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Absolutely and my friend was most convincing of how quickly one can move to that opposite stance. Anyone who knows him as we did would have their minds changed as well.

Some people, as my friend used to be, cannot accept the unknown, they need an explanation or proof of everything in order for their world to make sense. There are just too many instances to ignore that.

And I believe Runny too but I am not going to like his post because he scared me.
I find great comfort in "not knowing" certain things and I'm fine with it.
I'm open to any ideas. I really don't believe or not believe something until it's proven or unless it can be pretty much disproven w/ pure logic and facts.

There's some things in this world you just can't explain. (Charlie Daniels)
I find great comfort in "not knowing" certain things and I'm fine with it.
Boyhowdy, ain't that the truth!!!! I've come to the conclusion that there are many things that we are simply better off not knowing. It was bad enough when I came to the realization just how insignificant we really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Boyhowdy, ain't that the truth!!!! I've come to the conclusion that there are many things that we are simply better off not knowing. It was bad enough when I came to the realization just how insignificant we really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At a moments notice a bigger rock in space could smash the rock we are floating on through space. That's insane!
I'm open to any ideas. I really don't believe or not believe something until it's proven or unless it can be pretty much disproven w/ pure logic and facts.

There's some things in this world you just can't explain. (Charlie Daniels)
Yep, like Cousin Eddie describing Ruby Sue's experience.. "Gets kicked in the head by a mule, eyes go crossed. Falls in the well, eyes uncross. I dunno". There's a man that has embraced the mystery of the unknown.
At a moments notice a bigger rock in space could smash the rock we are floating on through space. That's insane!
Or a sun flare could wipe out life on half the earth.

Nutzoid hackers could destroy everything by wiping out electricity.
And ignorance is exactly what that is. Because some haven't experienced something, they do not want to admit that exists because there is no explanation. It makes them very uncomfortable and I have close friends that are that way.

I lived with a person for over 40 years that was spiritually connected beyond my understanding and for a time I was envious and felt "what's wrong with me"? I accepted that some have that and some don't and still am not sure what that means but I don't want to lean in a religious tone here.

One of my friends, the smartest one I know, used to think all of that was nonsense and would gladly debate the existence of anything beyond just us and we were just evolved organisms. He was a big fan of Hawking and would often quote him to make a point. His wife, strangely enough, was on the opposite side of that.

So he and his wife are house hunting in Plano, TX in 1996 and they're standing in the kitchen with the realtor when all of the sudden he begins to break out in a sweat, he's shaking all over and begins to cry and runs out of the house. This is totally out of character for him and his wife runs after him along with the realtor. He's sobbing in the front yard and can't speak. He had left his listings inside but refused to go back in so his wife retrieved it.

Their agent was puzzled by what had happened and decided to do some research on the house and when she discovered it, she called them and went over to their home. She told them that some of the history of the house had been kept under wraps but she discovered that the people that presently owned the home had only owned it for two months, moved out and rented a place while they looked for another to buy. No one had owned the home for over a year in the previous 5 years. In 1991, the woman that had lived there had gone downstairs to the kitchen, surprised an intruder, was murdered and they never caught the suspect.

As his wife told us this story, I kept glancing at him and he was ashen and silent and since that day never argued against things we cannot comprehend. It was several years later and we were out to dinner and sitting at the bar waiting for a table and I asked him about the experience as it had always intrigued me living with someone connected. Someone who had debated with him on his stance. All he said was when someone believes in something so strongly and has that completely shaken, it forces them to open their mind to things they do not want to consider and that is very difficult. He's a judge and his life was compartmentalized into tidy little sections and all of that changed with simply walking into that house.
Sometimes it takes a lot to convince someone, and some are ready and willing to believe anything, just because others believe it. It's a funny world, and while I don't believe in a lot of things others believe in, it's got to be something laughably stupid for me to completely dismiss the possibility.
At a moments notice a bigger rock in space could smash the rock we are floating on through space. That's insane!
Or we could be hit by a gamma ray burst, or a jet from a quasar.....or so many things that we'd never even see before it happened.

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