Rate the last movie you saw

I could go so far with this lol
Go for it. After speaking with my nephew (a comic book fan) I've relaxed a bit about the incredible wealth of technology, but the rest is still my stance. I definitely would have liked it more as a "stand alone movie", and if it had taken place in the future, or on a different planet, or had nothing to do with the Marvel universe.

The rhino riding I'll always consider ridiculous.
Go for it. After speaking with my nephew (a comic book fan) I've relaxed a bit about the incredible wealth of technology, but the rest is still my stance. I definitely would have liked it more as a "stand alone movie", and if it had taken place in the future, or on a different planet, or had nothing to do with the Marvel universe.

The rhino riding I'll always consider ridiculous.

I haven’t seen it yet.

Surely you enjoyed the soundtrack, curated and produced by music’s own gift to us, Kendrick Lamar.
I haven’t seen it yet.

Surely you enjoyed the soundtrack, curated and produced by music’s own gift to us, Kendrick Lamar.
Be sure to see it if your future movie-watching list includes Avengers: Infinity War. Marvel/Disney and its cinematic universe has done a wonderful job setting up AIW over the past decade with its 18-film run but Black Panther is the solid final setup for AIW if the trailers’ sneak peeks are any indication.
Be sure to see it if your future movie-watching list includes Avengers: Infinity War. Marvel/Disney and its cinematic universe has done a wonderful job setting up AIW over the past decade with its 18-film run but Black Panther is the solid final setup for AIW if the trailers’ sneak peeks are any indication.
I was so disappointed with the movie, I didn't stick around to see the sneak peeks in the credits.
I was so disappointed with the movie, I didn't stick around to see the sneak peeks in the credits.
I KINDA got that impression already from your earlier post:
Just watched Black Panther. I don't understand the hype. I almost walked out. Racist premise, way overboard on the CGI, and weak humor. 6.5 at best.

It's all good. Age wise, it took a long time for it to sink in but Cowboyszone has taught me two valuable lessons. First, all fans of a team do not share the same mindset--sometimes not even remotely. Secondly, this five-or-so year old thread in particular sledgehammers home any notion that movie lovers are any different from Dallas fans. Factors like acting, directing, script, plot, general critical and/or audience acclaim or reception, box office, etc. are not seen the same way by everyone. Yeah it took a long time (basically since I am hardheaded :muttley: ) but Hakuna Matata is the best way to go concerning the Cowboys... or movies for that matter. :D
I KINDA got that impression already from your earlier post:


It's all good. Age wise, it took a long time for it to sink in but Cowboyszone has taught me two valuable lessons. First, all fans of a team do not share the same mindset--sometimes not even remotely. Secondly, this five-or-so year old thread in particular sledgehammers home any notion that movie lovers are any different from Dallas fans. Factors like acting, directing, script, plot, general critical and/or audience acclaim or reception, box office, etc. are not seen the same way by everyone. Yeah it took a long time (basically since I am hardheaded :muttley: ) but Hakuna Matata is the best way to go concerning the Cowboys... or movies for that matter. :D

So excited to see Infinity War and I know you're a comic movie fan like me.

The beginning of the end of an era, can't wait!
So excited to see Infinity War and I know you're a comic movie fan like me.

The beginning of the end of an era, can't wait!
Upcoming release dates

07/06/2018 Ant-Man and The Wasp
03/08/2019 Captain Marvel
05/03/2019 Avengers: Infinity War Part 2

IF AIW Part 1 is as huge as I expect, Disney may have a mindboggling 12-month run between next week and AIW Part 2 from just Marvel movie box office alone. Maybe one movie alone will not threaten Avatar's worldwide box office record but it will not surprise me at all if a combination of the next four movies will do the deed. It is an incredible time for comic movie fans like ourselves. Now if we can only get Warner Bros/DC on the same overall track... :( :)
Upcoming release dates

07/06/2018 Ant-Man and The Wasp
03/08/2019 Captain Marvel
05/03/2019 Avengers: Infinity War Part 2

IF AIW Part 1 is as huge as I expect, Disney may have a mindboggling 12-month run between next week and AIW Part 2 from just Marvel movie box office alone. Maybe one movie alone will not threaten Avatar's worldwide box office record but it will not surprise me at all if a combination of the next four movies will do the deed. It is an incredible time for comic movie fans like ourselves.

To say nothing of the Fox acquisition coming in with Fantastic Four, X-Men, etc.

Now if we can only get Warner Bros/DC on the same overall track... :( :)

Sadly, I have little hope there. They can't get out of their own way. Their reputation is so bad that people look for things to criticize. I didn't feel that Justice League deserved the criticisms or fate that it ultimately received.

But their list of planned upcoming films looks to make things much, much, worse and not better.

It's a shame really.
Don't know why I have not seen it prior to now but have not.

Get the Gringo - Not a bad movie... a little different and kind of cool in some ways.
So excited to see Infinity War and I know you're a comic movie fan like me.

The beginning of the end of an era, can't wait!
I've been excited (and I just don't get excited) to see this since I saw the first trailer. I'm taking the 30th off, so I'll probably see it Sunday night.
I've been excited (and I just don't get excited) to see this since I saw the first trailer. I'm taking the 30th off, so I'll probably see it Sunday night.

Yeah, taking the whole family to see it next weekend. I've got them all hooked on these movies too so it's something we all love to do together.
I've been excited (and I just don't get excited) to see this since I saw the first trailer. I'm taking the 30th off, so I'll probably see it Sunday night.
Yeah? Well those crazy Avenger league fools are gonna need all the armor they can get...Thanos packs a pretty good punch.
There will be casualties.

And lots of changes.
I see there already is. See my competitors the Guardians are in on the deal for the stones too. Figures...traitors. But at least me and Rocket can still do business...we know how to insult each other right in negotiations,and work great under the title...”Rocket and The Cockroach-Man”. ( Not that he likes me anymore than anyone else,it’s just we swim in the same toilets and got an appreciation for the other guy over that.)
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7.0 out of 10.0

I have been hesitant about seeing the movie even with Portman, who I like a lot. Relaying what the producer said has motivated me into going to see it now. Thanks for helping me making up my mind. ;) :)

[Quick shoutout to @Denim Chicken] Finally caught Annihilation late last night. I do agree with the producer and glad the director stuck to his or her guns. The movie had a very brief theater run but I think it will be better appreciated during its home release.

The story is very good science fiction in my opinion. The acting, including Portman's, was a touch bland at times. Incidently, I think the directed acting fit Jennifer Jason Leigh's style moreso than the rest of the cast--including Portman.

Loved how the story tied the opening scene of Portman lecturing her pre-med students about cancer cells with the ending scene with 'Portman' and 'Oscar Issac' hugging nervously. 2. 4. 8. 16. 32...

Folks who see the movie will get that last part. :p
12 Strong - 5/10 - Hollywood isn't even trying to make decent movies most of the time. The dialog was played out, the acting was weak, the movie just didn't work on any level.
Went and watched Super Troopers 2. I loved it!! I thought it was hilarious. Then again, I like that kind of dumb humor. Also, Emmanuelle Chriqui was damn sexy in it with her french accent. :D