Rate the last movie you saw

I feel in a Harry Potter zone...watching all 8. For like a week though. Good thing summer is near,or I’m lible to start studying potions,spells,and charms soon,and wind up standing around in my underwear casting with wands “Alohomora!” from locking myself in a closet. And not my own I might add...
Just finally saw Thor: Ragnarok. Very entertaining - 8 out of 10. Jeff Goldblum had an unexpected, and hilarious character. The story took a surprising turn in several areas.
Just finally saw Thor: Ragnarok. Very entertaining - 8 out of 10. Jeff Goldblum had an unexpected, and hilarious character. The story took a surprising turn in several areas.
What about ...Infinity War? The final showdown between my competition “The Guardians”,contracting with “The Avengers” vs “ole’ fartbag” for the elusive infinity stones? The reviews (9.5!!) said it gets exhausting,and lots of fighting...but this is Thanos after all,not some garden variety movie super villain. He’s gonna take ya the full 10 rounds alright. I myself made it to 15 sec of the 1st...but that’s only because he let me speak.
HBO doc about Andre the Giant is a must watch for some members of this forum. It is pretty good up until it turns to his love of flatulence then it's outrageously good. The man was 7'4" and topped in at 500lbs and his three favorite things were drinking, women and farting. He would have been Cowboys Zone royalty if he'd only shown up. His version of the Dutch Oven was the elevator and God help anyone alone in there with him.
HBO doc about Andre the Giant is a must watch for some members of this forum. It is pretty good up until it turns to his love of flatulence then it's outrageously good. The man was 7'4" and topped in at 500lbs and his three favorite things were drinking, women and farting. He would have been Cowboys Zone royalty if he'd only shown up. His version of the Dutch Oven was the elevator and God help anyone alone in there with him.
My brother was saying it was a good documentary too.
My brother was saying it was a good documentary too.
It is really surprising how they so freely admit, especially McMahon and Hulk, that it was choreographed and a set up. We all know it is but they've been pretty much denying that for years.

When I was a kid, I was hooked and Danny Hodge was my guy but as I grew older, I started digging the bad guys like the Great Bolo and Skandar Akbar because they were more entertaining.

It is interesting just how addictive being a celebrity can be. He was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that caused his runaway growth and abnormalities and they could have addressed that and added years to his life but he chose to be Andre the Giant, that was all he wanted to be.
It is really surprising how they so freely admit, especially McMahon and Hulk, that it was choreographed and a set up. We all know it is but they've been pretty much denying that for years.

When I was a kid, I was hooked and Danny Hodge was my guy but as I grew older, I started digging the bad guys like the Great Bolo and Skandar Akbar because they were more entertaining.

It is interesting just how addictive being a celebrity can be. He was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that caused his runaway growth and abnormalities and they could have addressed that and added years to his life but he chose to be Andre the Giant, that was all he wanted to be.
Really? He could have stopped growing if he'd chosen to?
Once again, CC, you give me information I would probably never have had, if not for the Dallas Cowboys.....Is there anything they can't do?......Well okay, other than win another Lombardi....or NFC Championship?
Really? He could have stopped growing if he'd chosen to?
Once again, CC, you give me information I would probably never have had, if not for the Dallas Cowboys.....Is there anything they can't do?......Well okay, other than win another Lombardi....or NFC Championship?
Or a playoff game?

Yeah, Runny, I forget the disease they diagnosed and would have a hard time spelling it pronouncing it but they could have slowed it down and saved some of the wear on his back and knees but he wasn't interested. He would not have been Andre the Giant and that was the most important thing to him.

One of the revelations about him was the drinking, he was a freakin' legend and had been known to drink 20 bottles of wine in a day. I was blown away by one shot of his wine glass, looked normal until I considered the size of his hand. That glass must have held a bottle of wine.

I gotta say, I had tears in my eyes when they mentioned how sensitive he was to how people looked at him and actually talked about him within earshot of him and they showed his reactions.. The man truly was the Gentle Giant and while his heart was huge, it wasn't big enough for his body. The people that knew him just loved him.

I recommend it for anyone, doesn't matter if they followed the sport or not, it's just a great story and some lessons in there for all of us.

9.75 out of 10.00

My words will not do the film justice. My advice? Go see it. Does not matter what genre you prefer. Go see it for yourself.

The Marvel films' cut scenes are always must see's during the end credits (well, maybe not the Guardians of the Galaxy Howard The Duck one :rolleyes: ). There is only one end credits cut scene for AIW but it was the best one I have ever seen thus far in all 19 films. I am so pumped for next March. Congratulations Marvel and Disney. Your MCU film franchise as a whole has exceeded all my expectations.
Anyone seen You Were Never Really Here? I'm thinking about checking it out tonight

9.75 out of 10.00

My words will not do the film justice. My advice? Go see it. Does not matter what genre you prefer. Go see it for yourself.

The Marvel films' cut scenes are always must see's during the end credits (well, maybe not the Guardians of the Galaxy Howard The Duck one :rolleyes: ). There is only one end credits cut scene for AIW but it was the best one I have ever seen thus far in all 19 films. I am so pumped for next March. Congratulations Marvel and Disney. Your MCU film franchise as a whole has exceeded all my expectations.

I will second this review and not add much to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet. A word of advice though, make sure you go to the bathroom right before it starts, as this film never slows down!

If you're a fan of this genre, this is the best one they've ever made. 'Nuff said!

I very much look forward to discussing it after everyone has seen it.
I will second this review and not add much to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet. A word of advice though, make sure you go to the bathroom right before it starts, as this film never slows down!

If you're a fan of this genre, this is the best one they've ever made. 'Nuff said!

I very much look forward to discussing it after everyone has seen it.
Going to see it at 4 today, in 3D, so that should be interesting.

I saw it in 2D so I'll be eager to hear your review of the 3D.
I'll let ya know. If the fact that my nephew is going to see it today for the third time (at least twice in 3D) and his girlfriend is going for the second time is any indication, it's gonna be amazing!
I'll let ya know. If the fact that my nephew is going to see it today for the third time (at least twice in 3D) and his girlfriend is going for the second time is any indication, it's gonna be amazing!

Undoubtedly a good sign. I can't wait to go again myself!
I very much look forward to discussing it after everyone has seen it.
Shoot. Forget about the movie. I am joking, of course, but I am eager to talk about the ramifications of the movie's single 5-minute end credits cut scene. Some of the audience will not 'get it' but it is HUGE for comic book fans.

That cut scene is a wild card between now and AIW: Part 2. Stark is a wild card. Doctor Strange is a wild card. And most importantly, I may have a personal problem if this Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2 cut scene:

...will possibly not be a wild card for AIW2 but I am to the point of forgiving almost everything Disney/Marvel pushes out right now.