Rate the last movie you saw

Guardians of the Galaxy 3.


So what has happened in the last couple of years? Have I gotten too old (now 44) to enjoy some mindless supposed to be fun movie? Or have I just seen it all to be wowed by a generic Fantasy flick?

I remember, when GotG was released, I was on a road trip in Sweden with my family when my father decided to go and watch a movie. They show everything in the original language version so we picked guardians. Man did we laugh our arses off. I had never even heard of them before and it was one of the best cinematic experiences of my life.

The second one held it's ground. While still the same, it changed enough things to be interesting again and walked the thin red line nicely between giving us a copy of the first one and still be different enough to glue us to our seats.

Now this one tried to be different again but in a way I couldn't start to like. Maybe it was the freaky monsters (was that stuff in the comics?) or the focus on drama or the in my opinion completely lame bad guy?

I couldn't even find an annoying PC message anywhere. Yes Starlord was a little bit whiny and imo too emotional towards Gamorra (hey everybody, women are not there to fit men's expectations blablabla), but all in all that was ok.

So I can't even say why I didn't like it, because I still like watching the first two every now and then. But the MCU truly is dead to me now, as this one was my last hope. Even the soundtrack wasn't as cool as in the first two movies. The songs were badly chosen and clumsily incorporated into the scenes this time. Should have stuck to the 70s and 80s.

Why still a 5? Well some jokes still hit home and the overall chemistry was still there. Just can't and don't want to hate on these characters.

For me, the MCU started with Tony and now definitely ended with him too.
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - I must be the outlier here because I really enjoyed it. I'm not super intense into the MCU world, so maybe it helps that I didn't go into it with too high of demand, but I was highly entertained. I thought there was some good humor, some emotional scenes, and some great fight scenes (that one in the corridor towards the end was extremely well done).

I will agree that the soundtrack was definitely on the weaker side of things. It could have been much better.
Beau is Afraid. I can’t even rank the movie, it’s so insane. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s probably very polarizing. I thought it was too long, but I really liked it. Most people won’t.
Blue Beetle (2023)

8.00 of 10.00


Warning for moviegoers: Watch out for Nana. Do not say I did not warn you. :muttley:

Family is central to the movie. I really appreciated that aspect because the first 20 minutes did not really appeal to me. However, family sticks throughout the movie and I think that
increasingly strengthens it. The two one-on-one father/son scenes--one early on and one late in the film--were really touching to me.

Comedy is central to the movie too. I was souring on it early on. At first, I thought George Lopez would dominate with the goofy but it evened out well quickly.

General CGI is not spectacular but does the job. I said general. Jaime Reyes' suit was exceptionally conceptualized visually for the big screen. They did The Reach technco suit and abilities justice. The suit's A.I. was matched well by Becky G. Not sure who she is but her voice work was good.

Susan Sarandon seemed a *bit* less evil than she could have been. I do not think that was a reflection of her acting, which I respect very much, but more of it trying to mesh with the underlying running humor. I could go on a mini-rant about the superhero genre trying too hard with the funny but will not.

The Reyes family is entertaining. There was a nice sibling relationship between Jaime and his sister Milagro. Sarandon's lieutenant is bland from start to finish (really thought his acting was constipated). The young woman playing Jenny Kord seemed more of a supermodel who wants to act than an actress who happens to be a supermodel. Her acting serious and sad for most of the movie kinda hides my describing her as a supermodel but my goodness does she glow at the end of the movie during her happy scenes. Minor cast lack pop and not really memorable. That said, I do remember the Kord Tower lobby secretary being a real Richard nickname (did not like her intentionally mispronouncing Jaime's name).

Xolo Mariduena is a good pick for the superhero. I think he sticks the character well. Hopefully, James Gunn can integrate him and Blue Beetle into the DCU from this point forward.

The main superhero versus supervillain fight scenes, I think, are reminiscent of those seen in the first two Iron Man films. Some fight choreography seems copied but it was performed well.

Ted Kord fans should enjoy the homages made for that character. They should make certain to catch the first cut scene embedded in the ending credits. Speaking of the cut scenes, the second and final one can be caught after all ending credits have rolled. It is 'haHA' cute but does not refer to anything upcoming in the future.

Trivia time: The actress playing Nana appeared in the MCU. She was the owner of the small town diner shown in 2011's Thor.

Final note: I think some moviegoers will end up saying to themselves, "Wow. George Lopez's character is really REALLY smart in the context of who his character is within the plot."

I saw Oppenheimer at the Dallas IMAX today. It was like seeing a different movie, from when I saw it several weeks ago in a regular theater.

The thing that made the difference for me was the quality of the audio in the IMAX theater. The fact that the image was super large, didn't make all that much difference to me. So, the soundtrack came to life like it had not, watching Oppenheimer at a regular theater.

In fact, the explosions, were too much. But everything else in the film was made way more wonderful listening through the IMAX sound system!! The dialogue was crisp and clear, expect, there were just a few places where the music covered up the dialogue.
Gran Turismo - 6.5/10 Not too bad. A little long and there were bits that could have been trimmed. Could have done a better job of showing how things from the game helped the transition to real racing. Racing scenes were pretty good. Blomkamp really does a great job maximizing his budget to make things look nice.

Blue Beetle - 6/10 Meh. Kind of dragged. Humor seemed a bit forced and cliched. Action was so-so. Nothing to write home about, but not bad either.
The Pope's Exorcist - 7/10. Not bad. The setting was cool, a centuries old abbey in Spain. Russel Crowe does a solid job as the priest and the kid is creepy enough before he's even possessed. Tough to compare it to the Linda Blair version which remains the Cadillac of exorcisms, but still worth a watch.
The Pope's Exorcist - 7/10. Not bad. The setting was cool, a centuries old abbey in Spain. Russel Crowe does a solid job as the priest and the kid is creepy enough before he's even possessed. Tough to compare it to the Linda Blair version which remains the Cadillac of exorcisms, but still worth a watch.
I liked the plot and twist. I liked that Crowes character was based on a real guy.

Parts of it could be better but liked it over all as well.

On a side note. Crowe has looked really heavy in hid last few movies.

Just caught this one on HBO MAX as it was one I was really curious about. I had heard and read good things only for it to Tank at the box office and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

First of all, it’s not a bad film and in my opinion deserved a better fate. It was well crafted, well acted, and had top notch special effects.

It pays a lot of fan service by blending together so much of the past DC Universe, even including things that never ultimately happened (in OUR universe any!)

I enjoyed the trip down memory lane but some of the creative decisions did have me scratching my head asking why?

A good movie if not an epic one and if you’ve seen a lot of DC films, you’ll enjoy the many callbacks.

I’d give this one a 6.5 out of 10.

Just caught this one on HBO MAX as it was one I was really curious about. I had heard and read good things only for it to Tank at the box office and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

First of all, it’s not a bad film and in my opinion deserved a better fate. It was well crafted, well acted, and had top notch special effects.

It pays a lot of fan service by blending together so much of the past DC Universe, even including things that never ultimately happened (in OUR universe any!)

I enjoyed the trip down memory lane but some of the creative decisions did have me scratching my head asking why?

A good movie if not an epic one and if you’ve seen a lot of DC films, you’ll enjoy the many callbacks.

I’d give this one a 6.5 out of 10.
Saw it last night too. I enjoyed it. Yes, the multiverse scene with everyone from black & white TV to today was pretty cool. I don't think I saw Christian Bale and Chris Nolan's Batman represented though?

That kid who plays Flash can carry a movie. I know they're remaking all of this now, but it was another solid origin movie for a DC superhero. If they had just toned down the darkness a little, they would probably be sitting better than Marvel now which is discombobulated at the moment with all the confusing storylines, TV shows and less compelling characters.
Saw it last night too. I enjoyed it. Yes, the multiverse scene with everyone from black & white TV to today was pretty cool. I don't think I saw Christian Bale and Chris Nolan's Batman represented though?

That kid who plays Flash can carry a movie. I know they're remaking all of this now, but it was another solid origin movie for a DC superhero. If they had just toned down the darkness a little, they would probably be sitting better than Marvel now which is discombobulated at the moment with all the confusing storylines, TV shows and less compelling characters.
I definitely think they would have been better without Snyder’s darkness, but they still wouldn’t be challenging Marvel.
Hidden Strike on Netflix.

Jackie Chan and John Cena doing their thing. Not gonna win any awards, but it's pretty fun, and their are some good gags.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - I must be the outlier here because I really enjoyed it. I'm not super intense into the MCU world, so maybe it helps that I didn't go into it with too high of demand, but I was highly entertained. I thought there was some good humor, some emotional scenes, and some great fight scenes (that one in the corridor towards the end was extremely well done).

I will agree that the soundtrack was definitely on the weaker side of things. It could have been much better.

Compared to the recent Marvel movies it was the best one since Endgame.

GotG always had goofy scenes and sad scenes but Gunn really placed them appropriately and not that trash Waititi tried to pull off in Love and Thunder.
Yes, I'm still annoyed over Thor 4.

Forget if I gave my score on GotG, but think I'm still in the 7-8 range for it.

Wife wanted to watch incantation this weekend. Was alright. Could of done a better job with the flashbacks and maybe just shown the prequel to the event, skip the spoiler, and then go to the present day. 6/10. Was expecting jump scares but not too many, if any of those. Kind of predicable for who kicks the bucket like all similar horror movies.
GotG always had goofy scenes and sad scenes but Gunn really placed them appropriately and not that trash Waititi tried to pull off in Love and Thunder.
Yes, I'm still annoyed over Thor 4.
meh. I am still annoyed at Taika Waititi directing Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder. :)

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