Rate the last movie you saw

Robocop - 7/10. Better than I thought it would be, but not great. Could have done without the Samuel L. Jackson bits.
Rush - 9/10

As a fan of Formula 1 I thought this was a great movie that told the story of Hunt vs. Lauda in the 1976 F1 season. Many would say it was the most exciting season in F1 history. Even if you are not an F1 fan I would recommend this movie, it's very good (a must see if you ask me).

pan's labyrinth...9/10

great movie...excellent acting by all involved..

the actor who played the captain really was great at making you hate his character...

it really was a great movie.
Rush - 9/10

As a fan of Formula 1 I thought this was a great movie that told the story of Hunt vs. Lauda in the 1976 F1 season. Many would say it was the most exciting season in F1 history. Even if you are not an F1 fan I would recommend this movie, it's very good (a must see if you ask me).


Not an F1 fan at all. My wife didn't want to watch it with me, but she did. We both loved it. Great movie.
pan's labyrinth...9/10

great movie...excellent acting by all involved..

the actor who played the captain really was great at making you hate his character...

it really was a great movie.

It really is. I blind bought this last summer and I loved it. Great movie indeed.
I didn't really get it. Did they explain why they needed to use children? Seemed kind of random to me. I thought it was OK.

The Purge: 1/10. I knew it would be bad, but just wanted to sit back and kill a few brain cells. It has to be the worst movie of 2013. Acting, plot, music. All terrible. I turned it off about 55 minutes into it.

In the very beginning they did. . It had to do with how good children were at video games I believe. . Or something similar to that
Rush - 9/10

As a fan of Formula 1 I thought this was a great movie that told the story of Hunt vs. Lauda in the 1976 F1 season. Many would say it was the most exciting season in F1 history. Even if you are not an F1 fan I would recommend this movie, it's very good (a must see if you ask me).


Enjoyed the heck out of it. Big racing fan, but not old enough to remember this rivalry. Reminded me of Senna/Prost a little. BTW, if you're a racing fan, watch Senna on Netflix.
Enjoyed the heck out of it. Big racing fan, but not old enough to remember this rivalry. Reminded me of Senna/Prost a little. BTW, if you're a racing fan, watch Senna on Netflix.

I have already seen Senna; it is one of the best documentaries out there if you ask me.
I have already seen Senna; it is one of the best documentaries out there if you ask me.

Totally agree. Outstanding documentary. I was a Ayrton Senna fan. Still remember where I was when the crash at Imola happened...I was on Pattaya beach in Thailand at a little beach bar thingy watching the race.
10/10 - Lone Survivor

I left the theater feeling heartbroken, ramped-up, and proud; all at the same time. It was a very emotional and gut-wrenching movie that made me proud to be an American, and so thankful for the men and women who serve our great country. God bless each and everyone of them!

Thank you Mark Wahlberg for helping make such a great movie that is not getting the love it SHOULD be getting from the Hollywood critics.
I just watched a ton of movies recently... Here are some quick reviews.

Gravity - 5/10.... So overrated. Yes the visuals look good but the movie was just ridiculous. Calm one minute and chaos the next.

12 years a slave - 8/10... Absolutely loved this movie and the acting was really good. Based on a true story as well. Loved it.

American Hustle - 8/10..... Really cool movie. I am not a Christian Bale fan at all but he killed it in this movie.

Thor 2 - 7/10... I enjoyed this movie... Something was missing with it but I still was entertained. Watching it really makes me wish Lokie (sp?) and Thor just got along better and joined forces.

Hunger Games 2 - 9/10... I absolutely loved this movie. Jennifer Lawrence absolutely killed it in this movie. I wasn't expecting a whole

Silver Linings Playbook - 7/10... Enjoyed the movie. I went into it thinking it would probably be a waste of time and in the end I thought it was a really solid movie. Again.. Jennifer Lawrence was incredible along with Bradley Cooper.
all is lost w/robert redford.


i think there are about 27 words in the entire movie and 22 of them are used in the intro.
all is lost w/robert redford.


i think there are about 27 words in the entire movie and 22 of them are used in the intro.

That sucks. I was hoping it would be a good movie.

I don't care about limited Dialogue. Either it is good or not...years ago I remember the movie Quest For Fire and loved it even though it had limited dialogue...of course if I watched it now I might feel different lol.
That sucks. I was hoping it would be a good movie.

I don't care about limited Dialogue. Either it is good or not...years ago I remember the movie Quest For Fire and loved it even though it had limited dialogue...of course if I watched it now I might feel different lol.

Strictly preference, I just got bored many times watching it.
I just watched a ton of movies recently... Here are some quick reviews.

Gravity - 5/10.... So overrated. Yes the visuals look good but the movie was just ridiculous. Calm one minute and chaos the next.

12 years a slave - 8/10... Absolutely loved this movie and the acting was really good. Based on a true story as well. Loved it.

American Hustle - 8/10..... Really cool movie. I am not a Christian Bale fan at all but he killed it in this movie.

Thor 2 - 7/10... I enjoyed this movie... Something was missing with it but I still was entertained. Watching it really makes me wish Lokie (sp?) and Thor just got along better and joined forces.

Hunger Games 2 - 9/10... I absolutely loved this movie. Jennifer Lawrence absolutely killed it in this movie. I wasn't expecting a whole

Silver Linings Playbook - 7/10... Enjoyed the movie. I went into it thinking it would probably be a waste of time and in the end I thought it was a really solid movie. Again.. Jennifer Lawrence was incredible along with Bradley Cooper.

Hey Catch17. I'm making a point to catch the next Hunger Games movie, "Catching Fire". I watched the first and was somewhat impressed, but for some reason really looking forward to seeing the second of yet another Twilight-saga type movie series. Same author, right? Anyway, good to see someone else giving props to it.
The Hungar Games movies are based on the Battle Royale movies from Japan. No idea if they are some how related to the Twilight series.
Hey Catch17. I'm making a point to catch the next Hunger Games movie, "Catching Fire". I watched the first and was somewhat impressed, but for some reason really looking forward to seeing the second of yet another Twilight-saga type movie series. Same author, right? Anyway, good to see someone else giving props to it.

No, they aren't by the same author. The Twilight series is on a completely different level (a much much much lower one).

Also not based off Battle Royale, though there are definitely similar elements.
Real Steel 7.5/10

Caught this on TV and it was way better than I expected. The cute little kid made the movie, but the effects were cool as well.
Getaway: 4/10. Really stupid car "chase" movie. Almost the entire thing is made up of nearly identical sequences of a guy driving around a city at night avoiding the police and getting them to run into things or each other. The editing went between cameras (some of very poor quality) very fast and the sound was just constant revving of an engine and squealing tires. Oh, but there was the bonus of Selena Gomez's amazing acting prowess (/sarcasm).

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