Rate the last movie you saw

That's nuts, what did ya see?

I must have a block. I've seen nothing.
Well, there was one time when my brother and I saw a ball of light floating out of my mother's bedroom, through the closed door, and go down the steps, and through the floor, into the basement.
Then another time at around age 15, I was in the living room watching TV alone about midnight, and on the end table to my right was a ball point pen someone had taken apart. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving and when I turned to look, the spring from the pen was floating in midair at eye level, and then dropped onto the table.... That's when I decided it was bedtime.
Well, there was one time when my brother and I saw a ball of light floating out of my mother's bedroom, through the closed door, and go down the steps, and through the floor, into the basement.
Then another time at around age 15, I was in the living room watching TV alone about midnight, and on the end table to my right was a ball point pen someone had taken apart. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving and when I turned to look, the spring from the pen was floating in midair at eye level, and then dropped onto the table.... That's when I decided it was bedtime.
Holy crap!
Holy crap!
Oh, that's nothing.

When I was in my early 20's, my girlfriend was moving in with me, so we went to her house to get her things. We were there for maybe 10 minutes, when I felt something.
I said, "There's something here."
Looking concerned she asked, "What do you mean?"
"There's something here...a presence.", I replied. "It's not malicious or anything, but it's definitely here. I can feel it."
(Just to be clear, I don't claim to be clairvoyant, and this was an isolated incident.)

She turned white as a sheet, and started telling me a half hour's worth of stories, about all the weird things that used to happen in that house.

Once she finished, we went through the process of collecting her things, and when we were done, we sat at the kitchen table for a little bit, talking.
The feeling I had came back, but this time it was different. I started to feel like if we didn't leave soon, we wouldn't be able to, so I interrupted her and said, "We need to leave, now."
As soon as the words left my mouth, the garage door opened about halfway, then closed again.

Needless to say, we left, and I never went back there.
Oh, that's nothing.

When I was in my early 20's, my girlfriend was moving in with me, so we went to her house to get her things. We were there for maybe 10 minutes, when I felt something.
I said, "There's something here."
Looking concerned she asked, "What do you mean?"
"There's something here...a presence.", I replied. "It's not malicious or anything, but it's definitely here. I can feel it."
(Just to be clear, I don't claim to be clairvoyant, and this was an isolated incident.)

She turned white as a sheet, and started telling me a half hour's worth of stories, about all the weird things that used to happen in that house.

Once she finished, we went through the process of collecting her things, and when we were done, we sat at the kitchen table for a little bit, talking.
The feeling I had came back, but this time it was different. I started to feel like if we didn't leave soon, we wouldn't be able to, so I interrupted her and said, "We need to leave, now."
As soon as the words left my mouth, the garage door opened about halfway, then closed again.

Needless to say, we left, and I never went back there.
Wow. I've seena couple things I just couldn't chalk up as a ghost. I'm open to the idea, just haven't had anything that definitive.
Wow. I've seena couple things I just couldn't chalk up as a ghost. I'm open to the idea, just haven't had anything that definitive.
Even after the first story I told you, you still could've convinced me it wasn't a ghost, but when you feel one the way I did, there's no going back to ignorance. :eek:
I just watched "The Ritual" on Netflix. It's kinda like a Blair Witch type of movie that takes place in the forests of Sweden.
It was so-so...not a complete waste of time. I'd give it a 6 out of 10.

BTW, if we don't have a "Ghost Stories" thread then someone needs to start one. I've always loved hearing those types of stories. :thumbup:
Even after the first story I told you, you still could've convinced me it wasn't a ghost, but when you feel one the way I did, there's no going back to ignorance. :eek:
I find in intriguing to hear people with such conviction about these types of things. And please don't think I have any doubt about your experiences. But you have to ask the question: Why do some people experience things and some don't? So weird.
My girlfriend a few years back was a bartender. Some nights she worked alone I would help her close up and walk her out if I was free. At the time I smoked and we were ashing in a plastic cup half full of water. We both saw the glass slide about a foot on the bar. I checked and no condensation. You know how sometimes they can glide? Nothing. Dry. I tried to recreate it. Nothing. That's all I got.
I just watched "The Ritual" on Netflix. It's kinda like a Blair Witch type of movie that takes place in the forests of Sweden.
It was so-so...not a complete waste of time. I'd give it a 6 out of 10.

BTW, if we don't have a "Ghost Stories" thread then someone needs to start one. I've always loved hearing those types of stories. :thumbup:
I grew up across the street from the city's rich cemetery. I was not happy once I was old enough to know what that huge park with all the large marble stones was about. It was well maintained with beautiful trees and a baby area that you could walk barefoot on without stickers, but there was stuff underneath that grass that bothered me. My imagination ran wild and I still have nightmares all these years later. My stupid brother thought it was funny to come in to the room and grab our feet as we tried to sleep. With the monsters under the bed and dead people across the street, the last thing I needed was having my feet grabbed at night
I find in intriguing to hear people with such conviction about these types of things. And please don't think I have any doubt about your experiences. But you have to ask the question: Why do some people experience things and some don't? So weird.
My girlfriend a few years back was a bartender. Some nights she worked alone I would help her close up and walk her out if I was free. At the time I smoked and we were ashing in a plastic cup half full of water. We both saw the glass slide about a foot on the bar. I checked and no condensation. You know how sometimes they can glide? Nothing. Dry. I tried to recreate it. Nothing. That's all I got.
Weird about the cup, and I would've had the same reaction of wondering what happened. I've seen a lot of examples like that, where it kinda freaks you out for a minute, but that's about it.
Fanboys - pretty good flick.

I was skimming through the movie channels and came across this, never even heard of it. It is about Star Wars(Star Trek too) and a group of friends' journey to see(break in George Lucas house)the new SW movie coming out.

Some cool cameos from Jay and Silent Bob, Seth Rogan, the Shattner, etc. It reminded me of those 90's comedies in almost every way.

Oh, a younger, brunette Kristin Bell is in it :grin:
Fanboys - pretty good flick.

I was skimming through the movie channels and came across this, never even heard of it. It is about Star Wars(Star Trek too) and a group of friends' journey to see(break in George Lucas house)the new SW movie coming out.

Some cool cameos from Jay and Silent Bob, Seth Rogan, the Shattner, etc. It reminded me of those 90's comedies in almost every way.

Oh, a younger, brunette Kristin Bell is in it :grin:
Have to check that out. I do love Kristen Bell....and Katherine Bell....and Kate Beckinsale.....Hmm.
Batman: mask of the phantasm

Animated from 1993, one of the best batman films ever made. Dusted this one off and fell in love all over again.
I finally caught a matinee for Black Panther today. The movie was over-hyped by critics, but having said that, it still was an entertaining origin story and I did enjoy the overall experience.:thumbup:
"Marauders", I never even heard of this film and recorded it because Chris Meloni, who got his start on "Oz", was in it. It was really good with a good story line and good action. One of my other favorites from "Oz" is J.K. Simmons and I watch anything he is in.
Even after the first story I told you, you still could've convinced me it wasn't a ghost, but when you feel one the way I did, there's no going back to ignorance. :eek:
And ignorance is exactly what that is. Because some haven't experienced something, they do not want to admit that exists because there is no explanation. It makes them very uncomfortable and I have close friends that are that way.

I lived with a person for over 40 years that was spiritually connected beyond my understanding and for a time I was envious and felt "what's wrong with me"? I accepted that some have that and some don't and still am not sure what that means but I don't want to lean in a religious tone here.

One of my friends, the smartest one I know, used to think all of that was nonsense and would gladly debate the existence of anything beyond just us and we were just evolved organisms. He was a big fan of Hawking and would often quote him to make a point. His wife, strangely enough, was on the opposite side of that.

So he and his wife are house hunting in Plano, TX in 1996 and they're standing in the kitchen with the realtor when all of the sudden he begins to break out in a sweat, he's shaking all over and begins to cry and runs out of the house. This is totally out of character for him and his wife runs after him along with the realtor. He's sobbing in the front yard and can't speak. He had left his listings inside but refused to go back in so his wife retrieved it.

Their agent was puzzled by what had happened and decided to do some research on the house and when she discovered it, she called them and went over to their home. She told them that some of the history of the house had been kept under wraps but she discovered that the people that presently owned the home had only owned it for two months, moved out and rented a place while they looked for another to buy. No one had owned the home for over a year in the previous 5 years. In 1991, the woman that had lived there had gone downstairs to the kitchen, surprised an intruder, was murdered and they never caught the suspect.

As his wife told us this story, I kept glancing at him and he was ashen and silent and since that day never argued against things we cannot comprehend. It was several years later and we were out to dinner and sitting at the bar waiting for a table and I asked him about the experience as it had always intrigued me living with someone connected. Someone who had debated with him on his stance. All he said was when someone believes in something so strongly and has that completely shaken, it forces them to open their mind to things they do not want to consider and that is very difficult. He's a judge and his life was compartmentalized into tidy little sections and all of that changed with simply walking into that house.
And ignorance is exactly what that is. Because some haven't experienced something, they do not want to admit that exists because there is no explanation. It makes them very uncomfortable and I have close friends that are that way.
Like I've said, I've never really had a substantial experience, but I'm willing to accept things I simply don't know. Like a lot of subjects. It also depends on the story and who is telling it.
I trust and believe Runny when he says what he did. There are others who swear Bigfoot is real and get emotional and haven't even had the experience or evidence.

The storyteller is an important factor IMO.
Like I've said, I've never really had a substantial experience, but I'm willing to accept things I simply don't know. Like a lot of subjects. It also depends on the story and who is telling it.
I trust and believe Runny when he says what he did. There are others who swear Bigfoot is real and get emotional and haven't even had the experience or evidence.

The storyteller is an important factor IMO.
Absolutely and my friend was most convincing of how quickly one can move to that opposite stance. Anyone who knows him as we did would have their minds changed as well.

Some people, as my friend used to be, cannot accept the unknown, they need an explanation or proof of everything in order for their world to make sense. There are just too many instances to ignore that.

And I believe Runny too but I am not going to like his post because he scared me.

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