Rate the last movie you saw

Saw it last night too. I enjoyed it. Yes, the multiverse scene with everyone from black & white TV to today was pretty cool. I don't think I saw Christian Bale and Chris Nolan's Batman represented though?

That kid who plays Flash can carry a movie. I know they're remaking all of this now, but it was another solid origin movie for a DC superhero. If they had just toned down the darkness a little, they would probably be sitting better than Marvel now which is discombobulated at the moment with all the confusing storylines, TV shows and less compelling characters.
Marvel needs a multiverse just to clean up the X-Men mess


Blue Beetle was last movie I saw.

I admit that I dunno much about him per DC comics or animation series - so this was an upfront introduction.
and from the trailers it displayed much humor related elements so that [prepared me to go into it with
grain of salt and lightly not take it serious.

It proved right on as it reminded me much of Shazam movie flick where it is based off more humor than a serious dark superhero flick. It's not gonna be a Black Adam darker film. It's purely a guilty pleasure flick. Funny zany, loaded with humor spots, and it starts out with homely average family atmosphere. The entire family is actually featured in most of the entire movie.

That's kinda rare in superhero flicks. With George Lopez added, you'd assume what type of film you're getting.
The casting of Susan Sarandon as the lead villain was awful non-believable & Lopez as a hi tech was so off track.

Of course the highlights were dazzling CGI graphic special effects and the display of Beetles' offensive and defensive tools that he operates from his unique armor that is meshed into his very body at his will and command, although
overall the hand combat fighting screens were so-so nuthin special.

Yes, it's over the top corny and cheesy but just like Shazam, if you go to it lightly and not hyped up to high expectations and enjoy comedy side, i think it would work out for you, It was okay for what it meant to be to me and i could forget about it the next day. It's not for everyone.

On a scale of 1 to 10 .. i'd give it a 5.0
Oh. Gotcha. Well I guess you can either sign up for a free trial or put that $6 into a one month subscription and binge a bunch of what they have?

As for the movie itself?

As a fan of the superhero genre, I’d say it’s worth a watch or rental, yes.
This might be more helpful than I'd realized. I am considering signing up for HBO Max, so if I do, it'd be a waste to rent the movie first. Thanks!
Glad I could help!

Let me know what you think after you’ve seen it.
Well, I watched it.

I loved Sasha Calle in it, and I hope we get to see her in more. She nailed it, IMO.

Overall, I thought there was too much fan service, and it got convoluted at times. The whole scene with the multiverses was out of place, and the timeline theory seemed like a forced effort to do things differently.

I'm glad I didn't go see it in a theater.

5.5/10 for me.
I decided to watch Black Adam. It was actually better than I expected.

I have to say, the Hawkman costume was pretty good, for a Hawkman costume...and they didn't have him sing out his name, which was a good choice!

I'd give it a 6.5/10, partly because I've always liked Sarah Shahi.

Next up: Zack Snyder's Justice League. Thought about watching it now, but 4 hours and 3 minutes??? Tomorrow's another day.
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I decided to watch Black Adam. It was actually better than I expected.

I have to say, the Hawkman costume was pretty good, for a Hawkman costume...and they didn't have him sing out his name, which was a good choice!

I'd give it a 6.5/10, partly because I've always liked Sarah Shahi.
It took you almost a YEAR to see Sarah Shahi. How Dare You???

I decided to watch Black Adam. It was actually better than I expected.

I have to say, the Hawkman costume was pretty good, for a Hawkman costume...and they didn't have him sing out his name, which was a good choice!

I'd give it a 6.5/10, partly because I've always liked Sarah Shahi.
Shahi is absolutely gorgeous! I can’t think of a sexier woman in Hollywood…..a younger Hayek is a close second.

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