Rate the last movie you saw

Flight back from Europe and just picking at random I went with Adam Driver in 65. 3 out of 10. What the hell was that? 65 million years ago on earth. Just not much here. Your agent needs to do better Kylo Ren
Flight back from Europe and just picking at random I went with Adam Driver in 65. 3 out of 10. What the hell was that? 65 million years ago on earth. Just not much here. Your agent needs to do better Kylo Ren
I liked his rifle. :laugh: Kylo has the worst luck. Falls asleep on the job, ship crashes, almost everyone dies, and everything wrong that is happening happens JUST before the exact moment the dinosaurs get wacked. :)
The 2nd one is just as good if not better, he's a natural for that role.
So that was him blurred out in the background of the last scene.

I thought about watching the second one immediately, but the first one was so intense, I needed a break.

You're right, he's a natural for the role. It was cool to see him actually fight well, rather than just be big and strong, and have a magic hammer. (Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Thor...though, less so, after the latest movie.)
A Finnish WWII action movie about an old soldier near the end of the war that goes out prospecting in the wild and wants to be left alone. A lot of brutal action, some crazy moments with a simple but effective story. He's a tough old dude it was a fun movie and would like to see a sequel or prequel. 8.5/10

Evil Dead Rise
A departure in style from the rest of the Evil Dead franchise, it doesn't have that humor running through it and more of a straight forward horror flick. It was alright, didn't like it as much as the other Evil Dead movies, but better than than some of the recent horror movies I've seen. 6.5/10

John Carter
This is an older Disney movie based on the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I read and loved the books when I was younger and had seen the movie when it came out, but couldn't remember much about it. I liked parts of it, most of the CGI was pretty good, the story and dialogue were alright, but the acting was really lackluster. It could have been pretty good, the script needed a little tweaking, but the leads should have been recast, no spark or chemistry. They just didn't have that on screen charisma a film like this needs. I would like to see this character re-booted at some point. 6/10

I watched Evil Dead Rise last night. Lots of cliche gore and horror. I agree it lacks the humor of the original Evil Dead movies (and series), and that's too bad because that is what separated Evil Dead from so many other standard horror films.
I watched Evil Dead Rise last night. Lots of cliche gore and horror. I agree it lacks the humor of the original Evil Dead movies (and series), and that's too bad because that is what separated Evil Dead from so many other standard horror films.
That and Bruce Campbell
The Machine - Comedy
If you have seen Bert Kreischer do his bit on the machine, this is what happens when you take that bit and turn it into a movie mixing the young with the older Bert.
I had really been wanting to see this one and got my expectations high and it did not meet those expectations.
It was ok at best but most of the funnier parts where in the trailer.

The Wrath of Becky - I liked the first Becky movie and I enjoyed this one. You have to go into the movie knowing that this one does not take itself too seriously. It knows it is an over the top type of movie and goes with it.
For those who did not see the first one you might want to watch a trailer for Becky, watch it if it seems like something you would enjoy. If you liked the first one I think you will like this one. Plus they left it open for another movie if they decide to do it.
Extraction 2:

I'll join the club and say I really enjoyed this one. It had some great action sequences, a very solid story, and some great visuals.

I absolutely love the no nonsense approach Tyler takes. Especially when he goes to the airport for the final showdown. He doesn't F around with sneaking in. He just comes in and gets things done!

This was a worthy movie!
Extraction 2:

I'll join the club and say I really enjoyed this one. It had some great action sequences, a very solid story, and some great visuals.

I absolutely love the no nonsense approach Tyler takes. Especially when he goes to the airport for the final showdown. He doesn't F around with sneaking in. He just comes in and gets things done!

This was a worthy movie!
I enjoyed this one as well.
Finally got around to watching it.
I liked John Carter. I don't know why it bombed. I have seen much worse movies.
Agree. Sometimes it almost becomes a fad to join the dogpile instead of making your own opinion. I watch a lot of random YouTube videos when I’m bored, and I notice that everyone loves to make top 10 lists for biggest busts whether it be movies, sports, video games, or any other entertainment. Kind of sad. People living off other’s misery and just like tearing down I guess.
Wicked Games - Do not bother. Tried to be a you are next movie but the directing and camera work was terrible.
I routinely see better camera work on peoples individual shows using camera phones on youtube.
Blood & Gold
Another WWII movie that takes place near the end of the war. Solid movie, pretty entertaining, but still liked 'Sisu' more. 7/10

The Covenant
A war movie by Guy Ritchie about a soldier and Afghan translator. A departure from the other Guy Ritchie movies, British crime movies, that I've seen. It doesn't have some of that dark humor in many of his movies, more of a serious tone, but I enjoyed it. 7.5/10

Lost Bullet
A French action movie with the same actor and cinematographer/director from another French action movie I liked 'AKA'. It's about a brilliant mechanic in prison that gets recruited by the police to modify their cars to catch drug runners. It doesn't have the over the top type action like the F&F franchise, but still a pretty good flick. I think there is a sequel, gonna have to check it out. 7/10
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - I was actually pleasantly surprised. The trailers didn't do much to excite me (especially with that "It's called capitalism." line), but this was a mostly enjoyable ride, though perhaps slightly overlong. The CGI could use some work (I find it somewhat odd that free apps on our phone can sometimes do better facial mapping than major studios). Some of it was really bad (like, some similar effects I thought were bad in 1997 for Titanic were better than some moments here - ex. figure running on train shown from a distance). But that line from the trailer, some poor cgi, and perhaps a kind of at times annoying character (the female lead) aside, I found it to be a fun time.

One other exception. There is a scene late in the movie where the characters are having bugs crawl on them, and Indy acts very out of character. Similar has happened to him in the past and he just brushes them off like nothing. But here he almost acted like a scared little girl. I'm not really sure what the point of it was.
I tried to watch the new Antman movie and couldn’t make it past the first 30 minutes or so. All of the over the top woke stuff slapping me in the face made me disinterested. Even without that, it was just a crap movie.

I think I’m out on marvel movies. It was a good ride.
I tried to watch the new Antman movie and couldn’t make it past the first 30 minutes or so. All of the over the top woke stuff slapping me in the face made me disinterested. Even without that, it was just a crap movie.

I think I’m out on marvel movies. It was a good ride.
In my opinion, it was a good ride in that I had enough spare tires for all the flats

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