Rate the last movie you saw

I finally gave into Netflix and their irritating messages to watch their latest feature film, How It Ends. I kept asking myself when does it end? What a piece of dribble, crappy writing and acting and I didn't care how it ended, only that it did soon.

I am not a fan of their feature films. Their series are better which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They can do OK with 10 hours but an hour and a half is a struggle?

I give this a 2 out of 10 and half that 2 is the fact they got rid of that crappy actress halfway through.
I finally gave into Netflix and their irritating messages to watch their latest feature film, How It Ends. I kept asking myself when does it end? What a piece of dribble, crappy writing and acting and I didn't care how it ended, only that it did soon.

I am not a fan of their feature films. Their series are better which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They can do OK with 10 hours but an hour and a half is a struggle?

I give this a 2 out of 10 and half that 2 is the fact they got rid of that crappy actress halfway through.
Wow, thanks for the heads up! I almost thought about maybe considering possibly taking a peek at that.

3/10 - Terrible
Uh oh CC, you're in agreement with Bluebs here. Now I don't know what to think!
Uh oh CC, you're in agreement with Bluebs here. Now I don't know what to think!
I usually agree with most of what bbic writes except for Ed Sheeran. Seems like a really nice guy, hate his songs. I think he looks like Raggedy Andy too. I am a Muse fan so he'll forgive me for Sheeran.

3/10 - Terrible
You were kinder than me. That's the worst pos I have seen on Netflix or Amazon. It's not like they don't have a fat budget for films, why make this? They've got another one coming next week. I will apply my 10 minute max rule to that one like I should have this one.
You were kinder than me. That's the worst pos I have seen on Netflix or Amazon. It's not like they don't have a fat budget for films, why make this? They've got another one coming next week. I will apply my 10 minute max rule to that one like I should have this one.

I'm halfway through "Cargo" right now, which seems (at least so far), to be a better effort.
Thanks @CouchCoach and @Denim Chicken. I have been thinking of catching How It Ends simply for Forest Whitaker but now I will pass.
It's a movie--zombie type.
Not sure anyone likes anime but Hulu dubbed High School Of The Dead. The series has its share of the usual Japanese high school kids sexual ditzy stuff but it has a good intelligent flow to it as well. Just posting it out there for any zombie fans.
I'd like to say I watched a great movie, but my wife rented I Feel Pretty over the weekend. I multi-tasked and watch baseball on MLBTV.com and fell asleep early. Could barely stomach seeing Amy Schumer on my TV screen.
I just saw Eighth Grade with my son. Such a smart, well-made movie. Teared up during a scene with the father and daughter (protagonist of the film).

Sicario 2 was a disappointment. All action, vs the psychological thriller that made the first one incredible.

Recently watched You’ve Got Mail and Garden State. Both still hold up for what they are
I just watched one last night that I recorded off Starz, "The Lucky Ones". It was pretty good, I'd give it a 7, with Tom Robbins, Michael Pena and a great job done by Rachel McAdams, she stole the show.
Masterminds - Z.Galifinakis (sp?), Kristen Wig, Kate McKinnon and Owen Wilson. Z is a loomis fargo truck driver. A group of other people get him to steal the money they keep in a warehouse ($17 million). He does and they send him to Mexico to hide with the ruse that someone will join him later with a big cut of the money but instead they keep the money and try to turn him in. Comedy with a few laughs here and there but mostly stupid. However it turned out it was based on a true story but I have to believe they took a very big liberty with the writing of it. Might be worth a laugh if you just want some cheap laughs.

Father of the Year - David Spade is a drunk worthless father of one boy. That boy has a friend who has a father that is a wimp and his wife and her little boy run all over him. The two boys are talking about whos dad could beat up whos. So next thing you know the one drunk guy goes to fight the wimpy guy. Basic Adam Sandler movie (he is not in the movie) David Spade even sounds like Sandler in some of sandler movies. So if you like some of his movies and spade you will think this one is ok with some funny scenes (when the dad and son get high on Molly it was cracking me up). If you don't like David Spade and or Sandler type movies...doubt you will like this one.

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