not a great character it was not great acting either. It was not the Jew Hunter by Christoph Waltz in Inglorious *******s. But over all the story of how they helped people was worth watching.
An Eye for Beauty

This was a bad movie. Acting was bad. Plot line never kicked steam. Its one of those wrecks that you can't stop watching. Man has extramarital affair Yada yadda. Warning:There is some nudity.
However the ending has me so confused so if anyone has watched it please explain what the hell ending was that. o_O
Bright 6.5 /10

Looked very promising at 1st. Did enough to keep you watching but never took it to the next level. Could of been better but wasn't that bad either.
I, Tonya was hilarious and sad at the same time. I'm still laughing at one of the scenes every time I think about it. If anyone had a similar reaction perhaps we can talk about the scene in spoilers

Jumangi - Welcome to the Jungle

Wife and I took our 8 yr old daughter. We all loved it. Wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. Solid movie all the way throught.
Jumangi - Welcome to the Jungle

Wife and I took our 8 yr old daughter. We all loved it. Wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. Solid movie all the way throught.

It was pretty good. We took the 7yo daughter and she asked questions when Jack Black was peeing/erection scenes :lmao: I think I played it off pretty well though :D
It was pretty good. We took the 7yo daughter and she asked questions when Jack Black was peeing/erection scenes :lmao: I think I played it off pretty well though :D
Ha, had the same issue with the excited part as well. I said he peed his pants...first thing that came to mind.
Watched the latest Spiderman movie..hey I had a 99 cent rental from Google Play so gave it a go.

Kind of liked it better than some of the others. First time it seemed that Spiderman was really a teenager with real teenager problems and attitudes.The action was ok. Otherwise not anything special and glad I did not buy it.

King Arthur the legend of the sword. I watched the first half of it, fell asleep through the second half. Not really the movies fault...I have been doing that a good deal lately.

Although the movie was kind of odd how they were doing things, it was different and watchable. Some of the special effects and ways they went about stuff was kind of cool. Also seemed weird hearing Little Finger (GOT) as his voice is really recognizable much more than his face is.

Need to catch the second half of the movie however I have a feeling it will not wind up being anything special other than some good fight scenes.
Dunkirk 10/10.

A new challenger amoungst the greatest war movies ever made. Very little dialogue, with the score used more to set the seen. Very effective. Gets confusing at points with a time loop, but not enough to lose you

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