Rate the last movie you saw

Watched Neighbors yesterday. Solid 7.5-8/10. There were some really funny parts.
Shutter Island. Finally got around to watching it. Was not impressed. It was so blatant at what the twist was going to be that I thought they would have twisted the twist...if that makes sense.

It's one of those facepalm twists, also. Like it's not mind-blowing at all, and furthermore it doesn't even make sense. *SPOILERS* highlight to reveal .. Why would they let a mental patient just walk around? Even if it was to help him, at what cost? He definitely frightened other patients who are not in good mental condition (obviously) and could have hurt himself also.
took the grandson to watch transformers in IMAx on Saturday. What a complete waste of $35. The premise of the movie was letting big robots beat each other up every 20 seconds. And when that ended. They did it again. The story sucked. The acting sucked. The girl was cute however. I mean come on. 2.5 hours of robots going Jerry Springer on each other. It was bad. 2 out of 10 and I don;t know why I would give it a 2.

But, friday night I watched the Blu Ray of Life of Pi. Probably the most incredible scenery for a Blu Ray disk I have ever seen. And the story was good too. It is one of those movies now when you run across it while surfing you will watch it again and again. I figure I missed a lot of the movie just by being captivated by the scenery. From a great movie to a horrible movie. 8 out of 10 and probably would have been higher if I would have run the subtitles and understood the Indian dialect better. Still great movie for Blu Ray even if you have the sound off.
took the grandson to watch transformers in IMAx on Saturday. What a complete waste of $35. The premise of the movie was letting big robots beat each other up every 20 seconds. And when that ended. They did it again. The story sucked. The acting sucked. The girl was cute however. I mean come on. 2.5 hours of robots going Jerry Springer on each other. It was bad. 2 out of 10 and I don;t know why I would give it a 2.

Michael Bay is not a good director IMO.
The LEGO movie. Better than I thought it would be. 7/10.
"Everything is AWESOME!!" LOL
Michael Bay is not a good director IMO.

I used to be a big Bay fan. I looked forward to all of his movies. Sure they were flawed, but they were always fun IMO. The Transformers movies have been his worst by far. There are still some elements and good parts here and there, but they are really all over the place as far as the story goes. Maybe that's the writing, and the studio pushing them out before they have a decent story to tell, but it's still disappointing. This last one I thought may have actually had the fewest problems (of which there were still many), but unlike the previous 3, it seemed completely lifeless to me.
I saw Thankskilling on Netflix and honeslty I am unsure what to rate it. It's one of those movies that are so bad that it's funny.

in conclusion... YOU JUST GOT STUFFED!
Transformers - Age of Extinction 7/10

Visually stunning as is the norm from Bay's version of Transformers, but just too much!

Too loud. Too many explosions. Too much fighting. And way too long.

I would seriously like to see what someone other than Michael Bay could do with this franchise.
It's one of those facepalm twists, also. Like it's not mind-blowing at all, and furthermore it doesn't even make sense. *SPOILERS* highlight to reveal .. Why would they let a mental patient just walk around? Even if it was to help him, at what cost? He definitely frightened other patients who are not in good mental condition (obviously) and could have hurt himself also.

Good point on the spoiler. Random q: how did you do that hiding text thing there?
Good point on the spoiler. Random q: how did you do that hiding text thing there?

Change the color of the text to white.

Type what you want... Highlite it, Click the A that is underlined, in the menu, click white. Post

Earth to Echo

This movie is perfect for the kids. The characters had good chemistry and 1 hr 29 min flew by.
8.5/10---- wanted more ha

Transformers: Age of Extinction

The movie was long and dragged in a few spots. I love the non stop action/fight scenes. The actors did a good job overall and the plot was just as good.

8/10. Can't wait for part two.
I don't know how Ryan Reynolds (much less Jeff Bridges) read that RIPD script without throwing it on the table and walking out.

Troy (Director's Cut) - 8/10

Let me preface that I have not read Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. I know that Wolfgang Peterson took liberties with the story, hence the "Inspired by" credit disclaimer.

In my opinion, the role of Achilles was made for Brad Pitt. He had charisma and ferocity. The set pieces were epic and breath-taking.

Enjoyed the movie. Some may get bored with the Director's Cut as it does run past the 3 hour mark, but I was interested during the entire film. A quick warning though that this is not a film for all ages. The Director's Cut is filled with many instances of violence and gore as well as what you think would happen if your city was pillaged during those days.
I think "Troy" was a very underrated movie . The Directors' Cut was great. Your opinion of Brad Pitt is spit on. Pitt had a cocky attitude in the movie and it fit perfectly with what I would expect from the greatest warrior of all time.
Iron Man 3

6 / 10

Batman - Dark Knight Rises (Bane film)

7 / 10


8 / 10
Pain & Gain 6/10 (currently on Netflix streaming)

Just when I get done trashing Michael Bay as a director, I see this movie which I actually liked. It's not a great film, but it is entertaining, humorous, and a true (albeit unbelievable) story