Rate the last movie you saw

MIB - Netflix 8/10

I've actually watched it twice now recently, actually liked it more than I remember the first time it came out.

Titan - Netflix. I give it a 7/10 because I was expecting something different or a little more. Did not care for the ending at all and made me realize that sometimes some things are just not worth it.

Blade Runner 2049 - meant to sell it on eBay that night after I got done watching it. Pick a score 1-4/10 if that answers your question
Yeah,Bladerunner was sooo depressing...in a Art and Deco kinda way. Was like being at funeral in a museum of sorts.
On a movie roll tonight....

Deep Blue Sea 2 - do not waste your time or money

It is pretty much a remake with few alterations. I like shark, sea type movies but this was terrible. The original is an academy award winner compared to this one :muttley:
Info courtesy of boxofficemojo.com,,,

10-Day Box Office Comparison
$540,058,914 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
$450,806,540 Avengers: Infinity War

It freaking amazes me that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was that popular. I would have sworn the gap would have been closer since the 5-day margin was smaller. The Force ain’t no joke. Here’s another comparison:

10-Day Box Office Comparison
$373,071,647 Marvel’s The Avengers
$450,806,540 Avengers: Infinity War

Amazing stuff.
Recorded a few movies this weekend. Some I have seen, some I have not.

Here are the two I had not seen.

1. The Host - Not the Korean version. The Korean river Monster movie is ok but a little long. This american The Host movie was so blah I could only get through half of it and that was a half too long.
General Idea is an alien force comes to earth and takes over the human race. They are small beings that are inserted into the human body and take over the brain and in turn take over the human body.
There only a small number of humans who have not been taken over. They find one of the humans and insert the alien into her body but in a rare case the Human inside still is able to resist some things and maintains
some sort of hold of the mind. So the Alien and the human are fighting for control of the body/mind and there are also other aliens trying to find out what the human knows about other humans who have not been captured and converted yet.

Really bad writing, really tweener vibe and overall just terrible even though you can tell they had a decent budget to work with. This is a prime example of how some movies or shows with lower budgets can really shine but even if a movie or show has a decent budget sometimes you just can't polish a turd enough to make it shine.

After looking on IMDB it made a little more sense. The book the movie was made from was from the woman who wrote the Twilight books that were turned into movies. Those books and movies were really really bad but for whatever reason it hit just at the right time for tweeners and others and made loads of money. This one just did not hit.
Stay away from this steaming pile. However if you see the host on and it is the Korean movie (not the same story at all so saying version is not really correct)...you might give it a try. It's ok in some ways.

2. Wolves at the Door - After reading the basic description it seemed like it might be a decent movie...one that @MichaelWinicki would like as it was based on a true story. However the description was a little lacking.
Turns out it was some what based on the Manson Family murder(s) of Sharon Tate and friends. Although it did not say it initially, it became apparent of what it was and what was going on.
With that being said...really a subpar movie IMO. It started out with a little promise but nose dived from there. Just was not good. The manson family actors were lame. You rarely saw their faces, most of the time they were just silhouettes or out of focus type images with them doing an occasional lame hand wave as they moved about the house or the grounds outside the house. Also funny how they always just happened to show up at different spots.

Also for the most part you did not see much of the gore. I say this because in some movies they build up the suspense well enough that the gore is not needed. However this lacked that imo and maybe...just maybe, the gore would have made it a bit better but truthfully that is probably just wishful thinking. It really was a bad movie. It's sad to say but the only part of the movie I even remotely enjoyed was when one guy brought in this hifi stereo system for the hippie kid that lived on the grounds in a different house and they sat there and listened to some songs with headphones on. For whatever reason I found that short spot enjoyable.

The acting, story and directing were just set up like it was some kind of hallmark special...just lame and edited to the point that nothing was really scary.

Actually the only remotely scary part IMO was at the very end when they showed a few clips of charlie and the girls talking.

Skip this turd.

3. DC Cab - Probably have talked about this before. I think they show it once or twice every other year. It is one of those 80-90's movies that really was not great at the time but you still for some reason love to watch.
Silly comedy, songs you like even though they were not hits, actors you like in the roles, story is kind of bad but for whatever reason you over look it as it just happened to make you laugh or root for some of the characters.
Young Adam Baldwin, Gary Busey, Marsha Warfield (night court), Max Gail (barney miller), Otis day and Mister T. Again, nothing to write home about but just one of those movies I liked back in the day and still enjoy now.

4. Stealth - Three Jet Pilots for the navy who fly the newest top notch secret super star Jet finds out that they have a new member to their team...a Jet that is flied by a computer. What could go wrong with a computer finding war game scenarios and taking those as real life targets and missions...oh noes. What will the other pilots have to do to take down this rogue computer operated jet. ....Pretty simplistic movie and lame. At the very end of the movie they have a scene that let's you know that there is possibility for a sequel but the move sucked so bad that there was never one made...or if there was I never heard of it unless it was straight to video. Pretty big budget movie with decent special effects. Jamie Foxx, Jessica Biel and Josh Lucas. It was one of those movies that could have been a big and better movie but just missed the mark. If you want some cool action and special effects with flying special jets...you might enjoy it. But overall lackluster. If you seen the Travolta, Slater movie Broken Arrow...I would watch Broken Arrow over this one everytime and broken arrow is far from a masterpiece.
A Reason To Live,A Reason To Die...had never seen this western before...starring James Coburn.
Gonna try to find the dvd.
4. Stealth - Three Jet Pilots for the navy who fly the newest top notch secret super star Jet finds out that they have a new member to their team...a Jet that is flied by a computer. What could go wrong with a computer finding war game scenarios and taking those as real life targets and missions...oh noes. What will the other pilots have to do to take down this rogue computer operated jet. ....Pretty simplistic movie and lame. At the very end of the movie they have a scene that let's you know that there is possibility for a sequel but the move sucked so bad that there was never one made...or if there was I never heard of it unless it was straight to video. Pretty big budget movie with decent special effects. Jamie Foxx, Jessica Biel and Josh Lucas. It was one of those movies that could have been a big and better movie but just missed the mark. If you want some cool action and special effects with flying special jets...you might enjoy it. But overall lackluster. If you seen the Travolta, Slater movie Broken Arrow...I would watch Broken Arrow over this one everytime and broken arrow is far from a masterpiece.
I must admit having watched the movie several times but basically because of Biel. :p
Well not a movie...but I’m trapped again in the maze of Westworld Season 2. I just looooooove Westworld and desperately want to live in it. Screw reality,it’s nothing as advertised in the brochure and entirely overhyped and overrated....give me a horse,a six shooter,and bottle of whatever that guy is drinking in the background,and have some fun.
I must admit having watched the movie several times but basically because of Biel. :p
Same with...well, pretty much everything she's in. I highly recommend Powder Blue. It's depressing, but worth it for the pause-rewind-pause-slomo-rewind-pause moments.

it's a mid 70's film , according to the vintage vehicles in it, a Dennis Hopper flick of general weirdness of booze,drugs,sex& Rock tunes,,,in it Hopper is an alcoholic truck driver who T bones a stalled school bus at an intersection (he does 5 years& the first half of the flick is abour his ELVIS enamoured troubled teen daughter, his wife is a heroin addict waitress at a bar&cafe that's got a stocked rifle rack on the wall,,lol,,,it's inane to the point of pointlessness BUT I'm glad I didn't take it out & finished watching it as it got off the rails twisted & a real blast at the end,,,it crept up & took me by surprise.

FEUDIAN ranking for a first time viewing 8/10(10/10 for any/ all DENNIS HOPPER fans),,,

*Neil Young tunes are the featured background music:thumbup:

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6.75 of 10.00

Ogres. Elves. Centaurs. Even (lol) fairies. Bright has it all. An Earth where humans are not the only species. And at its core is fantasy magic and human greed. Bright brings all these elements together into a tidy suspenseful crime drama with the customary Will Smith touch of humor.

9.00 of 10.00

First there was Rise. Then there was Dawn. War For The Planet Of The Apes is the final piece of the Casear trilogy. In my opinion, it could be classified as a masterpiece ending of human failings, humanity's fear, and nature's balancing of its scales.

7.75 of 10.00

The original may be seen as the better of the two but I think the sequel is stuffed with more hardcore jokes. Deadpool 2 may have one too many antagonists but it improved upon its CGI work from its predecessor. I really liked Josh Brolin as Cable, although not as much as his voicework as Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, but I think I liked Zazie Beetz's Domino better--even though she impressed me with lesser screen time by comparison.

6.75 of 10.00

Ogres. Elves. Centaurs. Even (lol) fairies. Bright has it all. An Earth where humans are not the only species. And at its core is fantasy magic and human greed. Bright brings all these elements together into a tidy suspenseful crime drama with the customary Will Smith touch of humor.
Yeah, five minutes in, I thought it was gonna be really bad, but it was actually pretty good.
Shane...10/10...5☆ western...one of my all-time favorites ever...when its on,I have to watch it...'Merica!!!
Well not a movie...but I’m trapped again in the maze of Westworld Season 2. I just looooooove Westworld and desperately want to live in it. Screw reality,it’s nothing as advertised in the brochure and entirely overhyped and overrated....give me a horse,a six shooter,and bottle of whatever that guy is drinking in the background,and have some fun.
I saw the movie when it came out , and love the series, lots of twists to the plot
HBO doc about Andre the Giant is a must watch for some members of this forum. It is pretty good up until it turns to his love of flatulence then it's outrageously good. The man was 7'4" and topped in at 500lbs and his three favorite things were drinking, women and farting. He would have been Cowboys Zone royalty if he'd only shown up. His version of the Dutch Oven was the elevator and God help anyone alone in there with him.

I once had the pleasure of meeting this beast of a man. I was only 12 years old at the time so he looked even bigger to a kid. He was drinking a draft at the bar of a local restaurant. He was sitting on TWO barstools because he was THAT big. The beer mug looked like a shot glass in his hand and I'm not exaggerating. Needless to say, he was a really cool guy. After talking with him for a while, he hooked me up with two ringside tickets and thanked me for being a fan. He was a good dude.

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