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First of all, the consumption of red meat in particular in the West has gone down and it is the diet of mainly carbohydrates that have gone up.
Secondly, wha Campbell is doing is trying to correlate the incidence of stomach cancer in China withH Pylori bacteria, without even mentioning H Pylori bacetrial infection in Western individuals, which is very high. Further, 1-2 percent of patients that have H Pylori end up with cancers, so to claim it accounts for the wide difference isjust absurd.
Third, it is not just H Pylori that Campbell claims is the cause, he claims a lack of certain anti oxidants and fermented foods. So if these 3 are attributable to stomach cancer and the basis for it, then in this case his argument against the Western diet causing cancer is absurd, because the the Western diet per his own logic is protective against stomach cancer, while the Chinese diet is not. And BTW, stomach cancers is amongst the most painful forms.
Fourth, Tony Gonzalez isn't a scientist nor is was he subject to a controlled study nor does his placebo claims have any bearing on he assertion of Campbell in regrds to eating meat causing cancer. And contrary to Tony Gonzalez, pretty much every athlete on the planet that is worth a grain of salt eats meat, because it packs more nutrients per serving than a purely vegetairan serving. Michael Jordan's pre-game routing was to eat a steak, plus a potato 3 hours before game time, along with a ginger ale.
Fifth, he hasn't proven anything other than published a book that gained it's popularity on the internet. The EPIC Oxford study on the other hand, done by the Cancer Epidemiology Unit in the University of Oxford actually produced it's results in 2009 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in the largest cancer specific epidemeiological study to date and detailed it's conclusions and overall says there is no general correlation between the two, though there are some'statisticall meaningful' variations differing depending upon the tye of cancer.


The study stated that in certain cases meat eaters had less incidents of particular types of cancers while vegetarians had more. But even this study, none of it deals with randmly controlled studies.

You seem to be fixated on stomach cancer. He seems to acknowledge in the quote you posted that it is likely attributed to factors other than animal products. The study is more comprehensive than that though.

Jordan's numbers went down at the end of his career. Gonzales says his have gone up. I threw that in because this is a football site.

Campbell has actually done a lot more than that.

This is getting a little tiring so I'll make it easy for you. The meat industry is big business so there are a lot of articles out there that discredit the study. When you read them they seem to make sense. His response to one of them made more sense to me. At the end of the day we all need to decide what we want to believe. I actually don't exclude all animal products from my diet but subscribe more to the one recommended by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Here is the link to his response:

Gravity- 9/10. It's really a different movie. Not like any other I have seen.

Still like Prisoners better. One of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
You seem to be fixated on stomach cancer. He seems to acknowledge in the quote you posted that it is likely attributed to factors other than animal products. The study is more comprehensive than that though.

Jordan's numbers went down at the end of his career. Gonzales says his have gone up. I threw that in because this is a football site.

Campbell has actually done a lot more than that.

This is getting a little tiring so I'll make it easy for you. The meat industry is big business so there are a lot of articles out there that discredit the study. When you read them they seem to make sense. His response to one of them made more sense to me. At the end of the day we all need to decide what we want to believe. I actually don't exclude all animal products from my diet but subscribe more to the one recommended by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Here is the link to his response:


1. Jordan's numbers went down, because he aged. Tony Gonzales is nowhere near the tight end he was in his young age. Tony Gonzales saying he feels better now than before doesn't mean anything in relation to his numbers in his LATER AGE when he was eating bad and eating good. Further, Tony Gonzales admits he still eats lean meat.

2. The issue of stomach cancer was simply to point out how his correlations are random and absurd. This is precisely why I also quoted the EPIC OXFORD study in relation to meat and colon cancer, I.e. Epidemiologically vegetarians are more susceptible to it.

3. That link you provided, if you think it qualifies as refutation, when it is just he-said she said, and has no bearing on actual evidence, then I don't know what to say. Arguing about some allegedly epidemiologist said this and disappearing comments is just laughable. Instead of arguing about disappearing comments, why not just post this alleged refutation.

4. Additionally, meat isn't the only big business. Last time I checked, the agricultural industry doesn't sell it's grains and fruits and vegetables for free. Whole Foods sells way above standard margin in the name of bogus claims of health as well and local farmers costs are way beyond what one can get at a local grocery store.
As far as Colin's argument, it's based on an imaginary conversation with his alleged opponent, not the opponent herself, so I don't know how you can take it seriously, especially when he's setting for his opponent an opinion that isn't even established. You do realize the absurdity of his example about wheat right?
The "Evil Dead" remake.


It was something to watch. Not anywhere close to be as good as the original.
Gravity - 7 / 10: I thought it was pretty good but a bit slow for me at times.
Tom Hanks has put out garbage the last few years...

I actually enjoyed Larry Crowne, a movie he did with Julia Roberts (I think). It was a wishy,washy romantic comedy that I found myself watching for whatever reason, but enjoyed it so much. Also funny to see Bryan Cranston's role in it. More towards Hal than Walter White
I actually enjoyed Larry Crowne, a movie he did with Julia Roberts (I think). It was a wishy,washy romantic comedy that I found myself watching for whatever reason, but enjoyed it so much. Also funny to see Bryan Cranston's role in it. More towards Hal than Walter White

I thought it was pretty good as well... I just got caught watching it and continued to. I don't think he was that great in it... I thought Roberts made more of an impression on screen...
Gravity-- 7/10

Good movie. Very visually appealing, but I was expecting a bit better accuracy from a movie trying to be accurate.

I just couldn't get into it. I felt no connections to the characters. I thought the back story of Bullock's character added nothing to the movie. Visually it was nice and I only saw the 2D version.

I just couldn't get into it. I felt no connections to the characters. I thought the back story of Bullock's character added nothing to the movie. Visually it was nice and I only saw the 2D version.

I agree. I thought the back story was a flimsy attempt at keeping her from being one dimensional. And although her character wasn't a nuisance, I agree there was just no connection there.

Thought Clooney's character was likable and interesting, though.
Safety Not Guaranteed: 8/10

I though this movie was pretty good. Thought the characters were interesting and funny and the premise was pretty interesting and somewhat unique.

Definitely recommend it if you have Netflix.
Behind the Candelabra - 7/10 I have to give a big thumbs up to Matt Damon and especially Michael Douglas for their portrayals. I remember seeing Liberace and wondering how anyone didn't know he was gay, and after watching this movie it made it seem more incredible that his "secret" didn't make it out into the public.
Sharknado - I finally watched this yesterday after about three months having it DVR'd

(lot of DVR catch up for me since being LAID OFF last Friday due to the government shutdown :mad: )

Many laughs - much needed!

Such epicness demands a 10 out of 10 :D
Captain Phillips

Good. It was a slow paced movie(not in a bad way) mixed in with bits of anxiety. I think the actors did a great job.
Rush-- 9/10

I really liked this movie. The way it was marketed was a tad misleading-- the movie is about two men rather than just one (Chris Hemsworth AKA Thor) like the trailers and TV spots made it appear. Honestly if anything, Hemsworth's character takes a backseat to Daniel Bruhl's character (Fredrick Zoller, Inglorious Basterds).

I really liked the contrast between both main characters and that's really what the movie is about, rather than F1 racing. Kind of a tortoise and hare dynamic with regard to their lives.
Gravity 6.5/10

As others have said, I felt no connection to Sandra's character at all, you learn very little about her, so there is very little to develop. Clooney was fine for what little time he was in it.
Crucial plot advancement in the form of a dream? Meh, that's like Batman getting crucial plot details from Ra's al Ghul in the form of a dream in Rising, it's silly.

Visually breathtaking though, which is why it went as high as a 6.5. Was not disappointed that I saw it, just no where near as good as what I've heard about it made it sound.
Pacific Rim - 7/10 - pretty entertaining in a brain-dead sort of way - fight scenes were great - take that stupid Kaijus and your stupid wanting to take over the planet...
Carrie - 7/10 - pretty entertaining in a brain-dead sort of way - nice special effects
(watching horror films for Halloween time :D )

Audition (1999, Japanese, subtitled in English) - WOW! Slow developing, but once it starts to gear up around the halfway point, boggle. And it just keeps building up the chills until near the very end, where the ending kind of flopped, I thought. There must be an alternate ending version somewhere...

The female lead, Eihi Shiina, is just incredible.

The IMDB page for it has a 7.2 out of 10 rating, and I think that is fairly accurate. I'll go 7.6 out of 10.


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