Rate the last movie you saw

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I do not 'think' anyone crossed the line up to this point but we may have been edging REALLY close to it. :p
The Black Panther - 6/10 - Maybe it is because all the hype setting my expectations too high, but I thought it was okay, nothing special.
Saw Black Panther on Sunday as a friend wanted to watch it.

It was an okay movie. Their lives was colorful and interesting, but beyond stupid about their powers and stuff. Completely unrealistic to the point that Superman and Spiderman seem tame.

No clue whatsoever why it was so crazy popular. I would rate it a 5 at best. It was not a great movie by any means.
Saw Black Panther on Sunday as a friend wanted to watch it.

It was an okay movie. Their lives was colorful and interesting, but beyond stupid about their powers and stuff. Completely unrealistic to the point that Superman and Spiderman seem tame.

No clue whatsoever why it was so crazy popular. I would rate it a 5 at best. It was not a great movie by any means.
What about the rhinos? They didn't make it more believable?
The Black Panther - 6/10 - Maybe it is because all the hype setting my expectations too high, but I thought it was okay, nothing special.
I myself didn’t like it. Tried twice,and both times bailed 15 minutes in. It’s just a social commentary picture done in bad taste.
Saw Black Panther on Sunday as a friend wanted to watch it.

It was an okay movie. Their lives was colorful and interesting, but beyond stupid about their powers and stuff. Completely unrealistic to the point that Superman and Spiderman seem tame.

No clue whatsoever why it was so crazy popular. I would rate it a 5 at best. It was not a great movie by any means.
Seriously? A movie based on comics that has Stark making flying suits with lasers and stuff, Thor is a God, they have a nerd who turns into a 15 foot tall green monster, and Captain America was basically dead for 50 years and came back with super-human powers but Black Panther was too unrealistic?
Seriously? A movie based on comics that has Stark making flying suits with lasers and stuff, Thor is a God, they have a nerd who turns into a 15 foot tall green monster, and Captain America was basically dead for 50 years and came back with super-human powers but Black Panther was too unrealistic?
um. 70 years but other than that :clap:
lol. @blindzebra got me thinking about certain things that *may* pass muster with the Imagination Is Optional Coalition. Sticking with Marvel Cinematic Universe related movies:

A billionaire underwent a critical life saving heart procedure inside a dusty Middle Eastern cave... and survived.

A scientist is bombarded with multiple lethal levels of radiation. He survived too.

A master archer who practically never misses a target regardless of the situation. He has even been known to not even look where he is aiming because... he never misses. Duh.

Talking raccoons. Wait. Talking trees. Wait. Talking super artificial intelligences not conceived by IBM. Eat your heart out, Siri.

People surviving the naked vacuum of space.

Talk about survival skills... A guy who not only shrinks to the size of a bug and does not get swatted but can dive into the microverse and return, avoiding being absorbed by countless germs, etc.

Shh. Two words. Magic. People. :eek:

More magic. A hammer... that no one *wink wink* can lift. Unless you are an artificial being.

Hey! An artificial being that does not shuffle around like it has severe arthritis.

A demi-god who sees across galaxies with the naked eye.

(lol. I said naked twice in one post.)

A 92-pound weakling steps into a metal box and comes out a 235-pound beach model seconds later.

Tons (tons with a T and an S) of concrete falls on a teenager and he basically shrugs it off, after crying about tons of concrete falling on top of him.

Some guys and girls fight a PLANET. And win.

Evil super robot slaps rockets under a TOWN...

Okay. I will stop. For now. :muttley:

Oh ***** it. A guy takes out a military heli-jet, by himself, using only an oversized metal frisbee.

Okay. Now I am really done. Wait...
15 minutes in? You're not getting to social commentary by that point.

Some people don't like acknowledging the racism that POC experience. It makes them very uncomfortable. They act like anytime it's mentioned, it's being "shoved in their face" or "forced into the plot for the sake of virtue signaling". Dismissing the movie is easier than acknowledging their part in perpetuating the system that created it.
Informally preemptive thread reminder:


Danger. Will. Robinson.
MIB - Netflix 8/10

I've actually watched it twice now recently, actually liked it more than I remember the first time it came out.

Titan - Netflix. I give it a 7/10 because I was expecting something different or a little more. Did not care for the ending at all and made me realize that sometimes some things are just not worth it.

Blade Runner 2049 - meant to sell it on eBay that night after I got done watching it. Pick a score 1-4/10 if that answers your question
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Shoot. Forget about the movie. I am joking, of course, but I am eager to talk about the ramifications of the movie's single 5-minute end credits cut scene. Some of the audience will not 'get it' but it is HUGE for comic book fans.

That cut scene is a wild card between now and AIW: Part 2. Stark is a wild card. Doctor Strange is a wild card. And most importantly, I may have a personal problem if this Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2 cut scene:

...will possibly not be a wild card for AIW2 but I am to the point of forgiving almost everything Disney/Marvel pushes out right now.
Not planning on that cut scene character from Guardians 2 showing up until Guardians 3 myself.

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