Rate the last movie you saw

Justice League - Meh...it was not terrible but I thought it would be better...don't know why I did as most of the DC movies the last few years have sucked IMO. Oddly enough I have caught myself watching Suicide Squad when nothing else is on, and they were playing a good deal on one of the channels. It has grown on me a good bit.

Last Chance U 3rd season - Netflix series not a movie. I liked the first two seasons a bit better. This season they went to a different community college and Head Coach. The New HC is getting results so he must be doing something but frankly during the games he seems like a bit of an idiot as he does not seem to know how to call a decent game...but maybe that is just how they filmed him.

Pirates of the Caribbean Dead men tell no Tales - Fell asleep through some of some of it. Frankly I liked the first two movies in the series but I think they just lost interest for me after that. They are too long, too repetitious and you can only have so many epic fight scenes and bad guys and trying to top that is impossible.

American Pie - Book of love. There are the regular American Pie movies with the gang..then there are some Straight to DVD American Pie movies with different cast (Eugene Levy is about the only one from the regular ones). That deal with relatives of Jim, Stiffler or other kids from the school. Now these are lower budget and such but for the most part they are funny and raunchier than the regular ones. I liked all of them with the exception of the Band Camp one (which one would think would be a good premise). There is Book of Love, Band Camp, the Naked Mile and Beta house.
Anyone see Rampage with The Rock? I tend to like his movies. Good action flick, not the greatest but I'd probably watch it again.
Oh no, I got all of what they were trying to do. It just completely failed to work for me.

It they fail at creating anxiety, and tension, then the 2nd will suck too. Those are important things. The first actually built tension well at first, but did nothing with it, and lost me. Fool me once, shame on them, but that's all it was, rinse and repeat.
Well hell, Kevin, there's your problem. Ya gotta stay in a constant state of anxiety and tension. I watch Road Runner cartoons like that, it helps.
Oddly enough I have caught myself watching Suicide Squad when nothing else is on, and they were playing a good deal on one of the channels. It has grown on me a good bit.
Over time, I think the movie’s appeal will gradually grow larger. I hope so, if only so Margot Robbie and Viola Davis’ performances can be more fully appreciated.
The Snowman - It had the feel of the original girl with the dragon tattoo movies. It had that foreign feel but with known actors which was weird. Oh and Val Kilmer...what the heck happened to that dude, he looked so bad I did not even recognize him at first.
This movie had some good things in it but it really seemed discombobulated. While watching it I felt like some things were missing. Later after reading some reviews about it even the director was a bit upset as they had filmed a lot more to make the story better but it was cut down too much and left it a little wanting. Would like to see a directors cut of this movie if they made one as it probably would be much better if not a little too long. It had potential but fell short of it. However I had little to no expectations going in so that probably helped.

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