Rate the last movie you saw

Man of Steel. I give it an 8 out of 10. Pretty good movie. Unfortunately, they are going to pair Batman with Superman in the next Man of Steel movie. I'm getting very tired of Batman. The Bat suit alone looks silly. Time to move on from Batman.

sad to see we were that type of a country and how much or little progress has actually been made depending on who you talk to, but harrison ford stole the show.
Anyone see the Conjuring? Supposedly it was rated R ONLY because it was so scary. There's nothing in it (profanity, violence, sex) but it received the R rating solely based on how scary it was. Now that is interesting!
Man of Steel. I give it an 8 out of 10. Pretty good movie. Unfortunately, they are going to pair Batman with Superman in the next Man of Steel movie. I'm getting very tired of Batman. The Bat suit alone looks silly. Time to move on from Batman.

I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I also would have given it an 8/10. Everyone else seemingly was disappointed, but I honestly can't understand why.
The Purge...it was ok. Predictable and nothing ground breaking but still entertaining.

21 and Over... Basic Raunchy style teen comedy that is a dime dozen over the years but I still laughed at a few parts.

The latest Star Trek movie - Liked the first better and I don't understand having to switch Spock and Kirk in the dying part and Spock yelling Khan instead of Kirk from the original movie. I guess they wanted to change things up some or I wonder if it has something to do with future movies to make Kirk a tad "super" or Khan like.
Anyone see the Conjuring? Supposedly it was rated R ONLY because it was so scary. There's nothing in it (profanity, violence, sex) but it received the R rating solely based on how scary it was. Now that is interesting!

We might try and go see it this weekend.
Monster's University - I was a huge fan of the first, it was pretty adult themed for a kids movie, and the story-line kind of sucked me in. The second was nothing but a kids movie, and the story-line was boring, drawn out, and completely predictable. I'll give it a 5/10.
Monster's University - I was a huge fan of the first, it was pretty adult themed for a kids movie, and the story-line kind of sucked me in. The second was nothing but a kids movie, and the story-line was boring, drawn out, and completely predictable. I'll give it a 5/10.

Monsters U. was terrible. I didn't laugh once. Booring.
Ok so almost saw 2 movies tonight.

Grown Ups 2- Entertaining, funny yet sometimes very cheesy 7/10

Fruitvale Station- We left about 20 minutes into the movie. I don't want to say much other than this movie wasn't for us.
the wolverine


not bad even though it was a bit uneven in spots.
If you have not seen "127 Hours"...you need to watch this!

It is a true story about a hiker here in Utah that got his arm stuck by a moving bolder while hiking and he eventually had to cut his arm off to get out of his situation!

127 Hours is a 2010 biographical survival drama film directed, co-written and produced by Danny Boyle. The film stars James Franco as real-life canyoneerAron Ralston, who became trapped by a boulder in an isolated slot canyon inBlue John Canyon, southeastern Utah, in April 2003.
World War Z - 6 out of 10. Not a bad movie, but it really left a lot of questions out there at the end.

Turbo - 6 out of 10. Seemed somewhat of a rinse and repeat kids movie plot. But no joke, I wanted some Tacos after the movie!
If you have not seen "127 Hours"...you need to watch this!

It is a true story about a hiker here in Utah that got his arm stuck by a moving bolder while hiking and he eventually had to cut his arm off to get out of his situation!

127 Hours is a 2010 biographical survival drama film directed, co-written and produced by Danny Boyle. The film stars James Franco as real-life canyoneerAron Ralston, who became trapped by a boulder in an isolated slot canyon inBlue John Canyon, southeastern Utah, in April 2003.

Nah, not dramatic enough. Now if the hiker cut off both legs, and someone both arms, and THEN made it out alive, then that's something I'd watch.
Nah, not dramatic enough. Now if the hiker cut off both legs, and someone both arms, and THEN made it out alive, then that's something I'd watch.

That would be a cool movie to see!

(stupid cowboy fans)
The Wolverine

Very entertaining. Way better than the last Wolverine story. They actually let Logan exhibit some fighting skills. Sure there are some plot holes and such, but it is a comic book movie. There is entertainment value in this movie. I was not disappointed.