Rate the last movie you saw

There was barely a two hour movie there. It was excessively, unnecessarily, long. It would be one thing if Cameron had a Storting tell. The trouble is that all he had was the same story.

That’s a pretty big condemnation right there, when you wouldn’t watch it again for free.
I saw it in 3d in the theater. It looked amazing. Generic plot, as usual, but it was an experience.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse
I’m not an animated movie guy and went for the kids
They loved it
I thought it was good, the start is a bit all over the place but it is pretty good starting at about halfway
Went for the kids. You’re a good man!

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)


5.50 of 10.00


I would have given it a flat 5 if not for:

For me? Yeah. It's worth 1/2 a point.

The first end credits cut scene sucked. The second cut scene, at the very end of the credits, sucked harder than the same idiotic cut scene from the first movie that it continued. I would cuss but the film is not worth the effort.
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

7.75 of 10.00

"I can't believe I'm tied up again!"

It took me half a year to sit and watch this sequel because of my personal dissatisfaction with James Cameron's overcriticism of the superhero film genre. His main critique of others' work has been generic repetitive storytelling. Well, that is exactly how his epic continuation was made.

It is the same story. Let me repeat. It is the same story. Sure, he introduced new characters. The new characters are copies of the original movie's characters. The Sky Peoples' malevolent motivation was tweaked for the sequel. One question for those who saw both movies. Is it REALLY a brand new motivation despite the change?

What I Liked: CGI (duh). The Sully family interactions between themselves and others. Sigourney Weaver as Kiri.

What I Disliked: Rehashed bad guys. I really REALLY believe Cameron dropped the ball by minimizing Edie Falco's role to almost nothing. Making Zoe Saldana's performance truly one-dimensional was unnecessary and not inspirational.

What's next for this epic? Cameron's committed to pumping out more sequels quickly. No more over-a-decade wait between movies. I wonder what story he will tell next?
Shazam 2 Fury Of The Gods
I was pleasantly surprised by the first Shazam, but this sequel didn't quite live up to it. It was kinda goofy and cheesy which was expected, but didn't quite have the same charm. The CGI overall was pretty good and I enjoyed most of the performances, except for Zachary Levi. I get that he's supposed to be playing a teenager, but he overacted the role, the actual teenager wasn't as immature and goofy as the Shazam version of the teenager. Levi turned him from being almost 18 into just turning 8 years old, he should have tuned it down a little and still been effective. Even with that I still enjoyed the movie, popcorn flick. The cameo was great and of course loved Lucy Liu. 6.5/10

Terrifier 2
Art the Clown is back, the first one was OK, this one was bad. It's a clown slasher, it should have some creative kills, some dark comedic moments, but just mostly falls flat. It has plenty of gore, but just seems it's gore for the sake of gore. The acting was so very, very bad, most of the cast need to re-think their career choice. This movie had a couple of moments, but that was it. 4/10

The Mother
J-Lo plays a U.S. operative that has a past that's coming back for her and has to protect her daughter. It starts promising and has a few good moments, but just doesn't work. It might have been a pretty good movie if someone other than J-Lo were the star, her hair and makeup were always on point, despite living in the wilderness and all the action. She did very little of the action scenes, the ones she did look pretty stiff with lots of cuts and edits to make it look more exciting. A different actress in this and it would have been pretty good, keep J-Lo to rom coms. 5/10
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

7.75 of 10.00

"I can't believe I'm tied up again!"

It took me half a year to sit and watch this sequel because of my personal dissatisfaction with James Cameron's overcriticism of the superhero film genre. His main critique of others' work has been generic repetitive storytelling. Well, that is exactly how his epic continuation was made.

It is the same story. Let me repeat. It is the same story. Sure, he introduced new characters. The new characters are copies of the original movie's characters. The Sky Peoples' malevolent motivation was tweaked for the sequel. One question for those who saw both movies. Is it REALLY a brand new motivation despite the change?

What I Liked: CGI (duh). The Sully family interactions between themselves and others. Sigourney Weaver as Kiri.

What I Disliked: Rehashed bad guys. I really REALLY believe Cameron dropped the ball by minimizing Edie Falco's role to almost nothing. Making Zoe Saldana's performance truly one-dimensional was unnecessary and not inspirational.

What's next for this epic? Cameron's committed to pumping out more sequels quickly. No more over-a-decade wait between movies. I wonder what story he will tell next?
Avatar was unique, but I haven't seen enough awe inspiring reviews to care about the sequels. I loathe bad sequels. Can't even finish watching some of them.
I doubt it. The guy has an ego so large that he criticizes other better, more successful franchises. I can’t see him ever admitting he needs help.
Was watching something on Youtube about year or so prior to them releasing Avatar 2
He said when they brought the writing group together that many of the writers were brain storming about ideas of things they could do like new animals or fighting scenes and so on.
He said he stopped them and told them that they were first going to break down what made the first movie/story so successful. When the writers started talking about things they could do in the second story again he basically told them until they break down what made the first one a hit they would not be talking about what they could do in the second and if they continued to do so the would basically be fired.

The essence of his story was that he wanted to capture the magic of the story from the first one and not just look to what new scenes and animals they could come up with. To concentrate on the core story and not the bells and whistles.

That might be a good idea. However I think in doing so he just made the same movie just a different setting.
Evil bad guys come to take out your land, we must protect it. They just changed the land.
Was watching something on Youtube about year or so prior to them releasing Avatar 2
He said when they brought the writing group together that many of the writers were brain storming about ideas of things they could do like new animals or fighting scenes and so on.
He said he stopped them and told them that they were first going to break down what made the first movie/story so successful. When the writers started talking about things they could do in the second story again he basically told them until they break down what made the first one a hit they would not be talking about what they could do in the second and if they continued to do so the would basically be fired.

The essence of his story was that he wanted to capture the magic of the story from the first one and not just look to what new scenes and animals they could come up with. To concentrate on the core story and not the bells and whistles.

That might be a good idea. However I think in doing so he just made the same movie just a different setting.
Evil bad guys come to take out your land, we must protect it. They just changed the land.
Sounds like the Department of Redundancy Department.
I watched the new Flash movie this afternoon. Why? My wife was hosting a ladies lunch and it was raining.

Yet another movie banking on the 'multiverse', timetravel and special effects for appeal.

The best part of the movie was Michael Keaton returning as Batman... still think he was best Batman. Also, pretty good cameos by Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot.

The story line was rather predictable and Ezra Miller was, well... never understood that casting

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Yep! Watched it about 20 times so far.
I watched that one a number of times as well when it first came out.

I need to watch it again as it has been a few months.

It is a fun movie just to see if you can catch all the toys and references in the movie. You can find something new each time you watch it
He didn’t have a different story to tell for Part Two. I can’t imagine how he’ll possibly get to a Part Five.
There aren't too many repeating sequels that grab me. Rocky gets some kudos as does Creed. Hannibal, Guardians of the Galaxy, certainly Star Wars. But, they have to be somewhat original in their own rite.
I watched that one a number of times as well when it first came out.

I need to watch it again as it has been a few months.

It is a fun movie just to see if you can catch all the toys and references in the movie. You can find something new each time you watch it
I like "Recognition Cinema." Nice retro experience. The Shining was expertly woven into RPO. I caught a light cycle from Tron. Had to watch that movie again.

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